Dr-Price's Made from cream of tartar, derived from grapes, the most delicious and wholesome of all fruit acids. Its superiority is antee against unquestioned. Its fame world-wide. Its use a protection and a guar- alum food. If you wish to avoid a danger to your food READ THE LABEL and decline to buy or use any baking pow- der that is not plainly designated as a cream of tartar powder. “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT—Large well-furnished rooms. Close in. Phone Black 293. 10-16 FOR RENT—Furnished bedroom for two, with sitting room, with stove, bath, light and phone; $10.00 per month. Close in. Apply Box 108, The News. tf. FOR RENT—Part of well-furnished house, to refined couple; overlooking harbor; in good locality. Apply P. 0. Box 376. 106-107 FOR RENT — Furnished hor le Inquire Demers. ° WANTED WANTED—Companion in exchange for comfortable home. Apply P. 0. Box 547. 110-114 WANTED—By two young girls, any kind of work; stores preferred. Phone Black 267. 96-101 LOST—Pair of gold-rimmed eye-glasses, Wetween Presbyterian Church and Third Avenue, on May 2. Leave at Daily News. it. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Furniture of four rooms cdém- plete. Cost $1,000.00 What offers? Apply Box 106, Daily News. uw. POR SALE—Range, 2 bureaus, 3 beds, chairs, carpets, sewing machine, wash- ing machine, etc. Cheap. Apply even- ings, 210 Ninth Ave. West. tf. FOR SALE—Lot 7, Bik. 1, Sec.1, for $1,500 cash. A good bargain for a prompt buyer. Apply Oscar Leduc, P. 0. Box 1385, Montreal. 101-07-13-19 WOULD PARTY WHO TOOK LADIES’ Umbrella, with silver handle and mono- gram L. M. J., from the Westholme The- atre dressing room on the evening of April 27 kindly return same to Mr. J. R. Beatty, Government wharf. 107-08 music. TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALi Musical Instru- ments repaired. Bows rehaired. The Prince Rupert Mu- sic Store, 345 8rd Ave. we. FOR TAXI | Phone 99 oe Stand - Hotel Rupert po QUALITY DOMESTIC COAL $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Delivery Money Back if Not Satis- UNION TRANSFER CO 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 EE | FORMAL OPENING oF RECREATION GROUNDS It is expected that the new rec- jreation grounds on Acropolis Hill iwill be formally opened on Sat- urday. The grounds are being prepared so that the baseball start the games will be played Saturday. season may with opening. Two Lychris this morning and will re- turn tonight. They have two boys at the front. Surveying and Engineering A. E. WRIGHT Provincial and Dominion Land Surveyor P. O. Box 10 Phone 85 Fouth Avenue Alberta Meat Market Why Buy Second-Class Meat When You ean get the Best From Us at the Same Price? GIVE US A TRIAL 5th St.—Opposite Smith Bik. Phone 208 FOR RENT TWO HOUSES SIXTH & THOMPSON ST. STRICTLY MODERN CHEAP —APPLY-.- Pattullo & Radferd 2nd Ave. gree BLUE POINT = ADRANT Good Clean Meals From Cents . dust Give Ue a Trial—That’s All. LAW-BUTLER BUILDING Third Avenue we THE DAILY NEWS HUNDRED AND FIFTY INFANTS PERISHED Loudot May i2 rhe | ated Lond Herald says | were on the Lusitania fifty bal who were leas than 12 months and more than 100 others wh ages did not reach two year | Nearly all have been drowned the talk of t ship and everybody tried | the numerous The babies were jafter them when time cam There are cases corded sailors thei belts to put are ithe little ones, but it was usel land about 150 of the infants, it shock an where passengers and stripped themselves r own life icaleulated, died from exposure. her one 4 One mother lost a’! thr young children, one 6, a the third, months old. She held up the three of the! the baby in aris She a herself liv shriek water, all the time for help. When she was rescued by a boat party the two eldest children were dead. Their r* was required in the boat, and the mother was brave enough to real- ize this. “Give them to me,” my bonnie wee she cried. “Give them to me, things. I will bury them. They are mine to bury, as they were mine to keep.” With her hair streaming down her back and her form shaking with sorrow, she took hold of each little one from the placed it in the water again, others in the boat wept with her rescuers and reverently and as she murmured a little sobbing prayed to the “Great God above.” But her cup of sorrow was not yet “THE BLACK BOX” or igs ie as bess were é i r or Mire ar oniy re- AT MAJESTIC THEATRE| “UU WE nea , maining child died in her arms The Majestic management an- ie da lee as” ica a a . SPLENDID PICTURES. nounces another great show for tonight and tomorrow. The chief “The Man on the Box” at The feature is the ninth episode of Westhoilme Tonight. “The Black Box.” The Animated Weekly and two great comedies The fourth of the naeted