wow 8 1945. aa THE DAILY NEWS, ar BOARD OF pSITIVE CURE oon a CALG'RY WORKINGMEN | __ f > DN ; iit . Nh j ; | OPPOSE PROHIBITION| Rich Pure MAT Montreal, Ma 7 The ; | | e of the local Board of Irade has! M i an over | mp SS ams passed a resolution , pposir I. the Trades and a ‘il { Nnere Naeline if their las e sunireds of People| Have = #eneral election and depreeatir ate ! ) 5 Sesion ‘ , if rot ) 0 | rund“ Fruit-a-tives Their 3 di Pe Nn of @ possible elec }iy, 4 proniniion Are strictly a B. ©. Product. Right from the : ion -a i uNnprecedentes rn | Only Help Beis. I ‘- ted time “ represéit “? delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of yy; Sseress and declaring . 7 7 MILK 18 much supertor t — “The political strit upported the esh milk for all purpos It is | the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to ’ - © msepara- | Ry; , lly adapted as a food for 1 READ THIS LETTER ble from the holding of a genorai| ers Union in its Det with been Balke | Ye purest of Cane Sugar. election might at this time oeca.| ne prohibitory ¥" wetloans : 1 that gees Every step tn the producing and manufac- i ' : 5s heated m even gher | sion such division of op : | pledging the than teurizetior | rin sndent of Sunday School in a a ion of opinion a | ssinet 4 nab fiaieee Co oe turing of the delicious Jam contributes to the vronto Tells HOw He Cured Himself erlously mterfere with the | renvedadid ; i@ NATURAL FLAVOR prosperity of B. C. It will satisfy the most rc nic Khe umatism After Suffer. oe 9 da Of assistance: that al ae vot tae i ‘ BUY iT AT Your exacting. «for Years. Canadians are anxious to give | ‘. ‘oy eww GROCERS ae 5 Alberta, non, Oot, tats tong, [Ward securing victory for the Em.| CRBS oo a RRR SOLD BY ALL GROCERS DovERCOU! Se meee elliés. and furthe: | as not altogether nana eee In 1-ib. Glass Jars and 4-\b. Tins ' oer The division was WO ddd MMME i; ae { have thought of jthat the business of the count, I ft : debate in whiek bowl , THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. r what erm a now sho a at . s j ale whic 0 Wi : ED tered Pome ta |, j wing eI f recovery | t foneth and vedi Ny Vancouver, B. ©. ot ; Isufferedfrom {from a period of depress wot al : 4 oe VZ ! » te » hands, ail : entive hearing. Some of d of. oto} Seog The ous ity 3 1 receive @ serious setback by the|s) peeches showed that ‘ 5 “ie ‘ io ‘ [havetaken “Fruit- [holding of a general election; | hed , ia 1e } Zz, eS acts ay iY — ths now, and am rae eel ve and deeply | Zy z int AY, r ed to! i that I am cured, SAS a tudied from all angles , OTOL iy + ZA It ess ams ihe enlargement has not Left my K. CONSERVATIVES’ . Se led . never will, but the . | The following was the resolu-| The Whisky aah ind I can do any POLICY ON TEMPERANCE |;,.,, ,, ginally submitted by the iF of work. Lhave gained 3§ pounds St ccdaane * sae nl f Q ee ths” 7 ~ Moose Jaw, April 7 At ft | Brewery Workers, which, after} Q ua ity \. = g 18 mont - Be Ji ri 24 ne R. A. WAUGH a tien Cn, ; : ng the rounds of the union, re-| Aged in Wood = ee mse Je onservative con ' | alate a ed general endorsation: & Years | JOO OOOO OOOO IO Cg ae na no lonwer (eae [remeeoe i disinn W. B. Wi before bottli ; rheumatism is longer the dreade | will Upset E£ ic © | ore bottling , » it Rheumatism is |loughby, K. C.. the iw lead P conomic Conditions. | the ‘incurable ee 2 ae Pnee vem: | WI is, the proposed prohi-| GUARANTEED BY THE tives” has proved | WhO was again nominated for the |, , __ | GOVERNMENT of CANADA 9 nary slatio ‘ | nse = Ray <4 Legislature, set forth the Con 4] \ ; ee ‘ - 7 Weld laa LdtdlH ile, | amsay S i ”go~ ’ ue f stence oO 1oOu- es which arise from |[S¢rvative policy on the liquor: fs and { . in 0 “ Deman x te eatin: a he f stomach, bowels, question. It provides for the tak- : 3 I : in the ; 2 . ‘ 73 ED. wad mee ’ Wil ne reven 10 ing of a plebiscite on provincial! , fron bt leohol | Peuit-a es’ is sok . au af In obtaining aleoholis Fre 6 for $280: trial ate, [PPobibition at the first municipal | jig.) | Mm] pire ream 0 as tpaid on receipt of [election following the next pro- ' ' | ves Limited, Ottawa. And, iereas, thousands of vincial election. ‘ 1] —— ir tt oa Alberta voters will be at the seat rn : le referendum be adopted, |.