\ Legisiative Library THE DAILY NEWS ———————— ME ABLAZE WITH EXCITEMENT—THE ALLIES ARE = ——s PRINCE RI PERT, , THU RSDAY, MAY , 1915 i SQUITH FORMS COALITION GOVERNMENT EMIER ASQUITH FORMS . POLITICAL DIFFERENCES SERIOUS BUSINESS—RT. COALITION GOVERNMENT PUT AWAY IN FACE OF MORE HON. A. J. BALFOUR TO ASSIST LORD FISHER. (Special to The Dally Newe) Premier As- ced that there zation of his partisan lines. M announcement there to is stry 1s the ex- as It George, ide =e { f the Exche- rd Kitehener at i that A. J. wal-{' at RMAN SPY SUICIDES IN JAIL (Special to The Dally Newe,) i May Anton Kuep- f Brooklyn, who was un- 1 German spy, ead in Brixton ced himself in| ESTERDAY'S BASEBALL. Northwestern League. { 3. \berdeen, 4. tle game called mane, f rain. National League. igo, 1; New York, 5. uf trooklyn, 2. I Philadelphia, 0 &, 7; Boston, 0, American League. adel pt 7; Chicago, 9. t Cleveland, 5, a !; Detroit, 3. shing St Louis game d Coast League. ; I 1; Salt Lake, 2. Ang 7; Oakland, 3, W crowd to Self’s rh Ss a reason.. Next ic Theatre 102tf. WO MOOR OOOOOT JESTHOLM YO NIGHTS ONLY! Starting MONDAY, MAY 24th The Famous Juvenile BOSTONIANS ,, MONDAY EVENING delightful Japanese Operetta, “FANTANA” esd 4Y Evening—The up- four will assist Lord Fisher at th — It is reported that A. Bonar {Law will be slated Chancellor of | the Exchequer, and that Winst | Churehill will be made Secretary for India and Austen Chamberlain a PRICE FIVE eine -_—— = = ————— = USING GASES EF FECTIVELY [APPRECIATION OF RUPERT'S GENEROSITY following letter from of the ss Society speaks fo the iver branch Cana- L McIntosh, rreasurer Red Cross Commit- ALLIES USING GASES GERMANS POISON YPRES. (Special to > The , Baity News) London, May 20. The Allies as the | suceess, | Tt has been discovered that the | ROME FEVERISHLY EXCITED — ITALY’S DEMANDS MEAN WAR CONVENES—ITALY ASKS are now using gases with grea r creat! Rome IS ABLAZE WITH EXCITEMENT WHEN PARLIAMENT winds are usually; 1. . ; jin their favor. i SLICE OF TERRITORY. i tee, Prince Resell, MG: Germans have poisoned the wo (Special to The Daily News.) Dear Mrs. McIntosh,—I beg oe the River Ypres with! Rome, May 20—The city is ul wwledge receipt of your let] a Prk lablaze with excitement on the of May 10, together with the | GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP l conveatue of Parliament. Italy's losed draft for 850, being a do- ition from the Girl’s Branch of the Daughters of the Empire in | Colonial Secretary. Jol Red-|aid of our fund. I wish to express |mond has refused a portfolio in ito you on behalf of our society jthe new cabinet jour grateful thanks and appreci- It is believed that some meas- Jation for this donation and other ure of conscription will follow | donations which you have sent to this rearrangement lus in the past As requested by AMERICAN STEAMER (Special to > The Oe Dally News) Philadelphia, May 20.—The American steamer Wico O, from | Stockholm, reports having sunk a Her lsubmarine in the North Sea ' j | propellor was broken and her hull | damaged in the encounter FIELD DAY SATURDAY FOR RED CROSS FUND | | A great campaign has been or- ganized for Saturday to raise funds for the Red Cross Society Prince Rupert, in the past, has j} done its share generously, and the | same high standard must be kept lup. boys tak- ing our places in the trenches, we do to aid them Every So long as there are must everything possible in the struggle. cannot handle a gun in France, but and child can help in some way to man every man, woman, relieve the sufferings of the boys who are wounded, In addition to the basket lection by the ladies on Saturday, there will be an open-air concert in the evening between 6 and 8 o'clock. The program will in- clude a male choir of twenty voices, music by the band, and short talks by Rev. H. R. Grant, Wm. Manson, M. P. P.; T. D. Pat- tullo and G. W. Morrow. There will also be some surprise fea- tures not yet announced. COPPER. The output of copper for this month is expected to total 100,- 000,000 pounds, There is a slight slackening in but prices the immediate demand, maintain their high standard, and there is a call for big deliveries for 1946. Refiners are not in- clined to sell for forward deliv- ery.