THE DAILY NEWS = — = : - — - ————_______—— ——— ee vl PRINCE RUPERT, B, G., WEDNESDAY, MAY 42, 1945. PRICE FIVE nian aie MARTIAL LAW IS THREATENED IN ENGLAND ITALY W Ls STILL PROCLAIM WAR-—-UNITED STATES DEMANDS AN ACCOUNTING TALY WILLEROCLAIM WAR | oe oe PRESIDENT WILSON DEMANDS GERMAN CONSULS pm LEAVING Je HOULRUISt wage ACCOUNTING AND GUARANTEE SUBSTANTIAL CONCESSIONS ITAL "ta Onn von back N SPITE OF Y WILL GO To tothe souch of AMERICAN NOTE ASKS FOR ACCOUNTING FOR VIOLATION OF WAR—TRENTO OVERFLOWING WITH SOLDIERS Jt Julien. INTERNATIONAL LAW AND DEMANDS GUARAN- —COAST RESIDENTS MOVING INLAND. TEE FOR THE FUTURE. (Special to The Daily News.) Austria has suspended all navi- (Special to The Dally News.) The final details are under revi May 12.—The Austrian | gation in the Adriatic, Washington, May 12.—Presi-|sion. and the | | i msuls in southern mn f jprovinee of Trento is overflowing dent Wilson, in his completed ng with dispatches ae with soldiers, The frontiers are | en THE LAST PONTOON. note to Germany, asks for an ac- ntier. | ) : guarded and residents o e| 1st. Canadiap , ri a ae Notwit ding the substan- wee and resisen Hd the| Briaacde in counting for the series of viola-| 1 i. reported around town that | Austrian coneessions, eZ frontier are hastening in-| rede trvyeat tions of American rights in the/the last of the big pontoons for | mand of the Adri heap The Austrian government | Boesinghe war zone and a guarantee that/the drydock will be launched late Italy | issue a proclama-jis withholding details of its con-| Ha there will be no repetition of un-|on Thursday evening, taking ad- f wal céssions to Italy from the public. | J| lawful practices by submarines.|vantage of the high tide. FRIOUS POLITICAL eeSeeecesescocoes| DICKEBUSC EEE EH | DELIGHTFUL DANCE ROBLIN RESIGNS GERMAN EAGLE BURNED A ORME ele STELO! J ie LOure ~ RIOTS IN PORTUGAL IN CATHOLIC HALL Milan, Italy, May 12.— _ The German flag was pub- In response to invitations sent * * * * . * 2 * * licly burned in the market #/0Ut by Messrs. H. W. Miller and * square here in a demon- *|Le0 Ives, a large company spent * * * * * * * * Winnipeg, May 12. (Special to Fhe Dally News.) Lish May 12.—There have * * * * The Manitoba government * has resigned, as a result ert political riots here.|® of the recent appointment * a most delightful evening in danc- * ing in the Catholic Hall last * * * night. The hoyalists are attempting to King Manoel to the There have been scores stration against Germany 7 of a Royal Commission of judges to enquire into over the sinking of the Lu- ©HADED PORTION 1 Sead Hotel Prince Rupert TNS ENT ONE, SCALE OF MILES The floor was in good order and 50 ebbebeseoee THE STUBBORN BATTLE FOR YPRES. the music, provided by Miss Nau- Hetsas and Lizerne were recently recaptured after the Lange- in oo . . : : s a man and Mr. Black, was of the Seamed marck defeat by the Allies. The battle line shows Ypres is now TRADES AND LABOR i i i sitania. HHRERHKHRERERHERES graft charges.—Courtesy ind martial law is (se ee eee He He HE ® best. The ladies kindly provided MORE TROOPS A PRINCE RUPERT ARRIVES. sid, ila i ae | PS ARRIVE. b ing atta ked from three angles. COUNCIL MEETING a dainty lunch and everybody had ‘ = ‘ ; ad The Prince Rupert had a list _ a real good time. The following squad o1 we lo » me , : l . iers arrived ¢ » ai ee tenn including fifteen through passen- Trades and Labor Council was} Mesdames, Mobley, Hilditch, Lupe ancouver this : ial bE Philli Henni dD > "a MARTIAL LAW THREATENED >t Sarasa On the way north a mining : . ton, McNab, Arnold, Frizzell an They are detaile or specit a : vening at8 p.m. President 8. D. d . ‘ ee party was landed at Hardy Bay. . " Selness; Misses, Martin, McEl- ork in this distriet, probably to fae the appronshan'Sh Ais Gomi e Oar tnetades Judge Ken-| @eRMANS AND THEIR PROPERTY ATTACKED EVERYWHERE wick, Messrs. Lark, Bacon, Todd Macdonald opened the meeting hoes, Keiller. Garton, Nickerson with a full attendance of dele-|4. Garison, Coynéy, Semon, Kin- il tanks of the Imperial Oil Co IN ENGLAND — BERESFORD DEMANDS WHOLE- . : pee Sikes, ¢ ors of the gates present. kade, Woodyard, Carmichael, Gil- a - and —o all ne of the SALE ARRESTS OF GERMANS. I tenn my aoe pi aa Stewart Mining Co, Organizer Jennin reporte am, &. Garison, ; . TAKES SPEEDY TRIAL. — ce ak iano iia mse a ae Of the(Roakio, Walkie, A. Beash and Mrs. Lark, Mrs. SIKes & . ? (Special to The Dally News.) arded, “No business transacted = cxecwem rs 6 : I _ |Todd, who accompanied the gen- eS ge : ; - hotel and restaurant employees, |Hessenphlug; Messrs, Dr. Wall, ” prisoner MeLaren, who is London, May 12.