THE DAILY NEWS Pride, Nash & Co. Extraordi Bargains For | FRIDAY — Fine Curtain Nets, with Oxford oe raat eee “ke interwove ors; done in dark and ligh large checks interwoven and proends with stripe. An ex- pretty floral colored bor- cellent cloth for boys and ders, These are fast colors; men's shirts, These are 27 width 35 inches. Regular inches wide, Reg price, 15e. price, 40¢e. FRIDAY PRICE, 10c __FRIDAY Of! ONLY, , 260 RON GINGHAM “MADRAS CURTAINING Apron Gingham in_me- Madras Curtain Material dium blue shade of cham- ne oe ‘iiiioiiedls bray effect with a toning of fast colors in pleasing pink stripe. Absolutely fast shades; 36 inches wide and colors and double fold. A of English manufacture. very — cloth. Regular Worth 25¢ per yard. price, 20¢ FRIDAY, 15¢ ___ FRIDAY ONLY, 14c ? ‘e 4 » ’ 4S Towel- Heavyweight Flannelette nee irish aenemaatere! of — et ie this cloth is warranted and is made o » Egypte “ave is eve atterns are yarn and closely woven. The datnies bore ie A ate aie leasing an brodiery ‘work. Regular er ae - "ice. 25e price, 35c. ors. Width is 33 inches wide. Regular price, 25c. FRIDAY BARGAIN, 20c FRIDAY, 18¢ Ladies’ Suits....Half Price Ladies’ Shoes, $6 for $4.50 eee, Coats. ...Half Price Misses’ Shoes, $3 for. .$2.30 sadies’ Summer Dresses— Girls’ Shoes, $2.75 for. $2.16 Ladies’ Short a Boys’ Shoes, $3.00 for. $2.45 ae Half Price Men's Shoes, $5.00 for.$3.75 pages W niet bcbep e's ¢ $1.00 1g s, 50 pe sadies’ Serge Dresses— Infants’ Shoes, 50c for. .30¢ One-Fourth Of White Negligee Shirts for ‘ : : ia men; attached cuffs, coat Lounge Shirts for boys; style; made large and roomy have double collar and cults; with invisible white stripe; well finished; in colors, blue, sizes 14 1-2 to 17. Seanlas grey, tan, white; sizes, 12, price, $4. 50. a3 $68, €8, $3..9+2, 24. FRIDAY $1.00 FRIDAY PRICE, 85c Coat Sweaters for men in Men’s Heavy Ribbed Under- self colors of grey, tan, wear in Shirts and Drawers; navy; also combination col- they are Nova Scotia make ors, giving smart effect. and sateen trimmed; well Worth $1.50. made and finished. Worth FRIDAY, 90c $1.25. FRIDAY, 90c JUST ARRIVED '373hresr ci 20” Sweaters and Jerseys Pride, Nash & C @, NaS QO. ————XKX—===™=—=—== Es _ — “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT Parks Branch. FOR RENT—Large well-furaished rooms.) -%eY art lassified Guide to Close in. Phone Black 293. 10-16) Fish and Their Habitat, Rocky POR NT—Furnished bedroom for two, ‘ ie ais . See--Curs = Mountain Park, “The Nakimu with sitting room, with stove, bath, light and phone; $10.00 per month. Close in. Apply Box 108, The News. tf. FOR RENT——Part of well-furnished house, tw refined couple; overlooking harbor; in good locality. Apply P. O. Box 376. 106-107 POR RENT — Furnished WANTED WANTED—Companion in exchange for comfortable home. Apply P. O. Box 547. 110-114 -Pair of gold-rimmed eye-glasses, LOsST— between Presbyterian Church and Third Avenue, on May 2. Leave at Daily News. it. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Furniture of four rooms com- plete. Cost $1,000.00 What offers? Apply Box 106, Dally News. tw. FOR SALE—Range, 2 bureaus, 3 beds, chairs, carpets, sewing machine, wash- ing machine, etc, Cheap. Apply even- ings, 210 Ninth Ave. West. i. FOR SALE—Lot 7, Blk. 1, Sec.1, for $1,500 cash, A good bargain for a prompt buyer. Apply Oscar Leduc, P. 0, Box 1385, Montreal, 101-07-13-19 WOULD PARTY WHO TOOK LADIES’ umbrella, with silver handle and mono- gram L. M. J,, from the Westholme The- atre dressing room on the evening of April 27 kindly return same to Mr. J. R, Beatty, Government wharf. 107-08 —_—— music. Z TALKING CHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL Musical Instra- ments repaired. Bows rehaired. The Prince Rupert Mu- sic Store, 845 Sra Ave. u. ‘THREE ATTRACTIVE BOOKLETS ON ROCKIES Caves,” and the - Lions will be Three well written and beauti- fully just been issued by the Dominion iffustrated booklets and “The To the sportsman, the geologist these ing and instructive. FOR RENT TWO HOUSES SIXTH & THOMPSON ST. STRICTLY MODERN CHEAP —APPLY— Pattulle & Radford 2nd Ave. have Glaciers of the Rockies and Selkirks.” tourist, publica- particularly interest- BLUE POINT RESTAURANT Good Clean Meals From 25 Cents Up. Just Give Us a Trial—That’'s All. LAW-BUTLER BUILDING Third Avenue Queen Charlotte Islands Land District Graham Island. TAKE NOTICE that I, Grant of Prince Rupert, hotel man, intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of lands for the Province of British Columbia for & license to prospect for coal and pe troleum: Starting at a post planted two hereof a Fresh Certificate of Title for the above mentioned lots in the name of Wil liam T. Booth, which Certificate of Title is numbered 5821-1, and was issued on May 20th, 1944. H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar. Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B, C., May 4th, 10915, 105- 144 A47 123 The way of the reformer is al- most as hard as that of the trans- gressor, Thorburn, velopment Company has o jan office the C. P. R. offices * * 2 The American schooner submarines maneuvering. London, May 13, dell, of New York, Alfred G, Thoma saw sel was going down. Mr. Vanderbilt, who pened on Fifth Street, next to ¢ Mars came in this forenoon with 15,000 miles west of the northwest corner of Sec-|pounds of halibut. Let them all tion 6, Township 9; thence east 80 chains; | agmet thence south 80 chains; thence west 80 ‘ ° . chains; thence north 80 chains to point of commencement; containing 640 acres, New Wellington Washed Nut. more or less. ip > ; roal o > ~ Dated the #6th day of March, 1015, et The only washed coal on the mar the northwest corner. ket. Phone 116. tf. GRANT THORBURN. i : 112-140 Samuel Horner, Agent. no eeeednaala MAJESTIC THEATRE. Skeena Land District - Queen Charlotte Islands Land District “The Black Box” goes on from Graham Island. - mystery to mystery, and, judging TAKE NOTICE that I, Samuel Horner,| by the crowded houses at The Ma- of Vancouver, prospector, intend to. apply | j..tic every week, it has got the to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for | : te the Province of British Columbia for a li-| publie thoroughly interested, The cense to prospect for coal and petroleum:| 11th episode, showing tonight, is Starting at a post planted two miles west of the southwest corner of Section 7,| Just as good as its predecessors, Township 9; thence east 80 chains; thence “Love, Roses and Trousers” is north 80 chains; thence *~west 80 chains; thence south 80 chains to point of ecom-|a laughable tangle, which, of mencement; containing 640 acres, more OF! Gourse, straightens out beauti- less. a Dated the 16th day of March, 1915, at| fully in the end, “Her Husbands the southwest corner. - is a matrimonial farce, with a 112-140 SAMUEL HORNER, - —l|young man in some awkward cor- IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION a Ween a ; ae for the issue of a fresh Certificate of | UC! and a ivec Appy ever at- Tithe for Lot Six i), Block Four (4) | ter’’ finish. and Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8), Block ; ; ; Twelve (1%), Section One (1), City of The Animated Weekly shows Prince Rupert, Map 923 several views of the Princess NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it is . ae ss "i orls ; , my intention to issue after the expiration Pats in England, the latest in of one month from the first publicationjarmy aeroplanes, and Atmerican VANDERBILT 8S GALLANTRY. nt Sli- said today he Vanderbilt on the deek of the Lusitania as the Ves- eannot ¢ SHOE POLISHES aah ~—See eae Alberta Meat Marke Wh Whi Bre rest eee GIVE us a TRIAL 6th St... Opposite Smith Bik, Phone 208 eRe —— ee POF FOS OPPO Gey 5 FOR TAXI Phone 99 Stand - Hote! Rupert | | SPOT errr Peer & “OOP PPP CCG EG oe ere ree i SOP OPOPD— ODD GS $ BEST QUALITY Domestic ; LUMP COAL $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Delivery Back If Not Satis. factory UNION TRANSFER (0. 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 POPLLILLOLIILILELELELEOPELEID OK, ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' Money DP edetetetteeeieede Surveying and Engineering A. E. WRIGHT Provincial and Dominion Land Surveyor P. O. Box 10 Phone 85 As head of the Chureh of ~~ ee TRENCHES Fouth Avenue FRISE = - — - , ” es PECCRCROL— COREE; ETE FO ORL LObNION ciel — “GETTING THE SOLDIER'S VOTE.”—Cartoon by James Frise. a - so — ——_— = Salvation Army. CORPORATION OF THE city oF eee , poem was equipped with a lif«- Seite a ell } » galls ‘ oy, | : ‘ PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. mn “NEWS ITEMS fet but he gallantly took it | Yhureday and § (8 ps is uly L : "Slide ‘ll said, and placed it|gundays at NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. Saad the body of a young wor. The Public will please note that the The Jame Carruthers came im Then he went off to seek vn- Quality, satis 1 econ City is about to publish a New Telephone ‘ bo i a be ; pa : Directory Please notify the Superintend last ht with 100,000 pound . FY othe r belt The ship sank a f wi omy. New 4 ent of Telephones in writing of any alter halibut. seconds later. Phone 116 63 ations or additions required on or befor¢ * * * trv 1. ¢. puNcaN.,| The Thora, of the Atlin Fish-| 7 1412-13-14 + Telephone Directory.| eries, came in this morning with} eoeccccccenerene LAND NOTICES {0,000 pounds of halibut F ll Th Ki ma ian Cop in Skeena Land District. The Montana Continental De- O OW e England in | I earnestly appeal to all our Church memb noble example set by our King. Many are willing to do so to make their decision definite. but feel the 5 To such I the signing of the following pledge: 1 promise, by God’s help, to abstain from ‘he use of intoxicating liquor as a beverage while the War Ne eee eee ‘ a.) VI Bishop of Cal ropolitan of | . eoceccserernte ea HET wt " ee Hi A i i i cs i ve hh iy : Pure —— oils are the | base of Baby's Own soap. It promotes skin health and prevents skin troubles. ae i ii Hib! Mh 1 ey in Hi = SOAP BABY’S OWN SOAP IS WELL WORTH RU In the interest of your skin, send for some HOW ALBERT GOAPS, LIMITED, Mens, MONTREAL Wii Fle »wer Frag! ance ‘ Natural flowe'' ¥ it Baby's O \ | clinging fragt” it makes its us nG FOR. NNI a pans