THE DAILY NEWS a = THE DAILY NEWs — Every little detail of every little political move was re- ported minutely. Britain's lit- tle domestic squabbles were more fully described in messages to Berlin than they were to the British pubiiec. Berlin got more information regarding the inside moves of the passing of the Irish Home Rule bill than Belfast. In colonial affairs, the same mathematical corectness was followed. The finger of the Kaiser was ever on the public pulse of India, Egypt, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Every little difference between the mother and her sons was carefully weighed, measured, and docketed for fu- ture reference. Every little friction with the natives of In- dia was carefully taken note of, and a value placed upon it. Never has a nation possessed so much detailed information regarding another, as Germany did of Britain. With all her carefully ar- ranged facts and figures, Ger- many lacked the one vital thing—knowledge. Of the great, big heart of the British Empire she knew absolutely nothing. She forgot that the British Empire has a soul. All Germany's skilfully ob- tained information told her that Britain had enough to do looking after her own affairs, without giving a thought to a Prussian military parade through Belgium, followed by a little skirmish in front of Paris. Today, Germany knows, as the world knew be- fore, that Britain has a soul big enough and noble enough, to spend and be spent in the code SEE service of her friends. about navigation than the cap- tain; on every train you will meet the man who knows more of railroading than the super- intendent of the railroad; inev- ery town there is the man who knows just how the affairs of the town should be conducted, though he rarely assists in the work, and in every war there is the local commander-in-chief, who never smells powder ex- cept on the First and Fourth of July. Captain Turner may have appeared over-confident, but it is extremely unlikely that he was in the slightest degree careless, or neglectful of his duty in any way. Meantime, let the survivors tell how they survived, but they may safely leave the question of responsibility for the ter to the experts, who wit have all the facts before them. disas- Your Wife and the children should you fall ill or lose your employ- ment ? Have you money in the Bank to tide the family over until you are “on your feet” again P Every married man should open an account in our Savings Department and put by a part of his earnings every week or month. Such » earning interes 2 Golneute Gnaneoiek for Fade ag with one doller, mee THE BANK OF North 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7,884,000, FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Carpenters’ Tools 710 SECOND AVE Bullders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunition : Pumpe Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Five Thousand Dollars Is A Lot |canal.——Seward Gateway. How Will You Protect | | | | | | Water Company, Ltd., whose address is 517 Granville St, Vancouver, B. C., will |apply for @ license to take and use one and one-half cubic feetaper second and to store 400 acre-feet of water out of Cunningham Lake. the ougiet of Cunningham Lake. The ca- pacity of the reservoir to be created is about 400 acre-feet and it will flood 2.23 acres. the stream af a point about 5 chains below the said outlet and will be used for Water- works purpose upon the land described as part of Lot 45, Range 5, Coast District, being the townsite of Port Essington, A copy of this notice and an application pur- suant 1914," will be fied in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objee- ons to the application or t the petition mentioned below may be fled with the said Water Recorder or with the Comp- twoller of Water Rights, Parliament Build- ings, Victoria, B. C., within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in 4 local newspaper. which the company desires to exercise its powers is described as the townsite of Port Essington. A petition to amend the the Certificate granted to the company in . respect of its