/ONDON RAIDED BY ZEPPELINS LAST NIGHT PUGET SOUND F( FORTS TAMPERED WITH — ITALIANS | ARE STEADILY - ADVANCING ——Eeeeeeeeee ONDONERS WAKE UP T0 F IND THEY MISSED A ZEPPELIN RAID HE LONG EXPECTED RAID DID LITTLE DAMAGE—wmMILLIONS KNEW NOTHING OF IT UNTIL THEY READ REPORT MAJESTIC OFFICERS SAVED—RUSSIAN | ITALIANS STEADILY ADVANCE __ KEEPING THE AUSTRIANS MOVING de se Asne. iTALIANS OCCUPY THE HEIGHT OF ZUGNA AND MOUNT BEL- VEDERE—INFANTRY SOLIDLY ESTABLISHED—ALL ATTACKS REPULSED—GERMAN CONSULATE SUCCESSES. (Special to The Dally News.) report says: “In the Shavli re- i e 1.—The long ex-/gion, the Germans cont to re | raid on London|sist our offensive with violent! as night, and millions|fire, but the fighting in this dis. | iined in utter ig-j)trict continues in our advantage. | fact until they “On the front between the Riv- ralty report in thejer Pilica and the upper Vistula, ‘aptured 109 officers and 18,-| was 1647 rank ere started but “In ' ed | River Majestic Officers Saved. Lond {.._The Admiral- in announcement! we the ers of the Majes- The transporta- troops in the apers | ning. jwe | damage done, and file. battle on is developing in our Galicia, the San | | favor. | Our troops have successfully as- Last night Lubaczowka | of Mon-| ad | sumed the offensive. crossed the River and occupied the village asterzn, inflicting heavy Turkish larda sis being impeded by a} upon the enemy. “An offensive move by the en- | 1¢ which is cruis-j|emy along the road from Jaro- | jseveral Captain R. Y. who went Cory sends pie from Toronto with the gent, is a prisoner in Germany, a shown. It is a river scene in Ant posted along the banks are print PARTIES OF TOURISTS COMING THIS SUMMER News has that tourists are Rupert Panama Exposition been received parties of Prince passing through enroute to the g off Constantinople, slau to Radymno in an easterly Russian Successes. direction has been stopped by our |'" — grad, June 1.—An Seeeiee.”. ee pee eeeoree oF Over See . a —_ —— jpeople from points east of Win- INSATIONAL DISCOVERY TREASURY CERTIFICATES. Inipeg They will reach Prince Rupert about July 14th next, and AT PUGET SOUND FORTS Ata lc lity Council on Saturday, meeting of the, May 29, | (Special to The ‘Daily News) 'to discuss the question of £281,- | | send, June 1.—A/900 of treasury certificates fall- scovery was made@|ing due in London on June 4, it special last weht, The breeehlocks|was decided that the Bank of ve hy emoved and the load-| Montreal be asked to try and get yeas destroyed on four|ihese renewed for one year. 8 luding the siege! pailing this, the bank was au- at Port Flagler. |¢horized to take whatever steps it ’ £ , ollowed a report! geemed necessary to prevent de- a tw rden had been pho- fault. rape e location of the big id sas sand hidden batteries be. WANT SIDEWALK. Sight-seers have —— ! en to visit the bat- Residents on Seventh Avenue 8 extra guards have | between Claude and Donald led Streets have petitioned the City th ire situated at the}Council for a sidewalk in thei ra \dmiral Inlet, in Pu-| locality. . hey pointed out that the city ost direetly oppo- ¢ Viet B. G: has the that they would do the work, necessary lumber and la thus THE WEATHER. June 4, 1945, for the 00 ewe eee 30.082 The matter was referred to the | - ..55.0 | Board of Works. e | | providing the city with a sidewalk cost of the lumber. ‘ee eee eeee os etka ees 46.0 " 20 BARBERS’ DISCUSSION. FW Dowling Observer. The question of the ownership of the Cozy Barber Shop came up City ‘ NOTICE. last night at the tounceil | meeting in connection with the | The statement Ehling still | lise to the request of a f Rupert, a ie will be held in the uber, City Hall, on ing, June ist, at 8 Consider the advisa-|ing, The Prinee petition, that Mr, owns this business. On making enquiry this morn- News that Roi} ack Judge own this barbers’ was made finds Barnes and J shop, and that the misapprehen sion arose through their not hav- ing a central organ- lle Red Cross Society. the city, and particu- are urgently jing attend, Mr. b. A, KERGIN, ‘ed Cross Committee. Vowaa Laundry Third Avenue East Llemen, taken out a new license, as Ehling’s license does not ex- pire until July 15. This, they and all is well with the Cozy Bar : have now rectified, ber Shop. Quality, satisfacti fon ond econ- New Wellington Coal. omy. a Phone 118 Phone 116, 63tf. * Use the Most Lay Y Mae ce peotete Follow the crowd to Self's Machinery Built, le eae eel “y in Any Tuesday or Cafe. | nee m : a ““Hesday and See How Majestic Theatre | We — Abso| . 