Mas | VETERAN WHO WAS", he wirli LORD ROBERTS ow With Rhewmatism—But ay “ Fruit-a-tives”, , Aprit ard, rong. of the C rimean War 'M tiny, volunteering llery into the Royal rved under Lord he Indian Mutiny, weer of the British Fierce hand-to-hand | continual exposure left from Rheumatistm, it my legs swelled up, sible for me to walk. They cured me of mand Constipation, employment, I walk a day and enjoy perfect Laid | Cured 4 tORGR WALKER. r £2.50, trial size, a5e- ent on receipt of es Limited, Ottawa. Safety First” is the slogan of Business” VER 75 years of Banking in Canada, has demonstrated e strength, security, fety and service of The ank of British North merica. The history of is bank for over three- arters of a century has en one of progress and velopment, and of nsistent growth in the gard of the business orld. THE BANK OF ritsh North America 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS, PITAL AND SURPLUS, 87,884,000. INCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager. keena Land District District ot sige Five, KE ON I Willem’ Watson, of t pation Contractor, in- y ermission to lease the sndse:——-Commencing at nied the portherly limit of {-Wa the Grand Trunk Pa- hallway Company, and about 36 chains sierly frot Mile 84, east from B ; thenee north 20 west 20 chains; thence or less, to the north- Kight-of-Way of the k Pa Kallwe, Compan. theast —_ norther y said Kight-of-Way to npomnt of containing about ss WILLIAM WATSON, ‘ hains, m MINERAL ACT. Certificate of improvements. NOTICE. stake No. 1, and Sun- a sin situate ID the Skeens g Div { Cassiar District. t 4 o the North Shore of Bay | ‘cen Bonanza and Falls “1, George R. Naden, ate No. 50353 act- Agent thomas MeHKostie, Free ‘ : ‘o. 80348B, and James ] Miner's Certificate No. i sixty days from the re ', \ apply to the Mining Re- r a crufcate of Improve- 4 pose of obtaining «4 ot of the above claims, furt se Botlce that action, un- ‘cust be commenced before crlfcate of improve- ut h day of March, A. D. IENRY GBO. R. NADEN. . -E TO DELINQUENT CO- OWNER. iNSON, or to ve whoty veg "na , ! i\lerests, Notice igned te-0 |. with hing No. 4" and the | Claims, situated at the Arm ut . ° . a the beach, in the : * Disteiet, Province of , ‘4, have done the trea os | the above mentioned : ir 1014, amounting to . hold the same under ve © Mineral Act, and if , the publicatton of this r refuse to contribute ch expenditure, to- sis of this advertise- ‘| ip the said mineral (he preperty of the 4 section 4 of the Min- - it Act of 1900, tT. H. B. C., ur Rupert, ti January Pees ene. 9, 1915 THE MATTER OF a Ay the jee fa Title for Lot Six j k and Lots seven 7 nd Fight Twelve i9 THE DAILY NRWS, ees ———--—— ~ SECOND PATRIOTIC FUND. : nounts MATHIBUS NERVINE POWDERS |* Why Endure Headaches? —One tria! will convince you that asure and safe remedy for any headache Is at your service In MATHIEU’S Nervine Powders 18 tn a box, 25c. Sold everywhere. If your dealer does not se!! them we mail box on receipt of price, 25c. J.L.MATHIEU CO. Props. SHERBROOKE, Pa. 6-5-0. ADVERTISE IN ——— - HE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C. LIMITED 8.8. VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. “ings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT For Further Particulars Apply to HONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS OP rree a "Prose LUMBER SHINGL , MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A 4 BURROUGHS, Manager : Ave. ang MoBride w PHONE 25 er. *teee oer eee. o PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0 Granch Yard at Smithers THE DAILY NEWS: Superintendent of Insti NOTICE. | Friends of Roi Barnes and | Judge will welcome the these gentlemen the ‘‘ Barber i}Charlie Ehling. Both are LOoZy Shop” well artists and should have a big pa- Coughing scatters germs —Stop it increases Coughing disease to others. Cod Liver O8 premeetiy or stops coughing, and soon thant a permanent cure, due to its permanent chial healer. bottles. J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop., Sher brooke, P.Q. 4-tts news that have purchased known tonsorial the irritation of the already in- flamed mucuous membranes and is moreover apt to carry Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and to its tonie properties, effects She wonderful popularity of Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil is specially great value as a foes and bron- Sold everywhere, 35¢ large | have j d by the i Ts" | Prince Rupert Map 09 / 6 oe NOTICE 18 NERERY GIVEN that Institutes of the ; My intention to 1© after the expira iy h Columbia for of one month from the first pus ‘ 1045 | hereof a Preah Certificate ‘7 : ; ’ _-- | ‘ above mentioned lots in uo a \ Farmers’ j e name W ‘ rs’ 1 iam T. Booth, whieh Certificat f Ti netitutes. numbered 5821-1, and : DOUP cosets 8 12.00) ; ' ed on Ma 20th, 1014 Q 00 H. PF. MACLEOD iramate .... Soe