THE DAILY NEWS ee = = : me =a "7 ‘MAZELTON MURDER PREMIER HOTEL RENT. THERUPERT TABLE SUPPLY | |" Derfect Teas aa inf USION, ypens here on June 16, John May 7s Grand Opening Announcement ee ee |. came ee WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, at 2 P.M. 4.00 0s os sipriamiec a 828 UCA May was found guilty at the st : as advertised, we will distribute £25.00 i! ‘ way respons On Wednesday, a trial but the Court of Appeal cash. Purchase a $6.00 bookof Trade Tickets for $4.76. Con he | ag He | jere ne ‘ial o epresenta ; t} rrangeme early, as we will sell only 160 at this price dered a w trial on rept t that we arrang t . sa This is a 5% saving, together with the rock bottom prices tions made by his counsel. ed out on behalf of the ™ Tea is the acme of perfection, being all u . . ‘ . an hat thers which our Cash System enables us to give. oo 1 Department, and tha delicious tea. Black, Mixed tn Ge re, we DO NOT.DELIVER AT vee PRICES WE ARE QuoTine. G. T. P. WATER SUPPLY. i agreem@nt entered reen, ae . ie —_— ves the city and the hotel " 8. ° Seger, 18-10. sack $1.48 ‘Finest ‘(@reamery Butter, per ib, 38e . a ' a Krinkie Corn Flakes, 5 for... .36e New Laid Eggs (Guaranteed), - The City Counce! neard prietors i, 8. C., Canada First, and St. Charies dor. ; i enn a he ques - Mitk, 20 oz., 12 for $1.00 Finest Back Bacon, per Ib... 24¢ City Clerk's report on | : ome — | Seal Brand Coffees, per ib. 400 Pure Ayimer dam, 4-ib. pall. . .60c tion of the supplying of water t i MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A india and Ceylon Tea, in bulk, per Oranges, Mediterranean Sweets, ; | _ tb. ...88e per doz 18 Lemons 2c the G. T. P. last night. ria eat ar et 5 ’ ‘ OPEN TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS. | The G. T. P. requested that Birks Illustrated C atalogye ae a lthe event of the city supplying Why Buy Second-Class Meat . ; _ J. C. GA VIGAN | winds r to any other company at a When You can get the Best In Y our Home During f }] ) Phone 211 - - 6519 Third Avenue lower rate than is given to the From Us at the Same Price? aiid they should be granted a red —_— oo. | As a medium through which you may select eifte cones —— - $$ : e es ten i 3 : tion to the same level. GIVE US A TRIAL ' occasion, you wiil find our Catalogue of the greatest value - The city clerk stated that § i 5th St.—Opposite Smith Bik. | Birks’, Vancouver, ie the great gift tore of the West. ov» Mall Order 7 Dail Ne - LOCAL NEWS ITEMS perintendent Mehan insisted that Phone 208 | Department and our Mustrated Catalogue forms @ convenient avenue ieage y WS ; this clause be inserted in thei Ing to a selection from our immense stocks CLASSIFIED ADS i Chief Minty, of the provincial | agreement. | - ineaiaiaeea : ipolice at Hazelton, is in the city On the motion of Alderma WRITE FOR THE CATALOGUE—YOU WILL NEED IT. "Idoing preliminary work in con-|Kerr, seconded by Alderman} A. E. WRIGHT ee “ctio he trial of John|Mentgomery, this was agreed t WANTED ws '$ Provincial and Dominion H. | Bi Cy S d - May. ceensinwe Menem. | Land Surveyor enry ir S ons, 4 | imite WANTED-—Servant girl for housework. se 2 YESTERDAY'S B . | sietementen é ! Apply box 110, Dally News. fe Kyte, who claimed $250 fo: —_—— , eee JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMIT! WANTED wnente — ons sees damage done to his ear while us- Northwestern a, . i$ P. O. Box 10 Phone 85 py r. hia and Georgia Streets t on rst-class improved rop- Tacoma. 3-3: Vanc« or. - ft. : See am . io wih out interest. Box 111, News|ing the phone, has now increased et : a? rs mi Pag: 8 Fourth Street F ees tees ER, B.C OMmee. 124-37\ his claim against the city to $10,-| Seattle, 7-4; Victoria, 3- ~i Ss } — _— = Ke 000. Spokane, 3; Aberdeen, 2. silat cea ial illicitly Lost semitones eo es Victoria now leads the North- ‘ — T ‘oa , western League. ; LOST—Pair of gold-rimmed eye-giasses, A. Tyson, inspector of Indian between Presbyterian Church and Third) | in. came north on the F R TAXI y Avenue, on May 2. Leave at Daily} **°" , 7 National League. Whether News. it./Princess Sophia yesterday and aia 2 Sole 5.9 | "OOKIV 2.6 o or Ses j —__ ee yroceeded to Wrangel enroute for an ee ee _ | For Yourself FOR SALE ” = thicago, 0-0; Pittsburg, 1-1. | Teleare eae Chicago, 0-0; Pittsburg, 1t- | penton elegraph Creek. e den @ kets teem 0.4 | Lineinnati, 2-4; St. Louis, t- . awa Ce ates Philadelphia, 1-5; Boston, 2-2. |3| one Gift to your Friend ply S87 Summit Ave. wf. The Prince George will make a Cate : os FOR SALE—Combined restaurant afd/enecjal trip to Granby on Satur- ore gt j rooming house; 14 sleeping rooms. Ap " P é : ’ : American League. ehaaanees 9 ply McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle. w.jurday, June 5, leaving here at St. Louis. $26 Cleveland. 