= ve Library _——i— — \TTACKS REF PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., TUBSDAY, MAY 11, 1915 -——— —— PRICE FIV! CENTS EDON WESTERNFRONT ALLIES ADVANCE I IN GALLIPOLI RUSSIANS TAKE OVER A THOUSAND PRISONERS RUSSIANS SWEEP TRENCHES MANY PRISONERS CAPTURED GRMAN ATTACKS REPULSED ALONGENTIRE WESTERN FRONI oven THREE HUNDRED PRISONERS TAKEN WITH GUNS—GER- MAN REINFORCEMENTS FAILED—HANGAR FIRED BY FRENCH AVIATOR. (Special to The Dally News) chine guns at Carency rhe et v if OMcial The/jemy’s automobile reinforcements tack to recapture | failed, st at St. Georges, Four strong counter-attacks repulsed, were driven off with heay losses \ we made prog-|to the enemy at Lorette, San- lage of Caren- chez and Nouvelle Sainte Vaasta ¢ the road tojAt the latter place we took 100 fh prisoners, 230 Prisoners. Hangar Fired. \ en and three of- At Maubeuge a French aviator ind several AISTRIA ACCEPTS ITALY’S DEMANDS ma-|set fire to a Zeppelin hangar. BOARD OF TRADE AND CITY MARKET At the City Council last night, (Special to The Daily News.) a long letter from the Board of May {1.-It is reported|prade dealing with the running accepted all of of the City Market was presented " Acting Mayor Dybhavn = sug- ereed to code the gested that it be referred to the Trente, a8 far 0s Market Committee, but Alderman . ryrol, Wap she Casey asked that the letter be , Cage read, if it were not too long, as ; toa’ a ee the City Market was one of the % , jmost important things they had r iny is physteetly to deal with, any more than| t, in spite of all! The communication was signed nst Italy. by W. P. Lynch, who explained ithat, in the absence of the other of the committee, he had undertaken to make a _ per- | members CAL IMPROVEMENT REBATE. Or esidents on Con- sonal report. Pad St ‘ nan Casey asked The writer drew attention to th complaints from outside points as , night when a re- a ket hat 0 e anageme ) re marke xpected on the lo- to the managemé . ‘ 7 n . as t iilered some s8ue- t tax, as the rate. |'" the past, and offers gestions for the future. Alderman Nicol moved that the letter be referred to the Market Committee. had estimated cost of listriect been | ts, and the actual lerably below that ! Alderman an moved letter be Casey ame » at the sent r explained that |“! ndment that the Arebate y i ° |back to Mr. amend- made when the ; Lynch. the ment carried. improvements FEELING RUNS HIGH IN BRITISH SEAPORTS might be some me, BASEBALL. (Special to The Daily News.) May il! There anti-German (Special to The Dally News.) are the results of London, have been terrific out- thwestern League|breaks in practically every sea port in Britain, CITY MARKET MANAGER. Tacoma, 9. eattle, 4, the League today. er-Spokane night, of The varied Council last the read, Al ten market manager were the applications for game City cause of rain’ post SKIMMED MILK SUTTERMILK 1 fy ; mairts ¢ Se per quart. mentioned ’ per quart, two Delivered te any Rupert tf. COMMS Sstons from 5 to 15 per cent, One ap- part plicant suggested that permission L of the Dairy 'y--Prinee be given to buy goods in the South 250 «Ve Green as the local season is short. The local applicants were = Ar- ' thur Shepherd, George Sy rotuck, STO IP } W. A. King, Frank Clapp, LL, © Davidson, F. B. Holland, M. M ' ) OR) Wells, James Krikensky, Cather- LISTEN) ine Braun, and RK, Braun Mrs Braun is nominee Catherine the of the Kitsumkalum Farmers Mu tual Association, and Frank Clapp lerrace grow “The Man On The Box” ant . 5 Lo See You at the is recommended by EST H ers. 0 L ME The applications were refer red 0p to the Market Committee for con We ER 4 HOUSE sideration and report ONESpa a: a " & EneneY Odd jobs around your house THE and offiee done quickly and well cen? mene at a reasonable privé Phone e565, iT! Sa te re tan " Fritz, 583, | a > ted CAPT. J. D. GLOVER, RECOVERED FROM WOUNDS— Of Orillia, Ont. Fourth Battalion KILLED IN ACTION. officer killed at Langemarck. Lieut. Wm. John Doxsee, of Sec- = ond Overseas Batialion, killed MISSING OFFICERS FOUND. at Langemarck on May 3. He | condita was reported wounded, but he London, May 10.—Colonel Ry- apparently recovered and re- erson wires from Paris that he turned to the front in time for jhas cated Lieutenant O'Grady at the great battle in which he Boulogne, Lieutenant Ballard, at fell. He was thrice Mayor of ‘i yuen, and Private Edward Cook Campbellford, Ont., and a very at Paris These were originally prominent citizen of Eastern peowts as missing. Ontario. The Autobiography Of A Sham Shoe (BY H. F. GADSBY.) In the batite thunder do not/in the running brooks and meta- forget me. If I did not distin-|phors in everything. guish myself at Neuve Chapelle| He has a patriotic lecture which and Langemarck it was not my|has been successful at many tea fault. I was willing enough but I meetings and he is so intensely dedicated to publie life on the never had a chance. I am one of highest moral plane that he has the sham shoes. no time to bother himself with My twin—I am the surviving | sordid details. This probably ex- member of a pair——was inciner-| plains why I went to the bad in ated with a lot of other garbage | short order although I was the at Salisbury Plain, but I escaped | object of a good man’s prayer at to Canada through the good of-|tfe outset. Too much prayer, fices of the captain, who Was | perhaps, and too little real leath- anxious to show the parliamen-|op, At any rate, I didn’t last. I tary committee what the profit-| hadn't the stuff in me. IT am not taking patriots were putting Over) phjaming my godfather. He is a in the way