‘ } 96, 1915 v —-s ~ WORLD'S rEST KIDNEY HEDY —_—_—— “Fruit-a-tives” Have Proved Their Value In Thousands of Cases WORDERFUL RECORD OF A WONDERFUL GURE —— Only Remedy That Acts On All Three Of The Organs Responsible For The Formation Of Uric Acid In The Blood. lo not realize that the amt three great elimina- tors of ter from the body Ag a matte t, the Skin rids the evetem of Urea (or waste matter) ot nevs When there is Sener Tr sin In The Back and Acrid Urine, it may not be the fault of the kidne tall, but be due to faulty Skin Acti v7 Constipation of the bowels Pruit-a-tives’’ cures weak, sore, h fs Kidneys, not only because it se organs but also be- a sit tives” opens the bowels, awee } tomach and stimulates the ac e skin Fruit-a-tives”’ is sold by all dealers 6 for $2.50, trial size, sent postpaid on receipt Fruit-a-tives Limited, at sx a x 25¢. OF W of price Ottawa MINERAL ACT. Certificate of Improvemente. noTiICg. Homestake No. 1, and Sun- aims, situate in the Skeeng » of Cassiar District. m the North Shore of Bonanza and Falls Starlight, rise Minera! Mining Divis Where located tween TAKE NOTICE that I, George R. Naden, Pree Miner's Certificate No. 50353B, act- ing as Agent for Thomas MecRostie, Free Miner's Certificate No, 80348B, and James L. Match, Free Miner's Certificate No. 7e00e «6B, intend, sixty days from the date hereof, © apply to the Mining Re- corder for a ertificate of Improve- men, for purpose of obtaining a the above claims. And furthe ike notice that action, un- must be commenced before Certificate of Improve- Sth day of March, A. D. OBO. KR. NADEN,. NOTICE TO DELINQUENT CO- OWNER. worthy public leadership. He was % HENRY JOHNSON, or to -|trusted because he was master of or persor whom y may Rave . d your interes Notice; the situation. From behind his , the Le -Owner 6 tee No, rt = “oe double-gliasses he looked clean Mineral Ch bead of Hastir Ay inn cheat eee Lg through the disguises of his nim- p fr tt ; Mini . Disteiet, so nee bler associates, and, if publie Columbia, have done Sy ired he f work om the above mentioned policy required it, even the rT Un ‘ amo ia onde ‘ “old ' the ae strongest of his ministers was 24 of the nn f tne publication or this given opportunity to resign. The —_ o ~ se = or such ul . sts of this — . in nterest the said mineral I the the ent Act of 1900, T. H. COVERT, Co-Owner. HOE eee eee FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CIROUIT NO. 1. ist Ave. and 7th St. (Cen al Hove! OIROUIT NO. 2. Bor 22 gr Ave. and $8ra st. (PO8t Omnee 22 “ra Ave and McBride 8t, - ‘st Ave. and MeBride 8t, = "OO Ave. and gnd st 2nd Ave. an oo . <2 d 6th 84, CIROUIT NO. 8. _e ‘O Ave. and Pulton st, _o Border and Taylor Sts, = Tb Ave. and Fulton 8. 2 *) Ave, and Comox Ave, a. Sth Ave. and Dodge Pi. “4 Ave. and Thompson 8t. Omourr NO, 4, Bon ay : 4 4 Ave and Emmerson Bos . so Ave. and McBride 8t. z © Ave. and Green 81, oa th Ave end Basil S84. aoe Ave. and Eberte. 17th Ave 4nd Young 8. Mite icninmeibtit ileader Section @ of the Mine tellectual rice Rupert, B. €., January | ‘ ~ ‘26th St, and rd Ave. power of their personality and the = 13—6u st and 8rd Ave. disputed prestige of their lead- on 148th St. and 8rd ave. undisy I tea hee ‘ncHlon Of 1st, @nd and ership. Sir John A, MacDonald es me ist Ave., Detween 8th and and Sir Wilfrid Laurier were tha Knox Hotel.) poles asunder in many of the es- ne THE DAILY NEWS. SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD, sir MIER ASQUITH POINTED ERSHIP—PERIL oF Leadership that is weak is al ways perilous. to be leader himself is personally Weak leadersh ip is most feared when the rep utable. A bad man, a notoriously dishonorable man, a drunkard. oy a grafter der a reputation for personal de- cency of temperance or piety, the the alertness to distinguish go: who has not mental id from the leader public issues, who can even those who vote] for such a leader know that he is not to be trusted. He is always under suspicion His dealings | with private corporations having | designs on publie rights are al ways scrutinized with care His very disrepute is a protection of publie interests Nothing hon. estly and progressively useful is expected from him Under his leadership the people may be rob- bed, but they need not be robbed unawares. But the leader who hides the weakness of his personality un- evil in political principles or inl he Premier = WILFRID LAURIER AND PRE- TO AS MODELS OF LEAD- WEAK LEADERSHIP. Ceplionally strong men the Prime Ministe; by the holds his rightful place unchallenged premiership