THE DAILY NEWS | THE DaiLty NEws THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largeet Circulation HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. rates on application. - DAILY EDITION Ss SIR DICK’S FATE. Sir Richard McBride's state- ment of his position in British Columbia politics, to a repre- sentative of Camada, is as en- lightening as the remark of the Scotch farmhand, who, when his sweetheart wept bitterly on his departure for Canada, said, “Dinna greet, Jean, I'll come back in twa years and marry ye, I think, maybe.” Sir Richard says “a formal dissolution did not take place, because the Redistribution Bill necessitated a change in the voters’ list.” How Sir Richard must bless that Redistribution Bill, and that voters’ list. The voters’ list, like the Canadian troops at Langemarck, saved the situation. When Sir Richard announced an election for April 10th, he must have forgotten the vot- ers’ list completely. Bowser, however, jogged his memory, and then Sir Dick remembered that he had urgent business elsewhere. He sought comfort in Ottawa, but found that Ot- tawa had troubles of its own, arising chiefly from bum boots and high priced drugs and autos, and had no sympa- ethy to spare for a politician who could not control his sa- tellites. Pinning his faith to the old and time-worn party ery of railroad development, the Premier fled to London, and now he is in the position of the drummer who, after spending a month on the road without booking an order, wrote, ‘Dear Firm, am I still with you?” Sir Richard adds: ‘“Mean- while nothing has occurred of a nature to disturb the politi- eal situation in the province.” In this, at least, he is truthful. Nothing has occurred, and nothing will oceur if the Hon. W. J. Bowser can avoid it. The rumpus between the Premier and the Attorney General did not oecur, that is, not officially. Sir Richard's election notice was merely a little informal af- fair, as it was given without the consent of the dietator. Bowser will intimate when the voters’ list is ready, and it will not be ready until he says so. ates. Friday, May 28, 1915. 2 breath, about to Hold your Richard is Blondin on the tight rope, but, alas, he is weighted down, and of balance, by a N. RR, out of C, thrown multitude bonds, P. G. E. bonds, timber licenses, | land grabs, and a host of other awkward things to carry. No shouting by critics, nor advice affect from friends, can fate in the least. Contract for Sir) emulate The cargo he _— Telephone 98. carries will swamp him, with- | out any outside assistance. NORTHERN WHEAT. When the final report of Sir | | | Sandford Fleming, as chief} engineer of the Canadian Pa- cifie Railway, was published thirty-eight years ago, it fur- nished the Canadians of that time with a mass of new Dut authentic information regard- ing the area now included in the province of Aiberta. The surveyor’s reports showed that among the various “passes” through the Rocky Mountains that might be used in the con- struction of a transcontinental railway, three were more ayail- able than any of the others: the one used quite recently for the National Transcontinental and Canadian Northern and the one through which the Peace River runs from west of the Rockies east toward Lake Athabasca. Of these three the first was, from a railway engi- neer’s viewpoint, the most dif- ficult, while the Peace River Valley the The only objection to the last nam- lines, was easiest. ed was its far north location, and Sir Sandford’s choice ulti- mately the middle pass, known as the Yellow Heed. was During this long interval of time it has been a matter of common knowledge that there is in the Peace River District, east of the Roeky Mountains, an extensive area of good, arable land, that the climate is favorable, and that much of the country is well watered by na- ture. This view of its capa- bilities for agricultural pur- poses is corroborated by the recent information that a car- load of wheat grown there has arrived in Winnipeg, and that FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 710 SECOND AVE Fishing Tackle Rifles and Shotguns Ammunition Can You Beat It---The Bird Has Flown! ADAMSON, his |Senior