MATHIEU’S Nervine Powders 18 ina box, 25e. Sold ewerywhere. If your ‘oes not sell them we mall tox on receipt of price, 25c. J.L.MATHIEU CO. Props. SHERBROOKE, P.Q. 6-5-0 ~ THE DAILY NEWS. eA - wr -_ SS SS _ = SEE aes ” ing MAD FROM | GOIN | SALA LUT AINE H(t f ial HT THT HTT | it Tf | . | HHI HTT Se tI prominent Merchant Thinks His Ute WYANT HHI i Em ress Jams was Saved By “ Fruit-a-tives ”. TTT IH Ht | pavspat t, ONT., Joma isth. 1913. 1} | ‘yam a general storekeeper at > i WT ore wirem, and On Seed Hone II Are strictly a B. 0. Product. Right. from the re food tives { recommend Hl || delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of . omy custom . | en tom ime am tl vou, fo | ( the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to vee two years ago, 1 was laid up in Hi! OF with reiting ond a = —_ L} | Ye purest of Cane Sugar. a base of tay octane Senge | Every step in the producing and manufac- + would urn a prea See i] turing of the delicious Jam contributes to the deain ut 00 -a- Hid] pai a, at was, cured. i have Hit} prosperity of B.C. it will satisfy the most ined fifteen unds since aking | fr tat en I verily mane | exacting. sey saved me from a disastrous ill- a -_" ‘A. CORRIVRAU, SOLD BY ALL GROCERS a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, i} \| | In 1-ib. Glass Jars and 4-Ib. Tins sent postpaid om receipt of 06 ees e H| THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. oandnsiiiiiliaas | 1 Vancouver, B. ©. 7 MATHIS£US | NERVINE POWDERS | press Jams | \ Zl } i} | Lp {| |S 2 VA 1\ | Lj \I\}! [ Why Endure Headaches? 2 Mj, if } | Wo | || | EEE EERE EEE EEE ELSE REELS 4! will convince you that , , \ | a asure 1 safe remedy for any } | , L { headache is at your service in \\ \ . We i R 9 f amsay S \ Empire Cream Sodas In 2-lb. Tins OF AN APPLICATION f a fresh Certificate of x (6), Block Four (4 Have attained their enviabie reputation by their superior and Eight (8), Block . quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- tion One (1), City of wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire” when buying Soda ap ag “WELL DONE.” —Cartoon by James Frise EBY GIVEN that it is rca , ’ . : Biscuits. oo delta | MATL POUCH RIFLED SEVEN RUSSIAN | “Slt u's) ON STEAMER MARIPOSA GENERALS FIRED - They are made in B. C. and your grocer gets his supply a ae Se frequently and quickly, insuring freshness, which means OLD WATCH FREE)? somn trom an detabtiehipa Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. H. FP. MACLEOD, Seattle, June*1.—The opening Petrograd, May 31 mete . Watches to thousands of . aie . people all ovg the District Registrar. | one of the mail pouches on the/generals of the Russian army| pe Manufactured by , Prince Rupert, B. C., } fs your to 105-111-117-123|/steamship Mariposa during her|have been removed from their) —_ Bean a | cents for one of our MINERAL AOT. recent trip from Alaska to Seat-|commands as a result of the re-| eee Ze tes ? °9 ” | Gents’ . t ——— tle is being investigated by thelcent Austrian successes in Gali-} A Vancouver, B. C. Certificate of Improvements. it ‘be “ten “Pree ostofiice inspectors. ia They have been retired. Five! (these tehes A . * NOTICE. » :' ape Erarantond Sve-yeals) FI III III IITA ID IAA AISA IAAI ISIS AIS ISAS SOISISSSISISAS AA eh, Hi ae = Ba Before the Mariposa arrivedjothers have been relieved of; ee oa antag of FH ncva pera ims, situa’ m the ena ; ote. lo expect 708 yous, ert — Mining Division of Cassiar District. here J. H. Thawites, mail eclerk|field service and attached to the | ot chink thig‘elr to grad, be atoe Nat bed : aoa i. an ‘ Wate here located: Om the North Shore of} aboard the steamer, reported that}commissary and the transporta. | J Mh Wtemsca—wiLLians & LLOrD, Whoteale by Bay between Bonanza end Palis ks, while he was at dinner the mailjtion departments. KE NOTICE that 1, George RB. Neden,|poom had been opened and one The change in personnel of | S Certifeate No, 50353B, act- gent for Thomas MeKostie, Free}! the pouches rifled. Local in-|commanding officers has been ex-| M & rs Ufcate No. 80348B, and James spectors were notified by wireless|pected ever since Emperor Nich-| Haich, Free Miner's Certificate No. yf b er is a) . Read . ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ 5, intend, sixty @ays from the and a search of the steamer was|olas left for the front, and_ it} tof, to apply to the Mining Re-|made, also a surveillance kept on|therefore caused no surprise here, for @ Certifeate of improve- r the purpose of obtaining aj!!! bt of the above claims. of the crew. ed from active service have not er take notice that action, un- 7, must be commenced before issue of such Certificate of Improve-|tents is not divulged. It is be- eat ship-|U. S. CRUISER NORTH passengers and the members| The names of the generals remov- The value of the pouch’s con-|yet been made public. led this 15th day of March, A. D. lieved that it contained a ment of gold dust. Some of the CAROLINA AGROUND 0. BR. ° . apuamenent = a wemanees _fteurrency shipped from Seward, . as gto May 31.—The : TICE TO DELINQUENT CO-) Cordova, Juneau, and other points Wa ning n, fay ied = & te ie Gate, he cterttane Circulation Guaranteed OWNER. in Southeastern and Southwest- |United States cruise! North Caro- preserve its wholesomeness, it ts the Largest in Northern ) HEN} ( i _ : es “en = ling s aground within the outer heated to a higher degree than ordi- ata my 5, poy ay eo jern Alaska is reported missing pane ce nary pasteurization heat. his in- : British Columbia :: Herre 1 your interests, Take Nott Fae adi harbor of Alexandria, Egypt, ac- sures its safety. , {he undersigned Co-Owner wi to ar . » Ni Buy B. C. Milk for daily use when- D the “Go ° . eal a ler g a report to the Navy uy B. C, ail) nh Chateae eto We brag about freeing the cording to , ever PURE, SWEET, CLEAN Milk “igs” Mineral Claims, situated at the o's mile from we Dewey an the Stee. ) nile from the eh, in ee - , : ' Aver Mining District, Sa. of! be doing anything for the woman | Captain J. W. Oman, mbia, hav — Bt ot le, ee + ome Se te sioee who becomes the mother of seven|the ship is undamag d and that Department by her commander, is required. who says it Has The NATURAL FLAVOR. black slaves, but nobody seems to i for the year 9 “ . : sini a OS ee oe Prince Rupert’s iment and posted to “A” Com- Box 26--2nd Ave. and @nd St. ding ! AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS pany, with effect from May 26th, Box 86-—-8nd Ave. and 6th -St. Lea Paper ° lee vil Box 27.0. T. P. i ee O15: ———, 1948 CIROUIT NO. 8. W. G. Oakley. ‘ somos Box 315th Ave. and Fulton 81. 3. Parades—"A and B Rea Oren, 82 Borden and Taylor Sts. Companies will parade in front of Box 34--7tb Ave, and Fulton St. R d ; Oth Ave. 5 the Assessors’ Office on Wednes- ~ > sm ion Se e ea e day, June 2nd, 1915, and Friday, Box 38—-6th Ave. and Thompson 8t. June 4th, 1915, at 8 p. m.-—Rifle CIRCUIT NO. 4. SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS exercises, Should the oe be} ors 4th Ave. and Emmerson r4 9 PRING UPERT LUMBER C0 inclement, pavades will be hel a Ben 40---8th Ave. ond MeBelts M E R ° the Exhibition Building, Box 430th Ave, and Green St, A 4 BURROUGHS, Mansger ae onion | Box 440th Ave and Basil St. ‘ Mor . . Bou 45—~7th Ave. and Eberte. Ave. ang ide %. PRINCE — 6.0 ADAIR CARBS, Lieut | con Senet ono ake ie PHOoN Yard there eeeeeccangasnenit —_ 124.28 Neti Ad) G00 tei unioioiioineioiot iotoiniot tet a ,