THE DAILY NEWS “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT FOR RENT-—Large well-furnished rooms. Close in. Phone Black 293, 10-16 FOR RENT—Furnished bedroom for two, with sitting room, with stove, bath, light and phone; $10.00 per month. Close in. Apply Box 108, The News. tf FOR REN? — Furnished rooms, Inquire Demers. - WANTED WANTED—Oirl to do second work and assist with children. Apply, Mrs. Geo. A. Bryant, 6 Waldron Apts. 119-121 WANTED—General servant. Apply Mrs. Guttstein, corner of Tatlow and Sixth Avenue. tf. Lost LOST—Pair of gold-rimmed eye-glasses, between Presbyterian Chureh and Third Avenue, on May 2. Leave at Daily News. it. FCR SALE FOR SALE—Furniture of four rooms com- offers? plete. Cost $1,000.00 What Apply Box 106, Daily News. tf. FOR SALE—Range, 2 bureaus, 3 beds, chairs, carpets, sewing machine, wash- ing machine, etc, Cheap. Apply even- ings, 210 Ninth Ave. West. tf. FOR SALE—Lot 7, Blk. 1, Sec.1, for $1,500 cash. A good bargain for a prompt buyer. Apply Oscar Leduc, P. 0. Box 1385, Montreal. 101-07-13-19 ANYONE CONTEMPLATING A TRIP TO Vancouver, Seattle or Portland will find it to their advantage to phone Black 158. 116-121 ———— WOULD PARTY WHO TOOK LADIES’ umbrella, with silver handle and mono- gram L. M. J., from the Westholme The- atre dressing room on the evening of April 27 kindly return same to Mr. J. R. * 107-08 Musical Instru- Ments repaired. Bows rehaired. The Prince Rupert Mu- sic Store, 345 3rd Ave. tf. FOR RENT TWO HOUSES SIXTH & THOMPSON ST. STRICTLY MODERN CHEAP Pattullo & Radford 2nd Ave. BLUE POINT RESTAURANT Good Clean Meals From 25 Cents Up. Just Give Us a Trial—That’s All. LAW-BUTLER BUILDING Third Avenue soos LAND NOTICES Skeena Land District. Queen Charlotte Islands Land District— Graham Island. TAKE NOTICE that I, Grant Thorburn, of Prince Rupert, hotel’ man, intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of lands for the Province of British Columbia for a license to prospect for coal and pe troleum: Starting at a post planted two miles west of the northwest corner of Sec- tion 6, Township 9; thence east 80 chains; thence south 80 chains; thence west 80 chains; thence north 80 ehains to point of commencement; containing 640 acres, more or less, Dated the 16th day of March, 1915, at the northwest corner. GRANT THORBURN. 112-140 Samuel Horner, Agent. Skeena Land District, Queen Charlotte Islands Land District— Graham Island, TAKE NOTICE that I, Samuel Horner, of Vancouver, prospector, intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for the Province of British Columbia for a li- cense to prospect for coal and petroleum: Starting at @ post planted two miles west of the southwest corner of Section 7 Township 9; thence east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains; thence west 80 chains; thence south 80 chains to point of com- mencement; containing 640 acres, more or less. Dated the 16th day of March, 1915, at the southwest corner. 112-140 SAMUEL HORNER, ———— ———— — — tendent, and A. H. Thomlinson, government horticulturist, return- ed from Terrace last night, * 2 ¢€ Thomas Cartwright, left on the Rupert this morning, having been called south on account of the death of Mrs. Cartwright’s father, G,. H. Healey. . Next Friday evening will be the oceasion of the opening game of the Rupert Football league, when the Callies meet the Drydock. five teams, viz:—Drydock, Callies, Sons of England, Merchants and Regiment. Prince The league comprises The Baptist Young People’s So- ciety purpose holding a picnic for its members and friends on May 24. Launches will leave the gov- ernment wharf at 9 and 11 a. m. Fare, gentlemen 50 cents. Ladies to bring a basket. 