THE DAILY NEWS — ——_—_— PRICE FIVE neiitidiatalieatee eta il DMARSHAL FRENCH ADDRES S TROOPS Se = — ITALIANS DESTROY AUSTRIAN FORT— SEATTLE HAS BIG DYNAMITE E EXPLOSION aR wR JOHN FRENCH SAYS YPRES RESISTANCE WILL SHORTEN WAR | FicLD MARSHAL FRENCH ADDRESSES TROOPS—ALLIES MAKE pROGRESS—ITALIAN ARTILLERY DESTROYS AUSTRIAN FORT ON TRENTINO FRONT — AUSTRIANS FIRE ON WHITE FLAG. — (Special to The Dally Newe) M sf Field in an Mar- S French, ad. ps who fought in of Ypres, said ered against of irtillery, a stion German | aided by isphyxiating gases, eat deal to shorten | New Progress. | iris, M ) i An official re- the section north made new prog- having repulsed with a German coun- Al- and trenches at the offensive —— captured at first the greater part of the houses of Albair hich the ‘enemy held “Wei are again isters, and holding the entire village at Neu- ville St. Vaast Street fighting | has occurred and we took a new group of houses in the western ) Outskirts.’ Austrian Fort Destroyed. Italians. WHITE STAR LINER CHASED BY SUBMARINE: (Special to The Dally Newe) May 31. Megantic, t Montreal, off The | from was | the hased hy i submarine MANY LETTERS FROM LLOYD GEORGE. * ZOPRDKITCHENED London, May 34 Oficial. _— bD. Lloyd George and Lord Kitchener, who are jointly con- Rome Italian artillery has de. | ducting affairs at the War Office ;stroyed the armored fort of Lu-| fg oe sernon, the Trentino fort, in the JACK DOWLING WRITES LIVE Austrian Tyrol. When the white | flag was hoisted, the fort of Belvi , does turned its guns on Luserna ACCOUNT OF LIFE IN TRENCHES rhe summit of Veszana, and the} village below, are occupied by the | NOW IN TRENCHES RECEIVED of letters from the trenches arrived in last Quite a large number night's mail. Fred Stork had one from “Bill” iMathieson, who was recently wounded, in which he tells of the Ireland yesterday ed the fT Cork, uth coast of ut diver when} NOTICE. the of a request ud f Prince Rupert, « will be held in the Hall, ist, at 8 advisa- ber, City on ‘day evening, June the ng a central organ- msider 1 Red Cross Society. the city, and particu- tlemen, attend. o4-27 F. A. KERGIN, SPOPPOO—OCOROCOO COOL OL ON, Naiestie ‘Theatre TONIGHT AND Tomennow are urgently “THE KINGS MOVE IN THE CITY” in Two Parts) f Love, Intrigue and Adventure, “MAN OVERBOARD” king Comedy “WHEN THE GODS FORGIVE” \ eam Comedy “Sweeps LEARNS TO RIDE” king Comedy) Admission 10 and 1606 Comin ming Wednesday and Thureday 12th Episode of “THE BLACK Box” tous Laundry Third Avenue East Phone 118 “owes the Most Modern Machinery Built. — Any Tuesday or hesday and See How We Do It Absolute Satisfaction ts a Mtececescansne eid We | \a eard from Vic G, Thorn, Tompkins. wounding of C. and also W. J. McCutcheon has a letter from Wilfred Macdonald describ- ing two skirmishes which must have taken place before the wounding of Major Peck and Cap- tain Moore. Constable Wm. Adams has re- ceived a letter from Pte. W. H Kirk. He has been transferred to the Canadian-Seottish, The boys had been in the trenches for five days when the letter was written Che censor cut out all details of place and incident from the letter. Seotty Dennis has an inter- esting letter from Maleolm Lamb Ru- away tells of a Prince Belgian who wandered in which he pert from the the French and held prisoner lines and was captured by as a German spy for five days OPENING POSTPONED. rhe Rupert Table wishes to announce that they have Supply grand 2nd, delay postponed = their opening until Wednesday, to the ceiving June owing in re- unavoidable some important lines However, they will epen on Tues- day, and will make distribution of money on Wednesday, Announce ment to appear in this paper on Tuesday evening. PICNIC PARTIES. back is Belle al Launch Rose Il to her old berth the ment wharf and ready for the sea Moderate govern son's business Phone Red 24 for Sunday pienices 