May 34, 1945 HOLE FAMILY USES THER .” Keops Young And Old in Splendid Health wpruit-a-tive w. HAMMOND Esa, d Scot Ont., Aug. 25th. 1913 “pruit ’ are the only pill manufact to my way of thinkin. They work comp iletely, no griping whatever | one is —. or any ed inary natac My wife wasat utyrto Constipation. Wetried eryth 1 the calendar without atis and spent large sums of money until we happened on “'¥ruit- -tives”’. T cannot say too much in jeit favor , We have used them in the family for out tw and we would not use nything else as long as we can get I 4 Their act is mild, and no distress I have recommended them to cople, and our whole y uses them”, J. W. HAMMOND. v other p hose who have been cured by “Fruit es id and happy to tella : friend about these won- Itablets made from fruit juices, box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. yr sent on receipt of price s Limited, Ottawa. OF AN APPLICATION a fresh Certificate of Block Four (4) and Eight (8), Block well tion Ome (1), City of Map 923; EBY GIVEN that it is ie after the expiration the first publication tfcate of Title for the ts In the name of Wil h Certificate of Title is nd was issued on May x (6), . . myself H. F. MAGLEOD, ; : = District Registrar. “Some of us wish to express [7 emia ail v.c A Real Lever Simulation , Prince Rupert, B. C../ our indignation and abhorrence of oe OLD WATCH FREE, 105-4111-417-123 r ' I it } is de able e , has ’ ‘ mn ? i damnable deed, which ha | Calgary, May 31.—The happi- A, straighttorward generous — ele . se , aeis . MINERAL ACT. been foisted by these Prussian vi-| .,.) man in Calgary today is Jas. Tes tains res upol : : : a ( ‘ people all over the —- per upon the fair name f old Place, father of Pte. Geo. Place, | world as s howe Certificate of fi vemente. German { > ate s eet iermany May the ultimate just on account of word which has Salt ton’ fe 10g. retribution for these murders be} ;,.) preached Calgary that has son ee a jomestake No. 4, and Sun- Rita ‘waltien 6 stattGatin bibnien ;Ju a SiG ‘ . fashionable Ladies’ Minera sims, situate in the Skeens| ‘* ea where it IF MLIUY belongs ihad been reeommended for the £ m of Casal ) » Prussik : ‘ » . \ , a 0 ar District. upon the Prussian, the Branden- | Vietor ia Cross for bravery at the oun Oe eee . ' Oa Ge Rev Giese burger and the Bri wicker. This Shane wens ae by Bay between Bonanza and Falls Sane oe runswieker, EMIS) tront, The brief wire which was | pana ny BE ks. from a granddaughter of the men| , Pe should you take ad- eceived by Mr. Place says: “War vuntage of our WE NOTICE that 1, George R. Naden, i core ae . We _ expect tell tr Miner's ertifieate No. 300sem act- of ‘48 lOffice desires to notify Jas. Place, | thot oe and. how them the beantial watch, @ Agent for Thomas McMostie, Free — t = | B88" comes toder sof este’ a Bree Watch” Toa a oe . ’ : ine oO ‘Le. Ge *lace, Ca- | i ‘amazed —ViLLI & Lioyp, w rs ate No. 80348B, and James next of kin Pte. Geo. Place, , | a er se ), 6 Cormwalite hoa ‘onde ae Ha! i Miner's Certificate No. inadian Royal Horse Artillery, England ‘ ' | . i b . ‘anal pg Bar MATHIBU S recommended for the Victoria it app o = toro Cortigeste @f fmmeese- NERVINE POWDERS Cross by general commanding for C Milk is SAFE _s and Neuriga } m Gra t eS ae 7 gu quite a ete al Vie trates conspicuous gallantry, saving rn ) e abe al Ves - d furt lake notice that action, un- ibattery from capture during night vectl inust be commenced before | attack issue of such Certificate of Improve- a t te s Sed. “RAY, War Office. | tis 15th day of Mareh, A. D. Place is well known through- GEO, BR. NADEN. out Calgary and the province. He appeared in Calgary and other ricE TO DELINQUENT “C0- OWNER. SPEAKS VERY PLAINLY A letter from Mina Dankwort a German i f Brooklyn New York, published in the New cuts Monday’s labor clean York Sun, has come in for consid in half. erable attention In the course of ar Uiies ‘Chie writer renikeks The Sunlight way is so easy Pie Astibbedte torpedcinn ot! --just note. First you soap the Lusitania will, I trust, bring| the garment; then roll it up home once and for all to the real! tosoak. After a while you American people the plain fact rinse it thoroughly and the that the royal Prussian military] | dirt drops out like magic. oligarchy dominated and directed | Why scrub, and rub, and : the neon Von Tirpitz, | wear and tear the clothes on Roon, Moltke, Buelow, eee when the gentle strength of ler, Von Der Goltz and what os Sunlight Soap will do the known as their ‘black ead work with never a hurt to policy have completely set at} fabric or hands. naught all established usages of! civilized warfare, This has Try it once— dragged into the mire the es- | this Sunlight cutcheons of Saxony, Bavaria, | way. Swabia and Wuerttemberg to the | At all grocers eternal disgust of many American citizens eome of the larg: ysl. This fortre is aga to the Austro-Ger in fores GERMAN-AMERICAN