at | ive. make up the bill. reel Paramount features, which - tn have scored such a signal success Mr. and Mrs. Flewin, of Port s Fig Wiatichine itt be chee Simpson, came in on the launch » tonight under the Lille “The Man on the Box.” Max Fixman is the sta’ and in his particular line of legitimate comedy he is undoubtedly with- ont a peer. “The Man on the Box” gives him unusual opportunities to dis- play his talents to the very t ndvantage and he certainly makes the most of them. First, dier in the far West, and then as a tourist traveling for health and recreation he has a most interest- this there of humor audience bes as a aol- in and are many bits that keep the while ing part play quaint good na- of the more strongly dramatic tured, in some they are his excellent serious parts moved by The and different in every respeet that and work, story is entirely orig- inal anything has been heretofore with surprises and unusual situa- from shown is replete tions. RK. Coal Coal—Best nut Protection Phone 104-106 P. house Co.'s or lump. against burning flues. 15. MATTER OF AN APPLICATION for the issue of a fresh Certificate of Title for Lot Six (6), Block Four (4) and Lots Seven (7) and Bight (8), Block IN THE Twelve (12), Section One (1), City of Prince Rupert, Map 923 NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that it is my intention to issue after the expiration of one month from the first publication bereof a Fresh Certificate of Title for the above mentioned lot# in the name of Wil liam T, Booth, which Certificate of Title ts numbered 5821-1, and was issued on Mdy 20th, 1914. H, F..MACLEOD, District Registrar. Prince Rupert, B. C., 105-4411-417-123 Land Registry Office, May 4th, 19145, ry | HOW THE CANADIAN go. DIERS APPEAR jn THE TRENCHES — [LOCAL NEWS ITEMS | first-class Repairs of all kinds, work only and a reasonable price. Phone Fritz, 583 109-11 ee Chief of Provincia Police Owen went east to Prince George today. °s = *s ev. Father Macdonald, of Mas- s arrived on the Pupert this morning. e és " J. Merryfield came in on the’ Rupert from Victoria this morning, 2.8 Quality, satisfaction and econ- omy. New Wellington Coal. Phone 116. 63tf. se Mrs. McKenzie and family left for their old home in Truro, N. 8.,} this morning. eax Follow the crowd to Self’s Cafe. ‘here is a reason.. Next Majestic Theatre. {O2tf. ee ge Mr. G. A, Sinelair, of Orme’s drug store, returned from the south this morning. ee Mr. Dowling, Dominion Tele graph superintendent, left for Hazelton this morning. Ce -< Mr. A. E. Wright !eft this moray ing for Skeena Crossing tt» doe some work on his mining prop- erty. Te oe Road Superintendent Jennings and Government Horticulturist} Thomlinson returned from Bella Coola this morning. ” + * Rev. R. J. Dimmick ruth | last night to attend the annual} Methodist conference which is to | be held at New Westminster. | . . | Woods and City So- | * City Clerk licitor Peters returned from Vie- | toria this morning. The Mayor | will arrive at the end of the | week, | oe A. J. MeCullough, of the Rat| Portage Lumber Company, re- | turned to the city last night on | the Alice B. Mr, MeCullough has been doing timber cruising for his company at the head of Kidella Arm, “Salvation ‘army. Public mectings. ‘Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m, Sundays at 7:30 p.m. SHOE POLISHES vena aha ; - COPEPOCOPOOD + ++ bbb bE KAIEN GROCERY GREAT FIRE SALE GREAT REDUCTIONS in all lines of Canned Goods of all kinds. Tobaccos, Biscuits, Flour, Rice, Sugar, Eggs, Butter, Fruits, Soaps, Breakfast Fc ds. Coffee, Potatoes, etc. About $500 Worth of Stock Going At Cost Take advantage of this opportunity. You will save money All Gales Strictly Cash » Tea, mn every article The fire did not damage our stock and the groceries are in good condition. Kaien Grocery 4 J : 835 Second Avenue, in the premises of the Hous bree pene er one ore weer 4 - —— 1 SEPLEOORELEEENIM - Foll The King. As head of the Chureh of England ; I earnestly appeal to all our Church n ; noble example set by our King. Many are willing to do so but fee! the to make their decision definite. To such | the signing of the following pledge: 1 promise, by God’s help, to abstain from the use of intoxicating liquor as a beverage while the War |asts I. dee sd 0 CREM UES oc be eo cee ‘ F. H,.DU VI Bishop of Caled ropolitar , o 00se. eocccverereetnt Hi {i G B Hh ae : HH : i a H Hi i Absolute P.: Flower ance Purity Fragra — Pure vegetable oils are the | Natural flower’ ip the base of Baby’s Own soap. ee Baby's UW" vhiclt It promotes skin health and | clinging 's'"” it prevents skin troubles. | makes its U» BABY’S OWN SOAP IS WELL WORTH ey wren In the interest of your skin, seud for some HOw ALBERT GOAPS, LIMITED, Mens, MONTHE®