eae es “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Front bedroom, with sitting room; suitable for two gentlemen; $12. Meals if desired. Down town; modern house. Address Box 103, The News. tf. FOR RENT—Large comfortable bedroom; — ee THE ROMANCE OF THE DARDANELLES of the insurance moneys, as it is “The Name of the Dardanelles goes the founder of the Trojan race, and by his name one of the forts re- duced on the edge of the Plain of Troy is called,’ says the Boston Congregationalist. “In plain sight from the British and the stretch of beach on which for ten years were | certain valley Patroclus friend drawn where and THE DAILY NEWS W. R. ARNOLD'S WIDOW REPORTED DESTITUTE April 26.—-A been as Vancouver, B. C., wrong impression has of the recent lawsuit to prove the prominent counsel connected with the litigation. Because the will was held by the court to be prov ed, many persons have assumed| that the widow ! children of the testator will and obtain $75,000 the first named in the : : ! will, and is specified as being the| first charge on the estate. | bequest This idea is said to be wrong, | because even the first bequest named in the will is subject to the debts first paid. firming the liquidator of the Do of the estate being As a consequence of con ‘minion Trust Company as execu-| tor of the will, it is regarded as) that the liquidator will | admit as bona fide debts of the es- tate, the claims made by the Do- minion Trust Company for alleg- ed indebtedness by Arnold to the ‘death was a $20 gold piece found sumed by many people as a result) | will of the late W. R. Arnold, say ‘| ' suit two men friends; bath, electric light, meals arranged; close to oil tanks and drydock. Apply 751 Fifth Avenue East. 87-93 FOR RENT — Furnished Rouschengtep rooms. Inquire Demers. -tf. WANTED ie _|by the death of Hector. WANTED—Woman for hotel work. Apply Hotel Central 97-9 WANTED—By two young girls, any kind of werk; stores preferred. Phone Black 267. 96-101 WANTED—Nursemaid. Apply Emmerson Lodge, cornre Fifth Ave. and Emmerson Place. 95-7 WANTED—Furnished house; must be east of McBride. State particulars and lowest rent. Box 105, Daily News. 93-5 WANTED—Furniture for five-room house; give particilars and lowest terms. Box 104, Daily News. 93-95 WANTED—A_ generai servant. Apply Mrs. O’Reilley, 722 Fifth Ave. W. tr. WANTED—Two good seamstresses. Ap- ply Miss Murphy, Smith Block, sitr. FOR SALE—Lot 7, Bik. 1, Sec.i, for $1,500 cash. A good bargain for a prompt buyer. Apply Oscar Leduc, P. 0. Box 1385, Montreal. 101-07-13-19 FOR SALE—Four-story building, $150. Situated at 915 First Ave. Apply P. O. Box 762. 96-101 FOR SALE—Furniture of four rooms com- plete. Cost 81,000.00 What offers? Apply Box 106, Daily News. tf. FOR SALE—Range, 2 bureaus, 3 beds, chairs, carpets, sewing machine, wash- ing machine, etc. Cheap. Apply even- ings, 210 Ninth Ave. West. w. MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGE. A few sums have been placed wittme ranging from $100 to $1,000. Apply T. MeClymont, 523, Third Ave. tf. TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL Musical Instru- ments repaired. Bows rehaired. The Prince Rupert Mu- sic Store, 345 8rd Ave. tf. ——— — 1 BLUE POINT RESTAURANT Good Clean Meals From 25 Cents Up. Just Give Us a Triai—That’s All. LAW-BUTLER BUILDING Third Avenue ood BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC Z LUMP | COAL $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Delivery Money Back If Not Satis- factory UNION TRANSFER CO. 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 FOR RENT Se 3 HOUSES, $8 PER MO. Water Included 1- AND 2-ROOM CABINS Furnished $5 AND $8 PER MO. —APPLY— Pattullo & Radford the ship Argo under the leader- ship of Jason. Here Xerxes cross- founding a world metropolis in honor of his father, Aenaeas. “At the narrowest point Lean- der swam the straits each night ‘tions, he says, a mystic sign of and the emulous Byron followed his example. The narrow course of the straits, flowing with swift current out from the Black Seat at the north, fairly bristles with his- torie and poetic associations, dat- ing back to the myth of Eueopa, who crossed its waters on a bull's back. It is the meeting place of Europe and Asia.” SEE CROSSES IN FRENCH SKIES Meteorologi- April 26. cal phenomena have been observ- ed so frequently of late that the question is raised whether there is any relation between them and the continual artillery firing on the battlefront. Abbe Moreux, director of the observatory at Bourges, says that