me rd Ave, and) $ra Bt, Os Ofice bor ~ ‘0 Ave and MeBride 81, 2 ' Ave. and MeBride 81, Bor 26 tea - od ane Ber 27. .. ’ OROUIT NO. a. Boy j ~ > ‘S AVe. and Pultoa st, _- ‘orden and Taylor sts, oe ‘Ave, and Fulton St. - on ‘ve. and Comos Ave. Bor gg! AY® Gnd Dodge PI. ' Ave, and Thompson 84, a CIROUIT NO. 4. : ') Ave. ang Emmerson Box a2 2 ‘ve. and MeBride St. = - sb Ave. and Green 81. te a: th Ave and Basil St te “Tih Ave and s 14 th . Pe a eo od no more . Pris Slip CATS PAW PT pd ad oy cATS PAW CUSHION RUBBER HEELS are DOc. a pair— everywhere—put on “Cat's Paw” quality— You get “Cat's F afety —“Cat’s Paw" ease and ser vice—and pay nothing extra for it The price is the same for all rubber hecle—Insist on “Cat’o Paw" the kind that won't slip. MAIL THIS COUPON £ RUBBER CO, Limited MONTREAL which kindly send me closing Tobacco Pouch bber. 16iWw WALPO! SS LAND NOTIONS. CIROUIT NO, 2. 4nd Young St, THE DAILY er: NEWS. THE & A German bicycle squad cart pine e quickly and much equipm PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Department of Lands — Water Rights Branch. CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL. 1. WHEREAS the Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert is incorporated under an Act entitied the “City of Prince Rupert Incorporation Act, 1910,"—B. C. Statutes corps of the German army has Proved to be iCYCLE PLAYING A BIG PART IN WAR. ying their wheels over an et Poland. move The from nbankment bicyele to in > most eflicient. carried. ITALY’S ATTITUDE FORESEEN IN 1890 April 30.— |d'Italia, of Rome, The scouts can place ent be cali ltria deny that this is guaranteed iby the j merely fact which it does not follow they The justified Triple Alliance, since they accept an accomplished Rome, 30. The Giornale | approve. Pope would have nas published &) been in protesting document of great historical im | ~|against the Triple Alliance if any Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS oot 1910, Chapter 41: jPortance—the report sent bY | power was willing to restore to _ %. AND, WHEREAS, by Resolution of | Cardinal Agliardi when Nuncio at Skeena La bistriet pasteles or the Council of the said Corporation jhim the lost temporal power ~~ authority was given to stake water retioa | Vie nna in 1890 to Cardinal Ram- lwhich the Triple Alliance pre- on the North Arm of Wark Channel; polla, the Papal Secretary of} rick ot a S 3. AND, WHEREAS, the said Corpora- I State vented, permission ag ed the | ton has applied for a water licence two|” : “As a matter of fact, however, 1 lands :—C at|divert water from Thulme River, a wibu-| The Triple Alliance, now prac -| . ; . i j ihe Dortherty limit Of] tary of the said North Arm, for power so such a contingency never will Va f . G > , cal Mi as - , Com iy aoe ae ee purpose; cally Goad, WSS Of THE Point OF ‘ietiaaie, France has no interest m Mile 84, east from 4. AND, WHEREAS, the said corpora-/being renewed in 1890, and the} i, meddling with Italian politics Bb. C.; theneé north 0] tion has, after due notice, petitioned for | , © ween : vest 20 chains; late Pope Leo XIIL was striving to : : heist re or less, to the north- | “@ approval of its undertaking as far as | . and it is evident from the princi- (‘the Right-of-Way of the|it relates to the said application for a) prevent its renewal, in order that | he professes and the deecls veifie Ratiw ; | licence: ae ples she professes and the decla- ‘sald Kight-of- to pomnt ct | & AND, WHEREAS, no objection bas | y should remain isolated. Ac-| rations she made that she is un- sod = con about | been fied to the said petition: jcordingly Cardinal Rampolla sent favorable to the restoration of r less. 6. THIS 18 TO CERTIFY thet the uM-|,ndential instructions to thel|..... ae WILLIAM WATSON, dertaking of the said corporation in so far : |}papal temporal power. It is cer- — 36, HONG __BO°88 | as it relates to the said application for a) Nuncio at Vienna, Monsignor, af-| tain that France would conelude licence is approved, subject to the terms neneeiiihieas : ‘ it i - 4 MINERAL ACT. and conditions of the “Water Act, 1914,” terward Cardinal, Agliardi, whoss jan alliance with Italy instead of Certificate of improvements. and to the following additional terms and|report, now published for the | Germans and Austria It is not NOTICE. conditions: ilirst time, sounds almost like a| . ; ; Starlight stake No, 4, and Sun- 7. Any licence issued under said ap- . , “right, therefore, to say that Ger- winere Aims situate in the Skeens| plication shall, notwithstanding the issue | prophecy. lmany and Austria are the gen- Noug Division of Cassiar District, of this certificate, be subject to adjust- ‘The object of the Triple Al-| : Whee located: On the North Shore of] ment by the Board of Investigation: : ’ darmes of the Pope's captivity, y Bay ‘ween Bonanga and Falls 8. The said undertaking has been di- |liance,’ wrote the Nuncio, “is to because without the Triple Alli- vided into two parts, the first part con- |. , aie ii aii de “ : TAKE NOTICE (hat 1, George R. Naden, | sisting of-the surveys of such of the works guarantee European peace and to/anee the Pope would be in the Miner's feate No, 60353B, act-| proposed in the said application for a li-|defend the three contracting! came eondition.” f as Agent Thomas MecRostie, Free| cence as the Comptroller of Water Rights iho : lithe site ‘ > s Certincate No, 80348B, and Semes|shall consider necessary, and the second |*#teS from attacks by possible It was no doubt due to the Nun- an Free Miner's Certifeate No.| part consisting of the construction, main- jor probable enemies. italy, */cio’s failure in detaching the cen- , id, sixty days from the/ tenance, and operation af such works. a : , . . oung nation and full of life, will|,,. ; . . ‘ ‘ bere oly to the Mining Re-| ©, ‘The surveys required under the [YOU'S Natio a et jtral empires from Italy that all for @ Certificate of Improve-|frst part shall be commenced on or be- |not remain an indifferent ON-' hope of the restoration of tem- } for the purpose Of obtaining @| fore the tst day of June, 1915, and the)) 4. when conflicts arise which Bie RES wo (rant of the above claims, plans thereof shall be deposited with the | 00%" = ©" poral power gradually was given And furthe notice that action, un-| comptroller of Water Rights on or be- |threaten her interests, but she up by the Holy See. Strangely ‘section $7, must be commenced before|fore the ist day of November, 1917 . ; ;, ° . will bargain for her intervention |, . . i Kate Clem issue of Certificate of Improve-| 10. The second part of the undertak- ° enough, what the late Cardinal , ing shall not be commenced until a bylaw/and will join those who make the A ojiardi predicted as inevitable in Mted this day of March, A. D./uncer the provisions of which the sid) 1.0.1 profitable and advantageous pace te 6 Corporation propose to carry out the un- I i ;, case of Italy's isolation is hap- GEO. R. NADEN. dertaking has been duly passed and ap- offers. It is natural, therefore, pening now despite the Triple Al- OTICE ; proved, nor until @ further certificate Of /iiat Germany and Austria should | jjance on Italy » poin TO DELINQUENT ©O- approval under Section 83 of the “Water ‘ — liance, when Italy is on the point OWNER. Act, 1944,” has been issued. spare no effort to have Italy by | of joining the Allies against the T HENRY HN ON, 41. The territory within which the their side, since otherwise Italy Si : Ss io or perso . ¢ © ae said Corporation shall exercise its powers , central empires. ferred y oat Easy in respect of the use of the said water ts /WOuld join Russia and France. slald cami » the lers . 1 i ive Gold “ing NO $n a the City of Prinses Raper. “There are two drawbacks in WOMAN MASQUERADES ee Mineral Cl 12, This certificate s not im any oe : oft, Hastings 4 rm shows ae way be deemed to be an approval of the |the Triple Alliance for Italy. One AS MAN FOUR YEARS 4 Mile f | River Ming Dew pam ee, | plans of any works covered by the Pro-) i. that Italy is compelled to keep ae, Colum \, have done ies posed undertaking or to authorize the ; ge QUT hict Holeoke. Mase.. April 29.