- COUNCIL IN SECRET “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Front bedroom, with sitting room; suitable for two gentlemen; $i2. Meals if desired. Down town; modern house. Address Box 103, The News. tf. FOR RENT—Large comfortable bedroom; suit two men friends; bath, electric light, meals arranged; close to oll tanks and drydock. Apply 751 Fifth Avenue East. 87-93 FOR RENT — Furnished nousnouey rooms. Inquire Demers. -tf. WANTED WANTED—By two young girls, any kind of work; stores preferred, Phone Black 267. 96-101 WANTED—Nursemaid Apply Emmerson Lodge, cornre Fifth“Ave. and Emmerson Place. 95-7 WANTED—Furnished house; must be east of McBride, State particulars and lowest rent. Box 105, Daily News. 93-5 WANTED—Furniture for fve-room house; give particUlars anu lowest terms. Box 104, Daily News. 93-95 WANTED—A_ genera: servant. Apply Mrs. O’Reilley, 722 Fifth Ave. W. tf. WANTED—Employment by refined young lady. No objection domestic service. Good cook. Apply Box 100, Daily News. 85-tf. WANTED—Two good seamstresses. Ap- ply Miss Murphy, Smith Block. sit. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Four-story building, $150. Situated at 915 First Ave. Apply P. 0. Box 762. 96-101 FOR SALE—Furniture of four rooms com- plete. Cost $1,000.00 What offers? Apply Box 106, Daily News. tf. * SESSION — CONSIDERS “FIRING” OFFICIALS Continued From Page One. Sifor the city engineer, who knows nothing about electrical matters. In this, however, they failed, as most of the aldermen thought it too chance with the hydro-electric. The next fire the city solicitor or the city clerk. They over this for an hour or so and all the faults and would be taking great a attempt was to wrangled virtues of the officials concerned duly Nothing final, however, At this point were gone over. was arrived at. Alderman Casey the only sensible idea of the evening and that was to the tity said, was not required, advanced dispose of engineer, whom, he as there was nothing to do that his assistant could not attend to. It appears that said that the city engineer never somebody als6 did anything anyway, his assist- ant doing all the work, while the engineer loitered around his of- fice. The salary of the city engi- neer is $300 per month and it was this amount, at any rate, The Mayor, how- shown could be saved. ever, was firm in his friendship for the city engineer and sueceed- ed in sheltering him from the at- tacks of his enemy. Alderman up the question of salary reduc- Casey then brought FOR SALE—New 30-ft. launch, 12 hp. en- gine; suitable for fishing boat. Apply Edward Sechs, Rupert Marine Wharf. 90-95. FOR SALE—Range, 2 bureaus, 3 beds, chairs, carpets, sewing machine, wash- ing machine, etc. Cheap. Apply even- ings, 210 Ninth Ave. West. wt. MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGE A few sums have been placed with mi ranging from 8100 to 81,000. Apply T. McClymont, 523, Third Ave. tf. MUSIC. TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL ments repaired. Bows rehaired. The Prince Rupert Mu- sic Store, 345 3rd Ave. _ "BLUE POINT RESTAURANT ition, but there was none to give - | unconscious humor. It Musical Instru- | | help—no, not one—so the matter has been left just where it started. | After \hours they ended up with a bit of sitting for three or four appears |that although there is a couple of jengineers to spare, nobody knows j just what amount of tools the eity | possesses and where they all are. It was decided that in view of the | pressure of work on the engineer- ing staff, the city assessor should get a tab on the tools and find out if there were really any left. The finally broke up, after acting one of the biggest farces in its history. Couneil FOUR BIG ATTRACTIONS AT WESTHOLME NEXT WEEK There will be a regular feast of things at The Westholme next week, commencing good Monday Good Clean Meals From 26 Cents Up. Just Give Us a Triali—That’s All. LAW-BUTLER BUILDING Third Avenue BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC ‘ LUMP COAL $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Delivery Back If Not Satis- factory UNION TRANSFER CO. 