THE DAILY NEWS For sixty years Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder of countless housekeepers who have relied upon it for healthful, home-baked food. Dr. Price’s contains no alum, There is never any question about the abso- lute purity and healthfulness of the food it raises. has been the standby = _ 'BAY VIEW HOTEL BURNS “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT FOR RENT fully modern; Four-roomed furnished house, plano, Apply 221 Sixth Ave. East. 99-102 FOR RENT—Front bedroom, with sitting room; suitable for two gentlemen; $12. Meals if desired. Down town; modern house. Address Box 103, The News. tf. FOR RENT — Furnished eaunshergins rooms. Inquire Demers. -tf. WANTED WANTED—By two young girls, any kind of work; stores preferred, Phone Black 267. 96-i101)t0 Mrs. Emmonds, were also in- WANTED—Nursemaid. Apply Emmerson | > ured,. Lodge, cornre Fifth Ave. and Emmerson The fire department, under Place. 05-7) : Bia Chief MacDonald, did excellent WANTED—Furnished house; must be! east of McBride, lowest rent. Box 105, Daily News. 93-5 WANTED—Furniture for five-room house; give particulars and lowest terms, Box 104, Daily News. 93-95 WANTED—A _ genera: servant, Apply Mrs. O’Reilley, 722 | ifth Ave. W. tf. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Lot 7, Bik, 1, Sec.1, for $1,500 cash. A good bargain for a prompt buyer. Apply Oscar Leduc, P, 0, Box 1385, Montreal. 101-07-13-19 FOR SALE-—-Four-story building, $150. Situated at 915 First Ave. Apply P. O. Box 762. 96-101 FOR SALE—Furniture of four rooms com- plete. Cost $1,000.00 What offers? Apply Box 106, Daily News, tf. FOR SALE—Range, 2 bureaus, 3 beds, chairs, carpets, sewing machine, wash- ing machine, ete. Cheap. Apply even- ings, 210 Ninth Ave. West. BOARD AND ROOM POR FIVE GENTLE- Men. Close in. Reasonable rate, Phone Black 8. uf. MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGE, A few sums have been placed with me ranging from $100 to $1,000. Apply T. McClymont, 523, Third Ave. tf. TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL Musical Instru- ments repaired. Bows rehaired. The Prince Rupert Mu- 345 Sra tf. sic Store, Ave. BLUE POINT RESTAURANT Good Ciean Meals From 25 Cents Up. Just Give Us a Trial—That’'s All. LAW-BUTLER BUILDING Third Avenue BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC LUMP COAL $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Delivery Money Back If Not Satis- factory UNION TRANSFER CO. State particulars and| Service, but the fire was too far of the great five-reel feature w@.)°'The Call of the North,” tonight. The story as told in the pie- DOWN-——MANY GUESTS LOSE THEIR EFFECTS Continued From Page One. Miss Whitley, Miss Wood- yard, Miss McNaughton; Fall, Heward, Smith, J. L. Mitch- ton, Messrs. ell, Thomlinson and Calloway. The Bay View has been one of the the lcity and under the charge of Mrs. most popular resorts in 2 |emhmonds was always well patro- nized. The building belonged to Jerry | Bonneau and was well insured. |The furnishings, which belonged jahead before the alarm was sent iu. The nearest hydrant, too, was ‘on Third Avenue, which hindered ‘considerable, | Another thing that hastened the | fire was the opening up of the up- | stairs back door, which gave the jfire a vent and soon spread all over the building. “THE CALL OF THE NORTH” Will Open at the Westhoime The- atre Tonight. An event of unusual importance at The Westholme is the showing tures has been taken from the fa- “The tells tale of love, mous novel, Conjurer’s most inter- hate mance in a frontier camp on the House,” and a esting and ro- lone shores of Hudson Bay. It is a typically Canadian story and will appeal in particular to many people here as it deals with a type of character well known throughout the great North and Northwest, the pathfinders, who pave the way for future genera- tions. Mr. Robert the leading part, is himself a Ca- Edeson, who plays nadian and his thorough knowl- edge of the type portrayed is shown in his excellent interpre- tation of the part. Friday and Saturday, “Dough and Dynamite,” two- farce combdy featuring the greatest comedian of the age, Mr. Chas. Caplin, will be shown and will without doubt the houses in-| fun- a reel draw usual crowded which evitably greet this great SUCCESSFUL CONCERT | The regimental concert of 68th Karl Own Rifles the Westholme Theatre last was successful from every stand point. Major MeMullin announce ed that he would be able to send lia to Colonel Peck for the bene fit of the boys at the front; near ly every number was heartily en Grey's in cored, and everybody was delight ed with the variety of the pro- gram. Mrs. Hemmel's singing of “You \King and Country Want You’ land Miss Nauiman’'s rendering of /Tosti's “Good-Bye” earned well merited recalls. Miss Muriel Pdtmore charmed everyone with her graceful dance ing, while Miss Eileen Patmore, 4 cute little mite with a sweet little voiee, captivated all with “Tip perary” and the chorus of “Rule Britannia.” The Welsh Quartette sang, as Miss house and the with an imitation of Vesta Tilley. they conly can sing, Shaw brought down Instrumental music played an important part in the program and in this department Miss King, with a violin solo, and Mr. Pes- cott number, performed acceptably. with a euphonium The City Band did well under their new leader, Mr. Pescott, and the Westholme Orchestra gave of their best, their rendering of the overture to “William Tell’ being magnificent. Mr. monologue Oram’s comie singing and kept the rocking, while he later displayed audience an appreciation of the more