M THE DAILY NEWS iy, ‘i zi ei > ——— = ss i o0eeee - Quality, satisfaction and econ. CORPORATION OFT GERMAN-CANADIANS xX ony. New Wellington Goal. PRINCE RUPERT a oy OF “ ‘ ” IN HE / J: j ] ER BO Phene 116, 63tt. | The Daily News” j SEEK NATURALIZATION ] iiniieaal maa enna o $ POPOOO PEPE EEL OEFE ie hon CORPORATION oF THE CITY OF 7th 104 " f w : oved at one time ane ) j ‘ CLASSIFIED ADS. Ottawa, May 20.—Strangely|tditor, The Daily News: the ved hae ten | PRINCE RUPERT. the layt g } . ; . 4 the hate now for no ove ASOT | Atlans Paseng: : ‘An ear Sir,—-Will you kindly al hey tial on enough, the bulk of the applica Des . : that e bears a German assage = W oe ME en bei i at the Secre. |!ow me a small space in your pa-[than tha she bea COOKING, ETC., BY ELECTRICITY. AS cables will | , . aceVve f . - ° > 0 p ; . FOR RENT tions being rec = er in reply to Miss Elsie Nau rine all — Consumers wishing ” wet the re : at j Se aeons a agen eT did tary of State’s office for natural- sf | . amed with Power Rate on Cooking Appliances must|date do « at al FOR RENT—Large well-furnished rooms. aa , man's letter. Fortunately, T am nan call at the Light Department Omee, and \\ I RM Close in. Phone Black 293. 10-16 ization under the new Imperial : : at I Russian name, for I was born in| make application in order to get reduction | 116-190 MASON . a for two . : — It is with great sorrow tha alt ‘oud of hav.|it hate. It is also necessary to inform the i Enginees se Bayer omg ty bath, Naturalization Act are from Ger- speak of this case at the present | Russia and T am proue 7 “| peparument of the adaitiona lon, for pro a ’ . , . of ef i self Al wetk inst risk of Fire, thr h Sasi anew O08 108, Co | ma mans who have taken out Cana-| joment, but as Tam a thinking /ine the honor of calling myse nuens Sate fuses and ‘meters. Albe M 08, The News. tf. , ai av. , rt ee dian naturalization papers pre-/man I feel it my duty to express | British ubject tous T. C. DUNCAN, a eat Market FOR RENT —. Furnished o 4 a : , i to the public in re-| Thanking you for space im ad-|414-16 Light Superintendent —— Faquire Demers. viously. Evidently the applicants|my opinion to i - manatee _ ‘ ar : "en irl’s case, |vance, remat asian Why Buy gy, ‘ WANTED are anxious to get rid of the ap- gard to this innocent siaie ould or : Class Meat wile f ’ many other cases v ten You can get tha ns w ; sxchange for|pelation, “German - Canadian,” |®* " apptive to 7 H. RASKIN A E. WRIGHT sel the Best WANTED—Companion in exc . ned of the same nature throughout) : From Us at ¢) we comfortable home. Apply P. aa 486 and to be classed as British sub- the whole counties: end ‘When ani | Prince Rupert, April 18, 1915 Provincial and Dominion 547. : ; es ‘ Land Surveyor WANTED—General servant. Apply Mrs.|Jects. For the present there is no innocent girl is robbed of her job, | e y GIVE US A TRIAL Guttstein, corner of Tatlow and Sixt) i, iination on the part of Parlia- do you know, dear reader, what! William Noble, of the Granby Surveying and Engineering 5th St.—Opposite Smith B . “s : | th on th Ik, venue, . | re 0 std., came north on e Cities — -— ment to grant original applica-|that means? \' Co., Lt as ¥ malt ‘ P. 0. Box 10 Phone 85 Phone 208 : ruven 2 : ’ . Rupert vesterday I ome Wil * . “ - tenn _ aa. ~ —_——— |tions in the case of men of alien Think of it. Think of the ' : Fouth Avenue — = uarunnesionn , > spend the summer at Granby. POOP P PSCC CDS SOD + OCD L oes Oe atte ee ee enemy, origin, and it is expected|crime for civilization. You are |*P°! 