THE DAILY NEWS . Eee Ee == ' oTHE RADIUM THIEVES” Salvation Army. nan BRITISH SHIPYARDS GIVE AT MAJESTIC THEATRE| ; | ihe ee TIME TO WARSHIP WORK ! aitelmmcenmmean ny || “berta eat Market e aii \t the Ma eatic Theatre, »|Sundays at 7:30 p.m. -f ts 77 London, April 30.—Shipbuild-| Ayvenue's popular play house, a : Rt : ae : \\ lent | ing yards around the coast of » attraction will be presented ‘Ss t ight RE ICE Great Britain are more and ' eht and tomorrow in the E A onig ' ‘ \ on warship con star feature, “The Ra ver Hi Jeman more engaged Broadway GIVE US A Trig eee a ee struction and the output of mer-| jj)... Thieves,” in three parts. , Cc bye BAKING POWDER \ cantile vessels is thereby decreas There will also be a comedy aj) wse Sth st Opposite Smith Bik. N ing. Last monthly twelve vessels |) ..m4 and an exceptionally fine and ought to use occasionally al rene 208 . were launched on the Clyde comedy rhe program is one of] @ ra remedy for the el . : against last year. the best ever seen at The Majes hentlas , backache, languor, Ne *rve & ne PRETTY INCIDENT Ten new boats are fitting out in|,;, a ae aoe depre . s ie - and ' : : vs ion » Wwhie ene may be 1 ’ Glas : ’ ) ———— . . " : : 6 . ” SPRRID CTURNET! . cctag tha tide Lepiind inet s subject. These troubles and 9 €&lasses The Daily News a them being the new Leyland lin WEDDING BELLS. others are symptoms of debil- Bostonian, -——— ity and poor circulation cavsed Paris, April 30,—-An incident in CLASSIFIED ADS Paris yesterday illustrates the! The east coast yards are engag Granby Bay, B. €., April 27, by indigestion or constipation ; i popular regard for General Pau, Jed on a number of omen coasting |, very pretty wedding took place ——- — = who has been spending some time|*tade vessels, while the Irish |today at McKinnon’s Hotel, Gran- BES FOR RENT in this city since returning \from|¥@"4s are working overtime most-/)y Bay, when Miss Jessie Eliza oo y hike caail his political mission to Petrograd ly on government work. beth Mair, of Prince Rupert, and PILL FOR RENT—Flat in Clapp Building, with . » 1, , : range, $20 per month. Westenhaver| and the Balkan capitals. Persons At the Barrow works of Messrs Mr. Donald Peddie, of Granby Bros. 100-102 Vickers, Limited, an inereasing| yore married. The bride was are at once safe, certain and convenient. suey clear the system kc who saw the general enter the Red number of girls have been em-/given away by Mr. J. Hutcheson.| and purify the blood. They ex OR RENT—Four-roomed furnished house,! _, ; “a r oe Cross branch in Place Madeline fully modern; piano, Apply 2214 Sixth ar? ei . balan , . : : ao foc ; Ave, East. 99-102 waited in the street to see him|Ployed in various d en nts re-/Mps, J. G. McDonald was brides Ae pa MM aeth, FOR RENT — Furnished housekeeping }come out. A crowd soon collect- cently. An army of them now) aid and Mr. Frank A. MeKin so that all the bodily organs co | >!" t once rooms. Inquire Demers. -t. ‘ pass in and out of the works . The ceremony ¥ their natural work without causing This w toot w a ed. A young girl borrowed a hat non best man. 1e ceremony WAS! aooring, Every woman of ti ae 10 With WANTED and quickly collected enough daily. performed by Rey. Mr. Atkins, Of thousan who have tried them, i , Nn Tree, en ————_—___—__—-— . : knows that Beecham’s Pills a Jelay money in the crowd to buy for the ee ee ae Anyox. 1D Wastven—Consoes servant wanted, > since @ tide bonedet of ted: MAY 24th CELEBRATION. The bride looked very charm- T Certain L on ow! 10 ook for Loop WANTED—By two young girls, any kind| white and blue flowers. ing in a pretty dress of old rose of work; stores preferred. Phone Black General Pau appeared to be Hazelton_is planning to have a ‘kK; ‘es preferre aes pane ; i are = on pe : “{silk beautifully trimmed with t OPTICIAN 267. 