THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, . MONDAY, MAY oe 10, 1945. PRICE FIVE CENTS > {GERMAN RIOTING AT VICTORIA, B. C. = GERM. NS I MAKE AIR RAID ON ENGLAND—RUSSIANS SINK TURKISH TRANSPORTS ERMAN AIRMEN DRO DROP BOMBS ON SOUTHERN ENGLISH TOWNS yCENDIARY BOMBS FIRE HOUSES AND LUMBER YARD—FouR WOMEN KILLED—ONE AEROPLANE GROUGHT DOWN AT PITSEA. (Special to The Dally Nowe.) Lond May 10 was mourning, attack While Eng- Germany aerial at 3 \eroplanes and Zeppelins bom- i il towns with incen- One aeroplane was it Pitsea.. Several were killed at Southsea. Four Zeppelins fifty Leigh, Southend. fired but are bo deaths, A fired at Shoe- ind bombs were drop- dropped near were r yard was K rd, but none of the eached London, STRIANS FROM INTERIOR FOR DETENTION CAMP Austrians were ght from Fort George last ried on board the a squad of the s under Re by Lieutenant They ed a good deal hap- ymfortable, than majority of their fellow-coun- be government will send camp at will these i ope letention PARSONS’ SONS. he King and Lord Kitchener *Xpressed their great pleas this record of loyalty on he sons of the Seotch valisties st to hand from that 90 per cent of ns Of ministers of Scotland are doing Wsthe crowd to se Phe & reason.. ‘slic Theatre Self’s Next 1O2tf. TO PI LOOM) LISTEN) The Man On The Box” Wants to See You at the VESTHOLM PER A HOUSE IEONESDAYy @ THURSDAY ~~ ——e THE BEST YET! DON'T Miss (IT! ‘ cccasagpa ial . Pioneer Laundry Third Avenue East Phone 118 ‘he Most Modern Pi. Built, © Ug | ‘und py ine - I Any ‘Tuesday or ‘dnhes ‘ay and See How We Do It A dolute Satisfaction Is messes | SOLDIER SUICIDES Private Thompson Hunter, 29th Battalion, rifle at of the his Hastings Park, ecouver, yesterday afternoon. Deceased was a native of Sco land and unmarried Why should have MAN KILLED BY (Special to The Dally News) May Richmond Street, killed at Point Vancouver, i” G Webster, Vancouver, of 757 was Grey at midnight. had Electric was struck by been sitting on Railr Deceased the B.C, when he a Lulu Is land car. TWO RUPERT MEN ON THE LUSITANIA two the It is feared that there were men from Prince Rupert on George Smith and Lusitania. Wm. Bennett, formerly carpen- ters at the drydock here, their homes in Seotland intending to sail on the ill-fated Cunarder. Smith was single and a native of Buckie, Seotland, but Bennett had a wife and six children in the Scotch city of Dundee. It is not yet known whether they perished. BASEBALL PUGS FINED. Manager Herzog, of the Cinein- Nationals, and Umpire ler, of the National League, fined $5 and costs in the St. Police court for fighting at a re- cent St. Louis-Cin@innati game, The fines were remitted on pay- ment of Neither Herzog nor Rigler appeared in court. nati hKig- were Louis costs. The of Seal Cove are holding a sale of work in St, Pet Chureh May (2th, at 3 p. m., in aid of the building fund, Everything attractive on sale and even ladies er's on a splendid concert in the ing 108.109 SKIMMED MILK be BUTTERMILK ite per quart, two quarts for 15 e., Delivered to any part of the cily Rupert Dairy—Phone Green per quart, Prince 5, 252 CAR AT POINT GREY vad tracks | left for! AT VA NCOUVER | shot himself with Van- suicided is unknown. | uA |V tf. | “ | | ae | | | | | Throughout the en SE on & s “ALES Gulf of Saros P YuANo OO ree Ae ae neo BRITISH ad TROOPS LAND oe AT CAPE TEKEX l C.Tekeh m fr Cape Helles ; J ° ' FORT oN ~ T URKE Y IN a ae Kamannety,,.. e oes of Marmora ro «ss! @ art ice x . CHANAM F "Dardanelles fre, capt; (UM TGS ore, £00 TURKS £ TB ACHILLE . french ‘ land Here TROOPS LAND AT THE DARDANELLES. This map shows some armies and navies in the French tre British on the lies ops have north shore The French Turks. atic shore hundred driven back to the coast ish fi that landed at if Gallipoli. The rece { ape of the Turkish been landed on both sides of the entrance and the advanced, The same Tekeh on the map indicates the difficulties in the Al- and », the Asi- five way of the campaign. British French on the south or taking Kum Kalessi and Constantinople claims they and the British were claim is made as to the tip of the rround., Brit- peninsula battleg LAW DECLARED English-speak- ine world feeling is running high against of al in in ta mi the Germans as the dastardly attack on the med Lusitania. England riots are reported, Washington fears ined for the safety in ambassador. are ente of the Ge Washington Report. D. C., May 10. Washington, a result un- In Canada and and armed guard is protecTing m Bernstorf! and the German embassy. From Liverpool. Liverpool, May 10.