| ‘ld be y¢ should hiljousness, or consti- | ] gestion Kr to be reliable | NEAR T0 in & stdtothent iseued By Gab Ben pee famou for their prompt ale at Washington that the daily ant fin © Of cae re } etal efficacy~—@ -- fish consumption by the big Pri- and ce TELLS BRITISH PEOPLE OF are ty BUSINESS N AT POSSIBILITIES OF FISHING | byloff seal herd, since very large- Beec am *S EARS THIS CITY -SAYS SEA IS PACKED ly killed off, was 8,000 tons a dav. WITH HALIBUT OFF COAST. Possible as the seals are further f | S Pri r reduced, sea fish, notwithstanding rince Rupert is getting ; f e ‘reg ' : 1 Sale of Any Medicine inthe World, 1 nf pind adver oe {s them profitable the increasing activity of the fish- Laser Sele oie bones, 25 cents advertising through an! wint in the lund erman, will still further increase, ticle a s ; 3 iber : article contributed to the London |: os It is estimated that in our Seot- ) Wit inns IONEY TROUBLE are a rate by moreto : I with tue yield in tish waters the gannet today takes Frewen, The article is now being 1 Whee § és a het more herrings that all the devices FFEGTED HIS SPINE sent around in cireular form. ais h © — of man. ‘ me years since | number of them having been pelt} 4 160.000 ” w “Paved With Halibut.” ceived by Harriso i re mee “The . suffered For Forty Years Until : “© y Harrison, Gamble & Go | cultute,. of ete The writer was coming-south ; , , ’ , ¢ He Used ' ‘Frult-a-tives” f this city. It is reproduced |let that 50,000 would by steamer from Prince Rupert R Oct, 41st. 1913. herewith: al Their ero recently with one of the contrac- for ee ee ee “Already the problem of the || valued. tor ‘thateo™ 1%, Re. Grand Trank Rams ans ght ou by cidney oe : eek ‘ t ee or e ; r . was mover disabled or partially disabled sol_/w 1° at lee thee Ae way. Mr. 8. pointed to one of his i with the trouble, dier and sailor is under dise ane — |railway camps the is he pine and I had to ; " ROCE Grgeus «(0 100 per breadwinner. f oa i. ieee ene eae 6 I took advertised 6/0. rhe writer ventures to d amplify these Giese in harbor, and said: ‘I have an old ' ‘dee think that any centralized scheme! more strikingly from the United Scotch fisherman there; he put a anv t-a-tives” adverti eT om e Unites ays = ” thet. They did will break down In the ease of |State eturns, which explain ohe outa deep sea line the other night mie more go" any other remedy. [the complete disability the suffer-| such j “land in the morning had 3,000} My sot red from the same liberal appropriations are ; trouble and f tly had toleaveoff |@PS must be cared for by the|made by Congress for the artifi pore eee oe Lae eee orking, but ‘‘Fruit-a-tives’* remedied /State, but > per : : ~thooks.’ ‘I think,’ said Mr. 8., ‘the | . o Naga l id ctronaiy eaviee i the partially disabled |« al propagation of shad and lob- kK ink,’ said Mr. 8., ‘the anyone suffering from Kidney and jfighter and his dependents, what|sters and salmon; it is enough ntegrcedngented ti tacts sdb 8 , hie to use ''Fruit-a- ” s ough, . — it DOnaaae * jis the future of these? Then,| however. | ay that of all tl mut, Ap, indeed, 1. te.- Magringe, . DORL : vt ee ee oe aa we. a bor, 6 for $2.50, trial else, ees also, there will be large numbers|primary industries—the indus- und cod, halibut, salmon, and Atall dealer sre of of adventurous spirits, untouch- ,tries ruiring Bo Pew matectal crabs are in endless profusion by Fruit -a : 7 ae ed, but equally disabled after this land little skill—the sea fisheries Bir Hichard Mobride, the Prewiei c- prodigious awakening from re-|are by far the most profitable. I of British Columbia says: ‘Exper. MINERAL ACT. iturning to the unambitious rout Cal recal in ly and “te al PRIEERS. REVS SOteeEne ee me Certific f Improvemente. | ~ : ieee , - NOTICE. line, whether of the shop? or do- |places where these mixed agri hour’s trawling on the Atlantic tarligt ke No. 4, amd Sun-| mestic service In touch o1 | Rai ~{eoast of Canada will yield more 4 . 0 m the | cultural and fishir ‘olonie os Miners vate in the Skeena . : COMOT Ts hn . Casatee Ges. battlefields with the overseas sons{could be both pleasantly and fish than six hours in the North Whe the North Shore of of the Empire, there is not a cor a sritish Columbia's fish- 2 : : s not a cor- [pre ‘fitably planted. .Labor in Ire panby Bay Bonanza and Falls Ree of thet Emoire but the ill ly, eries are immensely more pro- reeks 4 I I ey wi ind is much cheaper thar in eget e ae, See Raden, presently recruit it. | England and the future of the po ductive than those of the Atlantic. ree Miner's cate No, 50853B, act- Sivek Oe 06 the eartiall Our fisheries would support bg as Age homas McRostie, Free ‘ ) the partially dis- » for export to America is very =a iner's No. 80348B, and Jamesiabled. These will get no doubt|promising; thus, if the disabled eee ee Mr. Stirratt, Hat ners Certificate