LADY of German descent like (pLENLY JOHNSON, oF to aay per- rsons to whofa you may ve | your interésts, Take Notice » the undersigned Go-Owner with i the hold King No. 1” and the ngs” Mineral Claims, situated at the oe, Hastings Arm about three- E ‘tile from the Deaeh, in the ‘Skee. aver Mining Distriet, Province of | sh ‘ubia, ave done the required | n ‘ork on the above mentioned iS for year 1914, amounting to > to hold the same uD ton ao, Me. Mineral Act, and if © 90 days of the publica of this Jou fal or refuse to contribute bo f such expenditure, to- wit costs of this advertise- 10 terest in the said mineral rslen,) vocome the property of the pued under Section 4 of the Min- t Amen iment Act $s 1900. . H. COVERT, Co-Owner. *d at Prince Rupert, B. C., es January —One tria! will convince you that asure and safe remedy for any headache is at your service in MATHIEU’S Nervine Powders 18 in a box, 25c. Sold everywhere. If your dealer does not se!! them we mall tox on receipt of price, 25c. J.L.MATHIEU CO. Props. SHERBROOKE, P.@ 6-5-0 ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS" THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMITED SS, VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT For Further Particulars Apply to PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS Oe noe. Rees = LUMBER SHINGLE®, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A. 4. BURROUGHS, Manager te Av® and Momride 8, PHONE 25 Ooms eee. PRINCE RUPERT, 6.0. Branch Yard at Smithere AUSTRIAN PRISONERS FROM PREM YSL. THE DAILY NBWS. f Austrians taken by the Russians when they captured Prem- i DJe ‘i great battles and may result in the return of the fortress a {parts of Alberta in many theatres as “the handcuff king,” where he performed such stunts as getting l og... sight-jacket and ow ' ' atrelg - B. C. Milk is Safe. In sterilizing to handeuffs, preserve its wholesomeness, it ts heated ta a higher degree than ordi- nary pasteurization heat. his in- sures its safety. Buy B. C. Milk for daily use when- ever PURE, SWEET, CLEAN Milk is required. it Has The NATURAL FLAVOR. ESCAPE FROM SUBMARINE. The British Argyllshire, which left W., April 16, distress calls attacked by She | Liverpool, May 34 | steamship N. wireless sent after a Gor- Sydney, s. rout | heving been reached The lharbor into which she put has not lman submarine. |port safely later in the day. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM | CUROCUIT NO. 1. been announced, @Gox 12-—5th St. and Srd Ave. Fe es Box 18—6th St. and 8rd Ave. 68TH E. G. O. R. Box 14,—8th St. and Srd Ave. sii Box 16-—Junction of ist, @nd and McMulli Srd Aves. Orders by Major J. H, MoMullin,| % a. ye ist ave, between 8th and Commanding, 22nd May, 1915: 9th Sts. (Knox Hotel.) ider) Officer—For week Bou 17-—-18t Ave. and 7th St. (Cen 1. Orderly eer tet Mosel.) ending June 7th, Lieut, Beatty. o 2, Enrolment—The undermen- ini os ain ae tioned having been enrolled is (Post Office.) ake » streng » Reg- Gox 23-Srd Ave. and McBride 81. taken on the strength of es neg po Se aa ak ie iment and posted to “A” Com~-| & gox 28—9nd Ave, and @nd st ore with etYect from May 26th, - a ghey and 6th 8. O15: one OIROUIT NO. 8. W. G. Oakley, ee ae ae 1 spr | E Bex St-—bth Ave, and Fulton st, 3, Parades d anc Box 82—Borden and Taylor sts. Companies will parade in front of Box 847th Ave, and Fulton 8t, % ie i a Box 35——0th Ave. and Comox Ave, the Assessors’ Office on W eens Be Box 87—8th Ave, and day, June 2nd, 1945, and Friday, Box $8——6th Ave. and Thompson 8t. June 4th, 19145, at 8 p. m,—Rifle omourT No. 4 exercises, Should the weather be Box 414th Ave. and Emmerson L inclement, parades will be held at = 40--bth Ave. end & a the Exhibition Building. Box 43--4tb Ave. and Green 81. By order, Box 44--6tb Ave and Basil 8, . s Bos 45-—7th Ave. and Eberte. ADAIR CARSS, Lieut, Box 144——7th Ave. and Young 8, Acting Adjutant. ith ik ett Empress Jams Are strictly a B. C. Product. Right from the delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to Ye purest of Cane Sugar. Every step tn the producing and manufac- turing of the delicious Jam contributes to the prosperity of B.C. It will satisfy the most exacting. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS In 1-Ib. Glass Jars and 4-Ib. Tins THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. O. Empress Jams ji24 2u EA Os Ramsay’s Empire Cream Sodas In 2-Ib. Tine Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire” when buying Soda Biscuite. They are made in B. C. and your grocer gets his supply frequently and quickly, Insuring freshness, which means crispness. Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. Manufactured by RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. C. kkk thik Read ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ Circulation Guaranteed the Largest in Northern British Columbia Prince Rupert’s Leading Paper! Read ‘THE DAILY NEWS’