96-101 big celebration on May 24th at an Advan age 223 Sixth st itiinananstinldiiadadiiatacrenaiiils csietiitiainitaiatiiimstiliadialta deeply moved on receiving the lace. The bridesmaid also wore Phone Bia Worth a Guinea a Box ok the old town. There will be horse FCR SALE ape ¢ ricco » gir fi > ¢ ry comi , pe f black ‘copy heise es empelagallegaae races, Indian races, rock drilling « er PO eee a Directions with E Bex of Special Value to Women ‘ Be as Rt ; ..,;crowd cheered him, and as he ‘ : ’ ’ ~ |silk trimmed with black lace. Seid everywhere. In bonea, 25 cents. Ship your WFR FOR SALE—1ot 7, Bik. 1, Sec.1, for $1,500 i and baseball games as well as a EE cash, A good bargain for a prompt|drove off in his motor car he re- , »¢ A large number of presents were a a ; ur Trappers Guide eared | Apply Oscar rh f me sponded by shouting, “Vive la dance in the evening. It is to bé received from their many friends wwe Catalog and 1385, Montreal. 01-07-13- ; ‘e rive . i ‘es of i senrnssertanintecnssstaseiaacnnees iia l Prameet given under the auspices of thi After the ceremony a wedding me “p ivi "WD JOHN led address FOR SALE—-Four-story building, $150. Hazelton Athletic Association. Sule ’ ; s To HALLAM Limit Situated at 915 First Ave. Apply P. 0.| ee dinner was served. Among those LiMiTED Box 762. 96-101 | PROMINENT VISITORS. “deine TAR VEATI e yresent were Rey. and Mrs, An- FOR SALE—F tf r I | ve aver. : ( Wishert, 1 we "OR SALE ‘urniture of four rooms com- | ee drews, iO. ishert, juncan a plete, Cost $1,000.00 What offers? inn § 2 Wahethee. ths toe: By F. W. Dowling, Observer. ates: Batis Dini ond Wate i . 7 Apply Box 106, Daily News. tf. as yatta nese : I 5 a. m., April 30, 1915 wee ey are eSB Sm ween . nent railway contractor of the ..|MacDonald. £2004 Ty | 44 FOR SALE—Range, 2 bureaus, 3 beds, | i ere ee ree Ny WULU & mi Ake chairs, carpets, sewing machine, wash-| Middle West, and party came Max. temp 19.0 —_ 2 ing machine, etc. Cheap. Apply even- through last night on the G. T. P. . he eeu ae RESCUED FISHERMAN. » ings, 210 Ninth Ave, West. , : Bee WS 0 os Cason ces 6 REO mr 4 'Mr. McArthur’s private car was ; lone en { , mn : | IR PS Dare 12. a GF ta MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGE. attached to the regular G. T. P. he fishing boat Grey Starett, 7 RN . A few sums have been placed with me t He ompanied by en enn ¢ the o ; : s ; 4 ~ 2 zy Y \ wae ranging from $100 to $1,000. Apply rain. e was accompanies j MAYFLOWERS oO 1e cold storage company, al- M+ vil, a aa T. McClymont, 523, Third Ave. Mrs. MeArthur, Mrs. (Dr.) Wil- most had a serious accident on ey a, ire ji aden Giidiieaaal : : . ; . before bottling x MUSIC son and Miss McLeod , of Ed- The Ladiés of the Scandinavian |/*5 last trip. Nels Petersen, one er, ” GUARANTEED BY THE pees eee tls hsedaceeet Society have decided for the bene-|°f the fishermen, got thrown GOVERNMENT of CANADA TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL for the South by the Prince Ru- At of the family of a deceased into the water by a capsized dory we Musical tnstru- | pert. They will visit the San Fran- ; and Captain Rodal had to jump ments repaired. | isco Fair. Bows rehaired. The | a wteniianeeaiiiatinas member to sell mayflowers, and overboard and dive away under will appreciate any and every as- the water in order to rescue him. sistance from the publie. 