400, Quality, satisfaction and econ- omy. New Wellington Coal. Phone 116. aate. | Follow the crowd to Self's Cafe. ‘There is a reason,. Next Majestic Theatre ioe2tf rates ter’s The following interesting very has | \W letter Mrs, F. and splendidly written d by just been receive Jack, who is ne For of account of trench] Dowling fre the seventeen, life powers ability: Mother mm trenches a boy only this shows remarkable descriptive and no. little literary Dear All: We billeted distance from the firing line, with the We quite week in the and are now quite a French farmers. exciting for the we were tre but the are subject to a much heavier and ore shell fire than the ist forward trenches We fo the the but an time. the reserve trenches first course, in nches, trenches severe te to witness uses the rtune of German our men have to a it a disadvantage this just gases accustomed, certain extent, of course tt to the in combating and rked to wi in fire gas They it enemy. shells of ¢ greenish-yellow, The and bursts ahead It and is not trans- and sur lines is a greasy, follow up lifts But in this instance the French machine parent Germans as soon as ll it, they charge behind and also their gas lifted on came our men stuck to When the Germans but our machine guns opened fire guns the in massed formation and mowed them down like hay. When the Germans stopped the | British and French charged | themselves, retaking their own trench and two German trenches. The deadly which IL believe much have a much more called they are Prenech turpenite, gas, use, so better if they do the base am now in quartermas- stores at and will in the trenches so much; not be DESCRIBES HOW GERMANS USE ASPHYXIATING GASES AND HOW THEY ARE COMBATTED — JACK COMES ACROSS MR. WARTON’S GRAVE—LOCAL BOYS ARE | | KILTS. to more than is and I'm not be in the trenches any over-anxious necessary, because it’s pretty hard on a man’s nerves. IT would also like to tell you not to believe talk. We get in half this paper oneees and I have read the de- | of the battles we was were nothing short of It looks to me that lscription it a fairy tale. in, and jihe papers like to everdo things, had | | loft i and, for sake, don’t take any notice of them. your own Sergeant Godenrath asks me to _lsend his best regards and to say rf} ithat Mrs. reserve | Godenrath had received an appointment and is now in Ot- Major the boys also ‘ { jibson and the rest best tawa, send their lregards, had | asphyxiating | become | | oo to | nardly lof the wanderlust England did not appeal to me but iup the hope of seeking its pleas- very much, I have not given I did not see very much but have ures yet. of it while IT was there, tend to I more of France in two weeks than I in- see more. seen 1 saw of England in seven weeks. Its quaint and ancient customs unknown to Western Canada ap- peal to me; for instance, the farmhouse where we are billeted was built in 1744 and it still has its big fireplace, its cobbled floors, its big treadmill turned by dogs—and I can say they are the sort of things that appeal to a Westerner. When a man leaves here for Canada, they say the call is in him, and he has gone to that country that calls men (men, in its true sense and it seems funny to hear them, but, Canada exaggeration, the the common without any sturdy best. I city Franee would does need at least, think the folk of England or find it an easy job to make a good the Wild Wooly as they eall it, (Continued | on | Page peur.) ones, or, living in and Weeat, Geo. Milner Jos. Raatz impress Cafe UNDER NEW MANAGE- MENT —- TRY US JACK JUDGE RO! BARNES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE Cozy Barber Shop BATHS THIRD AVE. ALDER BLK. "AMERICAN PRESS COMMENTS — ON GERMANY’S REPLY TO NOTE (Special ts The Dally News.) York, May 314. to the regarding the sinking of the Lu- the submarine war- fare generally is pretty much as the American New -The Ger- man reply American note sitania and was forecasted by press. In New York editorial comment, it is characterized as polite and The World describes it pettifogging. The Tribune says it will not sat- evasive, insincere and as isfy American opinion. The note raises the question as the Lusitania was seeks to justify the action on the grounds that Ger- - o whether armed, and many was acting in self-defence GERMANY JUSTIFIES SINKING OF LUSITANIA ON GROUNDS OF SELF-DEFENCE—NEW YORK REPLY AS INSINCERE, EVASIVE AND PETTIFOGGING. in destroying ammunition, which was consigned to an enemy. Full tion are not yet to hand. details of the commuica- Lacrosse. (Special to The Dally News.) Vancouver, May 31,—In_ the opening lacrosse game Saturday for the Minto Cup Vancouver beat New Westminster, the cup hold- ers, by 10 to 7. delicate specimens of aged and infirm horseflesh were tethered behind the City Hall this morning. They looked like part of the Nova Scotia purchase of remounts. Some SUBMARINES BUSY IN ENGLISH CHANNEL (Special to The Daily News.) London, May 31.—The British and Tulloch- been submarined in the English Channel. The Holt liner Ping Suey was attacked within five hours to to Ply- ‘\ steamers Glenlee moor have twice but mouth. managed escape BASEBALL. Northwestern League. Victoria, 2-5; Tacoma, 0-3. Seattle, 1-1; Spokane, 0-1. Aberdeen, 2-4; Vancouver, Victoria in the League, with i; 1-0. North- Spokane leads western second. American League. Boston, 1-6; Philadelphia, Detroit, 7-3; St. Louis, 1-3. Washington-New York and ClevelandChicago games postpon- 2-5. ed on account of rain. National League. 0; Pittsburg, 0 (five innings; game called on account of rain). St. Louis, Brooklyn, Chicago, St. Louis, 3. 1. 9, 5; Pittsburg, ¢: York, 3; Cineinnati, Philadelphia, Boston, New h ty Coast League. Venice, 3; Oakland, 1 Salt Lake, 5; Los Angeles, 4. San Francisco, 2; Portland, 5. LAND SACRIFICE. Pre-emptors and land buyers, take buying any serub land, that I have clear title to the the Nechaco Valley, and will sacrifice notice before best half-section in either half or quarter, as I need the money. This is the best loca- tion between the upper and lower Nechaco within half a mile of the proposed G, T. P, and in the center of a great lake fishing district. It on a good wagon road at the head of Fraser Lake. Part improved; rest can be cleared for $45.00 per acre, See Roye at the Royal Hotel before Wednesday morning, 126.127 Rivers, and is townsite, is TERRIFIC DYNAMITE EXPLOSION AT SEATTLE (Special to The Dally News.) Seattle, May 31.—-Fifteen tons of dyanmite, loaded on a scow, awaiting shipment to Russia, ex- ploded here on Sunday morning. The damage resulting from broken windows in the city amounts to $50,000. The shock was felt for a distance of forty miles. The authorities believe the ex- plosion was the result of a Ger- man plot to prevent the dynamite reaching Russia. The watchman is missing and is believed to have been killed. Burns’ detectives are looking for a man who purehased 450 feet of fuse on Saturday. Win- dows were broken as far away as Bremerton. The total damage is estimated at $100,000. Get your screens and screen doors put up before the flies get bad. Fritz does it. Phone 121-23 ESTHOLME Wostnene OPERA HOUSE PRINCE ayrenre POPU- LAR PLAYHOUSE TONIGHT AND ‘Tomorrow — too 583. Three-Reel Feature “WHEN LOVE AND HONOR CALLED” An exceptionally file production, Owing to the boats being late on Friday we were unable to show this film, Come and see it tonight, Two-Reel Feature “LET NO MAN ESCAPE” +A detective story of very ‘high merit, “CUTEY'S VACATION” (Comedy ) Come and See “Willie’’ Among the Pretty Girls NEXT WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY The Beautiful and Exciting Produc- tlon—"HIS LAST DOLLAR” POPULAR PRICES LONDON CAFE And Grill ALWAYS FIRST CLASS BOXES FOR LADIES Hart Bik. Third Ave.