4 — ne between Presbyterian Church and Third : ? ; a ‘ . : Letts : ae ed —_| Keane ort” ine’ st Dueling the applications wl be elgrODInK the bread “and. utter) | ———_— | FOR ee a a * | t T! from poor innocent girls, wom- ; ar » ti é Past. 1e ‘ I wie ‘nose ho ra picnic for FOR SALE up for some time at leas en and children, leaving them /|°'¢ty purpose holding 2 ien h FOR RENT ; ; > hae “reas " life . rs ¢ frie s or ay Lusitania horror has not increas- without support. Why? Just be-| member ——. ne i POR SALP—Purniture of four rooms com: | » inclination to grant such] nace their eo -y is at war with |24. Launches will leave the gov- plete. Cost $1,000.00 What offers? ed the ( 0 f cause their country is at we enti Whiee ah kak 4a summer Cot At Terrace one Apply Box 106, Daily News. f. applications. our.country. Is it their fault? hl | cash. A good bargain for a prompt se did ‘tate re ss § f ts <. 9 ; : i buyer. Apply Oscar Leduc, P. 0. Box|enemy origin. Chief Justice Mere an innocent woman to be robbed |BUTTERMILK 10c per quart, twe den and lawn-—$20.00 per o nonce 1385, Montreal. 101-07-13-19 | dith holds that the act is in abey- of her job at this critical mo- |qduarts for 15 c. Delivered to any month. ween . vane x die on bee so tind ance so far as the latter are con-| ment. It means a downfall of her |part of the city—Prince Rupert | Same house furnished ; BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC Vancouver, Seattle or Portland w |Dairy—Phone Green 252 tf. | 00 e month. it to their advantage to phone Black 158./cerned for the duration of the] world. | Dairy ‘ 7 os te oO . ‘4 LUMP AS a Ave An oor t age, cab- ae eee jwar. Chief Justice Archambault,}| Now, as to Miss Nauman’s.case, a < eighe ae Uresee, 68D vagnnain cae inde Se tea tees I ld like to ask her corhrades Salvation Army. }$ inet kitchen, water inside, umbrella, with silver handle and mono-/»f Quebec, holds a different view.|! Would 1 O as e : —— blinds and screens furnished yestholme The- ! ho sh as collecting | . i . $9.50 per Ton — Cash on ee alae ante ay ie arte lares that by virtue of two|¥'t# whom she wa "El Public meetings Tuesday, | or a: on the evening of He declares that by v money for the Red Cross Society, | np, i aed Setanta oy ‘ —$15.00 per month. Delivery April 27 kindly return same to Mr. J. RK.) . saline with peo- : ' ursday and § y _m. | Swatinin Metaie ten. Beatty, Government wharf. 107-08 | Proclamations dealing | P©O"| what would they say about it, and Sundays at 7:30 p. m. Tw , n use . Money Back If Not Satis- music. ple of alien qnemy origi in the what would the English-speaking soilless | nished—$10,00 per month. factory Act is enforced for those not reg-|people with whom she came in! One little taste of success} All have sidewalks. UNION TRANSFER (0 a _— euatas game istered or interned. close contact say about the si amor s a man_long for all he can GEO LITTLE, Te rw ee Ore Phone #8 ments repsired. The first proclamation, issued|cotting of their comrade whom | swallow. 14 ne 333 © : » 188 | Bows rehaired. The or) August 15, grants the same| = — Prince Rupert MU-/rights to men of alien origin who 4 ste Store, 345 8Pd |b chave themselves, the same right “~ ’ vu - yw er nes ve. tf. ae . coat _— «tn - as British subjects. The second proclamation, issued on October . 