—The ms for ty © the above mentioned construction of such works, but shall have|Up a large standing army, which olyoke, Mass., Al ~9. . no 10 boke the Ren eee the effect only of 4 certificate issued > weakens her economically, and/death of Miss Florestine Alber- we ibe rovisions of Section 81 of t 1 . ee _ dl t ot Pubes ort ais arin 1044,” and shall be subject |(le other is that the Triple Alli-jtine Beaudoin revealed that she . f ) ° i | ier tt such expem ture, to. | 2 Such provisions, and to the — lance sanctions Italy's spoliation|had been disguised as a man for St Witt 08 : . Continental Power Co! y under an; — ; Penta a Sea ee . Y0 est i +. = ee pote ceases Bled on the soak ake of Aug-|Of the Pope's temporal power. | fout years. She resided with her ii ft 1e i " ; “ . P , . Weer section 't of “the Mine wat, 1906. The first drawback is not due ex- Sister, Mrs. Mary La Chappelle, — Me OVERT = iene cure eg clusively to the Triple Allance,|and as ‘Albert Beaudoin” worked . A » jand void w P " ; , : Me “Prince Rupert, B a T.|ther certificate as required by Clause 10|.ince even if Italy remained iso-|in paper mills here. The only , ° pre Daan “ ona uy apres Oe conmes aan Re Sy lated or joined other powers she} motive suggested for her mas- He ee Dated at Victoria, B. C., this 10th day) would have to have an army all | querade is that she could earn FIRE ALARM SYSTEM — ‘eee WM. R. ROSS, |the same. As regards the tem-|more as a man for the support it. Minister of Lands./ poral power of the Popes, which |of herself and her sister, who is omoury s — =e a widow. Her death was due to Box 12 = heart trouble. *) St. and Srd Ave. ta tan St Ad ave UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C., LIMITED tercnenseininnines on ft Sk. and Bnd Ave. ~ —) —————_ $| KROW PRINZ WILHELM ard i ‘eon Of 1st, @nd and UNDER COAL CHUTES mi VENTURE *! Ave, Detween 8th and —- ey _* (knox Hotel.) P.M Newport News, Va., April 29 * 17—15t Ave, and 7th ot. (Cen SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. } I I 8, Va, 4 29. Wal Hove The German auxiliary cruiser |Kron Prinz Wilhelm, whieh put in here for repairs two weeks ago af- For Further Particulars Apply to ter her raiding cruise, has been JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. towed to a coal pier. She will take aboard between 3,500 and 4,000 tons of bunker coal, it was LUM SHINGLE’, tet Ave. and MoBride %. PHONE 26 MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A. 4 BURROUGHS, Manager stated at the pier. AVIATOR’S GOOD TRY. San April 29. Valiant effort on the part of Harry aviator,, who an overturned boat Christofferson, an cireled above jhere yesterday and dropped a }dozen or more life preservers to men struggling in the breakers, PRINCE RUPERT, G.0O. . was unavailing to save their Branch Yard at Smithers on ae lives. Four men were drowned, Empress Jams Are strictly a B. ©. Product. Right from the delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to ve purest of Cane Sugar. Every step tn the producing and manufac- turing of the delicious Jam contributes to the prosperity of B. C. It will satisfy the most exacting. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS In 1-ib. Glass Jars and 4-Ib. Tins THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. C. Empress Jams S y e = ——— CSc ae a Oa eee ol Ramsay’s Empire Cream Sodas i In 2-ib. Tins Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire’ when buying Soda Biscuits. They are made in B. C. and your grocer gets his supply frequently and quickly, insuring freshness, crispness. Prove it by buying a tin wath your next order. Manufactured by RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. C. PIII IIR AA IIIA IAI AIAASD AAAS SIA AAS ASAI AAA ASA NSIS ASASAAA A I Read ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ EE Circulation Guaranteed the Largest in Northern _ Beitich Columbia Prince Rupert’s Leading Paper ! ! Read ‘THE DAILY NEWS’