his attention has been called every few days to singular phenomena in the sky, such as halos, crowns and lum- inous crosses, Many devout per- sons see in the latter manifesta- Paris, approaching victory. Abbe Moreux says that these erosses are reflections produced by humidity in the atmosphere, and probably are due to depres- sions originating over the North Atlantic. He that they have no connection with the artil- lery firing. asserts “ENOCH ARDEN” AT WESTHOLME TONIGHT The magnificent four-reel pro- duction of the story of which is founded on Lord Tennyson's immortal poem of the same name, will be shown tonight only at the Westholme Theatre. This is one of the very best photo-plays produced and should be seen by both young and old. It is a beautiful story and a splendid picture, Owing to the 68th Regiment Concert on Tues- day night this program will be shown Monday only. Wednesday and Thursday “The Call of the North,” which arrived on last Sunday's train, will be shown and will no doubt draw crowded houses at both perform- ances as it is without. doubt one of the finest dramatic productions ever filmed. The story is of particular inter- est to Canadians, the entire action taking place in the Hudson's Bay country and the principal charac. ters are Canadians, The famous Mr. Robert Edeson, who takes the leading part, is himself a Canadian, having been born in “Enoeh Arden,” ever actor 2nd Ave. cond > eee reoocere Montreal, no “Along this narrow strait went company, eat up the*entire amount obtained from the if8urance companies. Since ed the straits on his bridge of boats; here Alexander made aj his widow and children have been pilgrimage to the site of Troy,|!iving in the garage at Shaugh- and Julius Caesar meditated|™essy Heights where the late fin- ancier came to his end and it is an open secret that they have had hope of being able to rank under to meet his lady, Hero of Sestos;}the will, or obtain some kind of resources This will more than -e the death of Mr. Arnold other than their The its year dairy droduces peric richness and favor. Buy B. C., THE NATURAL FLAVOR ——— _ = FRASER RIVER VALLEY, with green grass round, is one of the districts in the world, and milk that is much su Eastern Milk, both in practically the finest r to Milk because it .as of pure, rich, fresh cream. | emall settlement from the estat relative of the family is au for saving that the only Arnold of his thority monew which was left by to his family at the time in his clothing, = oon GOING TO BUILD? Let us figure on your work, We have the experience and equipment and can save you meney on any kind of material, Pull stock always on hand. Call us up KNIGHT & HICKEY, Contractors and Builders Shop on Fraser St., end of Sixth St. P. ©. Box 448—Phone Green 269 FOR TAXI ~ Phone 99 Stand - Hotel Rupert Nerve Energy and Eyeglasses. A constant dropping wears awayastone. Aslight eyestrain injures the health because it is constant. The strain which first manifests itself as a slight discomfort should be remedied at once, This we guarantee to do with ss Consultation free. elays are dangerous. Look for Loop OPTICIAN 223 Sixth St. Make Monday Ironing Day ET Sunlight Soap do your washing Mon. The rub, rub, rub at the board has no place in the Sunlight way—so with the hardest part of washing cut out you'll feel like making it a good day’s work by doing at least part of the ironing. Follow the directions that cut your work in half and remember there's nothing in Sunlight to injure fine fabric or dainty hand. A $5,000 guarantee backs this statement. unlight Soa day morning and you can do the light ironing Monday afternoon. : All grocers sell and recommend it Phone Black 69 | —_______ —_— = CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, B. Cc. Electrician Wanted. Applications will be received by the undersigned up to 5 p. m., April 30th, 1915, for the position of Electrician. Ap- plicants must have good knowledge of both Practical and technical electrical work. State experience and give copies of tes- timonials as to ability. ERNEST A. WOODS, it. City Clerk. | me Cleanest Lump—Longest Lasting—Gives the Most Heat—No Clinkerse—P. BLACK, Manager | PRINCE RUPERT COAL (0 | Wellington Coal PHONE 5 dr “4 a migh meni to : E’S;A GOOD . That's nice compli- y any man. It's more a matter of choice of make than expenditure of money. @ Ask any 20th Cen- tury Brand wearer. Booklet of Spring Styles Free. WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Bryant Company Ltd. SIXTH STREET, PRINCE RUPERT, 8B. ©. _— eet