THE DAILY NEWS There is no alum in Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder. The names of its ingredients, printed on the label of every can, show it to be made from Cream of Tartar, which comes from grapes. No alum baking taining alum is permitted to be sold in many countries. To avoid alum read the label and use only baking powder made powder or food con- 0 eT = “The Daily News” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished bedroom for two, with sitting room, with stove, bath, light and phone; $10.00 per month. Close in. Apply Box 108, The News; tf. FOR RENT — Furnished . Inquire Demers. - WANTED WANTED--—Servant girl for housework. Apply Box 110, Daily News. tr. WANTED—-General servant. Apply Mrs. Guttstein, corner of Tatlow and Sixth Avenue, tf. LOST LOST—A pair of glasses with chain in cover. Finder please return to 315 Third Ave, 121-22 LOST—About a+ month ago a silver cup, engraved “Harold,” around Summit Apart- | ments. Finder please return to 5 Summit Apartments. 120-121 LOST—Pair of gold- rimmed eye- glasses, between Presbyterian Church and Third Avenue, on May 2. Leave at Daily News. it. FCR SALE FOR SALE—Combined restaurant § and rooming house; 14 sleeping rooms. Ap- ply McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle. tf. FOR SALE—Furniture of four rooms com- plete. Cost $1,000.00 What offers? Apply Box 106, Daily News. tr. FOR SALE—Range, 2 bureaus, 3 beds, chairs, carpets, sewing machine, wash- ing machine, etc. Cheap. Apply even- ings, 210 Ninth Ave. West. w. music. VIOLINS AND ALL Musical Instru- repaired. Bows rehaired. The Prince Rupert Mu- LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Superintendent Mehan left for Edmontongthis morning. es @ M. P., arrived on the Rn- H. 8. Clements, and Dr. Young, M. P., pert this morning. | * * . H. McLeod, chief engineer of the Canadian Northern Railway, arriyed on the Prince Rupert. & 1.6 -% The I. 0. D. E. Red Cross fund now amounts to 81,454.89 and small amounts are still Coming in. o~s-. Jack MeNeill, the hotel man, went east this morn- well knowr ing after spending a few days in town. eve @ i Edward Deville, the in Dr. General Surveyor for Dominion gov- ernment, came on the Prinee | Rupert. | es Mr. Sylvester, managing direc- tor of the Granby Company, came north on the Rupert, and will pro- ceed to Granby tonight. 6 *@ Mrs. Charles Harrison, of Mas- sett, who has been in England for a year, returned here Monday and will proceed home today. e.:@-6 Mes. Fred Peters left today for England in order to be near her boys who are so nobly domg their share in the great struggle. * * * The Board of Trade special meeting is called fer 7:30 tonight, in order that it may not conflict sic Store, 345 3rd Ave. w. FOR RENT summer Cottages At Terrace Five-Room Cottage, with heater, Majestic range, wa- ter connections, bath, gar- den and lawn—$20.00 per month. Same house furnished— $25.00 per month. New 4-Room Cottage, cab- inet kitchen, inside, blinds and screens furnished —$15.00 per month. Two-Room water -Houses .fur- $10.00 per month. have sidewalks. nished All GEO, LITTLE, Terrace. Alberta Meat Market Why Buy Second-Class Meat When You ean get the Best From Us at the Same Price? GIVE US A TRIAL 6th St.—Oppesite Smith Bik. Phone 208 with the Conservative convention. e°e.e%% | John Dybhavn left for Escana- iba, Mich., this morning, where he jwill represent the Scandinavians lof British Columbia at a Seandi- navian fellowship convention. * a 6 Bell, with i | Ross who was yesterday charged uttering seditious language, admitted to bail, and will come up at the As- has been sizes in June, ‘levery THE CONQUEST OF | QUEBEC” COMING TO | “WESTHOLME THEATRE Everyone in Prince Ruper' women and ehildren, should men, lvisit the Westholme Theatre t night and tomorrow night to the wonderful five-reel feat Conquest rhis picture was made in Canada and the scenes show the actual places where the fighting t place, also showing the great tempt to set fire to the Britis! navy, and the