THE DAILY NEWS T i JA; RS REGISTRY OF ALL MEN UTO SMASH AT VANCOUVER FIRE—BULGARIA AND ROUMANIA MAKE COMPACT ——— GARIA AND ROUMANIA | COME TO UNDERSTANDING cari TO OPPOSE TURKEY AND ROUMANIA TO FIGHT AUSTRIA—RUSSIANS TAKE SIXTEEN THOUSAND PRISONERS—GERMANS USE GAS IN GALICIA —ALLIES PROGAHESS. (Special to The Dally News.) The g is ! Au (Special to The Dally News.) Bulgaria .and ' p wih ona ae rT ‘ 1 eX London, June 2.—One of the | will ‘ener Sie tends f i ta twenty first steps taken by the new coal- miles ition Cabinet is to order a regis- proelaim war Allies Progress. try of the manhood of the coun- nd Bulgaria will Paris, J An official re try. This is regarded as the first gainst Turkey. port say move towards some measure of je back to Bul- Very spirited actions have ex-| onscription. of Dobrudja, | tended i rth of At a ates We sentient “s aie A CANADIAN FIELD KITCHEN. Violent Engagement. aclit Wiis. tenes lissterttnate ants ss | rhe type of field service cooking apparatus supplied to the Paris, June 2,—Nortieast of | ! ling ittacks stated Cettinies em Qe, | Chapel Lorette a violent engage- the ¢ has been unable to ment has taken place in which 16,600 Prisoners. dislodge s from the ches ; . ithe sugar ine at Souchez has 2.—We have |conquered by us POLICE ON TRAIL OF VANCOUVER FIRE AUTOS icon the contre. ‘This has ex- prisoners in the In the woods near Auxt SEATTLE DYNAMITER IN SERIOUS COLLISION) tended over two days. It ended we also maintained (Special to The Daily News.) RE LOCAL BOYS LOCAL RED CROSS bs bie jto our advantage. We had ocecu- (Special to The Daily News.) jpied the refinery, but during the FT *_ FIRST STEP TO CONSCRIPTION REGISTRY OF MANHOOD ORDERED NEW COALITION CABINET SEEMS TO BE PREPARING FOR CON- SCRIPTION — STIRRING FIGHT AT CHAPEL LORETTE —450 PRISONERS TAKEN—SUBMARINE MURDERS. positions in spite of all counter attacks. We inflieted heavy losses on the enemy. 450 Prisoners Taken. Paris, June 2.—Southeast of Neuvelle, we have taken several German trenches and 450 pris- oners. The artillery duel at Lo- rette continues. The Germans are again bom- barding the city of Rheims, in- cluding the cathedral. Submarine Murders. London, June 2.—-The steamer Saidish, bound from Alexandria to Liverpool, has been submarin- ed in the North Sea. Seven of the crew, including the stewardess, were drowned. Forty-one sur- vivors have been landed at Chatham. : Vancouver, June 2.—Fireman/night the enemy recaptured it. At Chas. D. Milne was killed, = |) daybreak, however, we drove them Firemen H. Dunn, W. D. Reid, -}out. We are now masters of the ie. Laface, R. Dinsmore and C, €| —— Scots seve snd ci PRINCE RUPERT AS lsion between a hose auto and a} i hemical engine going at fifty | A MINING CENTRE ies an hour at the corner of By A ae ; | r A. C, Ge », Cons lnurrard and Pender Streets at , . tarde, Consulting “ngineer. hn dnight last night on their way f er ; . . From the very earliest times, to a $100,000 fire in the Percival . minerals and metals have been of Building, at the corner of Nelson vide the Phoenicians, the Britons, the The most direct way of adding to the 1 Helmcken Streets great interest to all races, an e cKe : ‘eets. the Romans, MAJOR PECK ONLY SLIGHTLY WOUNDED Ww. and Chinese. wealth of the world is by winning precious metals from the crust of the earth. When you bring to daylight shining metals that have locked in the rocks since the dawn of day. To- metals are more interesting for they are Copper, lead, has received Peck stating wounded Peck Major slightly Mrs. CG, ‘ ible that ind is now in England. mine, you he is only waiting, been up rhe major states that Capt. Don day, to the sinews of war. Moore has been severely wounded, men than usual, BODY OF MISSING MAN FOUND OFF ISLANDS zinc, and nickel are in greater de- Wash., June 2.