May 25, 1915. THE DAILY NBWS. EN j hi CURE FOR EE = ann — - FP a = : CONSTIPATION | | 1 en Die | Empress Jams hemedy Made From rrr . Avon, ONT., MAY 14th. 1913. «tT have ed “ Pruit-e-tives” for . . A ee 1 Constipation with a ad result, and they cont | Are strictly a B. C. Product. Right from the - het ly medic zm ta ed about six years a > to use delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of . rat a dose but gra- tiem, vt ous toque tabla at | the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to dually ” » fefore taking “Fruit-a-tives’, | igh J ase er pilte but the | ve purest of Cane Sugar. aw » harsh. I thonght I E reat o her. ae very step tn the producing and manufac- sign oreatenentas Pieatiy. i | turing of the delicious Jam contributes to the ate ” advertised witha . a , " oneal prosperity of B. ©. It will satisfy the most — ' so I tried them, and | : - nin recommending | ee os if BR. CORBETT. SOLD BY AL an al + $2.50, trial size, 25c+ | L GROCERS ay sent 68 recoil of | In 1-Ib. Glass Jars and 4-Iib. Tins ; ; it ..tives Limited, Ottawa THE Em ri L PRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. | Vanoouver, B. O. | BABY'S | | AUSTRI WN , | ri AN SOLDIERS REPAIR BRIDGE IN THE CARPATHIAN MOUNTAINS. y | unique ph f b f t} ' 0 ‘ ae ohs Ansiric: , ' arpathians which was blown up by the Russians to cut Empress gams yee o + o — on Bost {| BLUE POINT HOWARD ODLUM J Si THE AMERICAN TAILORS j) —= Baby (4 § RESTAUR ANT { REPORTED SAFE eee ees ne ine G Cl \ letter véenieed: by Prof. Od- We do the FINEST CUSTOM TAIL- ~ ” wer pe ae ean Meals From 25 A ORING for the LEAST MONEY. So > Triet. oe 7 Us lum from his son Major Odlum, We have a large stock of High Class , \ | ——Tnave All jcontained the good news that Ma- Woolens and make good suits for 9 ~, | LAW-BUTLER BUILDING , 627, and the best in stoek for 685. . Third Avenue ir Odlum’s cousin, Private How- Come and look over our stock be- The t 1 fragrance of | . ard Odlum, who had been report- fore buying and save money by it. Buty’s Ove See Z | ~ led killed at the battle of Lange- THIRD AVE and FIFTH ST. e ate adn, on | *\|marck, had turned up safe and} Prince Rupert, B. C. Albert Soaps Limited, Montreal, | Delivered te cay part | inwounded. The letter received | mM re ream as . ood of town, of can be had F)Was written on April 29. On);-—— man inencnsaeatnptipeaimnciinsi iS - i at z . a ne —-| P e a, tee j}April 26 Major Odlum had writ- ar x 1 F AN ee! Fulton Cash Market. ten that Private Odlum had been in 2-ib. Tins a fresh Certificate of Mi killed, but in this he was mis- , Block Four (4) ilk Govt. Inspected Cows taken Corporal Joseph Odlum, aa Gian tak ol “at I I Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior « ‘ : 0 aijor dh a - er ae . Cap Hb, ab cat The Best Equipped and Most } “%)0" Odlum’s brother, was kill- ; quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- 123 Sanitary Dairy is the ed while bringing up ammuni- wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire” when buying Soda al tion. He had gone to the assist- y NOTICE HY GIVEN that tt ts P . . Bisculte. after the expiration | ce Rupert Dairy ance of a wounded comrade, when the first publication | | ne Se eee Phone Green 252 o shell . exploded beside.’ btn: They are made in B. C. and your grocer gets his supply in eb beer Wis i enn ffing éat: tile Ute. Vedeonees frequently and quickly, insuring freshness, which means CertifNeate of Title is siribiateam crispness. | was issued on May 7 To B. C. MILK _ on ecacaneaae SUBSCRIBE FOR Is the most economical milk for Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. District Registrar. the housewife. “It goes fartherest” mei: &% THE DAILY NEWS HOW THE CANADIANS because it is RICHEST in CREAM Manufactured by ' oe TU (by actual government tests). No 105-111-117-123 SAVED THE SI ATION dark brown color and no cooked . meen ase. trm ve arent reavon $18 RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. MINERAL AOT. he Londo ily Mi; refers we OUT OF TOWN j- TRO London Dally Man rete AT ALL GROCERS Vancouver, B. ©. — @ pay particular attention to to the reeapturing by the Cana- Certificate of improvements. out-of-town orders and carry all lis f tl | £ i : noTies. Binds of sash-doors and molding; 3) V2"S Of the four lost guns as} — iI Oo I TORI A IIIT ; : iso plate and sheet glass. Our follows Biariig estake No. 1, and Sun- ° we . 