of shoes for soldiers. | gme man and evidently has His language who sees sermons in stones, books as he tied me up and} fpjends on the committee who will | } iback to ‘ ticketed me was quite unlit to' not let the breath of scandal print. The mildest thing he said touch his name, What I am say- was “Damn!” ling is that he doesn’t get down I was born somewhere in Aug-|to brass tacks. He is so unworld- ust, 1914, at a shoe factory Ni ly that he doesn’t want to know Montreal The auspices were/how his shoes or his dividends happy. My godfather, who is 4/ are made, director and heavy shareholder in| If you ask me, I would say that the business, gave me a rattling the factory superintendent is the good start. He looked me over,|man who is responsible for my I remember, and said something | weakened constitution, After about every peg riveting the Em-| prayer was over, I heard him giv- pire more firmly together. MY/ing orders to the head foreman. |: godfather is a pleasing speaker (eG tontinued on Page Two) oe Jos. Raatz LONDON CAFE And Grill Geo. Miiner Fimpress Cafe UNDER, NEW MANAGE- MENT — TRY US ALWAYS FIRST CLASS BOXES FOR LADIES Hart Bik. Third Ave. j ?i ship, Cash Specials for Wednesday Geneva Cake - = 150 Each Jelly Roll - = 15¢ Each Strawberry Shorteake - - 150 Each \2 THE LA CASSE BAKERY 717 Third Ave. NO DELIVERY Phone #90 ADVANCE IN (Special to The Daily News.) May 11.—(Official , enemy made a fruitless at- the Uzsok roops rushed their Petrograd, tac in Pass. Our | ' trenches and |swept the enemy from the district on Saturday. On Sunday our vanguard cross- ed the River Dneister and attack- ed the enemy at Chaborouki, tak- jing 1,300 prisoners, one big gun and many machine guns. ON SATURDAY THE RUSSIANS SWEPT ENEMY OUT OF UZSOK PASS—CROSS DNEISTER AND TAKE MEN AND GUNS— GALLIPOLI. Gallipoli Advance. London, May 11.—The Allied troops in Gallipoli continue to ad- The 45,000, vance, Turkish losses num- ber and the hospitals in are crowded out. Turkish wounded are now Constantinople The being sent into Asia Minor. New Wellington Washed Nut. The only washed coal on the mar- ket. Phone 114. tf. ee PROHIBITED BY VANCOUVER COUNCIL (Special to The Daily News.) May 11.—The City prohibited the Al- the wel- Vancouver, Council has berts-Barrieau fight for terweight row in the Horse Show building after the sanctioned it. championship tomor- Mayor had previously RENT AND LIGHT OF PREMIER HOTEL At the Council last night, a !et- ter was read from Superintendent Duncan regarding the charge for lighting the old Premier Hotel during its occupancy by the troops. It was decided to charge lighting up to April 30th to gen- eral fund, and that after May it be charged to the Militia De- of the Dominion gov- ist partment ernment. Alderman Montgomery object- ed to the stand taken by the Council last year in giving free light to the barracks. Alderman Casey could not see why the city should be obliged to pay for be spread over the Dominion. Alderman Montgomery the old of rent. rent of the old hotel charged to the Militia Depart- but they had referred it the city. Alderman Mont- Alderman city something which should raised The had been question iment, | seconded by Casey, that the licitor be asked to report on the gomery, moved so- matter. AUSTRIA CLAIMS LINER IS BATTLESHIP (Special to The Daily Newe) Venice, May 11—Vienna papers justify the sinking of the Lusi- tania. They claim that the liner .|was the same as a British battle. and hail the disaster as a naval vietory for Germany. The City Light Department sug- that, order age cooking by electricity, recently put in electric cocking of type should not be put to the ex- gests, in to encour- those who have appliances a small pense of extra wiring and the in- stallation of a second meter, They plan to take of the past few months’ light bills, the average and additional used will be charged at power rates in- any power stead of light rates. PRESIDENT WILSON STILL FOR PEACE Philadelphia, May 11.—Presi- dent WNson has indicated in a that the remain at but will try to show Ger- the great injustice to hu- manity she has committed, by the speech here United peace, yesterday States will many sinking of defenceless steamers without warning. DIGBY WATER SCHEME. The Council last night passed the new clause in the agreement with the regarding scheme. The clause provides that the work be done by day labor, the cost of labor to $26,000 In this connection, the follow- ing letter from J. R. Morgan, offering to do the work for #21,- 000, Dominion government the Digby water new not. exceed was read: Prince Rupert, B. May 10, The Mayor and Council, Prince Rupert B. C.: Gentlemen—I that your body negotiating with the Dominion government re the lay- Cc, 1915. learn are ing of a pipe line over city prop- erty to Digby Island for which the city ment is to reimburse the govern- to the of covering the labor in connection As a this line of work, hav- ing carefully I find I am in a position to take a con- extent $26,000, therewith. contraste: in and after investigated, tract covering all of this work for you to the government $26,000 for the sum of $21,000, thereby city $5,000. I am in a position to put up the necessary guaranteeings the faithful ing out of my proposal. Believing that the saving of the sum of $5,000 to our city will ap- peal to you, I am, Yours respectfully, J. R. MORGAN, Pioneer Laundry Third Qvenee East Phone 118 We Use the Most Modern Laundry Machinery Built, In Any Tuesday or Wednesday and See How We Do It Absolute Satisfaction Is Guaranteed which propose pay saving the bona, carry- Come