former right su as to in- 7p | clude the right applied for herein will be heard in the oMfce of the Board of Inves- tigation at a date to be fixed by the Comp- troller. of this Notice is March 23, 1045. “PORT ESSINGTON WATER CO.,, LTD.,” | river - - | the engineering commission. addition to the some seventy he and frame buildings. iness houses are six restaurants, a three barber shops and one jew- elry store. upon arrival, started to lay the track for work mile of track has been placed in position. was born in this division, the first spike on the railroad, and had the spike presented to her by Lieutenant Mears as a souvenir of the memorable occasion. beach. the |pile work. immediately and the mouth of the jintention later to build a concrete tents there are Included in the bus- billiard hall, two laundries, Lieutenant Mears, immediately trains and one Miss Babe White, who drove track is laid from the The machinery arrived on Latouche for dredging and The dock will be built The will be dredged. It is the WATER NOTICE. Use and Storage. TAKE NOTICE that The Port Essington The storage-dam will be located at The water will be diverted from thereto and to the “Water Act, The territory within The date of the First Publication Applicant. “Wilson & Whealler,” Agent. n an interesting letter, Mr. lan} THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA |, peg pe ee Ry 8 Published Daily and Weekly Mal conttn piven Gees es Seas See — | the wounded and missing HEAD OFFICE department of the Red Gross So Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. | ty, gives some Se ae TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—60 cents per inch. Contract te Te a ee eetes o& agptication. — ne Sanitaires,”” which trains ——— = d if all sorts, apparently, to DAILY EDITION aco Thursday, May 13, 1915. arry dispatches from one trench ina tiiaasiimnitiaiiaiiaiad tainsntliattsimaiaiie alli wale ft) another or to hunt for wound- ed men re eee eT rhe dogs were each at differ- For years Germany has been Several survivors of the Lu-| t stages of proficiency in the collecting an enormous mass sitania disaster are complain-| art of tracking wounded,” says of information about every na- ing bitterly because Captain} Mr. Maleolm, who paid a visit to tion in Europe, but particular- Turner did not drive his ship ae the training ground. “Some had Sens , . hegun lear r that week, others FRO Ne, = Wanever Oe ee wrist GREAT CROWD . d ! mage th trainer for : : . At een witt e - T 0 there were troops, fortifica- a bee others find fault AT SHIP CREEK : nths, and one was a perfectly tions, naval dock-yards or sup- with him for not carrying out mee trained dog which the poli¢e had ply bases, they had secret ser- boat drill, especially since they | A eanvas city of over 450 tents sed for a couple of yearss vice men, who reported down to suggested it. jnow stands at Ship Creek, wher The latter was a little whader. the last button, nut, or bolt. the On every liner you will fipd| the first mile of rails has already He could climb wire-netting or a slightest change made. the man who knows more/been laid by Lieutenant Mears, of|stone wall like a eat, and he had In| the nose and pace of a first-class | pointer. lhim work..A man goes by devious paths and ultimately hides in a pit inclosed in a fifteen-foot wire cage, like the walls of an aviary without the roof. The dog is brought on the ground by his trainer, picks up the scent almost at once, and off he goes, Finally he reaches the pit, makes three springs up the fencing, finds the man, takes his cap, and races back to his master. He is then pul on a leash, and off he goes again at full speed, dragging the man with him as fast as his lees can carry him over the broken ground until he reaches the wounded soldier, who is then tended and, bac general German fan among the British regiments.” Victoria 68th REGIMENT, EARL GREY'S Orders by Major J. H. McMuiiin, been pleased to make the follow- ing provisional promotions: ( geant, vice Ward. granted a certificate as stated: tation Certificate. 