_ THE DAILY NEWS PRICE FIVE diinicisaathiiemeeeieitee LIES TAKE MANY GUNS AND PRISONERS ‘ALIANS MAKE ‘SUCCESSF UL AIR RAID — BERLIN ADMITS | REVERSE It IN GALICIA LIES CONTINUE 10 ADVANCE HUN FORT AND TRENCHES TAKEN R SIX HUNDRED PRISONERS, MANY OF THEM OFFICERS, TAKEN AT SOUCHEZ—MORE ARE CAPTURED AT LE PRETRE—ALL ATTACKS REPULSED —MAJESTIC LOST. (Special to The Dally Nows.) aa § Class of battleship She as y Q The Allies con- | howe ver, built a lone t ig \t Souchez they jin 1895. She f 1 } ns 1 German fort and jdisplacement, with 12,000 horse. iver six hundred | power. of them officers, | Her armament isted sf | four 12-inch ¢ s, twelve 6-inch. | the Allies have | eightes n 12-pounders, six 3 isoners and re-|pounders and machine guns and | ‘five torpedo tubes Majestic Torpedoed. More Villainy. 8 A submarine| London, May 28.—The steamer rpedoed H. M. S.|Cadeby, of 677 tons, has been the warship was|sunk by gunfire off the Scilly rmy on the Galli-| Isles. The crew was saved. Nearly all the of- | The Danish steamer Ely struc were saved, la mine and sank off Stockholm, Ma was type of her the MER RUPERT MAN SMISSED FROM CHARGE crew being saved. TERRACE PEOPLE NOT BEHIND IN PATRIOTISM (Special to The Dally News.) Mr. William Manton, M. P. P May 28—Abe Taub,|has just received the sum of 8186 ce Rupert realty re m Mr. MeLaren Gordon, secre- ed froma charge |tary of Terrace Board of Trade ider false pre- rhis sum is the proceeds from of $6,500 from|the sale of Red Cross tags at the n under a prom-|Empire Day sports held at Ter- Accused disap- l race. after getting the irt held that the} and also from a patriotic dance which was held in the even- ing. over promises in The campaign was conducted ieiindiiaeite ini by Terrace Board of Trade, and | reens and screenjeyery credit is due the people of}! before the flies get/that district for the whole-heart- tz does it. Phoneled response they made to the ap- 121-23 |peal and also to the gentlemen ee ——~T who@nanaged it. Mr. Manson has handed the sum over to the I, 0. JEST H 0 LM D. E. of this city to be remitted Oi; to the Red Cross headquarters in PERA HOUSE} INCE RUPERT’S POPU- EASTERN VISITORS. LAR PLAYHOUSE meee AnD TOMORROW The following came in on the t Two Reels of “The Ado train last night and pepeaanes at ventures of Kathiyn” | the Hotel Prince Rupert Phos J. L. Peake, Vancouver; J. Mitch- hen Love and Honor ell, H. MeAnsh, P.E. Frappier, Ed- ate Sterling Three monton; F. W. Miller, Winnipeg; ———inililaneiaaiaie F. A. Clary, Toronto; D, ©, Scott, ve, Loot and Crash’’— Vancouver; Anton Anderson, Vic- - toria; R. G., MeDonald, New Ha ne and Enjoy a Good zelton: D. H. Beatty, Gitwanga, Program and D. Kranmer, Edmonton. POPULAR PRICES PICNIC PARTIES. PPPS rerrccornaeansnnsencnpssasnan| Launch Rose Belle WU. is back ° to her old berth at the govern- coming House ment wharf and ready for the sea- ” 7 son’s business. Moderate rates ‘e have for sale one of for Sunday pienics, Phone Red » ' in the City, Steam < ‘nd. tah ! large enough to 400, 24-1m. Honey, Name your — the 4 If you under- NOTICE. ‘© business you can ' & very small eash —-—— In response to the request of e HELGERSON, LTD. ithe ladies of Prinee Rupert, a Phone 06. leubiie meeting will be held in the Moree } ie —— | Council Chamber, City Hall, on nereans fuesday evening, June fst, at 8 ONDON loetork to consider the advisa CAFE bility of forming a central organ as Bociely And Grill | sation of the Red Gre 1 All ladies in the city, and partieu urgently ‘LWays FIRST CLass larly the gentlemen, are : ; end B XES FOR LADIES jPequest d to atte ? Mt Bik 424-27 er, A. KERGIN, secececcntasees tT Sec, Red Cross Committee j | | | stoy ener _ |THE ls shaded cae 1, SAS * Seco IRS EPE ES Uscon PA Be Gee THE ENEMY’S PROGRESS IN GALICIA iS ome Ihe Russian army has checked, though it may not have yped, the Austro-German advances in West Galicia. The portions of the map show the extent of ground the ny bas gained, FRENCH LINER (Special to The Dally News) ‘CARIBOO ) LIBERAL LA CHAMPAGNE ASHORE CONVENTION POSTPONED ndon, May 28.