—Dun's Review. Low thy minute n 2 onal ee THE WEATHER TPPERAR By F. W. Dowling, Observer. Y MARY” 5 a. m., May 20, 1915. CES 50 and 75. Barometer ...eeeerereere eh 29,759 es, $4 0 hea seats Max. temp. ...eeeererrrre 70 “we at Orme's Drug Store Min, temp. ..ccseeeeee ss ORO Rainfall ..ce eect eevrer’ 23 eeeconene ——— - _ K Jupae VNDER New RO! BARNES Geo. Milner Jos, Raatz i THE 4 C fi aye zy Barber Shop Fempress BATHS . RO ay ALDER BLK. oe wre UNDER NEW MANAGE- MENT — TRY US SINKS SUBMARINE =""" °! °°") u, this money will be forwarded i Ito headquarters at Toronto. We mtributions that we receive to headquarters and retain here only such donations is are ear-marked for the spe- cifie purpose of purchasing mate- rials locally. course, I rupper Charles of your am conveying to Sir the contained your let- in his bereavement and T am expression sympathy in ter sending a letter to Sir Charles. Yours faithfully, ISRAEL I. RUBINOWITZ, Secretary-Treasurer. B. C., May 14, 1945. Vancouver, AUSTRIAN FLEET READY FOR ACTION (Special to The Daily News.) Paris, May 20. The Austrian fleet has left Pola and will bom- bard Venice on the outbreak of war, THEATRE BENEFIT Through the courtesy of Mr. Albert, proprietor of the West- holme Theatre. Friday's night's show will take the form of a bene- fit in aid of the Red Cross fund. This still tunity to help the boys who are for you in the trenches, another oppor- is suffering Solicitor Peters that is reported missing, re- Jack Gity has ceived a wire his son XRD * RED CROSS FUND * * MAY 22nd. * ix * * — ix On Thursday, Friday * * The 1. O. D, BE. will make *\% and Saturday Mrs. Demers * * a collection for the Red *)® will place her entire stock * \* Cross fund on Saturday. */* on the market at cost, * * The ladies are working */* plus 10 per cent, The 10 * * hard in this great cause, */)® per cent will go to the Red * * and it is the duty of all to ®lm QGposs Fund of the LO.D.E. # * help them along. *\+ Mrs. Demers will take * * Funds are urgently */# no proft whatever, and * * needed, and it is up to ®lm will give the services of * \* those who remain at home *)® her staff free. Such apa- * '* (o do all they ean to aid */® triotic movement deserves * | the wounded who bavg *l* the hearty support of * iw fallen for the Empire. *l* everyone in the city, * jovseceseesonosene HERE E KERR ERR RED The total amount which we jhave received from you, which I presume would be in the neigh- borhood of $1,000, is the largest amount that we have received from any town in this province and it reflects credibly upon the} patriotism and generosity of the people of Prince Rupert, IT shall} make acknowledgment in due FOR RED CROSS FUND DEBATE SUNDAY NIGHT | “Gov- in -_ ws in the basement of the Hel-| ck, on Sunday night at! There will be a debate on ernment 8. Hall, gerson Bl Ownership” 8 p. m The leaders will be Alderman Montgomery and Alderman Casey. It will be a real good debate, as | | both gift of saying just what they want to say frills. gentlemen have the without any unnecessary | LARGE INCREASE IN WHEAT ACREAGE In the monthly statistics for April, issued by the Department lof Trade and Commerce of the wvernment, Saskatche- i}wap is credited with having an in- year of (Dominion ge lereased wheat area this j 750,000 acres. With an assured increase in jwheat area in the other Prairie | provinces, Canada's crop. this vear should, if all goes well, be a lrecord. With war prices for iwheat, the Canadian farmer is go- ing to benefit tremendously and the rest of the Dominion with jhim. SOx. ‘ ‘ In answer tothe Red Cross ap- peal for sox by Empire Day, the 1.0. D. E. are sending off a bale on Tuesday and will be grateful for all donations, either hand-knit They of yarn, and on them. or woven: should be heavy gray have the size D. EK. separately, Receiving centre, washed, rhe lL. O will also forward parcels sent in by other soci- Mrs. Me- éties, {Mullin, Seeond Avenue. AUSTRALIAN COMMANDER WOUNDED AT GALLIPOLI (Special to The Dally News ) London, May 20.