10, 1915 | PESITIVE. CURE on RHCUMATIS eds of People Have Hundre Prult-# tives” Their Only Help act THIS. LETTER tendent of Sunday School in Tells How He Cured Himself ~ Suffer. Found Toronto of Chronic Rheumatiem ing for Years. 55 DovgERCOURT ROAD, Oct., Ist. 1913. ) time, I have thought of ving vou regarding what I term a most tk cure t fected by your aie! es’. Lsuffered from “Por a long nedy ‘‘Fruit-a-t RI veomat 1 pecially in my hands. sve spent a lot of money without : ood re | havetaken ‘' Fruit- nee for 15 months now, and am vased to tell you that I am cured, the enlargement has not left my hands and perhaps mever will, but the i me and Iean do any l have gained 35 pounds soreness 18 kis jot wor in 1$ months"’, R. A. WAUGH Rheumatism is no longer the dreaded Rheumatism is disease it once was. no longer one of the ‘incurable diseases Pruit-a-tives’’ has proved its marvellous powers over Rhen- matism, Sciatica, Laumbago—in fact, over all such diseases which arise from some derangement of stomach, bowels, kidneys ¢ tf 6ain. “Pruit-atives’’ is sold by all dealers at soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, » or sent postpaid on receint of t-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. 28 price oy fru ——— A Real Lever Simatation OLD WATCH FREE. THE DAILY NBWS. When by the BRITISH TRADE UNIONISTS WILL DELIVER THE Goops The following was recently sent | | ment de motor the his bath, built f in use baths are in at trade unions of partments are repre« A girl with a dimple will laugh} yj); end in one or two months, but Ney to apply to the Mining Re- | at anything a man says. [I think I can promise you that or a Certin Improve- mts, for the pups al aie e = jthere will not be another winter = Orant of the above claims, SHSHSSSHSH HHH E SSS jcampaign, We know that Ger- hd further take = t sectio ~ ake notes Git. GEem, Sie CANADIAN RED CROSS *| many’s reserves of fighting men Non 37, must be commenced before ings of such Certifeate of Improve- | * SOCIETY *), ire nearly exhausted, They have Dated this 45th day of March, A. D. * Needs more_funds to care *Jone more reserve to draw on; i, * for wounded Canadians at *) lwhen this is trained and put in : OO. BR. NADEN. |# the front. Will you help? *| the fleld they will have used every TICE TO DELINQUENT C©O-/* Leave at this office or send * available man. We are satisfied TO § OWNER, * to Dr. Jas. W. Robertson, *),¢ this; so is General Joffre.” J . a per ‘ 6 etn owe -i# Chairman Red Cross So- *| General Smith-Dorrien’s ad- erred y interes ia - * ne Mh th a eae liter * cic 1 makes o. : astings” Min, ng No. i” cee * Co 2 i ing "Sindated at, he Coughing scatters germs 4‘ mile from the Deaeh, Sthe dues. a ® River Mu 1 St ua "Cotembias dist,” Provibee “ on —Sop it *" Work on the pay joned | : ms for the year 1944 yo _ OUT OF Town | a _ Coughing increases the tna eet to _ the “same We pay pertculer stron irritation of the already in- in 90 ‘ia of the publ eee: wa WS ew Se flamed mucuous membranes Mee you fail orm cat kinds of sash-doors and molding; and is moreover apt to carry y Dortion such vexpen a a also plate and sheet glass. Our disease to others, “y mith the costs of 3s advertise- plant is equipped to carry out any Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and ims “will } eat 2 the — kind of work. Write us for full Cod Liver Oil romptly stops tersi gues r seetod” 4 of the + information and advice. coughing, and soon, thanks Act Amendment act ot i909. KNIGHT & HICKEY, to its tonic properties, effects we oY Contractors and Builders ye < dated at Prince r. [ x 448—Phone Green 269 he wonderful popularity 1i4 we Rupert, B. C., Jam ? an > of Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar =_—— and Cod Liver Oilis specially _ — 7 due to its gout value as a permanent lung and bron- THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMITED S.S. VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT For Further Particulars Apply to PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS roe, nn te Ave ana MoBride a1. PHONE 25 a eee es LUMBER SHINGLE?, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A. 4. BURROUGHS, Manager 7 PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. Branch Yard at Smithers chial healer, Sold everywhere, 35c large bottles. J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop. dSherbrvuvke, P.-C. headaches wee Mathiews Nervine For these are wseful also to chase the Powders Sever and pains which often accompany B6e @ daw of 19 prnoders. i ris that loth The Dye of HOT BATHS FOR BRITISH SOLDIERS. car dre als pli nac ries twelve folding baths. from boilers by hose $8, a copy of which has reach- military headquarters here, 0 contained a number of com- mentary remarks about the Ca- lians. Empress Jams Are strictly a B. ©. Product. Right from the delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to ve purest of Cane Sugar. Every step tn the producing and manufao- turing of the delicious Jam contributes to the Prosperity of B.C. It will satisfy the most exacting. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS In 1-Ib. Glass Jars and 4-\b. Tins THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. ©. Empress Jams Rich B. €. MILK is motch superior to fresh milk for all purposes It is especially adapted as a food for in- valids, or persons with poor diges- tion, owing to the fact that in ster- lizing it is heated to an even higher than ordinary pasteurization THIS INSURES ITS SAFETY. the NATURAL FLAVOR BUY IT AT YOUR GROCERS legres wat It has before bottling GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA WM Tom the tes re | VELL The purity and fragrance of Baby’s Own Soap have made it a universal favorite. Its use is beneficial to any skin. 4413 Albert Soaps Limited, Montreal. ee JU UU LURE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CIRCUIT NO. 1. 125th St. and Srd Ave. 136th St. and Srd Ave. Box 14--8th St. and Srd Ave. Box 16-—Junction of ist, 2nd and Srd Aves. Box 16-—-ist Ave., between 8th and Oth Sts. (Knox Hotel.) Go« 17-18t Ave. and 7th St. (Cen tral Hove.) CIRCUIT NO. 2. Gox 22.-S3rd Ave. and (Post OMce.) Box 23--Srd Ave Box 24.is8t Ave, and McBride St. Box 26.2nd Ave. and @nd St Box 26--2nd Ave. and 6th 81, Box 27.0, T. P. Box 31.-5th Ave, and Fulton 81, Box 32—Borden and Taylor Sts. Box 347th Ave, and Fulton 81. Box 356-9tb Ave. and Comox Ave. @ox 87—-8th Ave. and Dodge PI. Box 38—-4th Ave, and Thompson St. CIRCUIT NO. 4, Ave, and Emmerson Gox 42.-ith Ave. and MeBride St, Box 43---04b Ave. and Green 81. Box 44-.6th Ave and Basil St Bon 45-—7th Ave. and Eberts, Box 141.7th Ave. and Young St, Sra. St. and MeBride 81. \ 7 | | = — _ : : —— E —= - —a ——— JOU UU OUOU.COM g Ramsay’s Empire Cream Sodas In 2-ib. Tins Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire’ when han cur. Soda Biscuits. They are made in B. C. and your grocer gets his supply frequently and quickly, insuring freshness, which means crispness. , Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. Manufactured by RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. C. * PIII IIA IA IIIA IAAI AAAI SAAS SAAS AAAS ASI SASASASSSASASASASSA ASDA IN Read ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ Circulation Guaranteed the Largest in Northern Beitieh Columbia Three quarters ot the local Ad- vertising is done in the DailyNews ) Largest Circula- tion means the Best Advertising Medium THERE IS A REASON Leading | Paper! ! Read ‘THE DAILY NEWS’