¢ war in Buy pe in July Gnd a0 In 2-Ib. Tins -~ then » Conservative yal LO bess a Eh +EE the nservative party jhe de prived of a voice in the mat- tural wie eSeet |pledges itself to introduce total ty ‘fom on aceonaabed prohibition within one year after | ’ " oftebe ‘e are clving away ot Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire” when buying Soda And, whereas, the attitude of a the taking of the vote. In the), large number of the advocates of siveteonert hoe gjevent of the referendum not car- |...» jp i¢{0) f opposition t Biscuits. uve tincmen - vi bition is one of opposition to ° rying, the liquor traffic is to he Sout “ttaaees ; Me is to be organized labor h vane cents tor coe of oot Bl placed under the control of an in sad They are made in B. C. and your g r gets his supply (xshionable Ladtes’ . oe nd, whereas it has been ong Guards, | n i Mitre et |dependent commission. Should|, tn es nailts ot laut = ae uently and quickly, insuring freshness, which means carriage to wear SU EEN ver , 5 ws saa Es with the watch, whic total prohibition become law, the bh . y : a yur a r Ed crispness. Gee. elaee ore which ar ow dry lower wages | Baby's Own Soap hove: made it & foarantend f+ years municipalities will be given pow-| ,revail than in those parts which @ universal favorite. Its useis i Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. : vantage of our marvel: er to erect or purchase such ioe. ' . beneficial to any skin. Peco soe alt roar Trend have licensing laws rm ’ 44-13 Manufactured by s od to te tne, bat snd | DUildings as may be deemed nec- Re it i that tl ‘ : ee Montreal, Pe. 2 Piel aciie for the ac gage si Seampeatege pee Y T I tt o teak bene j essary or the acommodation of goes ) rec rd as being , RAMSA BROS & CO L D ae i travelers ed to the probibitior y legis . "9 : : Vancouver, B. C. z : + . SSIS TN NR Te MINERAL ACT. ie eee n, and’ pledges itself t . Geruheste of tagrouuenela. SKIMMED MILK Se per quart 7 macnamocnconrs cate of Im v za st the sar ; ’ - a NOTICE. BUTTERMILK ife per quart, two , NERVINE POWDERS FOI RR IIR FOR IAA IAA IIS AISI ASAI ASS SIASIS ISI SIAISIISIISISASISAIASA.CSC , § k N 8 . What a on Will now be take For Headache. ond Neuralgya . _ = Ona ag | Tarts for 15 ec. Delivered to any eb , ‘ - 1 ‘ situate in ee by the coum remains ¥ a on g | f Cassiar District. jpart of the oity Prince Rupert a iat it will be followed bs © loca 1 the North Shore of | Dairy Phone Green 252 tf , ’ Bay veen Bonanga and Falls ition is implied in the wording f ha . sti yledves E NOTICE that I, George a! Ray For a comfortable room, come |” the resolution, which pledg liner’s ste No. 50353B, act-\ty the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec. |the council to work against the mas McKostie, Free N $0348B, and James end Avenue, near EKighth Street.) proposed legislation. _|Newly opened. Steam heat and Read ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ Ee Why Endure Headaches? pers - . aati a ecitatenniiihitailieniitaitiinen sisty days from the | hot and cold water in every room | Skeena Land District—District of —One tria! will convince you that to the Mining Re- | Free baths. Rates reasonable. | CO. SEEe S078, asure and safe remedy for any i ifcate of Improve- | =) EE os ; headache is at your service in pose of obtaining al | TAKE NOTICE that William Watson, 0 ant of above claime. |#* SRE EEE EEE REE) emo, 8 c,, occupation Contractor, in MATHIEU’S tends to apply for permission to lease the ‘ . tice that section, un- | @ CANADIAN RED CROSS * | follo wing described lands:—-Commencing at “on be commenced before | a post planted on the nortieriy limit of ' erufcate of Improve- | * SOCIETY * \the Right-of-Way of the Grand Trunk Pa- | ; . . cife Railway Company, and about 35 chains Needs more funds to care * jsouthwesterly from Mile 84, east from | * Nervine Powders 18 in a box, 25c, Sold ewerywhere. If your deale: does not sel! them we mail box on receipt of price, 25c. J.L.MATHIEU CO, Props. SHERBROOKE, P.