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 FOR RENT 3 HOUSES, $8 PER MO. Water Included 1- AND 2-ROOM CABINS Furnished $5 AND $8 PER MO. —APPLY— Pattullo & Radford 2nd Ave. with a magnificent four-reel pro- duction of the story of which is founded on Lord “Enoch Arden,” Tennyson’s beautiful poem of the same name. As everyone is fa- the Arden and his heroic sacrifices of miliar with story of Enoch his own happiness to that of his wife and life-long friend, it need not be further enlarged upon here say that the pictures follow the original faithfully and graphically and hold the interest of the audience in a way that even except to the most accomplished elocution- ist could not hope to equal. Thursday night a concert for the benefit of the 68th Regiment will be given by local talent. Wednesday and Thursday the somewhat belated but less welcome “Call of the North” will be presented. This picture has actually arrived and is now at The Westholme, so there will be no disappointment this time, Friday and Saturday will witness the production of Charles Chap- lin's latest and greatest two-ree! comedy, “Dough and Dynamite,” which is absolutely the funniest farce ever produced by this king of comedians, none t BAPTIST CHURCH. Morning worship, 41 a. subject, "The Fear of the. Lord.” Evening worship, 7:30 p, m.; sub. jest, “Missing the Mark.” Sunday m.; school, 2:30 p.m, ciety their passed swiftly in THE DAILY NEWS FTOCAL NEWS ITENS | LOCAL NEWS ITEMS oncenre Phone to O68 the best quality. Pp, R, Coal Co, . * * with several branehes in the In terior, made an assignment yes terday for the benefit of their creditors. Several of the local wholesale’ firms are affeeted * * . Dr. W. T. Kergin left this morning for New Hazelton, where he has been called by wire to pe! form an operation on one of the Interior citizens. He will return by tomorrow's train. .F «4 Hal Young Peck enter- People's So- and Mrs. the of the home Mr. tained Baptist Church at last evening. Time games, songs, etc., and midnight arrived all too soon. The hostess provided a dainty supper and everybody had a most delightful time. THE WEATHER. By F. W. Dowling, Obeerver. 5 a. m., April 24, 1945 Barometer... wc ccc vcsoeve 29.823 Max... COMP. ...00e osieves 50.0 BONNE, "COM. ccc ci bss eces 40.0 BOIRER Kc rascnic 60 eo siete 32 with the The its green FRASER RIVER VALLEY, grass practically year round, is one of the finest dairy districts in the world, and yroduces milk that is much su perior to Eastern Milk, both in richness and favor. Buy B. €. Milk because it has THE NATURAL FLAVOR of pure, rich, fresh cream. Try our Nut or Lump Coal. It's Hector Hebert and Steve Strahin | left this morning for a weeks} fishing at Green River. o 6. 6 The firm of J. W. Patterson, | OUR PLANT i te equipped with Al Modern Ma ehinery We have the only 24-in loner in the eity We do all kinds Rand Sawing All kinds of Hardwood Sash-doors, Moulding and Glass in stock KNIGHT & HICKEY, ntractors and Builders | ne Box 448—Phone Green 269 } we ———— | | Phone 99 | | aie 3] Stand - Hotel Rupert | Nerve Energy an Eyeglasses. AP — A constant dropping wears away astone. A slight eyestrain injures the health because it is constant. The strain which first manifests itself as a slight discomfort should be reraedied at once, This we guarantee to do with lasses. Consultation free. elays are dangerous. Look for Loop OPTICIAN 223 Sixth &t. Phone Black 69. F. H. Mobley left today for the! Interior. far as Vanderhoof and couple of weeks. He will go as may be away a Remember the 68th Regiment's concert on the 27th of April. Pro- Make Monday Ironing Day ET Sunlight Soap do your washing Mon. day morning and you can do the light ironing Monday afternoon. The rub, rub, rub at the board has no place in the Sunlight way—so with the hardest part of washing cut out you'll feel like making ita good day's work by doing at least part cf the ironing. ‘Follow the directions that cut your work in half and remember there's nothing in Sunlight to injure fine fabric or dainty hand. A $5,000 guaranice backs this statement, unlight Soa All grocers sell and recommend it ceeds to buy cigarettes and to- for Prince Rupert's First Contingent. Tickets 25c, 50e, and 75e. 8stf bacco CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Electrician Wanted. i Applications will be received by the! undersigned up to 5 p. m., April 30th, | 1915, for the position of Electrician. Ap- | plicants must have good knowledge of both | practical and technical electrical work. | State experience and give copies of tes-— timonials as to ability. | ERNEST A. Woops, | it. City Clerk. re PRINCE RUPERT COAL C0, Wellington Coal PHONE 1 Cleanest Lump—tLongest Lasting—Gives the Most Heat—No Clinkers—P. BLACK, Manager || Free. = LK La Wessiiies 5 E’S A GOOD }) dresser.” | a mighty nice compli- |) j ment to pay any man. 1 . i's more a matter of | choice of make than || expenditure of money. | @ Ask any 20th Cen- | tury Brand wearer. Q Bookle: of Spring Styles WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Bryant Company Ltd. SIXTH STREET, That's PRINCE RUPERT, 8. ©