—The A j U ce ere ire i the trail of ¢& AMONGST WOUNDED, SOCIETY ORGANIZED j= re ss the wot j Suspect n connection with the st of wounded, (Special to The Dally News.) lexplo n of dynamite, ¢ signed Willia N Af meet ry called at the ¢ ty {to the Russian gove ment, at S« ippears. This | tall last evening, a local branch attle n Sunday | | y rhe an they are | king for ar old-timer { the Red Cross Society, in afMfili- | i , t, who left with al ' rvccompanied by a man dressed in : lation with the central one at 7 ecmenta earments; who spoki rience of fight-| mlo, was reanized The of | both English and Germ i pul ent to Eurepe,|*°'* elected were chased 500 feet of fuse on Satur- ge ugh the Spanish Chairman—His Honor Judge |day Young —_—-— -— } list appears the| Vice Chairmar Mrs. R. L. Me LOCAL SCANDINAVIANS ly LEAVE FOR THE EAST lolmeren, Refuge | Intosh. . -/. Hetmeren = oe : z " -e The members of the Scandina- un 0 eas ‘ rs A a Voo und town. I sl Mr: ( A. V d vien Society foregathered lest of Lakelse, has we : eae night to take farewell of two of ded t was decide 0 rave a com : their members, Martin Swanson peeeee of Suanty on the exsoutive : fs kland, and a pleasant ane sur KLE ‘ i NeCASE ENDID PROGRAM Of that number the following ten a “ aah ie ao ee evening as spe su) i AT MAJESTIC THEATRE Were elected: Mrs. J. Fred Sinead sentime M ne penente, sates ; at it ~ Mr. Swanson left this morning estic presents a great) Besner, irs. ergin, Chiname. where he will take @ tonight, including | Mrs Shoekley, Mrs.¢T. D. Pat-| | surse in electrical engineering at the ever popular | bully Mrs. Rix, Mrs MoMu lin the Coyne Electrical aoheih ii I | Mr Wright and Mrs. F. G. Daw tin is not bidding Prince Rupert there are two frst | on hese were given power to » fnal farewell, however, as v i burlesque, and . ten additional members of will return to the Coast again punch, Iihe committee : n the early fall ees 5 eng The chair was occupied by the Mr. Burkland, who has been ‘ ° paearen last evening, while W. 8 car inspector for the G. T. P., will alesti |! isher was appointed secretary spend a few months at his old jfor the meeting. home in Dagget, Mich., and also ONIGHT AND TOMORROW jexpects to return to Prince Ru VES. —SEVEN REEL PROORA PRINCE RUPERT ARRI pert. “THE BLACK BOX” — ———-— uumenmn ins The following were amongst the Los ANGELES ELECTION. (Latest World and War News) first-class passengers on the “COULD YOU BLAME HER?” Prince Rupert this morning: | (Special to The Dally News) “THE nemeene eae PASSED” For Prince Rupert—l W Los Angeles, June 2 An early ia With a Puneh Hawkins W. MeDonald, H,. | .}count in the municipal elections _ (oom — Thompson, D. VY. Storkie, W. {shows Chas, EB. Sebastion, ehief of ao , ites OVeT “THE OLD MAID’S TRIUMPH” Knapp, W N. Nekay, Mrs. B [poli e, leading by 2,000 vole \ Burlesque) , Stevens, |Frederick J, Whiffen for mayor, Admission 10 Brown, A, Grossto, Lottie } ot Ning to the | ang We ae Morrison, Mr. and Mrs the ength of the Program PICNIC PARTIES. ‘rst show will start at 7 Smithers and child, Mrs, Johnson, Pm, sharp, “ , Launch Rose Belle Il. is back Mr. Johnson, Rey, Powell, W. Gil a Friday and Saturday! 5 ta Mr naa o her old be rth at the govern ’ ve ’ Geo, radsnhaw ane “Tee em Special Feature bert, Rev ‘ “ inane Pe pepper ty 2h GE ind ao TTLE OF Love” Mrs. T. J. Gorman, Mrs Black, I) Mod ’ ie rack : ) 8 8 ‘S8, I ate ables coenens ee ind Mrs, A, Campbell, J. EB. Ed-|8°" busing 9 ! M nd Mrs. G. {for Sunday picnics. es Red “ ad Swi * ant rs ; OC none wards, Ed Swan, Mr a ? ls00 rah ear Pi B. Gullin, Mrs. Rogers and chil | ell, E. J econo loneer Laundry J, A. Charlson, W. Mited _ , ; | Quality, satisfaction and econ- Plower, Mr. Haughton, J. Maen | eT ein cual NS omy. New ellington ‘oal, Third A tosh, Miss T. Patton, J. Burgess . 