12.9. | Stand - Hotel Rupert i FOR SALE—Furniture of four rooms com- |idnight and returning to Prince Boston, 2-9; Philadelphia, 1-2 be. i plete. Cost $1,000.00 What offers?iftupert on Sunday the sixth at a ae oe ale eS oo Apply Box 106, Daily News. tf.) _ i New York, 11-4; Washington : vp. Mm. 4-4. \; $s = music. Detroit, 4-1; Chieago, 3-3. Miss MeIntosh, who arrived re- 3 BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC I Mtn rated os CHINES, VIOLINS AND ALE cently from Seattle, intends to Coast League. i? LUMP sh Dials be on o di | Musical Instru- open up parlors for hairdressing, San Franciseo-Portland morn- you get, as thisassures you perfection of Seonte spose shampooing, manicuring, mas- ing game postponed. Afternoon i i h. Bows rehaired. The sage and scalp treatment, igame: San Francisco, 1; Port- $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Style, Fit and F n Ss ee ee. ee which she is a specialist. For land, 2. Delivery Best dealers the world over sell the 7am $ré) appointments, phone Red 94. Venice, 0-10; Oakland, 2-6. Money Back If Not Satic- genui ees GLOVES. @ Ave. . 7 ¢ ints - - 127-28 Salt Lake, 3-4; Los Angeles, factory | SIDEWALK EXTENSION. | UNION TRANSFER CO. el ; FO R RENT — BARBERS’ PETITION. Su Gad Ova. vue E At the City Couneil last night a tidieetieess i ——— letter from the School Board was At the City Council last night a 4 ~ eee Summer Cottages At Terrace read asking that the sidewalk on|petition, signed by ten of the the south side of Fraser Street be|twelve barbers in town, was read, | Five-Room Cottage, with extended from Stork’s warehouselasking that a bylaw covering FO R R E N T heater, Majestic range, wa- to the stairway to Borden Street.|their hours be framed, under the ter connections, bath, gar- The matter was referred to the|Shops Regulation Amendment den and lawn—$20.00 per Board of Works for report. Act. / ut | month. —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—__—- They requested that barber TWO HOUSES : i] Same house furnished— In novels the man nearly al-|shops be kept open from 8 a. m. | $25.00 per month. Ways marries the right woman. eae 7 a5 be week days and SIXTH & THOMPSON ST. | New 4-Room Cottage, cab- And he succeeds in doing so from 8 a. m. until 10:30 p. m. on | inet kitchen, water inside, about half the time in real life. Saturdays and days Sei sa a STRICTLY MODERN blinds and screens furnished . a = = |holiday. —S15.00 per month. : Two of the barbers who had CHEAP || Two-Room .Houses .fur- APERHANGING signed the petition presented no- ae nished——-$10.00 per month. KALSOMINING tice of withdrawal, as they had —APPLY— wld All have sidewalks. PAINTING signed the petition on the under- fy Serene ' standing that they keep open un- P tulle & Radf: d be ait i GEO. LITTLE, Terrace. F. G, ROBERTS til 8 p. m, at oF i i } 1 5 14 Dyer Apts. P. O. Box 642 The city clerk reported that the 2nd Ave. | i petition did not carry the re- vi c Be Good LT nn iGuisiie number of signatures and Ed Ny : WATER NOTICE. suggested that the barbers LAND NOTICES | Uee and Storage. draw up a new petition in proper ae To Yourself TAKE NOTICE that The Port Essington : f f Skeena Land Discrict. BABYS own by k Water Company, Lid., whose address is|(rer and present it at the next Queen Charlotte Islands Land District ies one gee physical — See St. oe = ee Council meeting. Graham Island, bes' ‘PD conse TAKE NOTICE that I, Grant Thorburn, friend to yourself and a pleas- | ¢ Naif cubic feet per second and to store ’ ~ f Prince Ru ' . 0 } pert, hotel man, intend to Flower ure to others. Most sicknesses po gg Ae gy of See eae ee LOCAL IMPROVEMENT REBATE. apply to the Chief Commissioner of lands —— : in in the ordinary and | we ousct of Guminaions Sheen oo eee a the Province of British Columbia fot Fragrance : . a Heense to prospect for ecoal and pe ae e eeu ernasaees ~— = weal ps oe ee an — At the City Council last night} troteum: Starting at a post planted two Pure a oils are the | Natural flowe: —_ e acres, The water will be diverted from the city treasurer's report as to aa > cnting, 112-140 SAMUEL HORNER,