goin MAD Fi Dil nent Merchant Thinks His Life mint ) oo = Saved a “ Frult-a-tives ©. = Jon# 15th, 1913. “A storekeeper at the nd on account of the i 1 have experienced from THE DAILY NEWS. Se eke f tives’, I recommend lA pPrae —s ait ’ Jf mn” A an) end tomers. They were a Bens Ay NOE + CLE. HOBHOUSE *BARL BEAUCHAMP them ‘orn to me, Lean tell you, for CCLORLOYATION PMG. COMMISIONER OF ING Bout t s ago, I was laid up in 4 : ed wit ting and =. ie VATION 7 4 ’ my 5 . a n j a itn oy) ot the ‘ OY f Destos taaeed POF? IRELAND. » LEWIS HARCOURT COOMAL ~ to Inflammation of the |° SECRETARY, took ‘' Fruit-a-tives "’ Pe Rrait . Members of British Cabinet who ten [ was cured. I have | @ETS $60 TiP F al pounds = oe 1g $ OR A SHAVE have retired to make room for and I verily believe Po | non-partisan or Unionist meme from a disastrous ill- Sh | mem they ock Almos 1 nesa’’ J. A. CORRIVEAU. R t Kills Barber Who bers, to make a Oabinet whieh «, 6 for $2.50, trial size, eceives Big Money will represent fhe nation as no postpaid on receipt of amen ts , tives Limited, Ottawa Lv \ Cabinet ever has the past. " we ee Jac rl \ - sone oe MATHIEU S Third St RVINE POWDERS * * Headgche and Neurala , ; 7 ae 2 wrotus | ’ ft aR JPerou | (COUNT HALDANE: IN f fae | the shop. \ Lok IWLHANCELLOR + ne = the pat ———-----—_—--— | COOK- BAK: ] i ! } | Nek an, Shane tie ORIGIN OF NICK- 3 ING ING Liny was ” jimy way | a bit NAME “UNCLE SAM” Why Endure Headaches? Ro! ® ''p | convince you that | Leaving O'Reilly stupified with Hailing from the town which | ° remedy for any lastonishment. th walked |clai or" alin } I . t your service in walke« aims to have given the nited Use B. C. MILK in Cooking ‘nat , ' nd Baking whenever the recipe MATHIEU’S | Los|States government its nickname )$ J cans tor milk or cream. It ts |Ang O'Reilly healthful, economical 6 Nervine Pow ers sa of Uncle Sam, H. B. Morris ealthful, economical and con said, venient a ach excevenee. 2 member of the executive board of ns tof price, 25e. pees i alti ; ; IT HAS THE NATURAL rT MATHIEU CO. Prope. Character From Laughter. the Chambs of Commerce of FLAVOR SHERBROOKE, P.@. Men wh 1ugh with an “ah” Catskill-on-the-Hudson, is spend : 6-5-0 ' ’ me | OPPO OP OOOLE F OPPO LEED OLED OOOO CET }sound are frank, honest and can|'"* 4 few days in Seattle M1 i ciiiiinnalihinseaiiliaias Sees ives) oF Pe line ted Those who laugh|Morris, who is accompanied by . PAN ania woteie with a “u” sound are to be dis.| Ps. Morris, called at the local | A Real Lever Simulation 4 fresh Certineate of | trusted. O” laughers are gen-|' Bamber of Commerce yesterday OLD WATCH FREE, 6), Block Pour (4 er « ate ne Thos: rhe nickname of Uncle Sam, A straightforward generons and Eight (8), Block who } ht iets cal is applied to the United States | an We as run bale tion One (1), City of ) laugh to an “ee’’ sound are Watches to thousands of wp 923 simple. rather t 1 affect at government, originated in Cats-| people all over the BY GIVEN that it is! “ “oe ee — artes how z) ~ibut of unstal haractet kill im 1842,” said Mr. Morris ae after the expiration} "US OF UNStabie characte obtain one. Write the first publication | Phree brothers f the name of rt gh ia = cents for one var Neate of Title for the | ; Wilson were in the meat business fashionable Ladics s in the name of Wil Also Life’s Hard Task. ’ 2 om 1 Certificate of Title is Life’s best joys are found in there and had a contract to sup- carriage Dald to n nd was is “i on Mé : nited States ar : will be «von Pr : ~ 98 8 living on last month's salary in-|?'