se- rious side of his art in a dramatic of Kipling’s recitation “Gureah Din.” Mr. J. C. Brady delivered “The Eve of Waterloo” in his best style and responded with “the Charge of the Heavy Brigade at Balaclava.” The sketch, “The Real Q” was well staged and Messrs. G. § Fitzmaurice, C. Vaughan and Sergeant Whitley aeted quite convincingly. Bayonet drill by a squad of the 68th under Sergeant concluded a most enjoyable con- —_—_—_—_—_—_—__ Bachelor — BY 68TH EARL GREY'S night} MORETON FREWEN ADVOCATES FISH COLONY | NEAR TO PRINCE nerae | a j | Continued from Page bhree lto America and tol neland of that pat oer in brought an close to out arket by the opening of the | Panama Canal, and also of the ldrand Trunk Pacific Railway. Ih hundreds of sheltered and land-locked ecuable climate for these | jthose harbors and lalmost n that vigorous, a happy hunting-ground leountless from Wherever the itself, families inds, leongested isl le ynmunity locates there shi must be cleared of tim and the cost of building what tine re liber, a correspondent of mine describes ol pretentious bungalow four rooms only $500. There has already been as a bathroom’ is and a ypened in Prince Rupert a very liarge cold storage market,*where halibut be old 2d a pound. now for salmon can across the The also constructing and s counter Dominion govern- at Ru the will Is the Pacific ment drydock on that receive a warship with a displace ment of of length of 600 feet. The present pert largest Coast—a dock 20,000 tons and a mouthly wage disbursements in this vast dock are $20,000, Bear ing in mind the high rate of wages earned by the artisan class class now engaged on the con struction of this new City of Ru- pert, namely, 12s to 18s a day, there exists already a great and growing market for any produce which can be grown by the soldier settler on the many fertile islands just off the coast. And I might add one further word-——an appeal to the cupidity of the benevolent. If care is taken in the selection of a good harbor, perhaps on the north shore of Graham Island, a colony of 200 soldiers with their fam ilies will form the nucleus of a new town, certain to grow fast; ggg eerie cert. At livered the interval, Canon Rix de an impressive the stand in silence for half a minute token of the who fighting speer h calling upon audience to in regard for men are for us in the trenches. md the adva ii t} va lithe lands around the harbor wil! || St. Elmo : jin a year or two pay baek the Motel, 4 Ne tire initial coat of the soldier 4. tlement Recall that the shorts . and quickest t te ft China an: able Japan from Europe, @ route mors _ — bata than 1,000 miles shorter than via | ia. sc Fanart Alberta Meat Ma alone the north coast of Grahan ne oe ar et Island. These Pacific Coast Ww Sa towns have all shown a staprtlir \\ Meat growths nor is this remarkab! j the Bogs They enjoy a beautiful climate and scenery, with every kind of GIVE Us A outdoor sport for rifle,-@un, and Bth St meeting... id. and while wages are higher mith Bik, rod, an Phone 208 the cost of living is lower, thane? sehen anywhere on the American conti : ‘ i nent Nerve Energy and ata : a Eyeglasses, ‘ Go FOR RENT | 2% . J i 2 RE ae Ge. aa | fe - APARTMENTS A consta Ping wears aw \ ¢ ween alth FOR RENT eyestrain i strain w cte BEACH PLACE itself asa fon shi uld | nee VERY REASONABLE } 10°“ owith glass n free, Belay ; -——APPLY— Pattullo & Radferd | 100% for Loop a ‘ OPTICIAN 2nd Ave. 223 Sixth St. Phone Black @9 ee aa te rtp MAIC UIA TAL ene or sesh GULU ion 4 PEE! FOR TAXI he = een MF « ¥ ] ~ a : sie pees \ “8 | one 9) 1 a eee e% : | Ver Si > « | | eZ , : ae q Raw” _ Stand - Hotel Rupert | — ——— ee ——— em —_ ' . PROD A PLE EL POLE L POL FPL PO OPOEECE: OF We pay particular attention to out-of-town orders and carry all kinds of sash-doors and molding als plate und sheet glass. Our plant is equipped to carry out any kind of work Write us for full information and advi Contractors and Builders OUT OF TOWN KNIGHT & HICKEY, Box 448—Phone Green 269 ironing. remember there's nothing in maker, = a CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Electrician Wanted. | Applications will be received by the undersigned up to 6 p. m., April 80th,} 1915, for the position of Blectrician, Ap- | plieants must have good knowledge if both practical and technical electrical work State experience and give copies of tes timonials as to ability, ERNEST A, WOODS, City Clerk, | Make Monday ‘Ironing Day ET Sunlight Soap do your washing Mon- day morning and ironing Monday The rub, rub, rub at the board has no place in the Sunlight way—so with the hardest part of washing cut out you’ll feel like making it a good day’s work by doing at least part of the Follow the directions that cut your work in half and or dainty hand, A $5,000 guarantee bavks this statement, unlight Soa ou can do the light ternoon. Sunlight to injure fine fabric All grocers sell and recommend it Gioia A ar MOUIDE free ag JOHN HALLA Why Endure Headaches? One tria! will ¢ you that r any vice iB headache is at y MATHIEU Nervine Powders a an te Jeahes nm we mal box on rece J. L. MATHIEU CO. Prope SHERBF ed RAW Write To-day Address LIMITED TORONTO Desk 51% Hit Mt HA Wit nT Ml A LN i | BABY'S OWN. | i IK | Absolute —— Purity Fragrance give Pure vegetable oils are the | Natural flowe' , the base of Baby's Own soap, | to Baby's “ iclt It promotes skin health and | clinging ira isaut. prevents skin troubles. | makes its Us INNING FoR. BABY’S OWN SOAP IS WELL WORTH RU In the interest of your skin, send for some 80% ALBERT GOAPG, LIMITED, Mras, MONTHES y here pels