fay 17, 1915 M al ‘ — THE DAILY NBWS. an ne — LS THE HONORABLE Bos. — - - —- em WEAR == 7 BORDEN’S OFFICIAL “Goay ry 30 eieer 0° 7 | (Continued From Page Iw Shoes hor everyS rt Senate The Senate ae 4 > ett Screen. stvctae mpress Jams Sold by yall Good able.” Quite true. Thi Shoe = Se 7 » : lying his ole as _O e ean A > cxpens oe eae nds een one of progress an ee Met oity tn, role as the other cah- | shout (us ‘and. ‘shi them. the reas COUR | aga a UICC tg evelopment, and of wl et ministers will play theirs | [98 coms today “nt enn a Pore Waccn Son - . ; . as Bob sees it } wilt be amazed ~ wv LL * Liorp tame onsistent grow th in the patrioti - the election campaign he- } — d, AO. ¢ Rowt, I .B., 9 yard of the business j?° °C" en ee - at Bob's speech at Montre m orld. instance Premier Borden very much like the bureta | THE BANK OF tt , disclaim what Bob Rogers} mg he plumber for lea u ys and d t afterw ; d do it afterwards. If e ritish North America window open there is any noble work like kick- , 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS, Ottawa politicians ar rt « Garland out of the party Pre- ‘PITAL AND SURPLUS, 87,884,000. (clined to censure Bob t the 1 ole R i : . i nie forden will be there with RINCE RUPERT BRANCH case he puts up It is not his |, pper-toed boots and will kick | ee . fault that il isn’t a better one. Be- | « ' ; . Pp. MARGETTS, Manager. hard that the vietim will In 2-ib. Tins Sheena La sirict—District of noe nothing is too flimsy to| bounce back as Garland has done st, Range Five, serve as a casus belli, as the war | already For the rest Premier Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior so nonce thet We Europe has already proved. A)Borden will be the heavy father quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- Patt | ny ia more skilled dialectician might|and will speak on a lofty, moral wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire” when buying Soda sas Sees (oe ae 2 plane with an eye to his page in| beforebottling aa Biscuits. the Grand Trunk Pa-|# * # # # # * # HHH HHH HH history =a he Ay yg B4 GUARANTEED BY THE fp = aie‘ Lem temi@ GANADIAN RED CROSS Che Honorable W. ‘T. White | GOVERNMENT of CANADA | They are made in B. C. and your grocer gets his supply es pet «20 . SOClETY ' a frequently and quickly, insuring freshness, which means : will double up in his two favorite . © of less, to the gorth- , ve crispness. Right-of-Way of she|*® Needs more funds to care parts—the Wizard of Finance A i nk Paci Ratlway Company; alon, northerly t ¢ sid Kight-of-Way to pomt of meucel od 06 containing = about ess VILLIAM WATSON. Leave at this office or send * Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. * * eer Se $6-88/% to Dr. Jas. W. Roberts: n, - + * for wounded Canadians at who plucks gold out of the air * * * * the front Will you help? #®jand the Tired Atlas who ecom- * * * 7 * hortheaster|y Manufactured by = RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. C. plains bitterly of the burdens laid nthe government by the ( N. R. Chairman Red Cross So- t, of course, ineluding himself MINERAL acT. me Certificate of improvements. ciety, Ottawa. tf. hem, Homeeane he, ae Ee Sees oeereegese w who says “a plague ¢ 2 Mineral Claims, situate im the Skeena| —s—_ both your houses but sticks to PII IAAI IAAI IAAIAA AAA A AAAI AIAIAA ASIA A AS ASA NA SIASISIA AAAS II bing Div { Cassiar District. +} that hanr } ’n the North Shore of : ee ee eee ee Te . ee SS ween Bonanza end Falls OUT OF TOWN top We pay particular attention t Major General Sam Hughes will a! c= E, eo) ICE that |, George R. Naden, out-of-town orders and carry al i ™ 3 2 4 feate No. 50353R, act- kinds of sash-doors and molding; be the plain, blunt man who loves SS Ads Thomas McKostie, Free also plate and sheet glass. Ou ihis friends and sees that any pa- as c ny YY . , Heate No. 803848B, and James plant is equipped to carry out any : ove Ae , a S %, Miner's Certificate No. kind of work. Write us for ful triot who went to school with him ea. ee ay. : sixty days from the information and advice. gets 10 per cent off the top. mah G Sa e ea - e reo, lo apply to the Mining Re- | Ste ‘ ' for 4 Certificate of Improve- en Se | Doctor Reid will be Bob's right we re — nenente of F » for the purpese of obtaining a P. 0. Box 448—Phone Green 269 hower and the Hon. Frank Coch- ye Gun Seay Rave inde b Grant of the above el ; Bf : ja universal favorite. Its useis {further take notices thet ection, wa- |—— __ a5 eres oo rane his left, neither of them | —j beneficial to any skin. 4-413 é 3 ‘ a 0 57, must be commenced before , | whirlwind speakers but both Na-| & ; ‘ve of such Certificate of Improve- ! . MATING S jpoleons with Ontario in the hol- — : 1 this 15th day of Mareh, A. D. NERVINE POWDERS . How of their hands. Se gate | And so on through the list. All will appear in their favorite roles GBO. R, NADEN. ICE TO DELINQUENT ©O- Circulation Guaranteed but the Honorable Bob, as the : Claims, situated at the na es Arm about three- - a | the beach, in the Sree. h cop U8 Distriet, Province of 4 y- have done the required » O) Sork on the above mentioned : ar 1914, amounting to i ‘0 hold the same wu 90 4 © Mineral Act, and if Ss the publicatton of this ; ae ’ refuse to contribute such expenditure, to- ts of this advertise- ‘st ip the said mineral ine the property of the OWNER, villain in the play, will get most : ‘st UNSON, Of 10 aay per. of the cat-calls. ne eae ig ted you wera? ana a ibaa ‘a s ritis olum F i ike Gold Ainge Nee tend Coughing scatters germs day —— Address JOHN HALLAM “''"£2 Toronto —One tria! will convince you that asure and safe remedy for any headache is at your service in MATHIEU’S Nervine Powders 18 in a box, 25c. Sold everywhere. if your dealer does not sell them we mati box on receipt of price, 25c. J.L.MATHIEU CO, Props. Stop it Coughing increases the irritation of the already in- flamed mucuous mem branes and is moreover apt to carry disease to others, Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil promptly stops coughing, ta soon, thanks SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY NEWS a —appeninont>aiaeane Largest Circula- $ THERE } Three quarters signed et An hent “fel of $900." — SHERBROOKE, P.@. to its tonic ee effects FRERERE REE PERE R ERE R EMER ERM ° T. H. Co b 6-5-0 | a permanent cure, he IS the local Ad- ed at ° , 6 he wonderful popularity ‘ FIRE ALARM SYSTEM tion means t ot 4 vce Rupert, B. C., January of Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar 5 ss se ° ® _ and Cod Liver Ouisepecially — @ | § pe Best Advertising § } verticing is done ‘ai - due to its great value as a | CIRCUIT NO. 1 e } , . Wate. permanent lung and bron- | Nia = Medium a REASON in the DailyNews Gox 125th St. and Sra Ave. * ? chial healer. Sold everywhere, 35¢ large bottles. J. L. MATHIEU CO.,, Prop. Sherbrooke, P.Q. For headaches wee Mathiews Nervine Powders these are ae ise bo Ase the nd pats wh often accompany Aisa. “goes ban of 10 ponders : qr Box 136th St. and Srd Ave. Box 14--8th St. and Srd Ave. Box 16—Junction of ist, 2nd and Srd Aves, Box 16.—ist Ave, between 8th and Oth Sts, (Knox Hotel.) Bou 17——ist Ave. and 7th St (Cen tral Hovel.) THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMITED S.S. VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. 8. : ailings fop GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT ; CIRCUIT NO. 2. MIDNIGHT Box 22—3rd Ave. and 8rd St, —————=== For Further Particulars Apply to ae os . a McBride 8 Prince Rupert’ » a — ve. an t PHONE 568 JOMN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. s Box 24.ist Ave. and McBride 8&1. AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS esr ee tn Are aad ih Bt Leading Paper! Pe tereooe oe Box 6. T. P. en, CIRCUIT NO, 8. Orroroo ege, Box 31 5th Ave. and Pultoo 8. Box 32 Borden and Taylor Sts. Box 347th Ave. and Fulton 8t. ‘ ‘ Box 360th Ave. and Comox Ave. ea Box 87—-8th Ave. and Dodge Pl. © © r Box 38- posit oly et —— 2c fcscs|| THE DAILY NEWS’ PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. en re tee ceuctiy wih the WE | E ox 488)0 Ave. and Green tk. of Cloth Festeotp, yan Ge : A 4. BURROUGHS, Manager SAME Se 60-2 Ave O08 BaD S Ave Bos 46-—Jih Ave. and - —— %. PRINCE mman-08 Box 141-—70h Ave. and Young St, 28 Branch Yard here roth tn tweet * Perse,