~ VICTORY THE DAILY NEWS ———— otal VI vo. 129. , THURBDAY, ——_—— PRICE FIVE ar eee AUSTRIANS CLA Mi PRIEMYSL IS RE-TAKEN pRITISH SUBMARINE SINKS S GERMAN TRANSPORT — KING'S NG'S BIRTHDAY HONORS — aa \USTRIANS CLAIM THEY HAVE RETAKEN PREMYSL (Special to The Dally Mews ) | ; It was om | in Vienna yes iys! is again in: The fort was the Russians on 1 siege lasting O00 prisoners be have held the days The Aus- mbarded it) with for twenty days | re in men and he retaking of it} » in the rush on| Yeo RECORD UPRIVER STRAWBERRY CROP With fa e weather condi 1 e and Kitsumka ill harvest this gest crop of their history. As} oduce the finest le, the citizens of hould eneourage local industry by purchase of their | ries until this | ible The berries | their best, and the est, about July 1. MNY EYES TURNING | T0 PRINCE RUPERT Charlie Stewart, who has re- 1 meeting of the | ind Lodge of the Knights of | is lossland, reports that | ’ er the province are ng their eyes on Prince Ru- | rhe general opinion is that, ks begin to pick up, | t will be the first city | get bus Mr. Stewart claims | Prince Rupert are mpared to many of | the South. NS OF ENGLAND | VERSUS DRYDOCK ing team has been represent the 8S. O. E. tonight against the | ‘es; backs, Darton |for drill and route marches Captain); halfbacks 'eh, Yardley, A, Hardy; for- mb, PF. Hardy, Cam- Muirfleld, Sid Hardy. Re- '. Cummings, Bell. Play- turn up in white dock team is as fol- J. Grant; baeks, J. ol, M. MeDuft: halfbacks, D. \. Dixon, J, Wright; for 1, McWilliams, W. Mell- ™, 3.4 Winchby, R. Jones, Mei ’ rate ‘ * canal and on the bridge Pioneer Laundry Third Avenue East Phone 118 se the Most Modern ''y Machinery Built. in Any Tuesday or *sday and See How We Do It Absolute Satisfaction Is We | Lau bunch as I saw them mysell Most of the Rupert Boys ar Blind a {wi ith the 16th Battalion. T got with san ech. the seaforthe. We SUBMARINE SINKS ithe usual trench work aroun We were out about ten days} when we were whisked away in London motor “busses” to Ypres, and took over the trenches from four days treals day out, | was on guard on a por toon bridge north of Ypres, while the city was being violently bom- }|men barded, the debris landing in the}sons It was {for a sad sight to see the pouring Across the When I got permiss! . ack and made f s away my pack an Phone 446. Es KING VICTOR EMMANUEL OF ITALY AT ar HEAD OF HIS REGIMENT HOW THE CANADIANS CAPTURED THE GUNS: Thrilling nakiataiidn of Fight-| ing Around St. Julien in a Letter From W. A. iB I Mathieson. lnames dians, who The following interesting ac count of the capture of the four ernor of Ontario; guns by the Canadians has been. son received by Fred Stork, in a letter | ¢ from “Bill” Mathieson: Col sth Northern General Hospital, | staff of Lineoln, Eng., May 10, 1945. vice: Dear Mr. Stork: towering, am going to give you an ac- cor leount of the happenings to my) Toronto te lArmentieres first. I had a pret- ty good time, being section sniper, | rclocKk On and would often ring ov | the German loop-hole plates W elt. had quite a bit of fun, but were | wetting soft, so were taken out er hardening up by physical j French, the 16th Battalion facing Langemarck and adjoining | May Algerians. We finished our) ments and the 5th Royal Mon relieved us Our second to refugees bi idee n T slung ol the WELL KNOWN CANADIANS FISHING MAGNATES HONORED BY THE KING, (Special to The Daily News.) VISITING THE cont accompanied by his wife, 1onors list contains the| a governess, ¢ Gorman, Who is also accompanied have been knighted: », Lieutenant Gov-jon their way to Alaskan ports on Principal