THE DAILY NEWS A ON BRI ISH COLUMBIA 7 BRITISH PRESS DEMANDS PROPERTY CONF ISCATION—THE ITALIANS ARE READY nISH PRESS DEMANDS PROPERTY CONFISCATION TATION EMBARRASSING TO BRITISH GOVERNMENT—pPuUB- Lie DEMANOS ONE TREATMENT FOR ALL GeRMANs— RIOTS CONTINU (Special to The Dally News) tondon, May 15 i German-owned vy. valued at a billion dol- inded by the The pul clamor for i] Germans is em- press. one the government. Sir ward Spey ind Sir Edward Germans, and the Privy Couneil, t NORRIS ANNOUNCES NEW MANITOBA CABINET The following ore the details of resignation of the Roblin gov- Manitoba, e News had ednesday: Vinnipeg, May 12—-At 14 o’elock ‘morning the members of Sir imond Robdlin’s goverament led at Government House and sented their resignations per- aly to Sir Douglas Cameren, Governor. After irely formal meeting, in which of which a flash notice on nment Lieute ant ‘igtations were aecepted, int Governor sent for 1. Norris ider of the Liberal Osit ind called upon him; Mr. Nor- honor and ) the Parliament dings, where he met by gentle he had previously Phere at the he change oecur- lt is understood that will or i government, cep di the re. i of a te was cabinet. inembers sters se ats the resign legislature aud its will be filled by 8s without This ma- © opinion of the POrLE@ TS the a contest. * Bive the Liberals a adminis- ‘ working one, so it \t three private Con~] be asked new nbers will seats, has announeed his 4 follows: ind President l. ©. Norris, Publie ohnson, ieneral—aA, |B. of the Nistor I Works hey ( Hud. Ndueation—Dr. R. ‘ecretary and Mu- Ussioner Vv. Win- ) pal (y nh roving | lreasurer Ndw “ Edward \griculture—J, D. Certain), ACK JUDGE UNDER vew BARNES THE ‘ozy Barber Shop HIRD AV BATHS on I cw sabnatihadinnennadinn ~ . -E. CONFECTIONERY loe Cream and Candies Freshly Made "Y Our tee Cream Bricks The confis-{ Refreshments E IN AFRICA. }Both are multi-millionari« und } intimate King | friends of the From Pretoria. Pretoria, May 15 Following the example of the British gov ernment, all alien enemies are be fontein. EHH MAY 24th. : On May D. FB, 24th the I. O will make a collection in aid of the Canadian Red Fund. are urgently the * . * Cross * * hospitals are overcrowded * * * * Funds needed, as as a result of the fighting at Langemarck. SHS EERE S **eeeuevunue BUSINESS MEN TO ENTERTAIN H. S. CLEMENTS There is a feeling amongst the business men in town that they should in some way show their appreciation of the work done by Mr. H. 8. Clements, M. P., in con- nection with the procuring of the new fishing regulations for the Coast. The idea is to entertain Mr Clements to a fish banquet in the the Clements worked city some time during next two weeks. Mr. hard and successfully in the in- terests of Prince Rupert in this matter, and it is very fitting that the business men of tho city should take of returning thanks in appropri- ate form. an early opportunity MANITOBA WOMEN MAY GET VOTES May 15. result certain to Winnipeg, One pretty follow the change in the administration tn Manitoba is the women of granting of the suffrage to Manitoba, a pledge to that effect being em- bodied in the the Liberal party appealed to the The head of the movement then in Manitoba was Mrs. Nellie MeClung, of a number of well known books, platform on which electorate last June. author but who has since removed with her family to Edmonton. VANCOUVER NOTES. (Special to The Daily News.) May 15.—J. ¥. , has been Vancouver, Breckon, water engineer suspended by the Coune il, He is accused of slandering Alderman Enright over the theft of city wa ter pipe. The tax rate 22 mills net, has been fixed at 17TH OF MAY. ing interned. Riots continue at Durbar, Port! ses _ Elizabeth, Kimberley and Bloem- Cook” and “The Master of His House” complete a very fine pro- gram, Wanted—PExperienced — halibut THE CONSTANTINOPLE. SITUATION. Developments here are urgently needed on the point. gf TOops are such Peninsula of Gallipoli are and sent to Midia and Kirk Kilisser also being rushed north from that Turkish reinforcements being recalled to resist invasion from that Adrianople. ITALIAN PEOPLE READY (Special to The Daily News.) Rome, May 15.