captain of the Third Diy CAPT. AGAR Princess Pats Light I: has the right shoulder th Mrs. Agar Adan Miss Cawthra, is sion, fantry, who been wo ed shrapnel. in who was at present in England, having left Canada tast August to be near her husband at the front Water Company, 617 Granville St., Vancouver, B. €., will apply for a license to take and use one and one-half cubie feet per second and to store 400 acre-feet of water out of Cunningham Lake. the outlet of Cunningham Lake. pacity of the reservoir to be created is about 400 acre feet and it will flood 2.28 acres. the stream at a point about 5 chains below the said outlet and will be used for Water- works purpose upon the land described as part of Lot 45, Range 5, Coast District, being the townsite of Port Essington, A copy of this notice and an application pur- suant 1914," will be fled in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objec- Wons to the application or to the petition meationed below may be filed with the seid Weter Recorder or with the Comp- wolier of Water Rights, Parliament Build- ings, Victoria, B. C., within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in & local newspaper. which the company desires to exercise its powers is described as the townsite of Port Essington. A petition to amend the the Certificate granted to the company in respect of its former right so as to in- elude the right applied for herein will be heard in the office of the Board of Inves- tigation at 4 date to be fixed by the Comp- trolier. The date of the First Publication of this Notice is March 23, 1915. “ the of good quality and appearance. As no railway near where it was frain 18 there grown, it must have been teamed many miles by the farmers themselves, perhaps to afford the outside world an object lesson as to the value of the distriet for poses. This end the informa- will cause it is accepted ms estab- lished that the to its northern limit wheat is grown There is no reason to doubt that the District a “Manitoba Hard” and “Number farming pur- tion certainly serve, be- nearer the finer its quality. Peace’ River is One Northern” region. WATER NOTICE. Use and Storage. TAKE NOTICE that The Port Essington Ltd,, whose address is The storage-dam will be located at The ca- The water will be diverted from thereto and to the “Water Act, The territory within PORT ESSINGTON WATER CO., LTD.,” Applicant. merchant tailor, contributed the of the at Monday, when a large sized pig chased him for two blocks. Mr. as much surprised as his audi- Smithers to Hazelton popular sports day Nelson was ence, but not so well pleased. Bert conductor on the Gagne passengel Prince George, while the with flowers woods, came contact poison ivy, a result has a very painful face gathering . | | ‘ SMITHERS NOTES * CREE RER EERE HEHEHE \ riding party composed of vr and Mrs. 6. L. Wileoeks, Gerrard es and G. Turner rode. to relkwa and back Monday Rk. Rarker and family spent] Mav 24 at Lake Kathlyn fishing iWiees O'Neill left bright and | early next morning in the two-ton | ck and brought home Bob's fish Charles Morris rode out to Sam ison's ranch at Canyon Creek Sunday to make arrangements | ease it Mr. Morris has sev ty-two pigs and is going to, farm ten or twelve acres in oats, | thirty in timothy and truck Mr. | VeLaughlin is to manage it It is learned that ©, Nelson, the between Smithers and and as He has been told by a local sym- his face it. that change pathizer if to Smithers Sentinel. him hurts Consolation! 68th REGIMENT, EARL GREY’S OWN RIFLES. Commanding, May 15, 1915: Officer for {. Orderly Orders by Major J. H. McMullin, week ending May 31, L. J. Beatty. Next for duty, Lieut. Carss. 2. Enrollment — The menti having med under- been enrolled, is taken on the strength of the regiment and posted to “A” Com- pany, effective from 19th inst. Edward Vickers Ling. 3. Appointments appointed Acting Adjutant, Capt. Gillatt on leave. 