of his personality. For the mo- | ment one minister or another may seem to have the pre-emi- \t one time Grey is in the spot-light, at another Hal- dane: or it is Lloyd George or Winston Churehill: or today it may be Kitchener. But the mas- fer of all these masters ig. As- quith He is Premier in fact as well as in name. He holds him- self responsible. If any minister betrays his trust he is held to ac- “bolt” count If anyone wants to he finds it will be to his own hurt. There is no weak surrender, no zig-zag, no compromising evasion of duty. Leadership that is weak is al- WAYS perilous, the and most perilous for unas- when leader's reputation tability To be safe a leader must but who is mastered by ipersonal respec is sailed, be not only decent strong. his ministers be bullied or misled by his col. | leagues or coaxed or scared by | the Big Interests, the leade who | has no bones and musele and| the a perpetual steady nerves under silkiness of his he | | is glove peril to every public cause that in | the time of need looks to him for masterful leadership. He is not} himself a thief, but because of| his weakness or stupidity the} thief is given abundant oppor- | tunity. He may be a tee-totaler, but in the very teeth of his pro fessions and public assurances the organized liquor interests “puts one over” on the people The people's peril is in the repu- table weakness of their leader. In Ontario the name of Sir Oli- Mowat a generation for strong and trust- ver stood through almost Whitney's secret of Sir James power was not at all in his in- ability, but rather in his almost autocratic mastership wer his ministers and support- ers. He could not be wheedled or browbeaten or compelled into si- lence. In the Federal arena there have been two masters of men conspic- uously as leaders because of the sentials of their political power, but in one thing they agreed: each was master in his own house. Any minister who aspired to dictatorship found his occupa- Their leadership was it strong, tion gone, effective because was positive, responsible. The unprecedented effectiveness | of the Asquith Britain is in large measure due to| the fact that in a Cabinet of ex- government —_—_—_—_—_—-- = is a menace to the country Toronto Globe. ARE GOING TO QUESNEL. New It will be learn- that Rev. McLean received a call to the of the Presbyterian Church there, le his about the first of June—Omineca Herald. Hazelton ed D. to with general regret R, Quesnel has assume work and family are leaving Every Woman Can Use » and ought to use occasionally, a proper remedy for the Seiinaies backache, languor, nervousness and depress- ion to which she may be subject. These troubles and others are symptoms of debil- ity and poor circulation caused by indigestion or constipation PILL are at once safe, certain and convenient. They clear the system and purify the blood. They ex- ert a general tonic effect and insure good health and strength, so that all the bodily organs do their natural work without causing suffering. Every woman of the who have tried them, knows that Beecham’s Pills act To Certain Advantage Worth a Guinea a Box ee ae oe A Real Lever Simulation OLD WATGH FREE. A_ straightforward generous offer from an established We ar) giving away Watehes to thousands of people all over the world of & hoge now, conts for one of our fashionable Ladies’ Leng Guards, oF Gents’ Alberta, sent carriage paid to wear with the watch. which will be given Free (these watches aro guaranteed five years), should you take ad- vantage of our n ke 4 ofter expect you to tell your,.frien en them the beaasti/a atch =a} think this offer too good to be true, but send WEAKNESS AND GOODNESS MAKE VERY BAD MIXTURE IN A LEADER Department of Lande — Water Rights Branoh. CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL. 1. WHEREAS the Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert is incorporated under an Act entitied the “City of Prince Rupert incorporation Act, 1910,"—B, GC. Statutes 1910, Chapter 41; %. AND, WHEREAS, by Resolution of the Council of the said Corporation authority was given to stake water rights on the North Arm of Wark Channel; 3. AND, WHEREAS, the said Corpora- tion has applied for a water licence to divert water from Thulme River, a tribu- tary of the said North Arm, for power purpose: 4. AND, WHEREAS, the said corpora- tion has, after due notice, petitioned for the approval of its undertaking as far as it relates to the said application for a licence: 5. AND, WHEREAS, no objection has been filed to the