_ THE DAILY NEWS HE HE ITALIA GERMAN COUNTER DECLARATION incIs JOSEPH ISSUES MAN sea AND AIR—ITALIAN ARMIES ADVANCE—INTERNED 1FESTO—AUSTRIA ATTACKS BY SHIPS SEIZED—AUSTRIAN WARSHIP DAMAGED. Kitsilano Reserve, which was Chief of Police Vickers. bousht by the Bettich Golamble! The following were the prize (Special to The Dally News.) successful in all her engagements |f0Vernment for $300,000, be Pane de ~— Ma »4.—The Italian | on the frontier todas The ay.|"anded over to the Harbors ee r. Thorburn; it 2p. m. on the | thorities have seized hundreds of i" ommission for wharfage and] ee ' co 6 elias (at. Baver war against Aus-|of Austrian and German sh p | harbor purposes. ley Seieritvein tad Bert Kelty: to eommence oniwhich had been interned. The government claims that ard . Ciciiae ; a 94th Naval Attacks. ithe purchase by the province was |’ Sinks chs ‘ ‘Men ai Germany Declares War. Parif? May 24 Havas reports invalid, as it was done without M eit Jean vane ee May 24—Germany has' state that Austrian warships have the consent of the Indian Depart- |" 8 oe a » oe oys, 6 and under 8—E. Lan- italy, Spd Rag Fe-j Been attacking ports on the cast waits do, Walter Garvich, A. Ehling M 'i.-King Francis Italian Advance. | ee > i Bis gr’ tt » following mani- Rome, May 25.—An official an-| yietoria Day really opens. the Boys, 10 and under 12—Sid| oo “The King Ce states ” Italian | summer season of Prince Rupert,|Hunter, A. Dewhurst, W. Cum- It ared war on me. j armies lave crossed the fron- land yesterday saw a most auspi-| mings. history does not)tiers and are occupying the Aus-|eigus beginning. Over the week-| Girls’ Special—H. Helgerson, C. mmitted against] trian towns of Caporetta, Cormo- lend, the weather was delightful, |Lowe, Z. Morrow. i he hour of danger rj na, Cervignagno, Terzo and the|ang yesterday was the finest day Boys’ Special—Geo. Roberts, lying colors tayo | heights between Judnio and Ison- lot the summer so far. “Week- Sidney Hunter, Phillip Dowling. enemies.” _ All these towns are within @)enq camping parties on the va-| Girls, 10 and under 12—F. Aeroplane Attacks. jfew miles of the border line run- lrlous islands had a glorious time,|Cummings, M. Lando, M. Roberts. May 24—-Ageeren aero-|ning north of the Gulf of Trieste.|and, amongst the ladies, face| Girls’ Special—Margaret Lind- ing attacked the | Austrian Warship Damaged. le ream will be in demand for|say, Olga Rauk, A. Stephens. senal at Venice, Rome, May 25 An Austrian | days. | The chief is a past master in off. Lotto, Cor |warship with a heavy list and es-| (ne of the most popular spots|the art of handling such gather- and Baretta Gosijcorted by four torpedo boats i8|for picnic parties was Digby Is-|ings, and found able lieutenants tatked Ov Gargaho. It is believed toljand. Though close to the city’s|in Joe Howe, J. R. Beatty, Captain Many Ships Seized. | have been damaged by the fire of doorstep, it is an ideal spot. Each|Graves and H. Bailey, the latter - -4.—Italy has been ‘the forts of Bareletta on money. season sees an improvement/ gentleman presenting the forty- # ise there, and, this year, the patch/odd prizes to the suecesful com- LERMAKERS WALK ‘CAPTAIN M’MORDIE around the hospital is a veritable yb ga OUT AT DRYDOCK RECEIVES HIS MAJORITY F os ane done wonders in RED CROSS ROSS DAY sii cumguaciten f the boilermen! Captain 8. P. MeMordie has oe ae 0s sg es el WAS GREAT SUCCESS the drydock waiked | been promoted to the ene me weeks’ time the borders will be a ing. jor and will lewte for the front riot of bloom, while the lawn is} ‘The hard work of the ladies of vorking for Pool & shortly le terrace of green velvet. The | Prince Rupert in aid of the Red irs, and had a dif- ee o utilitarian side has not been neg- ae Sacient ee = he foreman over the |the ability of the popular Prince lected, as all binds of garden|suceess, From eal m pln: > ; truck are well forward, Mr, Smith luntil late at night the ladies were ne of their number.