28, declares that men who are FO R REN T registered or interned shall not have the same right as British ED Fi eubjects. The implication, the a Chief Justice holds, is that those TWO HOUSES iwho are not registered or intern- jed shall have the right. Chief ° SIXTH & THOMPSON GT, $/Justice Harvey, of Alberta, holds * = that the finding of the famous lease of Lynch, who went over to STRICTLY MODERN CHEAP —APPLY— the Boers in the South African war, and who was adjudged cuilty jor treason for having changed his ‘nationality in time of war, applies Saturday, 22nd May circumstances, no applicants of \ alien enemy origin will have their application concurred in. The certificates are not yet pre- pared, and only a limited number ‘here. He declares that for Can- rove tt I] jada to naturalize Germans would . : o ssa Geiieinie teagiente tosken: The Manufacturers of Emprese Brand Food Products will F course, wei wi e depart- { A ioent. Stil, in view of presen donate to the Red Cross Fund an amount equal to 10 per} / BLUE POINT RESTAURANT cent. of all Empress Goods purchased from Your Grocer on _ Saturday, May 22nd Good Ctean Reale From a5 ‘of applications have been grant- entre teats Y® Sed. ‘These are men who desire to Empress Goods are guaranteed absolutely pure and consist of the jtravel. In their case temporary LAW-BUTLER BUILDING Third A certificates are granted. BOSTONIANS HERE FOR TWO NIGHTS ONLY As ever welcome as the flowers in May are the Juvenile Boston- and the announcement that they are to appear here for two nights only at The Westholme on Monday and Tuesday evening will be read with pleasure by all. Of all the theatrical organizations visiting here time to time they are the most welcome. There are new juveniles with but nearly all the old fa- vorites, and they have several new musical operas added to their rep- ertoire, with new costumes and following: --- EMPRESS BRAND TEA | COFFEE | SPICES | EXTRACTS | JELLY POWDER | JAMS and JELLIES MINCE MEAT BAKING POWDER coed LAND NOTICES» 4 Skeena Land Dtstrict. Queen Charlotte Islands Land District— Graham Island. TAKE NOTICE that I, Grant Thorburn, of Prince Rupert, hotel man, intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of lands for the Province of British Columbia for @ license to prospect for coal and pe troleum: Starting at a post planted two miles west of the northwest corner of Sec- tion 6, Township 9; thence east 80 chains; thence south 80 chains; thence west 80 chains; thence north 80 chains to point of commencement; containing 640 acres, more or leas Dated the 16th day of March, 1915, at the northwest corner. GRANT THORBURN, Samuel Horner, Agent, ! 9 ? ians, from some 112-140 ”? 9? them, Skeena Land District. Queen Chariotie Islands Land District— Graham Island. TAKE NOTICE that I, Samuel Horner, of Vancouver, prospector, intend to apply Every Purchase you make of Empress Brand Goods from to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for the Province of British Columbia for a it- cense to prospect for coal and petroleum: Starting at a post planted two miles west of the southwest corner of Section 7 Township 9; thence east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains; thence west 80 chains; thence south 80 chains to voint of com- mencement; containing 640 acres, more or less. Dated the 16th day of March, 1015, at the southwest corner. 112-140 SAMUEL HORNER. elaborate stage settings. These later musical comedies are said Lo be full of the most tuneful mu- sic and each has a number that will be and whistled long after the company has gone. In “Fantana” there is “Just My Style,” which irrestibly fun. ny, and in ‘Tipperary Mary” there is the famous ‘Tipperary Trot,” that will temporarily banish the horrors of whr and place all the hummed is listeners a peace footing These are but two instances. ~The opening play will be “Fantana,’ to be followed by “Tipperary on Mary.” any Grocer in Prince Rupert on Saturday, May 22nd, will Increase the Red Cross Fund to the extent of 10 per cent. of your purchase. One EMPRESS GOODS ARE MADE IN B.C.