118-20 68th REGIMENT, EARL GREY’S OWN RIFLES. Orders by Major J. H. McMullin, Commanding, May 15, 1915: $i ordered gaiters will not be worn in “Drill Order.” 2. Parades—“A” and “B” Com panies will parade in front of the Assessor's Office on Wednesday, {9th inst, and on Friday, 21st inst., at 8 p. m, Subaltern * and commissioned officers will parade under the Adjutant at the Ases- sor’s Office on Monday, 17th inst., at 8p. m. Rifle exercises. (1-10), 3. Chureh ment will Dress— Unless otherwise oflicers non- Secs. Parade—The parade as strong as possible on Sunday, 16th inst., at the Court at 10:15 a. for the purpose of attend. ing a musical service at St. An- drews Church, By Order, J. B, GILLATT, Captain, Adjutant 68th Regiment. TENDERS. Regi- House site m, Tenders will be received up til! noon, May 25th, for the removing of the of Hart Block, Particulars can be had at my office, The lowest or any tende: hol necessarily accepted, F. W. HART. muskeg in rear 119.120 AGRICULTURAL nt) Quality, satisfaction and econ CORPORATION 5 F Every Purchase you make any Grocer in Prince Rupert on Saturday, May 22nd, will | Increase the Red Cross Fund to the extent of 10 per cent. of your purchase. Saturday, 22nd May NS ae Sa The SHHHHHHEST HHT EHHS ww EA EU ‘pre VISIT THE omy New Wellington Goal City “yp § VISIT THE : PRINCE 0 Seeseeegretsoeese ae ‘E DISTRICT Vhone (16, 63tt RUPERT, 8. ¢ ee Leet TERRACE DIS 7 ‘ . ARNING Mr. Busman, of Peterson & Fell, id] CORPORATION OF THE CiTy OF is) or \ onal ive ; went south on the Rupert. " a af 1 | Wal PRINCE RUPERT. | th * * . Ste (Commi wner, | va ; aa Watly ! v R. Fisher of the G. T. P. staff, | .\. Hl. Tomlinson, returt= | gona, ETO, BY ELaoTmery. |,. .., s left for Vancouver this morning. 1 last evening from lerract All Light Consumers wishing to get the |All boa: : " ..}| Power Rate on Cooking Appliances must] date a nt oO © Ab rar ;v e with W. E. Scott, the De I ull at the Light Department Office, ana S. Hoskins, government agent al Ministe \griculture, a] make application in order to get reduction | 114-19 i B MAsoe ‘ive » train last | . . : «.|in rate, It 18 also necessary to inform th | ——_— ee “'tY Bivptnae Haselton, arrived on the t meeting was held under the au Department of the additional load, tor pro —!= night. pices of the Farmers’ Institute.| tection agaifist risk of Fire, through in salts. ge ' Jadequate wiring, fuses and meters, cer Ra abe ;it was large ly attended, and the * T. C. DUNCAN, Alberta Meat M J. Clarke, of the Brackman-Ker Fom Every SPORT : » dita i : ar e RECRE ATION (2 ral outlook at Terrace amd | 444-16 Light Superintendent wnt lia Company, left for Vancouver this AND lthrough the surrounding country gH RR ~~ - rie ' Sesser j ” iv BR . ao morning. “ Scld by all good Shoe Dealers is most encouraging Mr. Scott When ‘88 Meat T Wy Ee ending some time in the | A. E. WRIGHT he Ree Remember the Board of Trade of m 7 é From 1 ! h the Prince George S felse Valley Prof. MacDonald, Provincial and Dominion uncheon on the ons as » alker and Mr. Tomlinson Land Surveyor tomorrow at 1 p.m. APTAIN DONALD ; M Wal GIVE us a TRIAL * * * — iwill return to Terrace tomo \ Surveying and Engineering Sth St.