—-General Sir Wm. Birdwood, commander in | lchief of the Australian forees, | heads a list of 900 wounded in the Gallipoli operations, of Massett, has the front, ile was a rancher on the north beach lof the island and left for England last September, Lewen Tugwell, at been wounded RR Rw | rr } j | demands are the ces- of the of Trento and the eastern part of sion entire province |Frieuli as far south as Nabresina, including Trieste, Capodistria, and Pirano, the whole to be formed into a new state, inde- pendent from Austria. Italy also asks for the ceding to her of the islands off lower Dal- matia; the abandonment of Aus- trian interests in Albania, and ac- of Italian sover- eignty over Aviona, King Victor Emmanuel has par- doned the railway employees pun- ished during the May, 1914, strike. The authorities at have been instructed to detain all Ger- man steamers interned there. knowledgment Genoa BRITISH SUBMARINE PENETRATES BALTIC (Special to The Daily News.) Petrograd, May 20.—A British submarine has penetrated the Baltic and torpedoed a German transport off Libau. GOOD SHOW AT MAJESTIC THEATRE “The Black Box” is moving along. Sanford Quest is now chasing his quarry over India. A long, stern chase is the life of a “movie” serial, and Quest is doing some world-wide chasing. “By the Sun’s Rays” is a real old- time Western drama with plenty of thrill, and “Alkali Ike” appears in of the comedies which have made him famous. The management of The Majes- a great two-reel comedy for Friday In order that all may laughter-maker one tic announces Chaplin and Saturday. this great there will be three shows Friday The first evening see and Saturday. performance will start at 6:45. _| FRENCH FARMING IN WAR TIME The aged peasants of France, assisted by women and children, have been diligently working on the farms wherever opportunity offered, so that spring finds the whole ex- cept those strips the trenches of the opposing armies, cultivation, Nearly all of the available land has been planted, and along the front held by the British army are thousands of acres of wheat, some of it al- ready than inch high. Franee is duplicating the intense farming idea of the Germans, agricultural country, between under more an es Aid of the Presby- Chureh will hold an Em- pire tea the Chureh Hall, Fourth Avenue East, from 3 to 6 p. on Friday, May 24. A sale of home cooking, sewing and childrens’ wear There will be an exeellent musical program, The Ladies’ terian in mi. plain will be held 4116-7-8 LONDON CAFE And Grill ALWAYS FIRST cuass ; BOXES FOR LADIES Hart Bik. Third Ave. WONDERFUL VIEWS OF NORTH AMERICAN ALPS The Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- way Company has just issued two magnificent booklets. They are “The North American Alps” and “California, 1915.” Both are splendid specimens of the print- er’s art, and are profusely illus- trated with beautifully clear half- tones. “The North American Alps” is a wonderful scenic picture gal- lery, which will surprise even the people of the North. The G, T. P. are sparing neither trouble nor expense in bringing the features of this northern fairyland before the eyes of the world, and deserve every credit for their enterprise. “California, 1915" is an illus- trated guide to the Panama-Paci- fie exposition, showing how the tourist should get there and de- scribing the various features of the fair. F. W. Hart will call for tend- ers tomorrow for the removal of the muskeg from the site of the new Hart Opera House. WESTHOLME THEATRE M. Alberts, Vv. ©. Knowles, The Westhoime Theatre will open TONIGHT under the above management and will present as an Opening Attrac- tion the beautiful five-reel film entitled * DAVID HARUM” This feature has drawn very large audiences wherever shown, and ts one of the finest series of pletures ever shown in Prinee Rupert. In additfon to this there will be a fine Gazette, Do Not Miss Thies Star Attraction. Coming Shortly——“THE BSRITION ARMY"—A five reel feature which was shown before the King. Prices 10 and 15¢ Boxes 25c Pioneer Laundry Third Avenue East Phone 118 We Use the Most Modern Laundry Machinery Built. Come In Any Tuesday or Wednesday and See How We Do It Absolute Satisfaction Is