| Rupert officer. being able to boast of potato busy selling tags and, in spite of BOXING. (Special to The Dally News.) May 25.—Frankie d Freddie Welch round here i draw May lifteensround The Bay- bout Joa \y declared of Referee * Was unpopular, the was a decision g O'Leary. May 25,.-Barrieau lex Foster in every 'wenty-round welter- | yesterday. Barrieau on on points, BARON DE BERNIS IN FRENCH AVIATION CORPS Mr, Williams, ales this city, has letter Mrs stating at the from that ont with just re eived a de de aviation Bernis Baron fi His Is an Bernis corps work is outing and dropping bombs on the Flying at German lines at altitude the guns several times played havoc the of has of 2,000 an meters, German have | with but injury wing his aeroplane, far he escaped Prince Rupert people will be 1 Baron de Bernis 1s su) glac to learn that valiantly doing his share. ORDINATION SERVICES Pioneer Laundry Third Avenue East Phone 118 the Most Modern Laundry Machinery Built. . In Any Tuesday or Ved \esday and See How We Do It Absolute Satisfaction Is Guaranteed se ie * ONDONCAFE And Grill ALWAYS FIRST CLASS SOXES FOR LaDIES art Bik, Third Ave. Pree AT PORT ESSINGTON Last Sunday morning Bishop | Du Vernet held an ordination | service in St. John's Church, | Port Essington, when F, G, Shep- herd, who arrived on Saturday from Latimer Hall, was made a deacon of the Angli- The candidate was Vancouver, can Chureh, presented by the veteran licensed of the Mr. Morrison, to fifty reader diocese, this coast lay Chas. who came years ago night, Andrew's Society a moat enjoyable dance last a real good St. thirty couples haying time until the wee sma hours. Quality, satisfaction and econ- omy. New Wellington Coal, 63. Phone 116. |Commissic PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., TI ———— JESDAY, MAY eS HE ITALIAN GOVERNMENT DECLARES WAR KITSILANO RESERVE DEAL DECLARED INVALID (Special to The Dally News.) , Ottawa, May 25-—The Indian m recommends that the plants fully eighteen ine hes high already RED CROSS ‘DAY AT. 1915, oF < vo, —— ———————— eee FIVE CENTS The drens’ ation Park, | hard times, had been coll urday. | In the ever | | cert was he usual EEE CHILDREN'S SPORTS AT RECREATION PARK Victoria Day chil- sports were held at Recre- inder the the sum of $1,298.60 ected at 11 p. m. Sat- air con- of jing an open Id at the corner TERRACE } YESTERDAY (sixit: street and Second Avenue, The people of of Ter rrace celebrat- ed Vietoria Day by holding sports in the afternoon, when the ladies to sell Red Cross the in opportunity of the took badges aid Fund In the evening a patriotic dance held. All prise” and penses were covered by donations, and the of the dance went to the good cause, Ev- was ex- entire proceeds lerybody had a real good time and jery ’ la substantial sum was collected, RAID ON CHINESE CLUB IN VANCOUVER (Special to The Daily News) ‘iin the triotie |Quartette Messrs. W WwW. and Rev. . Geo, stand by tho Seattle, Tacoma, Aberdeen, Aberdeen, ond game.) City music delighted Morrow, spiring speec who could not go to the front to Band and played pa- the Welsh the large crowd with their singing. Manson, M. P. P.; T. D. Pattullo, i. Grant delivered in- m. hes, calling upon all se who had. SUNDAY’S BASEBALL. Northwestern League 44; 6; Spokane, 2 Vancouver, 2. 4. 3; Victoria, 0. 1; Victoria, 0. direction of sec- HOLLAND (Special to The Dally News.) May 24.—After thirteen fighting the French have gained a brilliant victory at Lo- rette Hill. prisoners were taken. Paris, days’ Thousands of German state German western line in Reports from observers that the Flanders has been thinned. Russian Offensive. Petrograd, May 24.—-The_Aus- tro-German forces in Galicia have now assumed the defensive, all their assaults having been re- jpulsed. The Russian assault has begun. Turkish Gunboat Sunk. Constantinople, May 24,—The Turkish gunboat Belenk-L-Deria sunk by a submarine. Two of her crew were killed, She and was acting as a depot ship for a torpedo flo- | tilla. has been was built at Kiel, Van Relieved. May 24.