THE DAILY NEWS 1 te GERMAN CONFESSION OF MISCALCULATION For Vancouve; 1 All ws | 1 ha , : ; THE LEADING THE DA LY NEWS COLUMBIA rhe German newspaper Der Victoria and Published Daily and Weekly i vhich during the first month Seattl Guaranteed Largest Circulation , tne war shouted, “Herr Gott, e i Tage Schoen O Lord, | ; ae Saree vy de ot these days are | 8.8. Crosse. 8.8 PRINCE GEORGE Oaily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98 owed naw af esate Gilet re icon Te ea e On Mondays—o a, m TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING--50 cents per ineh Contract wantatate of mind, and declared quntein te Getaee Geeres, ion ton” A w tneedeye ang . ‘ | MNIpOg, ete rates on application. be weet fe ae py or Age rine vas Eastern Citiee - — a ___—_ —=— | S» many of our ecalculati wel Wednesdays a through Tourist Bleeper (electric |g, +‘) oie — and : nivel’ wi i Mee eieeenelt MAKE YOUR TRAIN OR STEAMSHIP BERTH RESERV At iong SY agi ee Monday, May 31, 1915. have deceived u PHONE 260 EARLY eee +t Rritish India would rise when | FOR POINTS EAST OF cHIcaGo USE THE ene - ew ge ae ee TE eee the first shot was fired in Europe, | TRUNK RAILWAY system D NAVAL LOSSES. effective off Heligoland, the tut in reality thousands of aan The Double Track Route The Majestic, Triumph, and British fleet is very much ame to fight with the Brit | For Full information and Verena Tiehete, apply to GT. P. Ticket OMee Goliath have been recently lost} stronger than at the outbreak sh against us. We anticipated) AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP LINES : in the Dardanelles. Such of war. All that the North Sea hat the whole British Empire | losses need not cause undue fleet lacks is a sight of the d be torn to pieces, but at — pessimism. Naval losses must enemy. es appear to be closer than} = be looked for in these narrow, united with the Mother | howe 994 P.0.Bor 69 strongly fortified seas. Sea|SUBMARINE HISTORY. Country. We expeeted a triumph MUSIC a fighting close in to land forts While the submarine, as int rebellion in South Africa, yet Teacher of Violin and All APERHANGING has always been looked upon used in the navies of the world, it turned out nothing but a fail Band Instruments AINTING by experts as extremely dan-| is more of an evolution than an ufe. on kee Ee te OLISHING. AND gerous, and in some quarters invention, there still survives | “EDDIE” FITZPATRICK, | “We expected trouble in Ire- Phone Green 827 WALL TINTING as sheer folly. The Allies the man who can be fairly); ate of the Toronto Internation-|land, but instead, she sent her h grade ot were quick to discover that, in credited with being the creator | als, who is playing second base | be st soldiers against us, We an- Lo ra ne 6 Seca the Dardanelles operations, a of the modern submarine. This for the Boston world cham-|ticipated that the party of “peace Martin Swanso strong land foree co-operating is John P. Holland, inventor of pions in plare of Johnny | vers./at any price’ would be dominant ooo Rin av ; nN with the fleet is necessary, in the Holland submarine, the — jin England, but it melted away in D E NTISTRY , : ear 7 Bride order to accomplish the tre-| first type of under-water ves-| of the United States and passed|the ardour to fight against Ger-|% © —_—— SIRE rE eet tei mendous task of taking Gon-| sels ever actually accepted and) ihe tests required of it. A|many. We reckoned that England CROWN AND S8RIDGE WORK ' stantinopie. adopted by the United States dream of Irish liberty was thus!was degenerate and ineapable of A SPECIALTY i The ships which have been| —"avy. It is rather a curious responsible for the creation of | placing any weight in the scale, DRS. GILROY & BROWN 35--PHONE--35 lost are all of slow, old types, chapter in invention, consider- the naval weapon which may,|yet she seems to be our principal DENTISTS which are useless for the ing it in all of its phases. in further development, al-| enemy.” Office: Soe Avenue speedy work required in the Fifty years ago, John P. Hol- though it has not yet done so, ech tneatliihbecsiiiiiatitianite TAXI North Sea. The little sea land was one of the active lead- entirely revolutionize naval|CANADIAN STEAMER ' fighting which there has been ers of the Fenian Brotherhood. warfare.—Seattle P.-I. SUBMARINE VICTIM Fe ! has shown conclusively that He was one of the ardent be- aie . al os SEPPEEE EERE EE ! speed and weight of projectile lievers in the possibility that] It is only after a man becomes Cardiff, Wales, May 29.-—Th« hie eesisien : are the great necessities of Ireland might some time|rich and famous that you recall |= emer Morwenna, of Montreal, FOR A TAXI present-day naval warfare, achieve absolute independence|the fae tthat you and he were'™"® OFS ee ee ” s Sot tit tit tits therefore such types as_ the of England by force. He was|schoolmates. German submarine at midday plilleinannoee sail Majestic are only useful in interested in bringing about|—< — - Wednesday at a = — miles 75--PHONE--75 — such work as they are engaged the Fenian raid in Canada, “A D lar e h Bank -t" t by south v7 St. a Head. 14 reese Sit name an mE, in, in the Dardanelles. If these which narrowly escaped em- 0 m the Is One member of the crew of the e MALLETT SMITH & was killed, while three ; PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO vessel Worth Two in Promises” ships do go under, the loss is broiling the two countries in ' oo eo tm a ; ; ; : were wounded. The