> the United States army, then Chon" waichon "ae ' . th Great Britain, with chould you take off H. F. MACLEOD, stead of the one for the mont} at war with should you take ad District Regis ! , ‘ re no oes lous offer. We expect you ous > to r Registrar.) | ict ahead--Wash ; Post meats. They were known locally about us and show thom the beantifa’@ vatch Prince Rupert, B. C., as Uncle Sam, Uncle Jonathan,|} BB conve f: ted ae in de ee ee 105-111-117-123 wil! be aw i- Vi LLIAN * LLOY? ho'e ale and Unele Eben. The meat was | Jeweliony (Dept. 14 2, #0, ¢ + Lond, 7 MINERAL ACT. tipped in barrels marked ‘U. 8 ee onan — one asked Uncle Eben what “Ce Oe sy Certificate of improvements. ‘ i satan “cc NOTICE. | U. 8.’ stood for and was solemn-| “A Dollar in . the Bank is Star lis stake No. 1, and Sun- : ed that it stood for Un to mn, Se a “Worth Two in Promises” : of Cassiar District. ee HEN h Wher On the North Shore of . ess his story got out and 4 you ave a ween Bonanza and Falls Buy Your Plumbing . oe e barrels substantial Savings Ks . . iveled with th ba | tH NOTICE t [Supplies Direct From agree sss Account, you do not AKE E that 1, George R. Naden, | it spread over the United have to ask favours ‘Taeee Se aa Us and Save Money [States. The story is practically | op court refusals when you ate No, ‘ ; | We are the levzest plumbing house in Bl, otte " —; name of No. S0348R, Gnd 20008 |B Site Cohcenis sotes Gast to ine m|orgotien, but the nickna require ready cash. A Savings jiner’s Certificate No. peat. We buy in ie quantities ont & lincle San is international Account in The Bank of a 8 or é midd - * * . . ay Ce hee Se Se. Se oe Se 7 cs British North America makes ‘pply to the Mining Re-| Baa debts of others. Foe tnis reason © eattle P.- ou inde endent of promises Certificate of Improve- | can sell for lesr than any other plur oi a 7 P P : purpose of obtaining «| [1% Douse or piumber in British Co ” he money is yours —ready dia. Compare our prices. For insta: Our $400 for g-inch galvanized pit 100 feet; §- pipe vine bane per 100 feet: l-inch pipe, $8.15 per 100 | the above claims. ‘ke Hotice thal. action, un- ‘ust be commenced before o Certificate of Improve- feet. NO MATTER WHAT YoU NE ED IN THE PLUMBING ‘nh day of March, A. D. BAND HEATING LINE WE \FCAN SELL YOU FOR 954 GEO. BR. NADEN LESS. r Bl louse’ ckooes Seems Sa | piles rect OTICE TO DELINQUENT co- fave money, Send aiong your - ifiv« | |B tions and we will give you price « OWNER. plete delivered im your town, by T HNSON, oF to ay mail, WITHOUT COST TO YOU = whom you } a Then compare our prices with ot interests, Take. * Notice Don't pay two prices for your plum) lersigned Co-Owner with | § e4ppties We can supply e De your bathroom at great saving to ) ad king No, 4” and the eral Claims, situated at the es Arm about three-quar m the beach, in the og District, Province ‘, have done the requirea Write us today about your plumbing © bh 4 lt will cost you no! potas socname a2 edie: money ! k of the above mentioned bing ry year 41014, amounting to Cities supplics ect ‘o hold the same under | te at! the Mineral Act, and if YDD ties f the publieathoh of this ur ov “ use to contribute eh f such expenditure, to B L d. | ent — @, this rareee. ros. { lals rest in the said minere a, ine the property of the 155 PENDER | mal Act vler Section 4 of the Min eT. er thent Act of 1900 < T. H. COVERT, pi Date Co-Owner. COMPLETE $16 Vancouver * * Trihee Rupert, B. C., January eae THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C., LIMITED §5, VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT . For Further Particulars Apply to | PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE, 3 | AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS ~~. SHINGLE’, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS | PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A 4. BURROUGHS, Manager nd MoBride 64. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. | pee PHONE 25 Branch Yard et Smithers OCs eo FO ee 18 Ave jexere linclement, parades will be held at | people 68TH E. G. O. R. Orders by Major J. H. McMullin, Commanding, 22nd May, 1915: Officer—For week 7th, Lieut. Beatty. rhe been 1. Orderly ding June 2. Enrolment undermen- | ned enrolled is! of the Reg-} posted to A’’ Com-! ym May 26th, | having i the strenetl ment and y, with effect fi 1915 | | G, Oakley. Parades \ and Ps Companies will parade in front hee the Assessors’ Ollice on Wednes- | lday, June 2nd, 1915, and Friday, | June 4th, 1945, at 8 p. m. Rifle | — ises, Should the weather be} the Exhibition Building. By order, ADAIR CARSS, Lieut. Acting Adjutant. | a smallpox epidemic It about In has its compensations a way, keeps hy- from worrying drophobia, The purity and fragrance of Baby's Own Soap have made it a universal favorite, Its use is beneficial to any skin. ers when you need it—protected against loss—safe from fire and theft—and earning interest at highest current rates. Deposits of $1. and upwards are received on Savings accounts. THE BANK OF British North America 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7,884,000. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P, MARGETTS, Manager. ADVERTISE IN FIRE ALARM SYSTEM GIROUIT NO. 1. Box 12--5th St. and Sra Ave. Box 136th St. and 8rd Ave. Box 14.-8th St. and Srd Ave. Box 16--Junction of ist, 2nd and Srd Aves. Box 16...18t Ave., between 8th and 9th Sts. (Knox Hotel.) Gou 17.-i8t Ave. and 7th St. (Cea tral Howl.) CIRCUIT NO. 4. Gos 22-8rd Ave. and 8rd 8F. (Post Office.) Bor 23. 4rd Ave and McBride St Box 24.-ist Ave. and McBride 54. Box 26.-2nd Ave. aud @nd 8t Box 26--2nd Ave. and 6th 81. Box 27.0, T. P. CIRCUIT NO. 8. Box 31--ith Ave. and Fulton 81. Box 32. Borden and Taylor Sts. Box 34-7 Ave, and Fulton Si. Box 36.-0th Ave. and Comox Ave. @ox 37...8th Ave, and Dodge Pi. Box 38 6th Ave, and Thompson 81. CIPOUIT NO. 4. Box 41.40) Ave. and Bmmersoa Pl j Box 42. 5th Ave. and MeBride 81. Box 48 Oth Ave, and Green 81. Box 44-.6th Ave and Basil 81, Boa 45-—7th Ave. and Eberte. Albert Soaps Limited, Montreal. Box 141..7th Ave. and Young 81, WRK RRR ARR ERARREET OR THE DAILY NEWS PEERS ER REPRE EERE ERE REE EH | Empress Jams Are strictly a B. ©. Product. Right from the | delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to Ye purest of Cane Sugar. Every step tn the producing and manufao- turing of the delicious Jam contributes to the prosperity of B.C. It will satisfy the most exacting. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS In 1-ib. Glass Jars and 4-Ib. Tins | THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. C. Empress Jams LN g ’ 7 ee Ramsay’s Empire Cream Sodas worccooorogrore oe In 2-Ib. Tins Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior quality and uniformity. The most diseriminating house- wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire’ when buying Soda Biscuits. f They are made in B. C. and your grocer gets his supply frequently and quickly, insuring freshness, which means crispness. : ‘ ‘ Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. Manufactured by RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. C. f f : : FCO OOO I Ca gg » FI IIIA III IAAI AIA AAD AA AA AAAAASSISSASASAASAASSASASASASASSSIISAAIN Read ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ Circulation Guaranteed the Largest in Northern British Columbia Largest Circula- tion means the Best Advertising Medium THERE IS A REASON Prince Rupert’s Leading Paper! ! Read ‘THE DAILY NEWS’