143, dated 22d March, 1945. parade at the ing on Wednesday, 12th inst., and on Friday, 15th inst., at 8 p, m. missioned officers will parade un- dee the adjutant at the Exhibition Building at Drill I. T., C. L. II, See. 27-35. Jompany, to be provisional ser- poas OF WAR. It was beautiful to see brought to the nearest field hospital. if possible, dogs, I believe, are in the French and ar but hitherto I y that there are few, if any, ‘4 108€ in use es, Times, OWN RIFLES. Commanding, May 8, 1915: The commanding votficer has Corporal W. R. Whitely, “A” The undermentioned officer is Captain H. Lee granted Exqui- Authy.,-M. 0. “RB” — Companies will Exhibition Build- and Subaltern officers and non-com- 10th communicating Monday, inst., for 8 p. m. By Order, B. Gillatt, Captain, Adjutant 68th Regiment. J. THE AMERIGAN TALLORS We do the FINEST CUSTOM TAIL- ORING for the LEAST MONEY. We have a large stock of High Class Woolens and make good suits for $27, and the best in stock for $35. Come and look over our stock be- fore buying and save money by it. THIRD AVE and FIFTH 8T. Prince Rupert, B. C. Delivered to any part of town, or can be had at Spurr’s Market, Knott’s Bakery and the Good Pure Milk The Best Equipped and Most Sanitary Dairy is the 8.8. PRINCE RUPERT On Fridays—9 a. m. For Full information and — Teacher of Violin and All Band instruments A. PESCOTT Be SE - ‘ DENTISTRY | A SPECIALTY DRS. GILROY & BROWN OENTIGTS Office: Smith Biock, Third Avenue Phone 454 FERRER EER ERERR ERY EERE HEH FOR A TAXI 15-PHONE-75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO REAR ARERAERERARERER gree Canadian STEAM LAUNDRY Latest and Approved Methods Only Skilled Operatore Employed Phone us and we will calli for a trial bundle Vote Our Address: 515 SIXTH AVENUE WEST Canadian Steam Laundry RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS WE HANDLE. Rennie’s Ferry’s, Steele's, Brigg’s Garden and Field Seeds Also Fertilizers We Take Orders for Nursery Stock Grain, and Feed at Vancouver Prices Chicken Feed a Specialty Mat! ordere promptly attended to ice, Kapert Fed 008 Third Ave. Hay, Of Money Drawn for The Daily News, ~~By “Hop.” is = iP ~ NM Sae ~ me GWSWER) © HELLO -FUNERAL ARRANCLIME, CO-? —~SAN SEND ME OVER: A BUNCH OF CRAPE AND A GONE -BUT- NOT- FARGOTTEN WREATH -NO- NEVER MIND A HEARSE. - LC WON'T PE GLE apse Yr eines +h: For Vancouver Victoria and Seattle Passenger trains leave Prince Rupert at 4 Saturdays for Prince George, Edmonton, necting with traine for Bt. Paul, Chicago, and These trains carry splendid electric lighted sg) Wednesdays a through Tourist Bleeper (elect, MAKE YOUR TRAIN OR STEAMSHIP BERTH RE 260 FOR POINTS EAST OF CHICAGO USE THe TRUNK RAILWAY System The Double Track Route Tickets, appl ird Avenue, a we AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHip LINES y 2nd Avenue, 8.8. PRINCE Q EO On Mona AGE ays—9 g m 0 A.M. on on Wedn Baskatoon, , — and Sn 0On Eastern Cities. arlor Cars ang Winnipeg SERVATIONS EARLY w Anipeg, all principal eeping and p © lighted) + GRAND Ticket Office, ee hone 554 P.O. APERHANGING AINTING OLISHING AND WALL TINTING hi grade nter rating a Speci Martin Swans Second Avenue McBr hear RARER ERRORS 35-PHONE-3 TAXI ALF HALLIGAN REREAD Phone 174 Bor 1 FOR PLUMBING AND HEATIN fo & SMITH & MALLE! Largest stock of Pipe north v puver, Crane Valves and | tings, Pipes cut to order Third Ave., Head of Second By Prince Rupert Alex M. Manson, B.A W. E. W am WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Et MONEY TO LOAN Box 158 s, BA, Heilgerson Biock i é Rupert Office corner @nd Street and srd | PACIFIC CARTAGE LUM (Successors to Pacil Transfer Genera! Cartege LADYSMITH COAL 93-—Phone—03 JAMES GILMORE Architect pea CANADIAN PACIF RAILWAY PRINCESS MAQUINNA FOR ALASKA PORTS THURSDAY, MAY PRINCESS MAY SOUTHBOUND SUNDAY 8 P. 4. @ MoNAS, Generel Agent Corner Fourth Stree and Third | ee —— ADVERTISE IN THE DAILy NE Nerve Energy 4 Eyeglasses. ’ vea A constant droppings v away a stone. a "nea eyestrain injures | om because it is ©! strain whic!) firs t nas itself as a slight 0 should be reine any This we gv ve n fre lasses. elays are Look for Loop opTiciaN phone Ud. Biaol 223 Sixth St.