THE DAILY NEWS M ————E————————_—7=_ SS “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. New FOR RENT—Large well-furnished rooms. Close In, Phone Black 203. 10-16 FOR RENT—Ptirnished bedroom for two, with sitting room, with stove, bath, light and phone; $10.00 per month. Close in, Apply Box 108, The News. Ww. RENT — Furnished houseboqgtns a Inquire Demers. -e. WANTED WANTED—General servant. Apply Mrs. O'Reilly, 722, Fifth Ave. W. a wf. WANTED—Companion in exchange for comfortable home. Apply P. 0. Box 547. 110-114 LosT LOST—Pair of gold-rimmed eye-glasses, between Presbyterian Chureh and Third Avenue, on May 2 Leave at Daily News. it. FCR SALE FOR SALE—Furniture of four rooms com- plete, Cost $1,000.00 What offers? Apply Box 106, Daily News. FOR SALE—Range, 2 bureaus, 3 beds, chairs, carpets, sewing machine, wash- ing machine, etc. Cheap. Apply even- ings, 210 Ninth Ave. West. wf. FOR SALE—Lot 7, Bik. 1, Sec.1, for $1,500 cash. A good bargain for a prompt buyer. Apply Oscar Leduc, P. O. Box 1385, Montreal. 101-07-13-19 WOULD PARTY WHO TOOK LADIES’ umbrella, with silwer handle and mono- gram L. M. J., from the Westholme The- atre dressing room on the evening of April 27 kindly return same to Mr. J. R. Beatty, Government wharf. 107-08 music. TALKING CHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL Musical. Instru- ments repaired. Bows rehaired. The Prince Rupert Mu- sic Store, 345 «3rd ave. t#. FOR RENT tf.) chased ket, river last nighte A. M. Manson returned from Ha- zelton last night. s . * The City of Seattie leaves for the South tonight. ee ae Dr. Gilroy left this morning on a trip to Grand Forks 8 2 Mrs. A. H. Wallace, of Tel- kwa. left for Victoria on the George. . . s Mrs. Holbeach left on the May last night on a holiday trip to Vancouver. * * * G. Helgerson, Ltd., have pur- the of Measrs Bainter & Collart. e ¢ H. business . Don- the WwW. nelly T. Donnelly and Mrs. returned south = on George this morning. eS Dr. Wesbrook, president of the of British came in from the east last night. University Columbia ae ee W. H. MeTavish, who is in town from Ottawa, will proceed to Port Simpson on government sur- vey work. oe Prince Rupert Football Asso- ciation meeting tonight at 8:50 in the St. Andrew's Society rooms. All delegates attendance. requested to be in 4. hs chief engineer of the G. Heaman, assistant to the =. Pom Winnipeg, left on the George to- day, accompanied by Messrs. Me- TWO HOUSES SIXTH & THOMPSON ST. STRICTLY MODERN CHEAP —APPLY— Pattullo & Radferd 2nd Ave. f BLUE POINT RESTAURANT Up. Just Give Us a Trial—That’s All. LAW-BUTLER BUILDING Third Avenue ood CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. COOKING, ETC., BY ELECTRICITY. All Light Consumers wishing to get the Power Rate on Cooking Appliances must call at the Light Department Office, and make application in order to get reduction in rate. It is also necessary to inform the Department of the additional load, for pro- tection against risk of Fire, through in- adequate wiring, fuses and meters. T. C. DUNCAN, 114-16 Light Superintendent. LAND NOTICES Skeena Land District. Queen Charlotte Islands Land District—- Graham Island. TAKE NOTICE that I, Grant Thorburn, of Prince Rupert, hotel man, Intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of lands for the Province of British Columbia for @ license to prospect for coal and pe troleum: Starting at a post planted two miles west of the northwest corner of Sec- tion 6, Township 9; thence east 80 chains; thence south 80 chains; thence west 80 chains; thence north 80 chains t point of commencement; containing 640 acres, more or less. Dated the 16th day of March, 1915, at the northwest corner. GRANT THORBURN, Samuel Horner, Agent. 