== RINCE RUPERT, a 7 THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1915 —— ee j SS REMCH Al MEN MAKE SUCCESSF UL RAID = SS ee NCOUVER EDITOR ARRESTED—-ZEPPELIN RAID ON SOUTHEND, WOMAN KILLED I NCH AVIATORS ATTACK GERMAN EXPLOSIVE WORKS RON OF FRENCH AEROPLANES DROP BOMBS ON CHEM- SAL FACTORY—MANY BUILDINGS FIRED—ANOTHER AT OSTEND—ZEPPELIN KILLS WOMAN. special to The Dally News.) \ aereplanes May 27. French gehteen a chemical factory on the Rhine Ml eim. This is the t explosive factory Fach plane dropped projectiles and set { the factory build- itors were in the At Ostend. 27 Fifty May German soldiers ipped incendiary be RENCH CABLES 10 PREMIER BORDEN Special to The Dally Mewe ) , MM 26.—General is sent the follow- Premier Borden heroic work done ns; the feel and in I heroism remained the fighting. new ch are contributing y to the attainment of te ends, those indissoluble i have ‘been forged on f battle,” STEAMER BETTY TORPEDOED pecial to The Daily Newe.) Shields, May 27. The eamer Betty has been the North Sea. The escued and brought THE WEATHER W. Dowling, Observer. May 27, 1945. BASEBALL. ving were the results day's Northwestern yames: ‘, Vancouver 3, spokane 0, i, Victoria 7. oming House —_—_—__ have for sale one of ‘st in the City, Steam ‘id large enough to money, Name your rins. If you under- ‘he business you can vith & very small cash HELGERSON, LTD. Phone 96. . NDONCAFE And Grill WAYS FIRST CLASS OXES FOR LapDiEes Bik, Third Ave. Sir | will hind us| P| Dairy a | were Killed a street car in Ostend he ne of the Allies’ aviators dropped a bomb. The railroad stat and the harbor were damaged the} aerial attack } The Difference. Southend, Eng Ma An- jother Zeppelin raid was made Hast night Mrs. May Fabin, a} Visitor, was killed and = several} were injured. The damage done | was slight Two of the Zeppe- lins dre ymbs CFTC TEETER HES PARTY FIRST \ and H. 8. Tonight, Dr William Manson, oung, Clements will address their cbnstituents, that is, they will tell the Conserv- atives how much they have done for them. These gentlemen are supposed to represent the people of Prince Rupert as a whole, but, as usual, they proclaim from the house-tops that they are last, and never party politicians first, and all the time, of the of sense word in any representatives the people. SSSR ET ES LOCAL MAN INVENTS HALIBUT LINE HAULER Akerburg, * *) * * * * * * * * * ” * * . * * * * * - * * * 7 * * * * * * * * * oe * oe * > * * * iMr “Andy” of the Aker- burg, Thompson Co., has de- | signed and patented a “long line hauler” for halibut fishermen. rhe following boats have return- ed, after making a thorough test of the new device: the Zora, with 15,000 pounds; the Northern, with 12,000 pounds; the Muir- neag, with 7,000 pounds; the Royal, with 6,000, and the Tide, with 5,000 pounds. In describing the smooth and easy working of the new machine, the fishermen claim they cannot speak too highly. Every one 0 them declared that the “Dandy Line Hauler” is the finest thing of the kind they had ever tried. Fishing is, in the meantime, most important business around Prince Rupert, to learn that has been able to invent a machine which is destined to play an Im- the a local mechanic portant part in industry. FATAL WINDSTORM IN SOUTHERN STATES (Special to The Daily News.) Fort Smith, Ark,, May 27.