HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING— 50 cents per inch rates on application. THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Cirouletion i Telephone 98. Contract DAILY EDITION aia: 1 Tuesday, May 25, 1915. Ss = oo ee —) DEMOCRACY AND WAR. world feels the vibration and | The world is gradually be- shock. Every corner of the} coming more democratic, and globe has been affected by it in| the Tories of today are more some way. One of the great | liberal than the Liberals of a facts emphasized by the war | generation ago. It is not a but a natu- Peo- naturally becoming More liberal educa- matter of politics, ral process of evolution. ple are broader. tion and cheaper and quicker means of transportation have done much to bring this about. Narrow prejudice is chiefly a result of ignorance. Except in times of acute national crisis, people are becoming less na- tional and more international; more cosmopolitan, and there- | fore more democratic. It seems clear that one good result of the present calam- itous war will be a stronger growth of cosmopolitanism and democracy. The different peoples are getting to know and is the oneness of the world. | The world is a great, complex, | sensitive whole, each part in-| terdependent on the others, and | a false move by any part up- sets the balance of the whole. Historians tell us that this war had to be; that every many centuries the Teutonic race must have some such out- break. seems to point to the fact that, | had German diplomacy controlled by the German peo- ple, instead of by the Kaiser, this hideous war would never so Ordinary reasoning | been THE DAILY NEWS NORTH BOUNDARY ‘GERMAN SOUTHWEST AFRICA, |The Windh Cre capital of which —has been captured by eral Botha. have been. The German peo- ple believe their cause is| righteous simply because they believe the Kaiser can do Ho | wrong. When _ this horrible nightmare has passed, the Ger- “A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Earn DOLLAR to your credit in the bank, is yours. You don’t have to work for it all over again—as you do for the dollars that have been spent. How many dollars have you that you can call your own P Why not ay an account in our Savings Department and save a part of the money you earn P A few dollars saved each week,amount tohundreds in the course of a few years. } * RRR ED HERE R HHH ® ‘Coughing scatters germs — Stop it Coughing increases the irritation of the already in- flamed mucuous membranes and is moreover apt to carry disease to others, Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil promptly stops coughing, and soon, than to its tonic properties, effects a permanent cure, The wonderful popularity of Mathieu's Sytup of Tar and Cod Liver Oilis specially due to its great value as a permanent lung and bron- chial healer. Sold everywhere, 35¢ large bottles. J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop. Sherbrooke, P.Q. For headaches we Mathiows Nervine Powders—these are wast ful also to chase the fever and pains which often accompany colda. sea bon of 1 powders. att A Real Lever Simulation GOLD WATCH FREE. A_ straightforward gen: ro offer trom an @tabi hed frm. We ars giving sway Watebes to thousands of people all over the world «6 & hnge advertisement Now now, enclosing & cont: for che of our tashio Ladies Lone verde, oF Gents’ Alberts, sent carriage A to wear with the watch, which wil be «ven Free (these are @varantoed five years), should you toke ad wate oe We expect and show Don't think this offer too 25 cents today snd « will be amared — VILLI Jew>llers (Dept. } iat, @, Cor owe lis Koad, ‘Lon lons offer. about as on 8 Ama & FEogiand eee ER EERE RRR EH : , TAXI BELLA COOLA NOTES The valuable and whieh escaped fox owned by Mr. from For Vancouve; Victoria and Seattle 8.8. PRINCE RUPERT 8.8. PR} 3. NC On Fridays—9 a. m. On Monday nee Passenger traine leave Prince Rupert a io,» ... ™ Saturdays for Prince George, Edmonton, Saskatoon, wi, Wednesdays and necting with traine for Bt. Paul, Chicago, and aii princinn oi... con these trains carry splendid electric