THE DAILY NEWS 3 — _ | ‘ fn "rae sine a ; N _ NO ALUM PROBABLE RESUNPTION | GRED; | 6 (. E. | THE LEADING JHE D IN LY NE leon COLUMBIA || ee OF WORK ON P For Vancouver Victoria and Publish:d Daily and Weekly 7m . : endent Fetters oO | General Superinten } > ] Guaranteed Largest Circulation ss Aeabinnins tie Seattle ouatin eT if Foley, Welch & Stewart, .Smyn a HEAD OFFICE here on tonight's train for Van 8.8. PRINCE RUPERT 8.8. PRINCE Geo Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98 loouver in order to discuss with) On Fridays—9 a. m. On Mondays_9 RGE . 7 f if | Passenger trains leave Prince Rupert at 10 a mM -m TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch Contrac [Mr. J W, Stewart the future ¢ Saturdays for Prince George, Edmonton, Saskaocy winnseatneatans one ication. nstruction on the line south of necting with trains for St. Paul, Chicago, and ali princi... wt Con rates on applicatio | ue ea a thee tealne Garry eplondid electric tienes Gieepine nee aatern Cities, A a ——— peepee : lhere rhe announeement rec Wednesdays & through Tourist Blooper (electri. ites, on Cars ang F Tuesday, June 1, 1945. liy made of the release of a sum| MAKE YOUR TRAIN OR STEAMSHIP BERTH RESERVATIONS tamy DAILY EDITION aR Saay, « ; f about $2,500,000 to the P. G. BE. FOR POINTS EAST pn oo | nite wee _—- er ce i a Iby the Dominion government pro WICAGO USE THE GRAND f the completion of the TRUNK RAILWAY system BORDEN SHOULD SPEAK. than with the intention of Sa the end of steel uth The Double Track Route : Lip ine 0 ee ) Ss e a From this time forward the lessening the activity of Sir from ; For Full information and Through Tickets, apply to @ 7. p dani Robert Borden and his col- to a point near the 100-mile| hird Avenue. Ticket Oftes, responsibility for a war elec- fe house, on the Cariboo Road. No AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHip LINES tion—if an election there is to leagues. = ae provision has yet been made On ee be——must rest squarely upon In some respects Liberal pear to be advantageous to thy lete tl ' rk between that = ‘ a complete » work betwee i a the shoulders of the Prime criticism has materially im-| jy yneepvative party. If party a | ar ; ( ree. al “a ce . TT niente . . 4 ne. This is Sela iit P nie é | if ane rince reorge, i h Soy peENOOeM ee arene = eras og age ee sed on a 7 though a considerable amount of one 994 P.0.Bor§ has placed his views before true particularly in regard to} coneern they should say | & + 0 Bian eet MUSIC for : ‘ ‘wrading ane ‘estie Work has pee ) the country in unmistakable army contracts. Great sums of frankly. Silence in this ca wrading an re ‘ ‘ he Teacher of Violin and All APERHANGING " “ ’ e ese wos terms. In his own striking} money were wasted during the} jy yet inevitably breed suspi-|°arred on came , ' ies Band instruments AINTING 7 j = yersiste 1 orec hi . phrase, he does mot care to first few months of the war by cvion. Sir Robert Borden can |} . ' : ee ac is on . rd | ak min be bon OLISHING AND open the portals of office with the awarding of contracts for place party polities in the|°! ee Se a “2 Phone Green O87 WALL TINTING the bloody key of a war-time supplies to party favorites, background for a year by a 1 large sum for Oe inuation ner A : > os . ork 8 “) ce, ‘en grade nters struggle at the polls. The} who, being unable in many| gy, sen resolute words. Wil! he}?! a i rt ae “s ao er one i rating © Spedaly j 5 , 4 acture » re . d it is anticipates 1a re Pre » preparations of the Conserva- cases to manufacture the re- ay them? Sir Wilfrid. Laurier |*" , M tive party for an appeal to the quired articles, peddled the has made the way smooth for|™et will return ie vareee) ooo. : artin Swanson people had made necessary contracts around among genu- the Premier, He should speak ind make his gr pubic ne vet D E N TISTRY second Ave hear McBride ; i ery long, ¢ at ¢ “ovineit . hii similar preparations on the ine manufacturers, and in not now.—Toronto Globe. 