—-The steamer IL a Champagne, a French trans- atlantic liner, is ashore near St Ls | Nazaire, | Nine hundred passengers have | ibeen taken off OBSCENE LANGUAGE QN COMOX AVENUE | (Special to The Dally News.) Ashcroft, B. C., May 28.—The |Liberal convention to nominate a andidate for the Federal constit- and is badly damaged lneney of Cariboo has been post- poned. HUNDRED LOCAL ITALIANS READY THIRD AVE. ALDER BLK. z \t the Police Court this morn- A well known member of the ling nefore. Mawietrate Caras, Italian fraternity of this city IDaisy Lee, a lady of the under- claims that there are over a hun- eehl oun dieiniiala with using |ore4 Italians in Prinee Rupert i| aonens tocunen- am otek ave. |Peads and willing to go to the F nue, at the instance of Lena Sy! wom. lvia, another lady from below YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL. | Accused pleaded not guilty, and the magistrate adjourned the Northwestern League. hearing of the case until Monday \ll games postponed on ac- at the suggestion of A. M. Man- count of rain. son, who appeared for Daisy Lee. Less ————_—_—_—_———_ National FOOTBALL NOTES. St. Louis 6, New York 5. (Ten pee innings. rhe following team has been Pittsburg 0, Brooklyn 2. chosen to represent the Callies in Chicago 5, Philadelphia 8 their game against the Drydock Cinsinnati @. Boston 6. at Recreation Park at 7 o'clock z tonight J. Dunn, D. Thomson, American. L. Murray, J. Kinnear, W. Mur- Philadelphia 8, Cleveland 9. ray, G. Abbott, H, Foote, R, Dow- New York 2, Chicago 5. ther, W. Smith, J. Hunter and G, Washington 8, Detroit 2. McIntosh. cuitininteanileain rhe Drydock team, will be as Coast League. follows: J. Grant M. MeDuff, J. Venice 3, Oakland 5 Woods, D, Nelson A. Dixon, J Salt Lake 2, Los Angeles 3. Wright, W. Mellvray, J MeWil- | Portland-San Franciseo game Hliams, PF. J. Winehby, R. Jones (postponed on aecount of rain. and J, MeCrate. ‘oiilin tienineliiuitaa rajlllcens rhis is the first game for the NOTICE. league cup The Drydock boys oo are requested to call at the Exhi if N. B. Brackenridge is in bition Building for their uni-|town, he might please communi- forms before 7 p. m. cate with the Daily News, sonebeannnentent Sh eonne Geo. Milner Jos. Raatz a » RO! BARNES THE mpress (afe E % Cozy Barber Shop UNDER NEW MANAGE- } BATHS MENT — TRY US ree = Sponge Loaves Fruit @une = = = = 180 per doz, THE LA CASSE BAKERY NO DELIVERY CASH SPECIALS for SATURDAY Mince Tarte - = = = = 200 per doz. Jelly Rolie = = = = = = Be each 717 Third Avenue PHONE 190 rer Eee ITALIAN HYDROPLANES MAKE SUCCESSFUL RAILROAD RAID ITALIAN TROOPS OCCUPY MORE TYROL TERRITORY—ARTIL- LERY BATTLE RAGING—ADVANCE CONTINUES— BERLIN ADMITS REVERSES AT HANDS OF RUSSIANS. (Special to The Daily News) May 28.—A lraid has been made on the Rome, successful Aus- | trian railroad between Trieste ‘and Nabresina by a squadron of Italian hydroplanes. Italians have occupied a further stretch of territory in the Tyrol ‘along the Frieuli frontier. An lartillery battle is raging between the Tren- fortified positions on tino front. Advance Continues. Geneva, May 28.