THE DAILY NEWS ee REGIMENT, EARL GREY'S OWN RIFLES. | — ‘as ea Te] aan BAKING ‘** | gatn ! S.S. PrinceRuper Saiis for Vancouver vy foria ond Seattie on Friday. at 0 A. M. nae Ss. Prince John For Vanoouver, Sundays at 7.2 Passenger trains leave Prine Rupert ot 10 a » Saturdays for Prince George, Edmonton, Saskatoon, wy... \*"'**dave ang necting with trains for St. Paul, Chicago, and ai) ; meet Wey. Come These trains carry splendid electric lighted sicop | Eastern Citigg THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN \ORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation j ) | Orders by major d. /* momultin, | ! ( Commanding, April 24, 1915: Orderly officer for week, need, ly jer Byl. Next for duty, Lieut, van af H. F,. McRAE, EDITOR AND MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. PM strong as ever and have mil lions yet to fall back on, Un Hemme Communicating school for sub- TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING-50 cents per inch. Oontract ess a shortagé of ammuni one anet an weancedaye @ through Tourlet Gleoper (electric cc.” Parlor Oars ang ‘ J ; e above 2 on as 4 t rates on application. tion will affect them, there is]*'terns and N. © 7 we “MAKE YOUR YRAIN OR STEAMSHIP BERTH Reem, Atio — PHONE 260 Ns EARTY™ k of Corporal on Friday, the == c= es nothing to prevent them pur in ; j Msg suing the war for a few more] oth, at 8:45 p. m. in Drill Hall. FOR POINTS EAST OF CHICAGO USE Tye GR DAILY EDITION Wednesday; April 28, 19145. , NK R AND years, at any rate. The Allies,| (jyjeops commanding companies TRU AILWAY SYSTEM of course, are stronger than] onder to the Adjutant by ali a Double rons Route ,, ¢ re » no 5 or Full infor Thro okets, 1 E D =: T O R I A L s ey eee ee Thursday, 29th inst., nominal hired Avenwse” ° oT. P. Plohes Office, inate tnieseeeregetrptreentetperragpeaieradnmrareninentines fear of the Germans making eolls of their companies. AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHip LINES another suceessful offensive]: 1) ascertain tine The use of asphyxiating gas onstrated even once, no more campaign But on the de O, C, companies Wil a ’ __ } ; : : ' ’ Pa i ( j ties by the Germans is something bullets would be used and the fonetes. heweter, they can and report to the Adjutant how new in warfare. It is a great Germans would soon sue for probably hold out for a many men under their command] go ~— en 7 ne 554 P.0.Box 69 deal simpler and very much} peace. Indeed, in reality it asain stime It will be some (are in possession of complete MUSIC | Pa: more humane to put a man to would be a godsend for it raonths yet before it will pe SRTTOren 8 ore piaertie ee! ‘eacher of Violin and Ali | APERHANGING sleep than to shoot him, but in would mean the end of war as safe to predict the possible du- dered by Thursday, 29th inst. Band Instruments AINTING the case of the Germans it ap- we know it now. In all prob- vais € thie terridte conflict 0, €. companies will render to A. PESCOTT OLISHING ; me as ration o 1is terrible cor : Thursday, 29th 452 Eighth Ave. East | LISHING AND pears that they put him to ability, however, the story is the Adjutant Dy iu ay, « Phone Green 327 | WATT : y y y i he names of any men hav- > YALL TINTING sleep only that they may bayo- without foundation. ITALY NOW WANTS inst., the nam : net him with greater ease. The} woe ing knowledge of bugling or who : i, ee: atone & oe ae hee a 96 “a cial manner in which the gas is ad- One can easily understand MORE CONCESSIONS are desirious of becoming mem- M ti y ministered is not clear from and appreciate the anger of the Sanath bers of a bugle band. eee = in Swanson ihe meagre’ inf mation tol Canadians when they. found| Londo, April 27-11 is now an] "A" Company will parade ont FYE ATI TRY | Seed Sous oor tetom hand, but it is likely from ex- the Germans bayoneting their open secret that Italy has been Wednesday, 28th inst., and Fri- . aed : = with ploded shells. The first men- asphyxiated comrades. An a8-|promised by Austria and Ger-|day, 30th inst., at 8 p.m, in Drill CROWN AND -6RIDGE WORK TOO OD nirittrety tion of it was when the Ger- phyxiated man is already in|many, as the price of her neu-| Hall. A SPECIALTY $ mans apparently accused the the power of his foe and the/}trality, the Italian provinces of “B” Company will parade