No. ; | ’ , ' : for many years manager of the 9396 B sixty days from the liberal pensions, and the question |pensioners require, as they will, ’ i » ol ' f fe her to the Mining Re-jarises how to make the pensions |some hired labor for field work New English Fish Company © at rder 1 ufcate of Improve- "| Vancouve ng g evidence Se pose of obtaining «| &° the farthest. And next how to|their operations promise’ well Veftcouver, wien giving evidence =» Ore above claims. make -the private benevolence |across St. George’s Channel before a committee of the Legis- rt tice that action, un- hick : | ; lature, said: ‘Off the Queen Char- » section st be commenced before | Wich will be lavished on these, | Vast Fishing Ground. otte sli Is , ‘i of ertifeate of Improve-|best link on to the pension. Many jut it is only when we con- bottle Tatant in the vicinity of ts : *rince Rupe errings are s Dated this tay of March, a. p,| People are asking these questions | template the prodigious biology 7 ince Rupert, herrin ire so “ , a lentiful i h an ordinary 15 today, and there will be many re-|of the Pacific Ocean that the , Pe a Se. 8. eee GEO. R. NADEN. scoop net ¢ lan ce of ‘ of : plies. I venture to advance one|prospects of a colony of fisher- ere a “ a oe ee very quickly. 0 with stong conviction. There |folk can be seen in proper per- ; 7 TICE TO DELINQUENT CO- | eo “I have written enough, how- OWNER should be organized communal |spective. I should establish such t ttent " | ever, Oo draw sntior to ; t) HENRY ‘SON, or to any per- settlements and on the salt sea.ja colony on one of the many beau- ; ve ‘ ' * ; a : : yreat economic it porta ‘e ) ened averse’ tenn ane Of all the primary industries |tiful harbors of the Queen Char- c a e. P + ay gs tose : | rontinue n ) ia ihe — sto yee ae the sea fisheries are by far the/lotte Islands, a hundred miles ae = oF eee ae, Se the | most profitable, and the one-arm-|west of the growing city of PROVINCE OF BRITISH { a mile the beae - | fis mile from the beagh, in the $6 | ed or one-legged man makes anj| Prince Rupert, which is the ter- COLUMBIA. 3 « District, Province of oe nave done the required excellent and patient fisherman.|minal harbor of the Grand Trunk ime for ir 1944, amounting to] The colony on the seaboard has|Pacific Railway. These islands |Department of Lands — Water D ord hold the same . , 6 r 7 . eek “iam, a i also the advantage of whatever|are at the centre of the greatest Rights Branch. ca fa refuse to _comsribane else it produces for sale, such as fishing grounds in the world. The { eae aoaom es City . , } = ° f VU a 0} B - ee potatoes, hay, the fertizers from|Grand Trunk Pacific Raitway was |or Prince Rupert is incorporated under an be! on pro & Ee burned seaweed, of a cheap water|opened through from Atlantic to hae <4 tr A of Merwe ; Pe. } 0 ; icorporatio 58, »'—B. C. Act At it Act 96 10 ans freight to the nearest town. 1|Paeific only last summer but al-|1910, Chapter 41: Dated at Pr Rupert, 8. aa er.j}could give a score more reasons|ready each passenger train that 7 a Se 19 \upe re 5 2 oO " - were it necessary why practical|leaves Rupert hauls one or more |authority was given to stake water rights “cafe. an 1915 8, d Sure yy ( OR a FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CIRCUIT NO. 1. - 125th St. and Srd Ave. _ 136th St. and Sra Ave. - 148th St. and $rd Ave. si u of ist, @nd and Bor 16 tnt Ave between 8th end — Sis. (Knox Hotel.) 17—18t Ave. and 7¢ , ten rt b St. (Cen . CIRCUIT NO. 2. M22--3rd Ave. and Sra St. B eo Ave and McBride 8t. _ ‘ve. and McBride 8t. eo ‘ve. and @nd St tod A a. _ and 6th St. CIROVIT NO. 8. Bo : ~ > ' Ave. and Pujton 8. a Sorcen and Taylor Sts, “ee \ve. and Pulton 84, ao ‘ve. and Comox Ave. ae Ave. and Dodge PI. \ve. and Thompson 81. ~ CIRCUIT NO. «4, a ‘ ‘ve. and Emmerson Be ‘7 > ‘ve. and MeBride 8t so se. and Green St, \ve and Basil 81. pe ‘\) Ave, and Eberte. ' \ve. and Young 81. hteae *tewtteeres te that colorg ANY KIND sane i » with the net ‘ef from indi- THE DAIbY NEWS. should establish ‘loud-sound- philanthropists their colonies by the ing sea.’ A Profitabie Industry. “First, as to the profits of the great ocean pastures, common to all. In the United States and in Canada the Government Depart- ments of Fisheries collect very careful statistics of the yield of the fisheries. In the Atlantic fisheries of Canada there are 60,- 000 people connected with the a short sea- The cap- nets, but the gross value of the catch one It is there months. fisheries. son—only four ital employed, ships, boats, ete., is only $100 per capita; season with another averages #300. In Lake Huron, again, 434 fisherman earn $560 per capita, and in a six months’ season, MORETON FREWEN ADVOCATES ee language that will seem credible | ty) the lay mind It was declared | refrigerator car loaded with fresh fish for Winnipeg and Toronto, or even