masterly manne! which Wolf handled his) nv making a landing in the face a heavy gunfire. It will not o! be of interest to every Canad but every American, as well Britisher. The Highlar ers played a very important p in this battle, so the picture wi!) | also be of interest to all the bu folk from Scotland, and, last. | the Irishmen from « In addition to this, “1 not least, Ireland. ee Woman’s Heait? pirits depend upon h and Sallow #} and circulatior facial blemishes a! d depr appear after the system cleansed and BEECHAM S PILLS the blood purified by rdis hor , pimples ession d has been Land Surveyo Surveying and Engi P. 0. Box 10 P ale entitled = The Directions of Special Value to Women with Every Box, | Quebec.’ This is absolutely Ui Sold everywhere. tn boxes, 25 cents | finest war picture shown in Car | ada. Everyone will remember dhe ge | hard struggle which took plac A. E. WRIGHT | , ’ spe : Canada for the independence of provincial and’ Dominion ; | neering hone 85 Fourth Street FOR TAX! 3 Phone 99 — Stand - Hotel Rupert eereeere a ee ? be shown a British War Gazett showing the damage done by. the German air fleet at Essex. There will also be. shown the . ? popular favorite, Mary Fuller, in|; “A Proposal Deferred.” This makes seven reels of fine pictures, and the management should be complimented on the splendid en tertainment which they are offer ing to the public. ° Mr. Vincent G. Knowles has ar- ranged a special program of mili- tary music. BOSTONIANS MAKE HIT WITH “TIPPERARY MARY” the little Irish operetta presented by “Tipperary Mary,” dainty the Bostonians last evening, prov- ed a delight to all. She was a re freshing coleen, filled with humor and pathos, and was delicately and artistically pertrayed by Do- Her too, interesting for , and helped die Canfield. meese, played an part she is a “goose girl” to make the love making of Mike Hagerty (Patsy Henry) a laugh- provoking episode. Mike is withal unsuccessful and of “Palaces of Wa- are his dreams ter,”’ .ete., rudely dispelled when handsome Terrence O'Hara BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC LUMP COA $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Delivery Money Back If Not Satis- factory UNION TRANSFER CO Phone 36 333 2nd Ave. escete L. § PROPPL PPO L LDL LED LL ELL EL EL DO OLLIE FOR RENT Te ee TWO HOUSES SIXTH & THOMPSON ST. STRICTLY MODERN CHEAP —APPLY— Pattulle & Radfrrd 2nd Ave. (Thom Hellen comes on the in Dublin life.” takes her to her home to realize “the dream of her The music, the sentiment, and the] « situations were all delightfully ! Ve A. L. Brown, who was formerly | the staff of Foley, Welch & Stewart, came in on the Rupert pon | this morning, and is registered at ,the Hotel Prince Rupert. *_ * *® Rev. A. C. iby, and his wife and family pass- ed through the city this morning enroute for the Presbyterian con- Cameron, of Burna- vention at Kingston, Ont. * ¢ «6 | Charles Balagno, the West-| holme’s new pianist, will make his first tonight. Mr }Balagno is a Canadian of Italian appearance parentage. * . * Fred Jubb, onthe G,. T who was formerly P, staff here, and who jleft with the first contingent from here, has been promoted to the rank of sergeant and placed on jthe paymaster’s staff, of apply to the dueen Charlotte Graham Island TAKE NOTICE that I, Printe Rupert, hotel Chief Commiss Gr Oraham Island man, . © © ~y’ € . m - ~ scene and takes Mary's heart by LAND NOTICES storm, and, with his charming 7 lie si manner and tender love’ notes, Skeena Land District, wins her from her geese and Queen CHarlotte Islands Land District rhorburn intend to ioner of lands ant All the characters are inters for the Province of British Columbia for esting, and, in the hands of these] license to prospect for coal and pe : troleurn Starting at a post planted tw talented young girls, every scene | pj:08 west of the northwest corner of Sec and song pleased immensely.