2 sack i " ee ae | RARER RRA RE EERE part of the Liberal party, but, a. few. inetances made more} election will fo a CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK added Sir Wilfrid: “Let the profit than the actual produc- An indication whieh points to} A SPECIALTY Prime Minister and his col-| ers of the goods. Had it not a Ph vO the starting up of work on the} DRS. GILROY & BROWN 35--PHONE--35 leagues say that there shall be been for the vigorous criticism ine south of here is the presence | DENTISTS no election as long as the war of Liberals in Parliament dur- if the Foley, Welch & Stewart ex | _— tee: ee shall go on, and T will pledge | ing the past session, this vi- ecutive force here, and also of . TAX! myself and the Liberal party! cious abuse of the patronage | several prominent contractars g that we shall stop all prepa- system would have grown who are identified with this con-|————————————————— $ | rations and think of nothing greater as the amount to be struction work. None of the gounenonpeptairenceginey | 5 : ; ; : ne P ‘ & ’ but the war.” spent upon supplies increased. aches of supplies have been|% ¢ : This offer from the respon- The Liberal party ha s no noved from points south of here : FOR A TAXI; : ALF WALLIGAN | sible leader of Canadian Lib-| apology to offer for the work | Prince George, as would be|§ EAP EERE eer e REO tENS eralism should induce Sir Rob- of its representatives in Par- he case if there wes no prospect - ert Borden to end the uncer- liament. The exposure of f the resumption of construction | § 15 PHONE 15 —— ' a nai ees =e > he - o tainty and political unrest in sraft and waste served the : ad iy otra piso ik Fe! - "FoR PLUMBING AND nesting. the country. Some of the most publie by making the govern- ieorge Post. « fo S. ; mala i . rent more careful d by con- wo SMITH & MALLETT influential journals in touch ment more careful an 7 * PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO : : . . - * Largest stock of Pipe north of with the Conservative mana- serving the publie funds for THC U5AND DOLLARS « \f Varftouver, Crane Valves and Mit . REE RRR RRA ERR tings, Pipes cut to order gers at Ottawa _ persistently war purposes. If the war con- RAISED EMPIRE DAY |] Third Ave, Hosa ef Becond Street . : , ; Prince pert seek to prepare the way for an tinues until next session of —_—_—— a | _— election by pointing to the Parliament and evidence accu- Seattle, May 28.—One thousand saa country's great expenditure of mulates in the meantime of loilars raised at the Empire Day | glex M. Manson, B.A money upon the war and to the abuses similar to those expos- _— H. M. ELLtOT, celebration of the British-Amer | B. C. UNDERTAKERS | W. E. Williams, BA, LL sending forth of tens of thou- ed recently before the Public naotatine Adjutant General of the|ean Relief Association Tuesday | (cain, Ghee Sn Gb | WILLIAMS & MANSOK sands of young Canadians to Accounts Committee, Liberals a a aaanaa ae evening brings the total, os ii, cae Ge a = Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. battle, and by asking if it is will have no hesitation in| |! apy 1 Pp pula thas been forwarded by this Seat- 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 MONEY TO LOAN not reasonable that the elec- bringing them to the notice of} Cer there, who will take com-/tle organization to the Prince of BRUCE MORTON, Funeral Director Box 168 tors should share the respon- the government and of Parlia- mand of the camp of 8,000 sol-| Wales fund, to $9,000. ae Block Prince Rupert, 8 sibility with the government. ment. That is a patriotic duty diers af sowell, Man. He is an . mare wae BOC Were. prenenes oe ne = inal damien mee Sercet cad WO Oe Were there any serious sug- which ought not to be evaded Imperial officer loaned to the} Tuesday evening, when patriotic gestion that Canada ought not by honest men. Canadian government by thelspeeches and musical numbers § ‘PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITE to participate in the war to the But while reserving their Britiey authorities and has| representing all countries were Canadian | (Suecessors to Pacific Transfer Co full extent of her resources, an liberty of action in this respect, been in Toronto since 1913. on the program. Genera! Cartage election might be needed to Liberals take the ground that He was in charge of the organ- Nearly $1,000 has been raised STEAM LAUNDR | LADYSMITH COAL settle the issueyand enable the purely party issues ought not} ‘##ton and administration of}each month since the relief asso- SS FI yearns government to go forward to be raised either by the gov- the Toronto exhibition camp,|eciation began its work in Seattle Latest and Approved methods | upon its great task with sin-| ernment or the opposition, and where mrs soldiers of the /after the outbreak of the war. The — ee en eee | JAMES GILMORE gleness of purpose Seb - (Ditis- mr etn mr me —