—A_ general strike has been proclaimed at Mi- lan as a protest against Italy's delay in entering the war. Troops accupy She tity. in onder to pre- vent disorder. The Italian army is concentrat- ed on the Austrian border and the fleet is ready for immediate ac FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION GENERAL STRIKE HAS BEEN EN PROCLAIMED AT MILAN—CROWDS DENOUNCE KAISER—KING WILL LEAVE QUES- TION OF WAR TO PARLIAMENT. tion. King Victor Emmanuel will not exercise his supreme prerog- ative, but will allow Parliament to decide for neutrality or war, Twenty thousand people are crowding around the Austro-Ger- man en bassies in Rome denounc- ing the Kaiser and cheering the Marcera, who “is a -|Garibaldian veteran. new Premier HUNDRED OFFICERS ay GUNS CAPTURED. | (Special to The Daily News.) May 15.—The artillery north of Arras con- Paris, engagement tinues. We Senchez. have advanced 500) yards at During the} week we took twenty guns and over one hundred machine guns and bomb-throwers. The prison-| ers include more than one hun- dred officers. yESTERDAY’ s BASEBALL. Northwestern League. Vancouver, 6; Spokane, 4. Tacoma, 2; Aberdeen, 0. postpon- Seattle-Victoria game ed on account of rain. Coast League. San Francisco, 7; Venice, 5. Los Angeles, 10; Salt Lake, 4. Portland, 0; Oakland, 1. | National League. New York, 3. Brooklyn, 4. Philadelphia, 5. Boston, 4. Cineinnati, 1; Chieago, 19; Pittsburg, 3; St. Louis, 5; MAJESTIC THEATRE. The Majestic presents a great feature entitled “The Hand.” It is a Western real merit, Two first- “That Pssanay Tell Tale drama of Heavenly rate comedies in 315 Second Ave, fisherman Apply Geo, Miiner Local Norwegians will celebrate | the National Day of Norway with MelIntyre | 81.00.) dance in ri ket Ss All weleome, a social and Hall at 9 p. m Empress Cafe UNDER NEW MANAGE- MENT — TRY US PARTY OF MINING MEN IN TOWN F. Bradshaw, C. 8. Ver- Heller, terested in mining going on at Surf Inlet came in on Messrs. rill and C, A. who are in- development ithe George this morning. They are accompanied by Mr. Jonathan Rogers, superintendent of the mine, who is also president of the Vancouver Board of Trade. The party will leave for Surf In- let today. DANISH STEAMER SUNK IN NORTH SEA (Speciai to The Dally News.) London, May 15.—The steamer Martha been pedoed off Aberdeen, twenty-eight was saved. Danish has tor- BAPTIST CHURCH. 10 a.m, Morn- 11 a. m.; subject, “A Obstacles—Doubt.” 7:30 p.m Sunday School, ing worship, Christian's Evening worship, ; sub- ject, “The Christian's Hope.” Scotchmen Are Tallest. Among natives of Great Britain the Scotch average the tallest, the Irish next, then the English and Welsh. Follow the crowd to Cafe. There Majestic Theatre. Self’s Next 102tf. is a reason.. The crew of) MIDNIGHT RAIDING PARTY VISITS VANCOUVER ISLAND PARTY OF WASHINGTON GERMANS SUPPOSED TO HAVE DE- SIGNS ON CANADIAN-AUSTRALIAN CABLE—DRIVEN i OFF BY SENTRY. (Special to The Daily News.) | Vaneouver, May 15.--Germans | from the state of Washington at- {tempted a raid on British Colum- lbia last night. About midnight the raiding party visited Bamfield Cable Station, on the west coast of Vaneouver Island, where the Canada and Aus- tralia is connected. They were driven off by the fire of a sentry and the arrival of the cable between RRR ER EEE * DERNBERG RECALLED * * oon * 7 (Special to The Daily News.) * * Washington, D. C., May * * 15.