112-140 Skeena Land District. Queen Charlotte Islands Land District— Graham Island. TAKE NOTICE that I, Samuel Horner, of Vancouver, prospector, intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for the Provinee of British Columbia for a H- ecense to prospect for coal and petroleum: Starting at & post planted two miles west of the southwest corner of Section 7 Township 0; thence east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains; thence west 80 chains; thence south 80 chains to wolnt of com- mencement; containing 640 acres, more or Dated the 16th day of Mareh, 1915, at the southwest corner, 112-140 SAMURL HORNER. Gaffin and Birkey, railroad con- tractors. ee ¢@ There is rumor around town that Knott and Clifton are still interested in the La Casse Bak- ery. “Mr. Lacasse informs The News that he is sole owner of this business. NEW OPERA HOUSE FOR PRINCE RUPERT (Continued From Page One.) ating with Mr. E. G. Hart, of San- Francisco, in drawing up the The latter a nephew of Mr. F. W. Hart, and one of San Francisco's prominent plans, gentleman is architects. Speaking of nephews, Mr. Hart has another, who is editor of the Willamina and author of a book of poems en- titled of Gleam.” Mr. Hart's old friends wil! wish him every success in his new en- (Oregon) Times, “Glimpses Gloom and terprise. MAJESTIC THEATRE. Tonight and tomorrow concert nights at The Majestic. The program includes a two-reel sensational Biograph photoplay entitled “Dwellers in Houses”; a great drama in “The Stage Coach Driver and the Girl": ‘A Pipe Dream,” a comedy, and a burlesque entitled “The Fable of are Glass that he was undér contract to This case has been the sensatio wh BENNY KAUFF The Federal League outfielder Giants and was returned by them to Brooklyn when it was found to jumped Les then indefinitely suspended by President Gilmore, of the Federa of the baseball } | | i New York the Kauff was gue world SUPT. W. C. C. MEHAN’S JURISDICTION HAS BEEN | the Bachelor and the Back Pedal.” ‘ |\GREENWOOD BOY KILLED AT YPRES 5 a. m., May 17, 1915 BAPOmeter 2, cc cssircesecd ; ban | Bar. tei: 6 Civ wil 6.0 Min. COMIPs os cb ewes cee es 12.0 OLD FRIENDS BACK AGAIN. = ee | | | Alb ' ’ ries k ' 5 Two more American hatibut erla Mea { k LOCAL NEWS ITEM arebe schooners came in Saturday. The = | ar et i Wellington Washed Nut Samson had a eateh = of 14,000 Whi | The only washed coal on the mar pounds and the Morenger 18.000 Why i Phone 116. tf pounds a > . . a ——— = F. H. Mobley returned from up- THE WEATHER ~ _ US A TRIAL } | = Opposite Smith Bik i Phor , ee By F. W. Dowling, Observer, fe 208 FOR TAXI Phone 99 Mr. and Mrs. BE. A. Mann re turned from Toronto last night and will occupy their old home | Stand - Hotel Rupert m Summit Avenue OOP Oep bee POC PIDO DOD DD OG Mr. Mann, who was a popular member of C, H. Orme'’s staff, re | -~ ore cently sat for his finals in pharm i$ BEST QUALITY Domest icy at Toronto University \« LUMP ae) ot . COAL Salvation Army. LU —---- $9.50 per Ton — Cash 9 Public ineetings, Tuesday Delivery Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m Sundays at 7:30 p.m. Money i o if Not Sati: - actory Quality, satisfaction and econ- ] omy. New Wellington Coal. UNION ERANSFER (( Phone 116. ostt oo oo \ = As head of the Church of POPPPL IOP LPL PLP