—-The tor- pedoing of the Lusitania has caused anti-German riots here. Shops owned by Germans have been wrecked, the windows | broken, and contents scattered, The police made twenty arrests and had to use their batons to re- st ore order. From Victoria. Victoria, May 10. There has been a recurrence of anti-German riots, Ac eh The read the Ri and simed, Mayor martial law was turn the hose on the when ordered to do so, Crowds smashed the bars of the ot pro. after the firemen refused crowd . Milner Jos. Raatz impress Cafe UNDER NEW MANAGE- MENT — TRY US : Carl Lowenburg, ithe KaiserhofY and Deutscher Verein Hotels, amd attacked the stores of Simon Moses Lentz and the former Ger- Leiser, man consul, LEO FRANK WILL BE SENTENCED TO DEATH Georgia Courts Will Soon Resume Jurisdiction of the Famous Murder Case. Atlanta, May 10,—A peti- tion filed here by the State in the Supreme Court for the ing of Leo M. until the case is re- jurisdiction of the Gia., resentenc- Frank will not be acted upon stored to the State court from the Federal tri- bunal, according to announcement by Presiding Judge Hill, Judge Hill explained that when Supreme Court's mandate on Frank's was appeal, made, the Georgia Federal habeas corpus which denied, is judgment of the the State will resume au- jurisdiction, after which produced Court, tomatic Frank will him and again sentenced to death of Mary Phagen, Safety. First—Use New Wel- ington Coal. Phone 116, 67tf. be before for the murder LONDON CAFE And Grill ALWAYS FIRST cLass BOXES FOR LADIES Hart Bik. Third Ave. PPOCOD jting the HUNDRED VICTIMS BURIED AT QUEENSTOWN YESTERDAY BRITISH SOLDIERS DIG THE GRAVES AND CARRY COFFINS— NO TRACES OF MISSES ALLAN—REV. GUVIER SAW SUBMARINE. CREW OF PROGRESS HAVE EXCITING TIME Two brothers of the the halibut Progress, which captain of American schooner arrived here had a thrilling experi- énce on the banks. yesterday, They were working in a dory, when a squall struck them, upset- them Both were exhausted rescued and the had quite a time bringing them round. The dory was lost. boat and throwing into the sea. when crew JAPAN CANCELS MOVE AGAINST CHINA (Special to The Dally News.) Tokyo, May 10.—The ment announces that governe- all movements naval and military against China have been cancelled. FIERCE ANTI-GERMAR RIOTING IS THE RESULT OF THE LUSITANIA DISASTER PROPERTY OF PROMINENT GERMANS IN VICTORIA SMASHED---FIRE- MEN REFUSE TO QUELL DISTURBANCE---MARTIAL FOUR AMERICAN SCHOONERS HERE American halibut schoon- In which The ers are coming along nicely. to the addition Progress, in yesterday with 65,000 the Amundsen have made port came pounds, Venus, Rainier and Roald this morning, and all will doubt- of their satisfactory rates. The Storage less dispose catches at and Cold treating bus- Fish Company is Canadian these new arrivals in a fair, and is doing its full Rupert inesslike way, share in helping Prince grow, Every satisfied newcomer is an active missionary. HOLLAND'S NOVEL STEP. Rome, May 10.— of Holland to open a legation ac- eredited to the: Holy See has been The proposal Cardinal of State, several interviews with Mgr. the of Dutch government, by Gasparri, after No. the accepted Papal Secretary lens, representative Odd around house and office at a Fritz, jobs your quickly and well Phone 109-41 done reasonable 583. price, ee ee Merchant, have you got financial statement or bal. drawn up yet? If not, Mr. that ance sheet (Special to The Dally News.) May 10.—British digging great Queenstown, soldiers are three for of the Lusitania. graves the unidentified dead A hundred of the victims were The soldiers, coffins and the uncovered buried yesterday. were carried by townspeople stood as the long procession made its way to the grave. There Anna is no trace of the Misses and Gwen Allan, of Sir H. Montague Allan, Montreal director of the Allan Allan is prostrated with grief and shock. Saw Submarine. The Rev. Mr. Guvier, one of the survivors, daugh- ters Line. Lady says he saw a subma- up. three yards from disaster and rine come the ship, survey the disappear again. TOURIST CAMP FOR JASPER PARK, ALTA. Montreal, May 10.—The Grand Trunk Pacific has received many enquiries respecting the ac- to be obtained at 80 commodation through which the running, that it has determined to create a tent the heart of the park, which is 5,000 square miles in ex- Jasper Park, trains are now city in tent and comprises the heart of the Rockies; lakes, rivers, water- falls and scenic wonders to de- light the eye. The ultimate thought is to build a great modern hotel in the park; but meantime there will be summer in the tents for sleep- in which meals while the Federal government has provided shelter All this is temporary. It is believed that the park (situat- ed at the southwest corner of Al- to Mount Robson hundreds of tourists while it will be the play- ing, marquees, will be served; houses. berta, close will attract this year, ground for thousands in the near future. RUSSIANS SINK SIX TURKISH TRANSPORTS (Special to The Daily News.) May 10,— Turkish transports have been sunk in the Bosphorus and two in the Sea of Marmora by the Russians. Majestic Theatre TONIGHT & TOMORROW 2—TWO NIGHTS CONCERT—2— Paris, Six And an Excellent 6-Reei Program Edison Presents “THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN” in Two Parts—Just Released, Per- feet Photography. A complete story and many gripping scenes from the log cabin, the plaee of his birth, to the assassination at Ford's Theatre in Washington, THREE COMEDIES TO FOLLOW Mise E. Reinbold in a Pleasing Song Mr. H. Fleteher-—-Song Coming! Wednesday and Thursday Ninth Episode of “THE Biack Box” Entitled “LOST IN LONDON” Phone 98. 102.107