—The Italians continue to advance in the Carin- thia district, taking several more towns. German Reverses. Berlin, May 28.—The War Of- fice admits that the troops have met with a reverse German at the hands of the Russians at San River in Central Galicia. The Germans at Sieniawa have been forced back and have lost six eannon. CONSERVATIVES ELECT CANDIDATE FOR SKEENA J. E. Merryfield was, last night, nominated as the Conservative candidate for. the new riding of Skeena, in the Dominion House. EXPLOSION OF GAS IN NANAIMO MINE May plosion occurred yesterday in the Reserve mine of the Western Fuel Nanaimo, 28.—A Gas ex- Company. About forty employees were in the mine at the time. Six- teen of them were rescued. Two dead bodies have been found, while eighteen or twenty are still in the workings. ° Later. Nanaimo, May 28.—Rescue crews are at work on the Western Fuel shaft. Eight bodies have been retovered, but fourteen are still in the mine. THE WEATHER. F. W. Dowling, Observer. NN ig is i ein 08S eS 29.821 aera ere 56.0 ns IAL <4 o hap ate o dnd ub 44.0 5 a. m., May 28, 1915 SRITISH SOLDIERS ILL TREATED IN GERMANY The following is an_ extract from a letter written by a British soldier held prisoner in Germany: ‘We are being starved here. We and horse beans One loaf of Several men get rice water only; no solid food, bread for six days. been run through with bay- the and a large number are flogged and tied to a barbed wire post for six hours, with their toes just touch- ing the They do this without any just cause. We have blanket, and all the men are suffering with itech and dysentery, The guards knock us about un- mercifully with rifles and sticks. We have hardly anything to wear, as our captors took them away. It than Hell, They have given pants, coats and shirts to the Freneh, but will give the British nothing, The wound- ed do not get proper treatment, and several have died, and there will be a lot more yet. All T have said is quite true. TI eould tell you a lot more, but this is quite enough for now.” have onets by guard, being ground, one is worse being in Follow the crowd to GSelf's There is a reason,. Next 102tf. PRINCESS IRENE BLOWN UP IN HARBOR London, May 28.—All but one of the of 250 men of the British steamer Princess Irene crew lost their lives when the vessel blew up in Sheerness Harbor yes- terday. Seventy-eight dockers who were working on _ board the vessel at the time of the explosion also perished. The cause of the explosion is un- known. The Princess Irene was one of the new fast steamers which the ¢. P. R. had built for their Pa- cifie Coast serviee, and which were taken over by the Admiralty on completion. Majestic Theatre TONIGHT AND TOMORROW EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION! Kalem Photoplay Co. presents a nasterpiece production from the famous Sheridan's Novel— “THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL” (In Four Acts) “COME ROUND AND TAKE THAT ELEPHANT AWAY” (Burlesque) “music IN FLATS” (A Corking Comedy) _ Admission 10 and 166 "SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! ; Beginning Monday and Tuesday we will exhibit Special Feature Program; also on Friday and Sat- urday. Every change of program is Feature Night at he Majestic. “~ E. E. CONFECTIONERY lee Cream and Candies Freshly Made Try Our ice Cream Bricks Pioneer Laundry Third Avenue East Phone 118 We Use the Most Modern Laundry Machinery Built. Come In Any Tuesday or Wednesday and See How We Do It Absolute Satisfaction Is Guaranteed Snoooee