said petition: 6. THIS 18 TO CERTIFY that the un- dertaking of the said corporation in so far as it relates to the said application for a licence is approved, subject to the terms and conditions of the “Water Act, 1914,” and to the following additional terms and conditions ; 7. Any licence issued under said ap- plication shall, notwithstanding the issue of this certificate, be subject to adjust ment by the Board of Investigation: 8. The said undertaking has been di- vided into two parts, the first part con- sisting of the surveys of such of the works proposed in the said epplication for a li- cence a8 the Comptroller of Water Rights shali consider necessary, and the second part consisting of the construction, main- tenance, and operation of such works. 9. The surveys required under the first part shall be commenced on or be- fore the ist day of June, 1915, and the plans thereof shall be deposited with the Comptroller of Water Rights on or be- fore the 18st day of November, 1917. 10. The second part of the undertak- ing shall not be commenced until a bylaw under the provisions of which the said Corporation propose to carry out the un- dertaking has been duly passed and ap- proved, nor until a further certificate of approval under Section 83 of the ‘““Water Act, 1914,” has been issued. 11. The territory within which the said Corporation shall exercise its powers in respect of the use of the said water is the City of Prince Rupert. 12. This certificate shall not in any way be deemed to be an approval of the plans of any works covered by the pro- posed undertaking or to authorize the construction of such works, but shall have the effect only of a certificate issued un- der the provisions of Section 81 of the “Water Act, 1914,” and shall be subject to such provisions, and to the rights of the Continental Power Company under an application filed on the 18th day of Aug- ust, 1908. 13. This certificate shall become null and void without any notice unless a fur- ther certificate as required by Clause 10 hereof be applied for before the ist day of June, 1917. Dated at Victoria, B. of March, 1915. (Sed.) C., this 10th day WM. R. ROSS, it Minister of Lands. 68th REGIMENT, EARL GREY’S OWN RIFLES. Orders by Major J. H. McMullin, Commanding, April 24, 1915: Orderly officer for week, Lieut. Van der Byl. Next for duty, Lieut. Hemmel. Communicating school for sub- alterns and N. C. O.’s above the rank of Corporal on Friday, the 30th, at 8:45 p. m. in Drill Hall. Officers commanding companies will render to the Adjutant by Thursday, 29th inst., nominal rolls of their companies. oO. C. companies will ascertain and report to the Adjutant how under their command in of uniforms, this report to be ren- dered by Thursday, 29th inst. 0, C, companies will vender to the Adjutant 29th inst., the names of any men hay- ine knowledge of bugling or who are desirious of becoming mem- Inany men are possession complete by Thursday, bers of a bugle band, “A” Company will parade on Wednesday, 28th day, 30th inst., at 8 p. m. and Fri- in Drill inst., Hall. “B" Company will parade on Thursday, 29th inst., at 8 p. m., Drill Hall, The bayonet class will be held on Monday, 26th inst., at 8 p, m, in cen y and cain @ Free Wateh You it be = i WILLIAMS & LLOYD, Wholesale lewellers (Dept. 14) ), @, Cocnwallia Loal, Lonuon, uN. W. 8. MARSHALL, Lieut. tet Ave. and MoBride St. PHONE 2 SHINGLE’, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A. 4. BURROUGHS, Manager PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. Varad at Smithers SE - = PROVINCE OF BRITISH pore onnne * COLUMBIA. = = ee __ 7 JU a. Ramsay’s Empire Cream Sodas [UU Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire’ when buying Soda Bieoulte. They are made in B. C. and your grocer gets his supply frequently and quickly, insuring freshness, crispness. In 2-ib. Tins Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. Manufactured by RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. C. IIIA IA IAIAAAAI AA AA AIA AIAAAASISASASISI ASAI SIAASA 96-1014 Acting Adjutant, — . Read . ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ Circulation Guaranteed the Largest in Northern British Columbia Largest Circula- tion means the Best Advertising Medium :: —— —-— Prince Rupert’s Leading Paper! Read . ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ * Kkkkkkkkhhh one price At all dealers at the Tho F, SHOE POLISHES Three kinds—Black, White, and Tan Easiest ‘o use — Best for.ai’ Shoes F, DALLEY 60., dtd, fwitale, W. ¥.—lomilion, Cac, ET —_