others have Vaiffouver, Crane Valves and Fit- comparatively small, if the war, and also in the abortive onetenvatewanet og aR -rews c be saved Fenian uprising in Ireland HEN you have @ [been landed safely at Milford Ha- |******#*### Thid hee. Mead of Second Street ee eee ee = substantial Savings ‘n, Wales. The Morwenna was aie These losses have been more whieh came to such a melan- Account, you do not wr F ' a . lien a —- _ - than counter-balanced by re-| Choly end. But he never fully have to ask favours |OWned by the St. Lawrence Ship- oo ad cent additions of superdread- believed that the military pow-| OF Court refusals when Yoe |ping Company. Alex M. Manson, B.A os : . iz | require ready cash. A Savings The Morwenna was bound from W. E. Williams, BA, LL noughts, and fast light ecruis- er of England could be over- Account in The Benk of & , thrown by any uprising of the sas : Cardiff for Sydney, Cape Breton, WILLIAMS & MANSON ers. Shortly after the out- irown by any uprising British North America makes win ial Ns ‘ break of war the Berbow and] kind. ou independent of promises. | ‘" ballast. The Belgian trawler Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. Emperor of India, each earry- His fixed idea was that the © money ts yours —ready Jaqueline picked up the crew. MONEY TO LOAN : ie MME; eee halt ie Setak lie wean when you need it—protected |————— —- , ing eight 13141-2-inech guns, way to Irish suecess woul sainst loss—safe from fire and i oe — were put in commission, and come through the breaking] theft—and earning interest at BABY'S a more recently the Queen Eliza~ down of England's naval pow-| highest current rates. Yd Office corner 2nd Street and Srd Anew beth, with a broadside of eight er, and this he conceived pos- Deposits of $1. and upwards are : s ; j : received on Savings accounts. | 15-inch guns, has been com- sible of accomplishment only . Canadi PACIFIC CARTAGE Lite an (Successors to Pact renste pleted and sent to the Darda- nelles, has done deadly execution with her huge shells, thrown from a safe dis- tance, her fire being directed from Though nothing has been made public, it is almost certain that three more of her type, the Warspite, the Valiant, and the Barham, are now at sea. With these additional su- perdreadnoughts, and a num- ber of very fast light cruisers, of the type which proved so where she aeroplanes. through the perfection of sub- marine craft. For the accom- plishment of this end, for this purpose, he devoted his entire thought and energy to the se- lution of the problem of a practicable submarine torpedo boat. He was looked upon as an impractical dreamer by his associates, but he stuck to his task until success came. Thirty years after the col- lapse of the Fenian movement the first Holland submarine was built by him for the navy FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 710 SECOND AVE Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Stee! Blocks Pipe Fittings Wire Cable Valves Hose Rope Pumps Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated tron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” Fishing Tackle Rifles and Shotguns Ammuntktion Paint FRED STORK’S HARDWARE ————===_=_ I SEE WE WIN AGAIN NESTIDDY As ) Ni P Ai UMM HAL British CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7,884,000. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH THE BANK OF North America oh 4 ot, Sweet The purity and fragrance of Baby’s Own Soap have made it a universal fa\orite. Its use is beneficial to any skin. 44-13 Albert Soaps Limited, Montreal. x“ Coughing scatters germs | | STEAM LAUNDRY Latest and Approved Methods Only Skilled Operators Employed Phone us and we will call for a trial bundie Vote Our Address: 5165 SIXTH AVENUE WEST PHONE NO. 8 NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Canadian Steam Laundry —Siop it Coughing increases the irritation of the already in- flamed mucuous membranes and is moreover apt to carry disease to others. Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil promptly sto coughing, and soon, thanks to its tonic properties, effects a pron’ — ; e wonderfu arity of Mathieu's Syrnp’ of Tar and Cod Liver Oilis specially due to its great value as a permanent lung and bron- ctilal healer. Sold everywhere, large bettion ery 35¢ larg | J. & MATHIEU CO. Prop. Sherbrooke, P.Q. | SEEDS! SEEDS! RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS WE HANDLE. Rennie’s Ferry’s, Steele's, Brigg’s Genera! Certege LADYSMITH COAL 93—Phone—03 JAMES GiLMORE Architect McBride Stre all 2nd Avenue, neat eee CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY PRINCESS MAQUINNA SOUTHBOUND FRIDAY 8 P. ™ PRINCESS ROYAL SOUTHBOUND SUNDAY 8 P. ™ Agent j 4. @ MoNAB, Gener ws on Corner Fourth Street and Garden and Field Seeds Also Fertilizers We Take Orders for Nursery Stock Grain, and Feed at Vancouver Prices Chicken Feed a Specialty Mail orders promptly attended to ae, emt "OES wee Hay, a ‘OU BET \T TAKES 4 LOTOR WORRY OFF My MIND 10 HAVE A COP )\ AROUND! What Is A “Body-Guard” Drawn for The Daily News. -~By “Hop.” ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEW: Nerve Energy 4% Eyeglasses. A constant dropp! 8 away a stone. health eyestrain injures © rhe because it is CONS tg strain which first ng itself as a slight Ch" ne should be rem +> do wil This we guaran! n frees lasses, Cons E | re dange! | elays are dange! i LUA "4 , 4 Look for Loop OPTICIAN 223 Sixth St. phone Biack