--Six people are dead, and sixty are in ‘{jured, as a result of a terrific windstorm which swept over western Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma, SKIMMED MILK 5e per quart. BUTTERMILK ico per quart, two quarts for 15 ¢, part of the city Phone Green - Prince ese ~ve the | and it is gratifying | | | | | | Delivered to any | Rupert | tf. | WOMAN TICKET COLECTOR IN ENGLAND. It is intended they are engaged as railway car- She is one of the fe shall wear uniforms. Many w riage cleaners and in Glasgow s: conductors, sur recently appointed. omen me women are acting as tram CHINOOK EDITOR ARRESTED FOR LIBEL | (Special to The Daily News) Vanes May 27 27. M. Murray, suver, the Chinook, George editor of the South has been of Vancouver al rested on a charge iibelling Gold It is alleged that he Gold had had insulted the Reeve stated that been disloyal flag. -_ + MANITOBA FARMERS TO GET SQUARE DEAL May 27. the Manitoba De- Winnipeg, In its new administration, partment of Agriculture is Issu- ement of work for the rhe policy is summarized as follows: and constant effort to ing a stat coming year administration sincere agricultural and/3 conditions | MORE AMERICAN SCHOONERS ARRIVE American hali- They 4,000 8,000 Yesterday three but schooners in. the the came Rolph, with 14 were Rainier, with the 10,000 pounds, the pounds the The Rainier and the Sit- for the pounds; pounds, Narrona, with in Polarus Sitka and Today, brought ) Th | ¢ O04 5.000, are here second time. i aa LOCAL CONSERVATIVES NAME NINE DELEGATES A of the Conservative Association, for the of delegates to the nominating con- vention for the Dominion contest, was held in St. Andrew's Hall last J. A. Kirkpatrick, | presided, explained that iRupert was entitled to nine dele- meeting election } night. who Prince improve gates. The following were elect- throughout the province will be|eq: Thomas MeManoman, A. §. B. the mainspring of the depart-|y yeas, BE. J. Doyle, T. R. Maitland, ment’s activities at all times.|q WW. Nelson, C. H Orme, W. J.! Manitoba is essentially an agri-| MeCuteheon, J. H. Hilditeh and cultural province and there is 2O|G Graham. other province in Canada where | The nominating convention the business of farming can be]yi}) be hald tonight. earried on to greater advantage, air al endininiilats We have wealth of soil, breadth NEW TRRATRE. of acres, an ideal climate and big a ewe market opportunities, It only re- At the City Council on Tues- mains for us to see that ourj|day, a letter was read from We. farmers get a square deal. By|Hart asking that the side- practical common sense methods |walk along Fifth Street to the in meeting their difficulties and|elub be removed, so that he might by wise legislation on their behalf |proceed to excavate for his new it will be our endeavor to encour-|theatre behind the Hart Block. age a great forward movement Mr. Hart wanted the walk re- along all lines of agricultural |moved within two weeks, but the pursuits, The inereased pros-jclub asked for a month in whieh perity of Manitoba farmers will/to make a rearrangement, The mean a corresponding increase in;matter was left to the city engi- the general prosperity of our|neer, the eity soljeitor and the province,” Board of Works. Geo, Milner Jos. Reatz mn one es nent Soom THE Fmpress Cafe Cozy Barber Shop UNDER NEW MANAGE- BATHS MENT — TRY US THIRD AVE. ALDER BLK. BRITISH SUBMARINE ATTACK IN SIGHT OF CONSTANTINOPLE BRITISH SUBMARINE SINKS TURKISH GUNBOAT—THE RECENT LOSSES CAUSE DEPRESSION IN CONSTANTINOPLE —H. M.S. TRIUMPH TORPEDOED AND SUNK. (Special to The Dally News.) May 27.—A British sub- Paris, 27.- has sunk a Turkish gun- |marine | of Constanti- ‘boat within sight jnople. This loss, following the |sinking of several transports re- jcently, has caused a deep impres- |sion in Constantinople. | H. M. S. Triumph Sunk. | operations of the Australians and New Zealanders. Most of the of- ficers and crew were saved. H. M. 8. Triumph was built in 1904 and was a first class battle- ship of the 19-knot Swiftsure class. She had a displacement of 11,985 tons and 12,500 horse- Her armament consisted of four 10-inch guns, 14 7.5-ineh, power. London, May 27.