lighted Bleeping ana | Eastern Cities. Wednesdays a through Tourist Bieeper (electric |) lentes) « arlor Oars ang © Winnip MAKE YOUR TRAIN OR STEAMSHIP BERTH RESERVATION, . PHONE 260 EARLY FOR POINTS EAST OF CHICAGO Use THE TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM The Double Track Route For Full information and vane © Tighete, aly 00 G. T. P. Ticks Office AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC. ‘STEAMSHIP LINES GRAND howe 554 P.O.Bor Teacher of Violin and All APERHANGING Band Instruments AINTING A. PRESCOTT OLISHING AN Eighth Ave. East . D Martin Swan Second Avi MeBy DE NTISTRY | ll TRAEARHR ENTER ERR e ERED om cunor sanown | ¥ 35~-PHONE-3 Eee ee Sees PEERS EERE ERE ALF HALLIGAN FOR A TAXI Lat dry THE BANK OF British Nortn America man people will realize how far they have been led astray, and it is posssible that a new dem- understand each other better. Men of different nations and March last was onSnement in REREAD jeaught again a week ago yester- races, and of widely different classes of society, cannot fight ocracy will spring up, which 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. day. The caretaker of the foxes, 15 PHONE--75 ee side by side on the field of bat- will oust the Hohenzollern| CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7,884,000. | Mr. Trenton, laid his plans to en- ree Puumeina AND anntele tice the black fox and after family from the throne. into captivity In the excitement of the mo- ment, national prejudices are stronger than ever, and patri- tle without getting to know each other better, and appreci- ate each others’ good qualities more fairly. This applies even eo" RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager. SMITH & MALLET aren Stock of Pipe north | Vv uver, Cran Valy es and Pi tings, Pipes « it t Ave., Heed of ‘Sonat Bire Prince Rupert ; PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO RHEKKHRRRARRR ATER AREER with care, a long and Ae ES effort he proved that he as more “foxy” than the fox. WATER NOTICE. on to those who are opposing each otic feeling runs high. This is _ other in the life ne death natural and just as it ought to heen, and Sto ; Peter Strum, a settler from near . —_ struggle. Germans have been be, but, when the heat of con-| axe NOTICE that The Port Essington| Bella Bella, on Campbell Island Alex M. Manson, B.A taught to hate Britain and the flict has died down, and men|Wéter Company, Ltd., whose address 18) aie to town last week on his W. E. Williams, B.A, b Rottich we t 3 a 5 . : 517 Granville ®t, Vancouver, B. C., will ritish, yet the German pris- have had time to think, in-|ppiy for a license to take and use one and|!aunch. He bought a cow from WILLIAMS & MANSON oners who have been sent to stead of merely feel, there is | 0me-half cubie feet per second and to store) Wp Hammer olicitors, Ete, ieelh iek tet Reid Eid teas te be 400 acre-feet of water out of Cunningham eee Sotionors, Hain and have found that the ound to be a long period Of} axe. The storage-dam will be located at — MONEY TO LOAN British know how to treat an stock-taking. A new era of |e outlet of Cunningham Lake. The ca- Road work has been started on _* pacity of the reservoir to be created is Helgerson Block @ Rupert, | a stretch over Hammer's place at opponent fairly must, after the} democracy has dawned in Rus-| qapous 400 sere-feet and it will flood 9.96 bitterness has died down, ap- sia; another is bound to come |seres. The water will be diverted from|Noosatsum. Mr. A. Svisdal is in Office corner #nd Street and snd My preciate the good qualities of in Germany, and France and one sie cna atea charge of the work, which most- . She 4s ‘or Water- : ¢° the British people. Britain beeome more demo-| Works purpose upon the land described as||y will be graveling the soft PACIFIC CARTAGE Lin Pe . ; . : Sth : part of Lot 45, Range 6, Coast Distri , f fe War and death aré great lev- cratic with every generation. being the townsite of Port Resington. ” places in the road. Supt. Jen- Cana dian _ (Successors to Pa I r 0 elers. As Canon Rix so aptly A democratic nation is invari-|¢opy of this notice and an application pur-|nings was much eratified to flnd — put it recently, “The most a ably slow to go to war. This =. Berets end to the “Weer Am, a good gravel bed close to the STEAM LAUNDRY LADYSMITH COAL , ’ 1914,” will be fied in the office of the ; 7. 