PLOOOOPEOPOLOOS — PEOPOPOPDODOO Follow The King England in B EXTENDED TO EDMONTON Old-timers formerly living in I earnestly appeal to all our’Church memb« [Ni Ison and Boundary Creek dis- noble example set by our King. Intimafion has just been re- ae will eget hon pee “ , ae willing to do so coi a zance Corporal Sidney Iver, OT © make their decision definite. To such \ ceived from Mr. Morley Donald- Greenwood. B. C., late of Derby the signing of the following pledge: son, vice president and general /.nj-e, England, was killed at}e ..... oo. cc cceccccceccce ceucscecce: manager of the Grand Trunk |Ypr whilst fighting in the 47th 1 promise, by God’s help, to abstain from the use Pacific Railway, that, from June 1, | Battalion. intoxicating tiquor as a beverage while the War lasts the jurisdiction of Mr. W. C. C oe a : ; siete. easel Aermintiindees MANY VISITORS. Signature hain oss, cats a be beweee Prince Rupert, B. C., will be ex- ae es : a tended to include the territory \ large number of visitors came eareee. OF “ated between Prince George B. C., andjin on the train last night —— reeerooeen North Edmonton, Alta. Amongst them were the following = Citizens of Prince Rupert, andjWho registered at the Hotel business and railroad men gen- | Prince Rupert: J McAlveen, —— erally, will be pleased to learn of | Vancouver; A. C. Spence, Winni- bit i tia ae this recognition from headquar-| pes; R. P. Suvers, Chicago; A. hi Hi ters of the administrative ability' Lemmon, Winnipeg; L. J. McAl- HHH i} i of the genial superintendent. jlister, New York City; H. E. Walk- ler, Teikwa; B. Lang, Seattle; 8. he iF . | Haynes, Seward, Alaska; W. M. aT “ay FOR RENT | Knapp, Edmonton; E, L. Slade, rh UIfi Edmonton; W. H. MeTavish, Ot- 5 Summer Cott At Terrace tawa; A. C. Ward, Edmonton; 8. “alt i | iD. Murphy, Smithers; T. F. Gav- PH MAAN ages in, Edmonton; J. H. Grierson, Hi WV fee “ Five-Room Cottage, with Edmonton; J. A. Thompson, Van- Higa et heater, Majestic range, wa- eouver. ar hh ter connections, bath, gar- iia thc laa Hit den and lawn—$20.00 per YESTERDAY'S BASEGALL. month. Same house “furnished Northwestern League. $25.00 per month. Spokane, Vancouver, 2. New 4-Room Cottage, cab- Vancouver 19; Spokane, 3. inet kitchen, water inside, Second game blinds and screens furnished Tacoma, 2: Aberdeen, 6 —$15.00 per month. Victoria, 1; Seattle, 0. Two-Room .Houses .fur- Victoria leads the league. nished—-$10.00 per month. National League. All have sidewalks. St. Louis, 2; Philadelphia, 11. —_- Chicago, 0; New York, 10. GEO. LITTLE, Terrace. Cineinnati, 1; Brooklyn, 7. — Pittsburg, 10; Boston, 6. Absolute p Flower American League. Purity A Fragrance a. wnian pee eee Pare vegetable ola are the | Naturales 95 Provincial and Dominion Boston, 5; Detroit, 2. pase of Baby 9 Own seep. | to = Tienes which oe-F> It promotes skin health and | clinging ''4s .. Land Surveyor Philadelphia, 4; St. Lonis, 6. prevents skin troubles. makes its use 5° |) Surveying: and Gnainesriong Crt keg” BABY’S OWN SOAP IS WELL WORTH RUNNING FO! P. O. Box 10 Phone 85 San Francisco, 6; Venice, 4. In the interest of your skin, send for some now Sold ev a Fouth Avenue Portiand, 1; Oakland, 8. ALBERT GOAPS, LIMITED, Mra, MONTREAL i —= Los Angeles, 13; Sait Lake, 12, ee aaa — - —— BLACK WHITE .TAN rT Whether the Shoes be Black, White or Tan — 2 in 1 Gives the Shine that Won't Come O/f on the Clothes — Brilliant — Lasting. The “Easy-Opening” Box, 10c. THE F. F. DALLEY CO., LTD., BUFFALO, N. ¥., HAMILTON, CAN. SET ee