1-102 Prince Rupert Mu- SHELLS CONTRACT. sil eh The Grey Starett also found the 7 sic Store, 345 oF sphananpancin Our fine lines of Ladies’ Waists|Haysport No. 14 adrift with a 7 Ave. | Mr. Wright, commissioner of]}wil) be sold at a big discount to-|broken crank shaft and towed her OUT OF TOWN ens |e Board of Trade, has just re- morrow at Jabour’s Sale. 99-10}into port in the Skeena River. ve te fn yl gp om a of sash-doors and molding; m jceived a letter from W. T. Don- sion sili Pe = dinimuans saaihinaai dais kinds also «plate and sheet glass, Our BLUE POINT Inelly, consulting engineer of the} Quality, satisfaction and econ-| Bookkeeper and expert account- plant is equipped te carry out any idrydock, with regard to the con- ]|omy. New Wellington Coal./ant wants books to keep in spare kind of work. Write us for full information and advice | } RESTAURANT tract for shells here. Mr. Wright}Phone 146, ‘ OMit, time. Apply Box 107, News. tf. KNIGHT & HICKEY, =——- had written Mr. Donnelly in order — Contractors and Builders P. O. Box 448-—Phone Green 269 Good Clean Meals From 25 to urge his co-operation, which me Se ae ae Us |he has promised to give, and ex- Why Endure Headaches? LAW-BUTLER BUILDING tended his thanks for bringing - Third Avenue \the matter to his attention, Mr. ons shes * |Donnelly stated that he expected Secdaahe | is at your § vice ia “a jto leave for Prince Rupert within MATHIE U's la week and would go into the N | ervine Powders 18 ina box Se. § your dealer f ool box on rece f J. L.MATHI FU CO Prese c, Pe | matter further while here. FO R R I NT Mr. Wright has also received a jletter from Colonel Carnegie with NE SET ithe assurance that he would give TWO HOUSES jae matter his attention. CORNER BOWSER AND SELLING HIS LIFE. FIFTH AVENUE | Smithers, April 30. Word has | been received from J. Aldous, who NN SON | i \ J | left Smithers and joined the Ca- iis uy a ! eee } cnr jnadian contingent, to the effect ae i 4 $25.00 BACH |: s he has been running a ma- chine gun in the trenches since —APPLY— ‘March 14. That Jack must bear a P & Radf: d ‘charmed life goes without saying, attullo ‘Tr | for it has been estimated by au- 2nd Ave. lthorities that the average life of } la soldier in the trenches is three lweeks. Ending the letter, he says, “I know they'll get me yet, but I'll kill as many of the Germans as I can first.” TO RESTORE ‘BELGIUM. Make Monday: Ironing Day MA i ih Wil it ik FOR _ TAXI ET Sunlight Soap do your washing Mon- \ Bit | | " Phone 99 Pope Said to Have Pledged Him- day morning and you can do the light i self to Use His Influence. ironing Monday afternoon. f HH A i ——_ The rub, rub, rub at the board has no place fy H Rome, April 30.—The Messag- in the Sunlight way—so with the hardest part i i Stand - Hotel Rupert ero is responsible for the state- of washing cut out you'll feel like making it a ment that the Pope, after having good day’ 8 work by doing at least part of the i le jexamined the documents present- ironing, ed to him by Monsignor Du- Follow the directions that eut your work in half and ploigne, rector of the U orsity remember there's nothing in Sunlight to injure fine fabric BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC } 7 eee or dainty hand. A $5,000 guarantee backs this statement, Louvain and Belgian Deputy u ‘ UMP Melot, was convineed that thel* bso Flower Ne OA L German action in Belgium was 6 ow Fragrance deplorable, According to the ba od 2 : ve $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Messagero, Benedict XV formally | Oa ; Pure vegetable oils are the | Maturalfows , ie : | base of Baby's Own soap. | to Baby's O. which = Delivery pledged himself, no matter what Money Back If Not Satis~ ithe result of the war, to use hi It promotes skin health and | clinging '' ysant. * re } akes its Use factory |intfue nee to have Belgium restor All grocers prevents skin troubles. make Nc rok UNION TRANSFER CO le d, and has au thorized Monsignor sell and BABY’'S OWN SOAP IS WELI WORTH ort aoe ® : . In the interest of your skin, send for some now . bes 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 LD iploigne to acquaint Cardinal recommend it alii iii Semi teak, QUOT ; t j Mereic r with his determination, : | ——— - pane cone? ee