@,. \* iy of March, A. D, ; Prince Rupert, B. C.; thence north 20 | |* for wounded Canadians at chains; theace west 20 chains; thence +. | “ south 46 chains, more or less, to the north GEO, R. NADEN. (* the front. Will you help? *leriy timit of ‘the Right-of-Way of the | . Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company; | CE TO DELINQUENT CO- * [eave at this oflice or send * thence northeasterly along the northerly | Ciantiedienl Guaranteed ; limit of the said Right-of-Way to poimt of | OWNER, i* to Dr. Jas. W. Robertson, * commencement; and containing about | nti . i the Largest i in Northern HENRY VSON - : ‘ » . : $0 acres, more or less _— , we vhoin foe eeap deve} Chairman Red Cross So- * WILLIAM WATSON. | : British Columbia = terests, Take Notice) ® ciety, Ottawa. ae Dated December 26, 1914. 25-85 e ened Go-Owner with king No, 4” -_ > | un ueunu eH PRR R ORR EH © Wasting: rin "ehoa tee tare | Coughing scatters germs an he beach, in the Skee- | ; ‘ ve aan A og — Of ee ee ee ee ee ee ee Stop it the above mentioned | OUT OF TOWN Dee ccvcocooccccocorcerce 1914, amounting to ee ea ‘ , ; me bold the same under We pay particular attent to | _ Coughing increases the aS ase, Of Mineral Act, and if} out-of-town orders and carry all irritation of the already in- : SEES # ‘he publicatton of this | Kinds of sash-doors and molding; flamed mucuous membranes LIMITED —— — ———— \ > oe also plate and sheet glass. Our and is moreover apt to carry | JOHN HALLAM “* Desk 512° TORONTO ¥ of this advertise- | plant is equipped to carry out any Ooo to others, is ; a in the said mineral kind of work. Write us for full | Mathieu's Syrup of Tar anc ee dee aes sna L C | THERE Thr ection 4° ak tas Min | co ddension and advice. } Cod, sever + yoo ae | —— argest ircu a- ee quarters COUgaME, AUS qooe, Henks ORR ORR OR FUR a aR RE : SH ttttvans, (2 ogKMMQMT HORRY. $] @ isumcproperiancicca |g | [rreeseereeet® : tion means the $ (§ of the local Ad- re Co-Owner.|$ pO. Box 448--Phone Green 269 6 pormoenen’ cune, ; FIRE ALARM SYSTEM jf ie Nupert, B, C., January asa o The wonderful popularity * B t Ad ee d = of Mathieu's Syrup of Tar . -— vertising A vertising Is done a and Cod Liver Oilis specially z CIRCUIT WO. 1. . a A due to its great value as a lk e Medium or REASON in the DailyNews permanent Teas and bron- | * Sox 12---Sth St and $rd Ave. ” - HE | UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C., LIMITED ehial Lear K bo 49 tah St and rd ave ” Sold everywhere, 35c large & Box 14—8th St. and Sra Ave. sp ileiiniead acta ties als all i 6 20 ama bottles, { Sox 15—Junction of Ast, 2nd and ===> Srd Aves $s J. L. MATHIEU CO.,, Prop. * Se AS Gox 16-—ist Ave., between 8th and ° VENTURE Sherbrooke, P.Q. * : ne 8 ‘as iclietios snk inieans e 9th Sts. (Knox Hotel OUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. Powders thase are useful also t x Box 17-—ist Ave. and 7th St (Cen failing f SAT tras. 4 ee ee oe tral Hovel.) ° for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAY ' MIDNIGHT HT NO. 2. Box 22-3 ve and 8rd 8t. For Further ars Apply to (Post OMmee.) Pt PHO Pemewiare Sper Gox 23--3rd Ave and MeBride 8t. Prince Rupert’s NE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. Box 24—ist Ave. and McBride St. : ; Box 26-—-2nd Ave, and 2nd St d P AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS ges Se -s0 are, end Om Leading Paper! OCC oreo oonree Box 27-—G, T. P. re (Ebi | en CIROVIT NO, 3. ennge | Box S1--5th Ave, and Fulton St. @ox 32-Borden and Taylor Sts. | Box 34—Ttb Ave, and Fulton St Box 36.0th Ave, and Comox Ave ea @ox 37—-Sth Ave. and Dodge Pi. | Box 88. 46th Ave. and Thompson St, SA TS CIRCUIT NO. 4. 1 ¢ 9 aa |* Box 44-40) Ave. and Emmerson SHINGLE®, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS iz o, PRIN ; Gox 42. 51h Ave, and MeBride 81. LE RUPERT LUMBER CO. [Eon a5 tin Ave, aut Groen Box 44-.6uh Ave and Basil St. a AROUGHS, Manager * Ave. an °o Box 45-—Tth Ave. and Eberte. * MeGride PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0 Gox 149—7tb Ave, and Young 8. PHONE Bran Bmithere 0 Occegeen » > vee © kA RR OD RR RRR