for Chicago and Boston. The railway gradients, via the Yellowhead Pass, give the Grand Trunk access to the Pacific Ocean over what is practically a dead- The gradient between the head of the the only twenty-two feet to the mile. level roadbed. maximum Great Lakes and Pacific is Thus, with a haulage so econom- a penny per pound will de- halibut from the in Montreal ical, liver Charlotte Islands and two- pence in London, A shipment of halibut from Prinee Rupert was sold in Grimsby, and at a very profitable price, just before the war. “It is dificult to write of the fisheries of British Columbia in BLACK WHITE ra hal OE POLISH ES WICK —- LASTING THE F.F.OALLE LIA AN aa BUFFALO, N. Y., HAMILTON, OAN, ALL DEALERS 10¢ — ere tet Ave. and MoBride St. PHONE 26 UMBER SHINGLE’, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A. 4. BURROUGHS, Manager PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. Granoch Yard at Smithere on the North Arm of Wark Channel; 3. AND, WHEREAS, the said Corpora- tion bas applied for a water licence Ww divert water from Thulme River, a tribu- tary of the said North Arm, for power purpose: 4 AND, WHEREAS, the said corpora- tion has, after due notice, petitioned for the approval of its undertaking as far as it relates to the said application for 8 licence: 6. AND, WHEREAS, no objection has been fled to the said petition: 6. THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the un- dertaking of the said corporation in so far as it relates to the said application for @ licence is approved, subject to the terms and conditions of the “Water Act, 1914,” and to the following additional terms and conditions: 7. Any licence issued under said ap- plication shall, notwithstanding the issue of this certificate, be subject to adjust- ment by the Board of Investigation; 8. The seid undertaking has been di- vided into two parts, the first part con- sisting of the surveys of such of the works proposed in the said application for a li- cence a8 the Comptroller of Water Rights shall consider necessary, and the second part consisting of the construction, main- tenance, and operation of such works. 9. The surveys required under the first part shall be commenced on or be- fore the ist day of June, 1915, and the plans thereof shall be deposited with the Comptrolier of Water Rights on or be- fore the ist day of November, 1917. 10. The second part of the undertak ing shall not be commenced until a bylaw under the provisions of which the sald Corporation propose to carry out the un- dertaking has been duly passed and ap- proved, nor until a further ceriificate of approval under Section 83 of the “Water Act, 1914,” has been issued. ii. The territory within which the said Corporation shall exercise its powers in respect of the use of the said water is the City of Prince Rupert, 12. This certificate shall not in any way be deemed to be an approval of the plans of any works covered by the pro- posed undertaking or to authorize the construction of such works, but shall have the effect only of a certificate issued un- der the provisions of Section 81 of the “Water Act, 10914," and shall be subject to such provisions, and to the rights of the Continental Power Company under an application fled on the 18th day of Aug ust, 1908, 13, This certificate shall become null and void without any notice unless a fur- ther certiNeate as required by Clause 10 hereof be applied for before the ist day of June, 4917. Dated st Victoria, of Mareh, 1015. (Sed.) ae 8B. C., this 10th day WM. RK. ROSS, ts Minister of Lands, Empress Jams sane Are strictly a B. ©. Product. Right from the ~* delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of the Fraser Valiey and Vancouver Island, to ve purest of Cane Sugar. Every step tn the producing and manufac- turing of the delicious Jam contributes to the prosperity of B. C. It will satisfy the most exacting. | SOLD BY ALL GROCERS In 1-!b. Glass Jars and 4-Ib. Tins THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. C. Empress Jams J iS | | —— ee JORG UUOUUUUOUUUIUUUUUIUU UU UU UIOR OAL I IR A pp apg Ramsay’s Empire Cream Sodas In 2-ib. Tins Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire” when buying Soda Bisoulte. They are made in B. C. and your grocer gets his supply frequently and quickly, insuring freshness, which means crispness. Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. Manufactured by RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. C. HARARE IERIE SBIR III IIS SISSIES IIASA SI SISSIES SSIS SIC SIS SII SE PII AAA IA AA IAD ASAAASSAASSASASSSSASSSSASSAAK Ieiddicieiniicinie TT ea ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ ——— ee ania tee Guaranteed the Largest in Northern British Columbia — Largest Circula- tion means the THERE [3 A Medium :: } REASON? inthe DailyNews SS Prince Rupert’s Leading Paper! ! Read ‘THE DAILY NEWS’