— Russian sol- in Asi- Tiflis, diers have relieved Van, BRILLIANT FRENCH VICTORY— THOUSANDS TAKEN PRISONERS FRENCH TAKE LORETTE HILL AFTER THIRTEEN DAYS’ HARD | FIGHTING—RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE—TURKISH DEFEAT— TURKISH GUNBOAT SUNK—VAN N ADVANCE BEGINS KITSILANO RESERVE DEAL DECLARED INVALID CLARATION OF WAR BY ITALY at RELIEVED— io PROTESTS. a atie Turkey, where the Armenians were besieged by the Turks. The Turks have retreated to Bitlis. Turkish Defeat. Athens, May 25.— Thousands of Turkish wounded of the First Army Corps, the best in Turkey, are arriving at Constantinople. They met with complete defeat at the hands of the New Zealanders and Australians in the Darda- nelles. There is a shortage of coal, wood, and bread re- ported. oil Holland Protests. The Hague, May 25.—The Netherlands government has sent a note to Germany protesting against the sinking of the Lusi- tania. It was similar in tone to that sent by the United States. LACROSSE. Victoria, May 25—New West-- minster won the Mann Cup in la- crosse by defeating Victoria yes- terday by 7 to 5. CHARGE OF SEDITION AGAINST EASTERN MAN A man called Ross Bell, who hails from Prince Edward Island, brought up at the Police Court this morning on a charge of sedition, the charge being laid a well known citizen. The charge is that the accused, in the presence of several per- made the follow- vas by sons on Sunday, ing statement: “LT hope the Germans will cut the heart out of every damned Canadian who went to the war.” It appears that Bell was under the influence of liquor at the time got into a heated political discussion, and and does not remem- ber what he said. As a matter of fact, he recently wanted to go to the front but was turned down on account of his age. Bell will tried before Honor Judge Young. His be MAJESTIC THEATRE. To celebrate the entry of Italy into the war on the side of the Al- The Majestic management has invited the 41th Irish Fusi- liers to attend the show tonight. There will be patriotic and stirring music by the orches- tra, lies, solos Vancouver, May 25.—A_ raid - was made last night on a Chinese ae Get your sereens and screen club in Pender Street East, Thirty THE WEATHER doors put up before the flies get arrests were made, too bad. Fritz does it. Phone By F. W. Dowling, Observer. : ———_— 583, 1241.23 SKIMMED MILK 5e per quart, 3 — sad ee Fa BUTTERMILK i0c per quart, two a ‘% ae om eh 750 “Father, where are the Anti- arts for 15 e, Delivered to any RPOMHer $643 heer he eee ON ra’ S- ae . » > nan 252 tf Min, temp. 500084 eee eee 48.0 knows all the ne ighbor s bu Dairy-——Phone Green 252 ee A ae in “That's what I call wasted en- Geo, Miiner . Reatz JACK JUDGE RO! BARNES That's w MANAGEMENT ” ow sore UNDER NEW ergy,” said Billson, What is? mpress Cafe THE asked Jilson, “Two girls kissing Cozy Barber Shop }\°*°" 0 UNDER NEW MANAGE- MENT — TRY US THIRD AVE. BATHS ALDER BLK. Man comes to grief by meeting “RECRUITING” MEETING OF BOARD OF TRADE The Board of Trade will hold @ special meeting in the board of Trade Rooms tomorrow (Wed- nesday) at 8 p. m. to discuss a resolution, which is to be pre- sented to Premier Borden, re- garding Kitchener's request for 300,000 more men. Every Board of Trade in Brit- ish Columbia is taking up. this urgent matter this week, A large attendance is looked for. Follow the crowd to Self’s Cafe. There is a reason.. Next Majestic Theatre. 102tf. WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT. The Famous Juvenile BOSTONIANS In the Up-to-the-Minute Musica! Comedy “TIPPERARY MARY” PRICES — 25, 50 and 75, Boxes, $1.00, Reserved seats on sale at Orme's Drug Store PDO foeming House We have for sale one of the best in the City. Steam heat and large enough to make money, Name your own terms. If you under. stand the business you can buy with a very small cash payment, H. G. HELGERSON, Phone 96. LTD. trouble half way.