—The British|fourteen 14-pounders, two 12- | battleship Triumph has been tor-|pounders, eight 6-pounders and |pedoed and sunk in the Darda-|machine guns and two torpedo | nelles while supporting the land/tubes. | RRR HHH THEY SHOULD WORRY! The representatives of “Bowserism”’ will fore- , RED CROSS CAMPAIGN REALISED SUM OF $1,466 The campaign of the I. 0. D. E. gather tonight with a representative of- “Sham They will have time patting other on the back, their handfed sup- porters look on and smile of satisfac- Shoeism.” a glorious each while sweet smiles tion. They should worry, if the lands of the province have been looted, and the of the Dominion have been sent out to fight the Empire's battles in shoes with the qualities of good blotting paper. HHH RHEE HH ES soldiers KKK HKKH HH KH HH HH HK HK HK KR HK * i * * * * a * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BOARD OF TRADE WAR RESOLUTIONS The Board of Trade held a spe- cial meeting last might, when the two following resolutions were passed: It was proposed by G. R. Naden and seconded by W. P. Lynch that: “The Prince Rupert Board of | Trade, hereby assures the go€ern- in general meeting assem- bled, | ment of the Dominion of Canada, }that they are behind them in the prosecution of the war to a suc- cessful conclusion to the last man and the last dollar.” On a vote being put to the meet- this unanimously. ing, resolution was carried It was proposed by D. H. Hays and seconded by 8. Parker that: “The congratulations of the Prinee Rupert Board of Trade be tendered the officers and members of the CGanadian Expeditionary forces, who have so ably and dearly upheld the honor of the Dominion of Canada on the fields of battle in Europe, and that the Prince Rupert Board of Trade ex- their sincere regrets, that such severe losses were suffered press by the members in so doing,” NOTICE. B. Brackenridge is in might please communi- Daily News. a Be he with the town, cate to reason... Self's Next 102tf. Follow the ecrowd Cafe. There is a in aid of the Red Cross fund realized the substantial sum of $1,466. The following are the de- tailed amounts collected by the various parties: Mrs. Ritchie and helpers.$383.91 Mrs. R. L. MelIntosh and NONE ic vas ten Veet 171.14 Mrs. Holtby and helpers. 35.82 Mrs. Cade and helpers... 66.95 Mrs. McClymont and help- OFS. 6 Pics Cikeead eases 70.76 Mrs. Naden and helpers .. 34.30 Hays Creek Bridge...... 54.00 Westholme Theatre ..... 14.00 Majestic Theatre ....... 10.20 Baseball game ......... 10.85 Miss Damus ........+.. 9.60 homdon Grill i... cee veces 25.00 Self’s Cafe canwescca. ae Cole’s Segar Store ...... 15,00 T. J. Davidson, Peerless Studio ..... givibeces 9.75 J. M. Fuller pease ees wee 1.00 Mra. DeOUROPO «2... ccceses 37.75 Balance from Norwegian GOOG 6c Us vn wd Ce Cha 11.60 Girls’ Chapter of IL O, ©. wesvesdeeemaesta 383.54 Constance MeMullin 1.70 Myrtle Evans ......s.-.- 30.87 Children of Empire Chap- OP po0beed nds édeebs 50.00 Empress Mnfg. Co. ..... _ 8.90 Pacific Cartage ........ 2.60 RO ere ee 3.90 The I. O. D. E. wishes to thank the following, who are outside the for services render- ed inthe campaign: Mrs, Carroll, Miss Gleeson, Messrs. J. H. Me- Mullin, Heward, Swanson, Rog- ers, J, Roerig, Harrison Rogers, Wm. Manson, M. P. P.,; Geo, W. Morrow, ‘T. D. Pattullo, the Rey. H. R. Grant, the City Band, the Welsh Choir, and the city news- papers, organization, The grain speculator is sing- ing “In this wheat, buy and buy.” Pioneer Laundry Third Avenue East Phone 118 We Use the Most Modern Laundry Machinery Built. Come In Any Tuesday or Wednesday and See How We Do It Absolute Satisfaction Is Guaranteed Majestic Theatre.