5 Salvation Army. °'Ule Satisfaction Is Public meetings, Tuesday Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.m. Guaranteed Pree, -— Sundays at 7:30 p.m. *erweocorenoooooooes we young ladies, winners in newspa- per contests, over 100 strong, will arrive here July 21st. They are intending to stay over half a day, | people }portation wish to stay over long enough in Prince Rupert to make side Another trips party consisting of but if side will trips can be arranged a longer stay. Chey Halifax, Montreal, Mass. Law- Manchester N Edmon- $30,000 make from Boston rence Mass.), H.), Detroit, ton, Calgary, ete. come London, Winnipeg Over of newspaper publicity has al- ready been given to this party and | the Eastern to have reports of their progress | through the districts to each paper press has arranged | covered | wired daily inter- | ested Another party consists of edu-| county and city eators superin- tendents of schools, ete., and will | larrive early in August at Prince | iRupert. They are making a stop- | over in Prince Rupert for side ltrips of one day or longer, pro- | vided there are facilities for ere venient sight-seeing. These Is will have a special train, and come from points in Minne- North fowa, Hlinois and Nebraska. The Board of matter of entertaining these par- Dakota, | | | sota, and South trade has the} ties by way of organizing trans ete., under} facilities, consideration, rhere jttupert will get considerable no- is no doubt that Prince tice through parties of this de-| scription, of which the above seem to be the advance guard of | the 1915 travel, | SKIMMED MILK 5e per quart.| BUTTERMILK ifc per quart, two quarts for Delivered to any part of the city--Prinee Rupert Phone Green 252 tf. 15 oc. Dairy } wonderful Skeena River, the which keep a continuous current itime ever made iboats (Special to The Dally News.) ; Rome, June 1,— (Official) —Our ,forees continue to advance beyond the Tyrol along the Trentino frontier. They occupy the jheight of Zugna, dominating Bo- The Austrian fort of Bel- | vedere is weakening and our in- now ture posteard. Captain Cory, | Verte. Highlanders in the first eontin- 'fantry is solidly established and | Mt. Belvedere is in our handa, Alpine troops repulsed five lattacks of a gun bat- GT. NEW SCHEDULE |i ots sae owe BEGINS NEXT WEEK es ! Near the northeast of Paneveg- igis, a nd sends the postal card here Note the ed in both German and French. werp. public warnings Our machine hostile detachment began W. €. C. Mehan, general super- intendent of the G, T. P., ito entrench itself, but was forced returned | to retire before our fire. a boat carrying a flag of truce and to violate the French graves at Haifa, a Freneh cruiser bom- barded the consulate after giving due notice. No other buildings were hit. ——— (Special to The Dally News.) Coffey vs. Flynn. New York, June 1.—Jim Coffey stopped Jim Flynn in the ninth round of a ten-round bout here last night. The Dublin Giant now earns the right to meet Jess Wil- lard. Barrieau vs. Bishop. Thursday, | ‘The City Couneil had before it jlast night a petition from the lo- jeal photographers asking that the bylaw be amended in 6:15, }order to deal with transient pho- on |tographers. The petitioners suggested that all photographers who could not that had paid two months’ rental for recognized business premises, not including hotels or boarding houses, be classed as peddlers, in order to protect taxpayers who were doing departure will be on June 10, al 10:30 a. m. Thereafter, this city on trains will arrive in Monday, Thursday |!i¢ense and Saturday evenings * at and will leave for the east Monday, Wednesday mornings at 10:30, and Friday Every Monday morning a tour- show they ist car will leave Prinee Rupert in addition to the standard sleeper. These cars are eclec- trically lighted throughout, hav- ing electric reading lamps at a legitimate business. The matter was referred to the either end of the berths, both up- that tourists may travel in