1. Parades—*A”’ Lt. Carss is vice Company will parade in front of the assessor's office on Wednesday, 26th inst., and on Friday, 28th inst., at 8 p. m. Ritle exercise, secs. 13-24. Should the weather be inclem- ent parades will be held Exhibition Building. By Order, J. B. GILLATT, Captain, the Adjutant 68th Regiment. Salvation Army. Public meetings, Tuesday Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m Sundays at 7:30 p. m. _= = Coughing scatters germs ’ —Stop it Coughing increases the irritation of the already in- flamed mucuous membranes and is moreover apt to carry disease to othiers, Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil promptly sto coughing, and soon, thanks to its tonic properties, effects a os hey e wonderfu arit of Mathieu's Syrnp of Tat Cod Liver Oilis specially ue to its great value as a permanent lung and bron- —- healer, d everywhere, 35¢ large bottles. . o ’ 4. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop. Sherbrooke, P.Q. ere sgh ai 10 chase te . See Prince Rupert Feed Co. 908 Third Ave. Phone 68 nae wool ——— — - _——— SF - a 8.8. PRINCE RUPERT On Fridays—9 a. m. Passenger trains leave Prince Rupert at 10 A» Saturdays for Prince George, Edmonton, necting with trains for St. Paul, Chicago, and ai) pr these trains carry splendid electric tighted Bleepi; 8.8 PRINCE G On Mona EORGE ay8S—~9 a m Saskatoon, w nipe ) 0 Me, 6 ¥ 8nd Pari HHHHHHOHHHST AES Eel rll Victoria and Seattle Wear Cedays ang n= Lastern Cities Wednesdays a through Tourlet Gieeper (electric ; hieds to tan Cars ang MAKE YOUR TRAIN OR STEAMSHIP BERTH RESERVATIONS” peg PHONE 260 EARLY FOR POINTS EAST OF CHICAGO Use THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY system The Double Track Route For Full Information and Tick ° TM es @ TP. Ticket OMmey AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Lines Teacher of Violin and All Band instruments 4a. PESCOTT 462 Eighth Ave. Gast Phone Green 327 DENTISTRY | A SPECIALTY DRS. GILROY & BROWN DENTISTS Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue Phone 454 SEMPER YR ERE RE ERE REE Ee _ 15-PHONE-75 ; PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO FOR A TAXI AINTING is hone 554 P.0.Box ¢ APERHANGING OLISHING AND WALL TINTING ntervor 4 Ne & Specialty Martin Swanson Second Avi ar M cBride sy RHRKRHHKEN HAD nee eee eee 35~-PHONE--35 TAXI ALF HALLIGAN RERAREERERERTRR EDEN AREA EEEARARARRAAREKER Phone 174 Largest stock Varouver, Crane tings, Pipes cut t rier Prince Rupert B. C. UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EmM- BALMERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- QNTEED—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 197 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 Canadian LAUNDRY : a _________ Latest and Approved Methods Only Skilled Operators Employed Phone us and we will call for a trial bundle Vote Our Address: 515 SIXTH AVENUE WEST Canadian Steam Laundry 08 SEEDS! SEEDS! RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS WE HANDLE. Rennio’s Ferry’s, Steele's, Brigg's Garden and Field Seeds Also Fertilizers We Take Orders for Nursery Stock Grain, and Feed at Vancouver Prices Chicken Feed a Specialty Mail orders promptly attended to Drawn for The Dally News, —, —_—— FUNNY How BRAVE A STAR MAKES YUR-! WATCH ME WAR THIS FELLOW SUST COMING—¢ HALTENOoU ARE UNDER. ARREST ' Pec Xd SIGN— THAT TTALIAN BUNCH THAT LIVED He | Helgerson Block ‘£23 Sixth St. Alex M. Manson, 6.4 WwW. t ams ——— Box $7 FOR PLUMBING AND HEATING SMITH & MALLETT f Pipe m Valves end Pit- rth of Third Ave., Head of Second Biret —_—— B.A, LL WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors MONEY TO LOAN Bou Office corper 2nd Sire and , Ete, Rupert, B.C ——_— Sed Avent PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITE (Successors to Pail Trew Genera! Ceartege ster 0.) LADYSMITH COAL 83—Prone 93 JAMES CILMORE Architect 2nd Avenue, near McBride Sire aah aan —— — RAILWAY PRINCESS ROYAL SOUTHBOUND CANADIAN PACIFIC PRINCESS MAQUINNA SOUTHBOUND FRIDAY 8 P. SUNDAY 8 P. ™ 4. @ MoNAB, General Agent Corner Fourth Street end Third Ave ws ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEW Eyeglasses. y & A constant dropp!" away a stone. eyestrain Injure> t because it is co! strain which fis! itself as a slight © should be rem: This we guaran’: lasses, Con elays are dange! Nerve Energy 44 wears t -7 ealtl t, Th ifests nfort t one lo Wl ; free Look for LooP OPTICIAN phone piack |