—Dernburg has been * * recalled as aresultofofi- * * cial intimation of the * * Cabinet's displeasure at * * his speech justifying the * * Lusitania sinking. Bern- * * storff's recay also is ex- * * pected. * 4 eee Ee EE ENQUIRY REGARDING PRINCE RUPERT MAN Ser: SF Rev. W. E. Collison received a the yesterday enquiring as to the next of kin of Bill Mathieson, who left here with the first contingent. “Bill” was a goted shot and a veteran of the South African war, and was of the boys who were transferred to the Princess Pats at Victoria and since going to the front has been on sniping duty. He was born in New Zealand, of Scottish parents, and has a sister in Victoria, B. C. wire from Adjutant General one THIRD AVENUE BARBER SHOP CHANGES HANDS Friends of Roi Barnes and Jack Judge will welcome the news that gentlemen have purchased Barber Charlie Ehling. Both are well known tonsorial these the “Cozy Shop” from artists and should have a big pa- tronage. NOTICE. The the Bakery begs to announce that the manager of Rupert bakery will be closed for two days to allow of the fitting up of a new oven of the latest type. Customers will please note that the delivery of bread will not be interfered with in the slightest, Russia's New Libera! Methods. Pioneer Laundry Third Avenue East Phone 118 We Use the Most Modern Laundry Machinery Built. Come In Any Tuesday or Wednesday and See How We Do It Absolute Satisfaction Is Guaranteed the first made by Russia to Poland is the restoration of the use of the Po- language in the elementary One of eoncessions lish and non-State and colleges. institutions Russian geography and taught in Russian, ondary tory, must be this measure the of the nationalily to Russia, reconciliation secondary schools In non-State sec- his- literature Pub- lic opinion in Petrograd regards as the first step in Polish A launeh had been seen signaling the The government has de- guards. for several days shore. spatched a patrol hoat which will conduct a rigid search of the coast. LACROSSE. Vaneouver, May 15.—The la- crosse season opens today with a game between Vancouver and New Westminster. ALLIES USE RUSE IN DARDANELLES Conceal 2,500 Men on Derelict Collier Which ts Allowed to Go Ashore. 25.—(Cor- respondence via Constantinople) Dardanelles, April —History has duplicated itself on the Plains of Troy, for by a ruse as ingenious as the wooden horse, which gave the crafty Greeks en- trance into the city of Troy, the British sueceeded in getting their first landing party ashore for the land operations against the Dar- danelles. On_the day preceding the land- ing the Turkish patrols notie@d a huge collier, her decks piled high with coal, drifting in apparent helplessness toward the shoals lining the shores near the Plains, of Troy. Finally the big boat struck bottom, and in the twi- light which was falling the crew was seen to take to their boats and row hastily toward the sea, where other ships were evidently eruising. . Feeling certain that the strand- ed vessel would be safe for the night, no attempt was made by the Turks to board her, but when the patrols approached again in the morning they were met by a fire 2,500 British troops, strongly and supported by a battery of fleld ar- These troops had landed the ap- they had decks, rose sharp from entrenched tillery. during the night derelict, concealed below the Then the mist off and disclosed a long line of trans- troops were from parent where been shore which ports, from into small boats, which, the beach pouring landing with from the comparatively few casualties. The Turks rein- foreements with feverish haste and for a time the small landing detachment was in deadly peril of but their position was under cover force, reached summoned extinction, too strong to be taken by assault the Turkish batteries got into action enough troops had and when been safely landed to consolidate the positions won. LONDON CAFE And Grill ALWAYS FIRST CLASS BOXES FOR LADIES Hart Bik. Third Ave.