luxury, in the hottest weather, through the Northern Alps, along the come The fans per and lower. In. order License Committee for report. FOOTBALL. and following team will repre- sent the Merchants in their game the Regiment this evening. of cool fresh air All players are requested to be on \nother hand at Acropolfs Hill grounds at sulting from the changed sched-/|7 p,m. H. Smart, goal; J. Simp- backs; R. Ar- thur, F. Cameron, J. Knowles, halves; L. Ives, J. Buchan, A. A. M. Brighton, J. A. reserves, D. pany has provided electric with circulating. great advantage re- ule is that all trains will now g0}son and J. Gurrie, right through to Winnipeg Monday, June | 8, the Grand Trunk Pacific Steam-{ Kinghorn, Hunter, forwards; Commencing on hip Company will make three itr ips each way weekly between) Allan and J. M. Thomson. Seattle, Victoria, Vaneouver and} So Prince Rupert. The steamers LAND SACRIFICE. Prince Rupert and Prince George | Pre-emptors and land buyers, will make the runs in the fastest|take notice before buying any that I have clear title Vancouver onj|to the half-section in the Nechaco Valley, and will sacrifice on the Coast. The/scrub land, will leave best Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- half or quarter, as I need the money. This is the best loca- tion between the upper and lower Neehaco and is within half a mile of the proposed G, T, |B aturdays and Tuesdays at 10/P. townsite, and in the center ofa and will arrive in Vancou-|g@reat lake fishing district. It is Sundays and Wed-jon a good wagon road at the head of Fraser Lake. Part improved; arrives injrest can be cleared for $15.00 per Mondays willjacre, See Roye at the Royal Hotel before Wednesday morning. days at 12 midnight, either Rupert at 6:30 a, m, on Thursdays, Saturdays Mon- Returning boats will leave arriving in | Prinee and days. Rivers, Prince Rupert on Thursdays, ver Fridays, nesdays at 4 p, m The boat whieh Prince Rupert on make the trip to Anyox, Geo. Milner Jos. Raatz FEvmpress Cafe UNDER NEW MANAGE- MENT — TRY US PICNIC PARTIES. JACK JUDGE RO! BARNES es a NEW MANAGEMENT wanen Launch Rose Belle If. is back THE to her old berth at the govern- Cozy Barber Shop ment wharf and ready for the sea- BATHS son's business. Moderate rates THIRD AVE. ALOER BLK. for Sunday picnics, Phone Red oe 400, 124-1m. Sunday evening from Edmonton, Consulate Bombarded. Vancouver, June 41.—Frank after having made arrangements | Paris, June 1.—As a result of|Barrieau stopped Harry Bishop, |for the starting of the new train lthe German consul at Haifa, Sy-|of Tacoma, in the third round of schedule. The first train under ‘ote a, inciting the Turks to fire on|a ten-round bout last night. the new arrangement will arrive | inPrince Rupert on Wednesday, | PHOTOGRAPHERS’ PETITION. June 9, at 6:15 p. m., and the first | BERLIN BOARD OF TRADE PRESENTS RESOLUTIONS Two lengthy resolutions, pass- ed recently by the Board of Trade of Berlin, Ont., were read at the City last night. They dealt with the question of em- Couneil ployment for ex-service men af- ter the war, and that of Canadian fire losses. In the first, they pointed out that many of the best men in the country had made great sacrifices in fighting for the Empire, and urged that some employment scheme be drawn up so that those brave fellows might be provided with employment on their return. Many would be unfitted to re- turn to their former work, and many others would come back to find their places filled. The second resolution urged that steps be taken to reduce Can- ada’s enormous fire losses. It pointed out that losses through fire in Canada are greatly in ex- cess of such losses in European countries, and that, consequently, fire insurance rates are much higher. Alderman Kerr remarked that Prince Rupert had a smaller fire loss pro rata than any city in Canada, and therefore the ques- tion was not a burning one here. Berlin Board of Trade has sent copies of these resolutions to the Dominion government and to each provincial government, and all municipalities in the Do- minion., They were referred to the Finance Gommittee. See Rupert Table Supply an- nouncement on back page. It means dollars to you. LONDON CAFE Ané Gril ALWAYS FIRST CLASS BOXES FOR LADIES Hart Bik. Third Ave.