—Opposit MAY JOIN NAVY | Me , Site Smith Bix, Mrs. H. G. Helgerson returned jand re n Mr. Scott P. O. Box 10 Phone 85 Phone 208 : ‘ eee i se ee . . eee ae last nigh? from - few months It was rumored about town y ' ee eee Secccccecesccccoccscacseremmn holiday in Wisconsin. terday that Capt. Donald, skipper S. D. Murphy, train agent be a ee * : . ‘ ' rrunce . ae oe — . " | - : c of the Prince George, may }j: j tween here and Prin George, | - beowee FO ry TAXI re Pr i T ‘i B i ° f : } i ] he *rinc Lupe h , , Father Mayer cam in from the naval forces for service in the|sailed by the Prince Rupert tl Jay eames MasBiyn a stent, re North Sea. It is only a rum 1! iorning to enjoy a tew weel FOR RENT for Vancouver “= oo however, and is perhaps nothing | holidays ; | * ' more than that. Capt. Donald is oo § 1 Ehitng brought ins tovely|™ - | : ummer Cottages At Terr nee eee ~ - rE . skilled seaman, and if the re; Geo. Werner, Mr. Pregnitz an m q ace j pasnet OW WOUS Fast ‘evening. oo turns out to be correct, he will b« Mr. Strassburg sailed by thi s Pivétisee: Gollkee. with jspeckled beauty measured 24 in-| — (alee ts ave & tend eecount of| Prien niliae this siieubele. Oi ive. Lotte — hai wore o§ 8 — ES ee ee ee heater, Majestic range, wa ones. oe “ce himself. Werner is bound for Portland ter connections, bath, gar | Stand - Hotel Rupert a ‘he others are going as far as ee eeeaines ein Miss Gleeson has kindly offered : > den and lawn--$20.00 per Noone aa pcan ebm YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL Seattle. 1» one the Samovar Tea Rooms as a rest 4 ‘A month. 0eees , , y ’ ros vorkers » z i Same house furnished BEST ALI room for the Red Cross workers Vancouver, May 21.—Results| SKIMMED MILK 5e per quart. euhak ces tenden ; Qu ca NPY oy a of games played in the Northwest- | BUTTERMILK 10c¢ per quart, two “ ». itiete Datei. ath . y > Roo oltagwe, ce _ C. R. Stirratt and H. M. D ni Baseball League yesterday|quarts for 15 ¢. Delivered to any inet kitchen, water insid C O A L 1, R. Stirratt ¢ . M. Daggett, ‘ r et kitchen, ate side, he R sont t tend pee Se een DORE OF SRD ae Trey: NRO Tisha dialed hele anliatied 3 2 “Tr a “an a » = . o a NIndS and screens . shec me eft on. the ear ; . yy Vancouver 7, Seattle 5. Dairy—Phone Green 252 tf.j§ 45.00 h $9.60 per Ton Cash on grand lodge convention at Ross- bait —$15. per month. Delivery land, B.C Aberdeen 1, Victoria 0. Cae Two-Room . House fur m B and, B.C, at nis ; o-Room .Houses . is oney Back If Not Satis. S 2 j se Spokane 2, Tacoma 1. Salvation Army. IS niched--QURG0 ben wena. Saas Dr. and Mrs. Allen of Saska- Ss “ thew lank in ; a All have sidewalks. : : . npet Sugnes Nes Setter look | Public meetings, Tuesday UNION TRANSFER (0 toon, came in on the train last/his jqaurels. Sir Richard has gone | ' : ss onsinieensinnen L “hursday ¢ Sz é .m. night, and went south on the to the front Sendie’ ok F008 Bun a p. ™m ; GEO. LITTLE, Terrace. 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 7 . i 2 € i.e . 7 o Rupert this morning. ‘ vee . a 2 = —= ? =a R. O. Jennings, Road Superin- eneemnenfyrone nol ifirsrnon PR Pavel pa aon pal DAY The Manufacturers of Empress Brand Food Products will donate to the Red Cross Fund an amount equal to 10 per cent. of all Empress Goods purchased from Your Grocer on Saturday, followi EMPRESS BRAND of errrer EMPRESS GOODS ARE MADE IN B.C. May 22nd Empress Goods are guaranteed absolutely pure and consist of the ng: --- | TEA | COFFEE | SPICES EXTRACTS JELLY POWDER JAMS and JELLIES MINCE MEAT BAKING POWDER Empress Brand Goods from |