May 412, 1945 VgURALGIA SETTLED IN HER LUNGS no feliet From The Pain Unti She Took “ Fruit-a-tives x, ONT., May 5th. 1913. wp cannot speak too highly of upruit-e-tives”’, For over thirty years, have suffered from chronic Neuralgia 4 Cons tipation, experiencing untold 0 he Neuralgia settled in my mn and I took bottles of medicine eat relief. The doctor told me I sould not get better but “ Fruit-a- roan” proved that the doctor was wrong by giving me quick relief and sally and comp letely curing me, wT would not have my present health fit were not for “ Fruit-a-tives”” andl ‘am glad of this opportunity of givin on this letter abo ut such a sp endic emedy as ‘‘ Fruit-a- tives” *" vins. NATHAN DUNN, oe, abox, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c- oat dealers or sent on receipt of orien y Fruit-a-tives Lin nited, Ottawa, CaMPnaitv! Lt ve eeteden 00 ‘WATCH FREE. A straightforward generons fer trom en fre We ar giving away Watches to thousands of pewle all over the world o@ @ howe advertisement. Now is your to vantage of our marvel. e to tell your friends e ’ . } mote we them the bettas atom at the Cunard offices that the An- ton Such things exist as decoy mr think this offer too good ne. wend om ’ 7 ‘cain & Pree Watch. thor or 8Cé 1 te oe a § Urban tat g (chor liner Tuscany, with 311 | a8-| per eae . ponee 4 1 whatonnie pe oF iort lengths of pipe on Rend, he Hey sengers, sailed from Glasgow on r Id ht . ail : 1e upright on a float and look- nate ee Saturday, and from Liverpo i] es et MN CR esas 1 . , ; ling exé y T skeena Land Distriet—Distriet of Sunday for New York. This is the|'"% X@CUy "ke the real periscope. ust, hange Five. first passenger steamer identified rhe submarine sets them adrift KE NOTICE that William Watson, of | With iH ccupation Contractor, tn- the ty aps y for rerenetas to lease the ing described planted ob the northerly limit of vebt-ot Way of the Grand Trunk Pa- | 7 4)