Peter- onnected with the ¢ ning industry in the . Smithers has been connect- » Booth Company, » largest fishing concerns in United States. i north to inspect canning proper- G. A. MeNicholl, of the G,' rious points of interest in the city, GERMAN TRANSPORT (Special to The Dally News.) » and believe : VANCOUVER EDITOR a great future is staying at British submarines in the NEW MODERATOR OF PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY transport (Special to The Dally Newe.) THE CRADLE. elected moderator of the General | Diochuhevion| TURKISH SOLDIERS SHOT. PICNIC PARTIES. (Speciai to The Daily News.) diers on the 0 » urged to revolt by their » been put to death, satisfaction and econ- ee ee Wellington Quality, omy. etlington Coal, 67tf. | DAY DONATION On May 27th the Queen Mary »>/Chapter of the I. O. D, E. sent a _lbale to the Canadian Red Cross Society, Toronto, containing 84 pairs of socks from Port Simp- son, and one bale of bandages and a bale of handkerchiefs from the children’s chapter of the I, O. D. E., 14 pairs of socks from the Queen Mary Knitting Club, 18 cup covers and 93 pairs of socks from the Queen Mary Chapter of the I. O. D. E. All the socks will be forwarded to the men at the front. The I. O. D. E. wishes to thank all those who contributed to their bale, also the Pony Expres for cartage and Mr. Keyser for a pair of sock stretchers. COMMITTED TO ASSIZES (Special to The Daily Newe) Vancouver, June 3,.—George Murray the editor of the South Vancouver Chinook, has been committed to the Assizes on a charge of criminally libelling Reeve Gold, of South Vancouver, calling him a German and accus- ing him of disloyalty to the Em- pire. CRICKET. Some local sportsmen had plan- ned a cricket game against an leleven from the Malaspina on Saturday, but the game has been postponed on account of the ves~- sel being ordered to sea_ this morning, Cozy Barber Shop BATHS Geo. Milner - | Express C afe UNDER NEW MANAGE- MENT — TRY US THE WEATHER. 5 a. m., Thursday, June 3, Barometer ...ccctrserecdoeer Mae temp ..ctcacdpes* 56.0 Ta er 46.0 (FP. W. Dowling, Observer. Follow the crowd to Self’s | Cafe. There is a reaso... Next Majestic Theatre, 1O2tf, {6th Battalion, which was mur h-}o ing out to St Julien At St. Ju | we wheeled to the left and} lacross the flelds We wel told that the four ¢ inch gun were captured and that we were) to retake them and oust the Get from the wo ds in front Continued on Page Four, lj RELIEF WORK TO 10, START IN VANCOUVER (Special to Fhe Dally Newe.) Victoria, June 3.—Hon. W. J. Bowser announces that the pro- vincial government will build a road to Burnaby, employing 500 men at $2.25 for an eight-hour day. Relief work also will be started in South Vancouver and Burnaby. ITALIAN TORPEDO BOATS EFFECTIVE (Special to The Delly Mewe) Geneva, June 3.—Two Italian torpedo beats entered the Gulf of Trieste yesterday and sank two merchant vessels and damaged an Auxiliary Austrian cruiser. WEDNESDAY'S BASEBALL. Northwestern League. Vancouver, 4; Tacoma, 2. Spokane, 7; Aberdeen, 5. Victoria, 4; Seattle, 3. Natienal League. Philadelphia, 2-3; Brooklyn, 7-4. Cincinnati, 4; St. Louis, 5. New York, 5; Boston, 5; game called in tenth inning on account of darkness. Chicago-Pittsburg game post- poned on account of rain. American League. Boston, 7; New York, 1. St. Louis, 4; Cleveland, 0 Detroit, 4, Chicago, 4. Philadelphia-Washington game postponed on account of rain, Coast League. Salt Lake, 3; Venice, 4. Los Angeles, 3; San Francis. co, 5. Oakland, 2; Portland, 1. LONDON CAFE An Grill ALWAYS FIRST CLASS BOXES FOR LADIES Hart Bik. Third Ave.