63tf venue East osn, Phone 116. : Phone 118 G, A, Scott. " ie ad re t the Most M For Granby Bay-—M! Pp, Ad La wee “seeere \ & Hamilton, EB. Smart,|— @eo, Miiner Jos, Rautz Machinery Built. ” _s ies | Any Tuesd K, H. Hawkin ‘Pere | ) sday or x M vay and Bee How J McKay, W. J. Burnie, ' S. Oe | mpress a e We Do It land, J. W. Pi te Db, G, Lean, | tuck. Mi 4. Connol Absolute Gattefnstion to itt: TW: Buck: Mre: ee manaes- Guaranteed ar. ane MENT — TRY ies : ; oe eerccccevcoooocoooooes | tilil PRESIDENT WILSON SENDS NOTE TO MEXICO (Special to The Dally News) D. C., June 2.— President Wilson has sent a note Washington, to Mexico stating that peace must be restored or the United States will be obliged to intervene. Incessant strife between the different factions in Mexico has reduced the innocent populace to the verge of starvation. It is con- fidently felt that the threat of firm measures on the part of the gov- ernment of the United States will prove effective in restoring order. JACK BRADBURY WOUNDED. Horace (Jack) Bradbury, for- merly electrician with Parkin & Ward, is amongst the wounded, Follow the crowd to Self’s Cafe. There is a reason.. Next Majestic Theatre. 102tf. WEST HOLME OPERA HOUSE PRINCE RUPERT'S POPU- LAR PLAYHOUSE TONIGHT AND TomonROw Special Four-Ree! Feature ‘HIS LAST DOLLAR”—One of the best of the Paramount pictures, “ORAW-FISHING IN SWEDEN” “THE HERO”"—cComedy, showing 4 love-siek maiden and her frst lover, “SOPHIE'S NEw FOREMAN” — Comedy, showing Slippery Stim, This will make you laugh, Popular Prices: 10 and 150 Remember, Thies te the ‘onty House in Prince Rupert Showing PARAMOUNT FEATURES LONDON CAFE And Grill ALWAYS FIRST CLASS BOXES FOR LADIES Third Ave. Hart Bik. ——- mand today than at any other Word has been received by the |time in the world’s history. War provincial police here that the | is one of the few things which body of Thomas Doyle, of Naden|aetually destroys wealth, For- Harbor, has been found by an In- | tunes are being shot to dust ev- dian off Cape Edenshaw, on Gra-|epy day. One of the first lessons ham Island of the Queen Char-|jn chemistry is that matter is in- lottes. The whereabouts of the | destructible. The thousands of man has been sought for several/tons of copper, lead, and nickel, weeks, The last that was seeO/ysed up by the opposing armies of Doyle was on May 7, when he/and navies, are not really destroy- left Naden Harbor for Massett. It}eq. but are rendered irrecover- is believed that he met with some/apile, and must be replaced by accident, and seareh has been|fpesh supplies won from the made by the police ever since.|yipgin rocks. rhe man was 35 years old, Little wonder then that men - are turning their thoughts and THE WEATHER. hands to mining. In the past, large quantities of the metals 5a, m., dnue 2, 1945, have been mined in British Co. Baroemter ..eeseeeeseest 10.274 llumbia, but the vast storehouse Max. tOMP.. see erreeerees 60.0 Jof this wonderful provinee has Min, COIAP. were reer ereces 46.0 been litthe more than sampled, Daimiere 2. is bose 0 006 8a 22 Since 1852, the huge total of . #502,000,000 worth of minerals Summary for May. has been taken from the earth in Max. temp, (40) «sor. 76.9 British Columbia, This is made Min. temp. (1st and 2nd) , .34.0 up of: Gold, $4154,000,000; silver, Mean temp. .sesseese ss iene $38,000,000; lead, 832,000,000; Rainfall (in.) . teesereues 3.07 copper, $86,090,000; zine, $2,000,- r. W. Dowling. 3 meerver, 000; coal and coke, 150,000,000; ; In round figures, this is a stag- Jack JUDGE RO! BARNES gering total, yet British Colum- UNSER NEW MANAGEMENT b.a’s production is inereasing THE rapidly. At present $30,000,000 Cozy Barber Shop worth of minerals are produced BATHS every year and there are hun- THIRD AVE. ALDER aux. $idreds of square miles of valuable Continued on Page Four.)