7 Plant is equipped to carry out any ‘he . . aa . Mining ae oy kind of work Write us for full Phe first rfish of the Ger- f wn : | information and advice nans with the aid of their pois Ve On the North Shore of _ i > he sean KNIGHT & HICKEY, ai Saiaaaais tes o Bonanza and Palis onous gas enabled them to ves. Contractors and Builders The favorite Household Coal rai . hat 1, George R. Neden, | $ . O. Box 448—Phone Green 268 etrate deeply into the allied Cleanest, Brightest, Best © Miner's \ifecate No, 60353R, act- | position It is now definitely : . = —_—- * |NEW WELLINGTON COAL CO. i Ag o i c No. 80060@, end lemses | known that they took four of the Rogers & Albert, Agts. x i I Miner's Certificate No. MATINEUS ‘British heavy guns, which are | gecond Avenue Phone 114 Shere wend. sinty Gage from the NERVINE POWDERS lormally stationed anything @ hereof ipply to the Mining Re- ree si 2 Beers ecereeeestrters) der ' Certifeate of improve- from two to four miles behind the : ” “— " ~—— - . ° tye obtaining 8 advanced ine, The guns, indeed, t FIRE ALARM SYSTEM é 9 vad ike notice that action, un- were recaptured by a deed of the : chentps om must oe Et doe |Ganadians troops which will] * CIMOVIT NO. 1. Certifica rove- | its | thrill the heart of the Motherland Gox p< St. - Srd Ave. ated th “ sii ; Box 18—6th St. and 8rd Ave. ™ ‘oth day of March, A. D, with love and pride, The Cana- een Oath Os. td Se A GEO. R. NADEN. } dians advanced with magnificent Gos 3, Seneten of ist, 2nd and . : TICE TO mT a0. | stead ess——though they are new Box 16—181 Ave., between 8th and Circulation Guaranteed DELINQUENT CO- —One tria! will convince you that ltroops and have only recently re- @th Sts. (Knox Hotel.) ° OWNER. eons — 7” sonons De Oo pes ’ : . ; at G@ox 17—1ist Ave. and 7th St (Cen the Largest in Northern che is at your ser ceived their baptism 0 re tral Hotel.) : iti % HENRY JOUNSOR | : British Columbia : ions 9 whole Fon. tad Hake | MATHIEU’S facing grievous losses, but they verred interests, otice | } CIRCUIT NO. 2. Pi, tt ersigned Go-Owner With | N rvi P d retor the guns and ‘saved the in the “Gold King No, 4” and te | e ne ow ers ' ' a Gox 22--S8rd Ave. and Sra St. yg 7 ine wane a a 18 in a box, 25c. Sold everywhere. If I siti ition’ for the time being No (Post Office.) of & z ¥ ri aoe Ss . a your dealer does not se!! them we mail } odin n express the gratitude Box 23--Srd Ave. and McBride St. uh 8 ina evens % Ran an eessiot of prise, Ne, a oo Box 24-——1si Ave. and McBride St, : i, have done 1 J.L. MATHIEU CO. Props. of the British nation to the great Box 26-——-2nd Ave. and 2nd St s on ine above we 34 SHERBROOKE, P.@ > , sgn ail iene ae Ses B8--Ond Ave. end 6th St. year amoun 6-5-0 OMINLO a. Box 27-6. T. P. ———_——— — 84 ha hold | the = “uber sons. In the day of battle and = et SIE S==S== or tee te ceatribete | sudden death they have been 7 such expenditu to- , the balance and not Box 315th Ave. and Fultoo 81. . oe of, this sdvertise: weighed in Ve ali ‘ Box 32-—Borden and Taylor Sts. Largest Circula THERE Three quarters " a ihe the pr roperty of the ADVERTISE IN found wanting side by side with Sox 9¢-—7tb Ave. and Fulton St. iat er Section 4 of the Min- ; ladins of our regular Box 36--9th Ave. and Comox Ave . ment Act ‘pt 1900. aq T D N the paladin Box 87—8th Ave. and Dodge PI. tion means | IS ot int us retann he HE AILY EWS army.’ Box 38—4th Ave. and Thompson St. Adv re ere pert, B. C., January - CIRCUIT NO. 4. Best A vertising is done > — a THE UNION ‘STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMITED SS, VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT For Further Particulars Apply to . PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS OO Cooecone, it Merene tooo. LUMBER SHINGLE’, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. ’ A 4. BURROUGHS, Manager “ AV® and Momride os. PHONE 25 eS? PRINCE RUPERT, G.O. Branch Yard at Smithers "ere coee. Box 414th Ave. and Emmerson PL Box 425th Ave. and McBride St, Box 434th Ave. and Green St. Box 446th Ave and Basil St. Boa 45-—7th Ave. and Eberte. Box 141.—-7th Ave. and Yong 81. RRR ER ARR KK END ORE Ship your cae Spee to JOHN WALLA Ay. mit ED Desk BE. ONT _ — = _ —————— You Should Worry If! ficult to find a safe and reliable remedy for the a wee to irregular or defective action of the stomach, liver or bowels. ‘These ailments are likely to attack anyone; likely, too, to Beecpams PUs famous the world over, for their power to correct these troubles certainly and safely. They cleanse the system, purify the blood and act as a general tonic wpe ‘i dy SB - oso You t migh n pes sata ae ee —~y a g aeons a Were Not On Hand only by Thomas Bossher. St, Melons, Leneashire, Rugland, Drgpared ont Oy in Canada aod U.S. America. la boxes, ~) conte, GGG GGG GOOD Prince Rupert’s Leading Paper! ! Read ‘THE DAILY NEWS’