Vay “in ots. \\ a ~ THE DAILY NBWS. a ow ONLY CURE | | (aaaneaoeneneniaon ; iy oe fe = NSTIPATION = | | CONSTI steal lth Empress Jams weett Wate From Fruit Juices. Avon, ONT., MAY 14th. 1914. : o od “ Fruit-a-tives” for a hay id Constipation with oti a ent results, and they conti. Are strictly a B. ©. Product. Right from the ao : ly medicine, ren ee tobe my = years aR y use delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of ifs ry ( ra- be 1 took & © one at the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to Rey ‘eefore (a “Pruit-a-tives”, ight, B A rye pills but the ve purest of Cane Sugar. eatment was toe, ee ae et Every step tn the producing and manufac- sigh is (reatments,, Finally, ; turing of the delicious Jam contributes to the ne te es’ advert witha ) os ots e ( nt one seoumenended prosperity of B.C. It will satisfy the most os hiv. so I tried them, and aot tation in recommending exacting. a INIE BR. CORBETT. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS : r $2.50, trial size, 25¢- 8 r sent on receipt o In 1-Ib. Glass Jars and 4-Ib. Tins tives Limited, Ottawa se eS. THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. O. BABY'S Be ar se i ee : WN THE PRICE OF NEUVE OHAPELLE Empress Jams A corner of Nille cemetery, showing the graves of British soldiers who lost their lives during the now fan batt Best sitecinpa, citthiipinagiinitiadiacaiittie tittle litincce it iil fe Q og Saby @y J ¥ | BLUE POINT | "ONDERFUL SALT Brit; : ———————__=_—_=EE__ | i ie { t h C l b BENNER EERE EERE RRR Ee AUF | RESTAURANT MINES IN POLAND|} British Columbia |: NEEDS MORE At Wieliezka, a small town nine ai tee tec Industries | Ramsay’s German and Ruesian forces have Support those Good Clean Meals From 25 Cents Up. Just Give Us a Triai—That’s Ali. ind fragrance of | The | we have = and Baby’s Own Soap have made it LAW-BUTLER BUILDING been fighting, are the most won- others will 6 a universal favorite, Its use is Third Avenue derful salt mines in the world. ous oS. benef to any skim. 44-13 MILK is produc- hese are on seven different lev- “1 in our own Albert Soaps Limited, Montreal, els, connected with the surface by PROVINCE i" ; is always fresh ® a eleven shafts and have over sixty- on the grocers’ ~ ee live miles of chambers and pas- shelves, snd is HE OF AN APPLICATION Go d ace to any part | . on ae much superior , In 2-lb. Tins a fresh Certificate of 0 — a on oe Se wages The mines have been to Eastern sh C at = Spurr’s §=— Market, | ‘hs ol ef prends, ~ pdetel ‘ . ‘ worker since ie eleve ‘ene . a) , ru, x (6 a ee Pure seas Sawry ene ts tur ia 2 a "* , ASK YOUR no one knows Mave attained their enviable reputation by their superior and Eig , Bloc Cash ° \ , but their productive power how long ago. ‘ , tion One (1), City of Milk s unending. They are te.t#” GROCER Buy B.C. MILK quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- ip 923; Govt. Inspected Cows sneitinints tout. th because it has wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire” when buying Soda i aa narkable for ie many chambers of PURE CREAM, ICE 18 BY GIVEN that it ts The E which have boi rat — the PRESH, NATURAL FLAVOR Biscuits. after the expiration Best Equipped and Most ‘ een cul, some o oe ‘ the mf agtey = Sanitary Dairy is the them with statues and candelabra They are made in B. C. and your grocer gets his supply a Pre \ifeate Title for the F e ' s in es name of wit, Prin R D . ncluding two large chapels and frequently and quickly, insuring freshness, which means which Certificate of Title is ce upert airy high altars, with all their orna- crispness. : SER || pene ren a THE AMERICAN TAILORS ments com vlete, i large é 2 g ‘ a, i large danein Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. H. F. MACLEOD, jsaioon, and many others rooms, Ss District Registrar — each of them having been eut out We do the FINEST CUSTOM TAIL- Manufactured by Prince Rupert, B. C., i ORING for the LEAST MONEY. 105-141-4117-123 ft rock-salt Within them is We have a large stock of High Class ont W OUT OF TOWN ilso the Lake Prysides, 195 feet|% Woolens and make good suits for RAMSAY BROS. & CO LTD e pay particular attention to : ’ 627, and the best in stock for $36. °9 e MINERAL AOT. out-of-town orders and carry all long, 120 feet broad, and varying Come and look over our stock be- Vancouver, B. C. — kinds of sash-doors and molding; n depth from 10 to 26 feet, says | fore buying and save money by it. Certificate of Improvements. aiso plate and sheet glass. Our FTH neveen, plant is equipped to carry out any says Mr. George Hume in his| THIRD "AVE and Ft oT. SERIE CSE SISSIES ISITE IS OIA A a ttt kind of work. Write us for full * hirts ne te Bute 2 Prince Rupert, B. C. book, ““Thirty-Five Years in Ru pert, stake No, #, and Sun- information and advicé 4 EL — —— — ay Divisien es a KNIGHT & HICKEY, oe. 4 ' ort or antractors and Builders —- - -- + ———— Be here std, Om the North Shore of x 448—Phone Green 269 bay between Bonanza and Pails Z a e - IMMORTAL WILLIAM SUBSCRIBE FOR KE NOTICE that I, George RB. Naden, rs CAPTURED BY GERMANY Mrs