|ton 6, Township 0; thence east 80 chains; S th thvuee south 80 chains; thence west 80 Some of Ve ove scenes verge on cha@ius; Wence north ) ehains to point the pathetic, but the threatened |of commencement; containing 640 acres more or less lump in the throat is instantly re- a . Dated the 16th day of March, 1915, at lieved by Mary and Mike's deli-|the northwest corner eiously Irish wit and sentiment. GRANT THORBURN . » 112-140 Samuel Horner, Agent Patsy Henry's playing of Mike ; Hagerty was yartienlarly fine. i Ca ee. ee ia ) : as oe Skeena Land District, Islands Land District amuel Horner itend to apply of Lands for mbia for a il of Section 7 chains; thenes st 80 chains; q : ‘ { f s [rish, and decidedly clever and } o¢ peanllirat aieatiad ir enjoyable. Not the least import- to the Chief Commissioner > the Province of British Colu ant part of the piece was the] pcnse to prospect for coal and petroleum dancing, the “Tipperary Galop" {Starting at a post planted two miles west and the “Fox Trot” being. re-|'quenp"9; snes cats peatedly encored, north 80 chains; thence we The company left this morning on a special boat, The EK! Paseo, for Ketchikan, playing there one for}! an engagement and on up to Daw- night, and thence to Juneau son and Fairbanks, where, ac- thence mencement; less. the south 80 chains to Dated the 16th day of M southwest corner 12-140 SAMUE containing 640 acres, point of com more or 1915, arch, al -L HORNER, CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF cording to reports, they are eag- PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. erly awaited, WARNING. — NOTICE is hereby given that from May 17th, 1915, until further notice, during NOTICE To MARINERS the laying of the water main across Sha alii watlans Passage at Pern Vassage, the said ps Passage will be closed to navigation 0 after May 2! ’ . n and after May 25th, the as cables will be strung across the same present light on Cape Mudge will |All boats using the Passage after the above f ce date do #0 at their own risk be obstructed to south-bound W, McGEORGE MASON, vessels. In its place a lamp will] tt6-120 City Engineer be_hbung from the new structure Visible only to south-bound ves sols; Shipyor FREE aes oH) Fe Troenere Guide ay Rice tlk very old woman knows a lot = Write today, address of sensible things that are not to be found in books. tro JOHN Desk EB HA LLAM LIMITED cuts Monday S in half. The Sunlight wa --just note, the garment : to soak. After a while rinse it thoroughly and dirt drops out like magic. Why scrub, a; wear and tear the when the gentle Sunlight Soay work with neve; fabric or hand labor T *Irst you 80a ttt ili d Try it once this Sunlight way. ‘At all grox ra. axa Wen Clean y is 80 easy then roll it up you the 1 rub, and Clothes tre ngth of 10 the i hurt to $$ => MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A Birks’ Illustrated Catalogue In Your Home During 19/5 As a medium through which you may select gifts sulteble for every occasion, you will find our Oatalogue of the greatest value Birks’, Vancouver, ie the great gift store of the West Department and our tilustrated Oatalogte forme a@ convenient ing to @ eetection from our immense stocks. a Our Mall Order avenue lead- WRITE FOR THE CATALOGUE—YOU WILL NEED IT. Henry Birks & Sons, Limited : JEWELLERS AND,SILVERSMI1 1/5 Granville and Georgia Streets Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director v AN OUVER, B.C — Whether For Yourself orasa Gift to your Friend PERRIN’S GLOVES The well known Perrin trademark as ve shown in cuts should be on every £: you get, as thisassures you periection of Style, Fit and Finish. Best dealers the world over sell the genuine PERRIN'S GLOVES. e Hi HN Hh at Hn LEAN A PET A | iM Nl i { prevents skin troubles, BABY’S OWN SOAP IS WELL WORTH RUNNING i : Sold eve! In the interest of your skin, send for some now ) - ALBERT GOAPS, LIMITED, Mrae MONTREAL Absolute yess Purity Fragrance Puce vegetable oils are the | Natural flower — ihe base of Baby’s Own soap. | to Baby's Ow? } i It promotes skin health and | clinging frag - it. | makes its use , FOR. here su})