83 —Phone—93 man can be is—a man. In may not be the last,great war, | Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Onjec- | place. , Pr the past years, there has been but it seems tolerably certain to me application oF to the petites —---— Retest and Aggpered a ; : ’ mentioned below may be filed with the Gaty Mente Cyeueice Caylee a tremendous rush after that there will not be such an-|s@id Water Recorder or with the Comp- Mrs. 8S. Le C. Grant and Mrs. JAMES GILMORE things. The social standing of other during the remainder of troller of Water Rights, Parliament Build- W. F. Roland wish to thank all Phone us ont a we will call ings, Victoria, B. C., within thirty days a man has been measured by the century. If the great war |after the first appearance of this notice in| those who so generously respond- for eo trial total bundle Architect “na he has been able to buy. of 1914-1915 teaches the dif- Conk on en aie — oo ed to the appeal made by them Yote 0 » Addr id at a man possesses has be- ferent peoples that a peace of|pewers is described as the townsite of for linen for the use of the Red 8 515 SIXTH AVENUE West 2nd Avenue, near McBride § Port Essington, A petition to amend the come more.important than the mutual good-will is infinitely |. Certificate granted to the company in Cross Society at the front. It was a a — man; the standard has been safer, and more in keeping|respect of its former right so as to in-| forwarded on May 2 to the Van- PHONE NO. 8 aia - of yeh rather than with our boasted civilization, = eee ot ae oon eae couver branch of the society. SOW Clas Pes BuomasS worth. Today Europe is inthe| than an armed peace, it may | tigation at a date to be fixed by the Comp- -— Ne, CANADIAN PACIFI melting pot, and the whole not have been in vain. — oben os Mr. Charles Tucker, Indian con- Canadian Steam Laundry RAILWAY — ps | PORT ESSINGTON WATER CO., LTD.,” stable, returned last week from o Applicant. | trip to the Indians at Aanaham 2 PRINCESS MAQUINNA Lake. He went there to inves. SOUTHBOUND FRED STORK’S HARDWARE tigate the cause of the sudden Pe FRIDAY 8 P.I death of three children, it being SEEDS! SEEDS! feared that an epidemie had RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS a rae 710 SECOND AVE started. It was found, however, WE HANDLE. ——* 8 P. I Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery that the deaths were caused by Rennie’s Ferry’s, Steele's, mamam, Genera! Ageat Wire Sine) Glockn Plahtan Paahie ordinary sickness and that no Brigg’s ee ee Bireet and Third A Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and a epidemic prevailed. No further Garden and Field Seeds — Rope Valves pale deaths were reported. Also Fertilizers —— Pumps Hose Paint - —- We Take Orders for Nursery ADVERTISE IN Stoves and Ru 4 Roofing Co lina Mine The Indians are expected to Stock Ranges bberol rruga' come to Bella Coola about the Hay, Grain, and Feed at THE DAILY NEV “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” = FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 22nd inst. very large. Vancouver Prices Chicken Feed a Specialty Mal! orders promptly attended to Prince Rupert Feed Co. 008 Third Ave. Their cateh of furs is —— ‘Nerve Energy #! Eyeglasses. One trader, Capoose, has not less than 300 beavers, 100 lynx, 400 muskrats, 15 foxes, and other furs in propor- silver tion.—Bella Coola Courier. —_ 5 _ Food For Oo ht Drawn for The soy oom SEARCH we) TT eae WaT Th ~ : | = A constant dropping W - .. 50 eset f . =- FOR SuccoR~ away a stone. 6 Bs : eyestrain injure s the ner y t is con tanh I because i eS strain which firs! n nenee “_.. oa Hy itself as a slight : ; — : should be reme: ee This we guarantee Wn lasses. Consul! 3 elays are dangel0 . NT | Look for Loop : cee OpTICIAN 223 Sixth St. phone Black