on DRS. GILROY & BROWN 35--PHONE--35 ; British for the use of it, al- proper procedure is to take him| Aystria, and no more. Thursday, 29th inst., at 8 p. m. DENTISTS A ; though there is no evidence] prisoner. To turn on him with} Unti! a month ago, Italy was|in Drill Hall. OMmce: ea Avenue : i that they had done so, At any the bayonet in his helpless|eontent with that. but when it The bayonet class will be held} rit 7 ' rate, there is no secret about condition is nothing less than|/hecame apparent that the Allies}on Monday, 26th inst., at 8 p.m. z AXl : it and either side can use it, murder and murder is a capital) intended to finish Turkey-in-Eu- W. 8S. MARSHALL, Lieut. [7 git! at ieee a 5 bi ~iz ‘ if it becomes a_ recognized offence. When the Canadians, | pope, Italy put forward a claim to | 96-101 Acting Adjutant. FOR A TAXI: : method of warfare. In case therefore, turn on the Germans|Smyrna city and province and a a ’ : ‘ é 3 é t € . both. sides begin its use the and refuse them quarter it be-|numbere of Turkish islands, as Salvation army. FOR A TAXI} ALF HALLIGAN : tide of battle will depend upon| comes a just punishment for|wej] as a slice of the Austrian ne SFesteceneserensestinssunl Publie ineetings, Tuesday. the way the wind is blowing. their heinous ert. war, of |territory on the Adriatic. Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m. gs le . - 9 course, is itself a crime but It is not believed, however, that|Sundays at 7:30 p. m. x 75--PHONE 75 pam The use of this gas revives mce the object sought is at-| the Allies intend that Italy shall — — eerie ‘ ohne ave Bor #74 l y she : : ; ‘ F UMBING AND HEAT the stories recently told about} tained there can be no excuse |haye any of the territory of Tur- Fresh Chicken Halibut, 4 lbs t | é pe the deadly gas of which the for additional cruelty. A fewW!\ey_in-Asia. Smyrna will go to for 25c at Alberta Meat Market x PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO SMITH & MALLETT British hel he secret and tessons like that given | ‘ithe oo i = ” * as a hie z ‘i ' a : - ‘ : : . —: Z ace a jeither were errs ae ee WATER NOTICE SHHSHAHRANARERAS SARA ERN EE Game, piss nt to onder wot which was so destructive that Canadians may bring the Ger-| pig a prize to add to the price of . Thied Avé., Heed of Second Strest they decided not to put it into] mans to their senses. Italian assistance nd te ae alleen tine ; dine @ $2 © practice. The story went on to — — —— TAKE NOTICE that The Port Essington oe nd say that a whole army could be The possible duration of the ~i Water Company, Ltd., whose address is : j at ae rie : ; ieacatia | 517 Granville 8t., Vancouver, B. C., will Alex M. Manso — d = - on . a wai r the : pt oo in- | Delivered to any part apply for s license to take and use one and B. C. UNDERTAKERS W sms, BA. LLB. ew pulls of its fumes. ow ‘erests everybody. Not only! ¢ d of town, or can be had one-half cubie feet per second and to store ERAL CTORS Em- . much there is in the story it would it be a relief to feel that 00 at Spure's Market, 400 acre-feet of water out of Cunningham BALWERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- WILLIAMS & MANSON : . ‘ ' ' Pure Knott’s Bakery and the Lake. The storage-dam will be located at ANTEED—-OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. is difficult to say, but the gen- ma more men would be buteh- Fulton Cash Market. the outlet of Cunningham Lake. The ca- 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 SONEY TO LOAN eral impression it gives seems ered on the fleld of battle but | ° pacity of the reservoir to be created ia BRUCE MORTON, Funeral Director . : 1 Govt. Inspected Cows about 400 acre-feet and it will flood 2.23 “te to imply the color of a myth. the prosperity and welfare of | acres. The water will be diverted from _—— m Block pert If such a gas could be employ- the world is hanging in the the stream st 8 polnt about § chains below - ie ; ' oy sd i ; ; The Best Equipped and Moet the said outlet and will be used for Water- ies hos and ord Avewue ed there does not seem to be balance. Looking at both Sanitary Dairy is the works purpose upon the land described as ¢e any very sound reason why it arinies at present there is . . a ae Sf Se eee PACIFIC CART Gi Litto ln ‘anyone a 2 ; Prince Rupert D being the