—There are/with Germans. ; 5 Norkhill harged . teal lothi tlemen from the south, are mak- a \ r E Troops are ready to assist the along with the laundry workers. McDaniels, McMaster, Corkhill, arp wilh steg ho i -Grerme “10US & ver EnNeE- os 6 ? pady tO assis B : . . "7 y Mr. I es gretersos ing the round trip on the Prince ee ee es a »olice in preventing the houses of He also stated that the halibut|George Bryant, W. J. Rogers, W. vl ® OG, ee eee Rupert land. In the East End of London!! I 8 - , fishermen were going to affiliate|. Wark, White, Balderick, Sharp, ge Young yesterday for elec- I " , . wealthy Germans being burned,| ~ ci ° I H. Hil There were two bridal couples|Germans have been fiercely at- ye with the Trades and Labor Coun-|Kinnear, F. H. Mobley, J. H. Hil- on. He decided on speedy trial, and martial law is threatened. * ditch, Goldsmith, J. Edwards, G r aboard, and both came in for a|tacked and the police are power- 7 aS eis : . teil. itch, Goldsmith, J. Edwards, G. d the hearing was set for = Lord Beresford demands the ar- W. Nicker Smith, H os, Me hursday morning rice shower on landing. They}jess, Houses and business estab-|pest of all Germans. including} ‘The affairs of the City Market} "°° ' oe: om - une a were Mr. and Mrs. Edvanson and . a AOA ; atin ; oe were reported upon by the mar- Fadden, Phillips, F. Henning, Ed wating lishments belonging to Germans/those married into the royal Miller, Dart McNab, R. Stalker BOXING Constable and Mrs. Fairbairn. Mr. have been raided; stores are plac- | family ' ket committee. oe ™ eae npr tel ° p ." -? R. Ritehie, Geo. Morrison, Rowg!l, Edvanson is a real Rupert old-|— — $$ D The Labor Temple committee teed Arthur Manson, Arnold, Captain (Special to The Daily News.) timer, having helped to oe EXPERT ON GASES JUDGE ROBERTSON reported progress, and plans of Roswik ous, Desks. May 12.—Following | townsite eight years ago. the proposed building as designed Mibition of the Barrieau- |W mining at Alice Arm, LEAVES FOR FRONT ARRIVED TODAY by a local architect were submit- New Wellington Washed Nut. arrangements are| Constable Fairbairn’s bride is Af me pre ted to the delegates for their in-| The only washed coal on the mar- fet way to have the sented at|Seotch lassie, just out from) London, May 12.—The British Jyage E.R. A. Rohertsen, ae spection, ~ ket. Phone 116, tf. ' was recently appointed to the . if Witla Nanaimo on May, ome, having braved the very/government has sent Dr. John The secretary was instructed to |= . |request the atte nee of the la- rived on the Prince Rupert this aoe ne attondange 05 .<0s ‘ . . ’ onship bout. these days to become Mrs. Fair-|gases in mines and similar sub- i ee oe bor representatives at the next ‘ “ vr r ) Ss ay » ta » ) ad bairn. They left on the train for|jeets, to the front to experiment AER . OR. ee . : meeting of the Trades and Labor ane et are. real dangers of ocean traveling |}seott Haldane, the expert on county judgeship of Cariboo, ar- } , his new duties in that district, The na of R. B. Wharton,|their home in Aldermeve. with methods for counteracting |" as j chicks, with a guess of 2,185, be- 5 a. m., May 43, 1945. Se eee ee ing and feeling ten years younger. i T ing only one off the right number.|Barometer .....-+++++++5 29,822 Mr. A, Sullivan, provineial in- e ONIGHT € ony 7 by ; 54.0 : rho Mr. A. 8. B. Lueas has received neer These chicks were hatched Max, tORED. «6 6+ 0060-00 0084 spector of high schools, is in the ; ' a telegram stating that his uncle ‘Th M electricity in the front window Ol ibin., COMP. 6. ccvtercecees 42.0 city on an offieial visit. . th iia Third A East e ssrs. Parkin & Ward Electri¢/fainfall .....+eee eee e eee 04 and aunt mus ave perished in venue Q ey On The Box” ; ra we ‘em hi 1d quite a liitthke!---— gijthe Lusitania disaster. They Phone 118 0, ‘ i ated ¢ . ot Drama in 5 Parts interest in the last few days, a LONDON CAFE jumped overboard with lifebelts, We Use the Most Modern Max Figman in the large number of passers-by Geo. Milner Jos. Raatz And Gril and were never seen again, Laundry Machinery Built, Leading Role. , watching the chicks break their . ; Come ae Tuesday or F ie shells mpress ( aye SKIMMED MILK Se per quart. Wednes and See How “", Frolic and Exeit ent $| - ALWAYS FIRST CLASS BUTTERMILK i0c per quart, two We Do It quarts for 15 ¢. Delivered to any part of the city—-Prinee Rupert Phone Green 262 tf, | BOXES FOR LADIES Hart Bik. Mrs. ©, BE, Warner will receive UNDER NEW MANAGE- on Friday of this week, but not MENT — TRY US again this season, Absolute Satisfaction Is nS Admission: 10, 15 and 250