townsite of Port Essington. A Canadian LA should not be employed. If its nothing to indicate that the end airy copy of this notice and an application pur- | (Successors to | ansfer Co destructiveness could be dem- is near. The Germans are as Phone Green 252 suant thereto and to te “Water Act, General Cartage quae ‘ ae anete gi, 1914," will be fied in tre oMfce of the | a Te ‘| Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, Objec- LADYSMITH COAL | tions to the application or to the petition 03-—Prnone 98 ( LAND NOTICES. mentioned below may be filed with the Lites 0nd tagtined tides a ? ee ec ee oe ee Only Skilled Operators Employed 3. Skeena Land District—Dietwict of | Vicia Bc. within thirty, days ae JAMES GILMORE PS ae Coast, Range Five. after the first appearance of this notice in Phone us and we will call ¢. " = eesti ia et @ local newspaper. The serritory within for a total & bundle | T1G"SECOND AVE emo, B. c. Sicebees Senile = aaa ciao oe pat nr = ! mreniers i - \ tends to ply for Tmission to lease the Port Essin A tith amend the Vote Our "Address: Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery | | following described lands:—Commencing at | 10! Bennigwn- | A puuition to 515 SIXTH AVENUE WEST 3) {\ a post planted the northerly limit of| the Certificate granted to the company in 2nd Avenue, 1 Bride Stree Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle the TtgMt-oF- “Way of the Grand Trunk Pa-|respect of its former right so as to in- |2nd Avenue, 0 nn iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns southwagnenr Elem ‘ana ao $4. east trom | elude the right applied for berein will be PHONE NO. 8 ee Prince Repert, B. C.; thenee north 90| beard in the ofMce of the Board of Inves- NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS aa Rope Valves Ammunition enains , thence west 4 thence | tigation at a date to be fixed by the Comp- Z . atiittiiens Pumps Hose Paint = ks. upe more oe i oP was ere troller, The date of the First Publication ; ADIAN PACIFIC Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron Grong Tress Teaas naive ay. Company: Se ee re eee Seen Canadian Steam La d || CAN : 9 g 9 ro thence : “the, said Rigut= of 6 m7 - “PORT ESSINGTON WATER CO., LTD.,” un ry | RAILW AY 0 ° “ , commencement; Applicant. | WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST’ so pe — dt about “Wilson & Whealler,” Agent. . WILLIAM WATSON. | ESS MAY Dated December 26, 1914. 25-85 er = ea SOUTHBOUND ; SUNDAY 8 P. M. SEEDS! SEEDS! TP etnies maquinns FRED STORK’S HARDWARE | RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS ! FOR ALASK4 poRTS WE HANDLE. MONDAY, MAY 3rd Rennie’s Ferry’s, Steele's, neent MoNAB, Genere! gen | THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C. LIMITED enna |] corner rourin sires ant Tot AY : Garden and Field Seeds pe eT od ADVERTISE IN Also Fertilizers We Take Orders for Nursery SS. VENTURE Steek THE DaiLy NEWS | } SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT For Further Particulars Apply to PHONE 668 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS Hay, Grain, and Feed at “ Vancouver Prices The The purity and inate of Chicken Feed a Specialty 31 Years Older Than Baby's Own Soap have made it | o 8 ’ a universal favorite, Its use is ee Se ERY Oe Dominion of ( anada beneficial to any skim. —g-geag Priace Rupert Feed Co. | eee | S the name implict a A The Bank of Britis . 3 ae North . America was he Drawn for The Dally News blished long be foret a eae Lends ee ee. united am Provinces “YOU SAM YOUR. Par ere He's ine’ GQOD MORNING - FINE. \ ; need » th Dy yminion o 2 : ) Y = ry ame the WETS YOU VO merestcw ) FiksT CELL TO DON OUTS\DE.- ANT wet LO CNET: “THIS \ , bec Th soun HE MURDER SUSPECT | “OUR LEFT as IT- LCALLET ASK &f p TH! POUCE REPORTER: S¢10U% Canada. c ' WE PickED UP LAST SOU TORN To / " ah Om pa TH CITY LIMITS ~WouLt ‘ managemea NIG ? Cc ON Th TA RIGHT 7S VIEWS ON TH ‘e coed a ou Mit fy PUT TING progressiy © | ita power Pe oeneiee Ww HI si \ UROPEAN SUAUGH ly 4 . THAT MURDER which has macs akes “Jag ; | SUSPECT ON in Canadian finance mé | j he bank (‘er your | it the bi | aecount. THE BANK OF British North America 78 YEARS IN © oe at CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 87 PRINCE RUPERT pRANCH P. MARGET!S, Manager Qe wiri-eime - OTE me —