THE DAILY NEWS On the | official American table, however, } guns /credits the British guns of if automo-jelevated 45 degrees, a note being the western Russian front are moved from army. and 15-inch one point to/with a men range 46,290 yards another on speedy biles; on the east, the Russians|added to the effect that such an have had to transport their|elevation is “not used.” This rep- huge guns and munitions on|resents close upon twenty-six and mules or horses through|one-half miles, but firing at such swamps and rocky, mountain/a distance would hardly be effec- defiles. Under such condi-|tive because of the large angle of tions, lines of communication] the fall of the shot and the con- are apt to become disconnect- ed, and sections of the army are bound to become isolated sequently small “danger: space.” —P. A. Hislam, in London Globe. for short periods. Good intentions will not save From every setback, the! the man who is eareless about us- Russians have recovered vali-|ing the money of other people. - "| , as th th ha THE DAILY NEWs ny ee For Vancouver ni Bul ‘ha ® P THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA h. with its outlet and 7 V ictoria and Published Daily and Weekly y im tant inlet at this place, S ttl Guaranteed Largest Circulation today through umseruptt.| eattie _— nd pernicious influences HEAD OFFICE ; tow Beilied Co ~ Sauce RUPERT 8.8. PRINCE GEORGE ‘ utside ev . wa n ays—9 a. m. On Mona 7 , 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98 ondaye Ne ee ‘ ms . 1. with its paltry pioneer Passenger trains leave Prince Rupert ai 10 a » - ~~ m TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch Contract ‘tion, has been sacrificed by | Saturdays for Prince George, Edmonton, Saskatoon, w “edaye ang : By i necting with trains for St. Paul, Chicago, ana ar) Principal Gas: cons rates on application. predominant political organ-| these trains carry splendid electric lighted Bleeping wo. putt” Olin we _ == f this proevinee to the | Wednesdays a through Tourist Gieeper (electric tignies, “ ware ang 7g Laces ‘ MAKE YOUR TRAIN OR STEAMSHIP BERTH RESERY Arcus so DAILY EDITION agesges Friday, June 4, 19! ed of private capital, Natu-| ae na ad y, Prince Rupert reflects the} FOR POINTS EAST OF CHICAGO Use THE GRAND i me . “eee ts of such a sacrifice. TRUNK RAI LWay system GERMANY’S REPLY. antly, and the Austrians have o: oe The Double Track Route Germany's reply to the Amer- invariably paid dearly for any \ of the expected trade from For Full information and Teen Tpete, eeety toarTtpr ket Omics, ican note is typical of her di- little gain they have made.| to the interior has come to AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Lines plomacy. The sinking of the With Italy getting int position | | ‘ rhe principal sources of Guiflight was unintentional, in the south, Russia is going} ae ie to the Grand Trunk Pa-, — a. : ; , ave “e scope the fu- and enquiry is being made re- to have more scope in bidiee of En Company are the halibut rarding it Britain's misuse ture, and a very few months PRINCE ADELSERT: ’ 1 the rye hone 954 P.0.Bor a ; ! th Al likely to b peror William of Germany s S Custy am ae MUSIC ee ) : Price ag co se ance the Allies are iiKely to de : ‘& onal fer of the American flag confused rene? f eS who may command an Austriat nes, both of which ai i it .PERHANG) the Corman omess; hewee thet tye 1 We Beart of Mangery.) ir d along the coast line, and | Teacher of Violin and All HANGING mistake. In other words, if — saaunaieatagnee “sin di ieeade adiiuliial OF etl Band Instruments AINTING ; i . < price NGE | " at - A. PESCOTT 1icHy Germany did sink American|ABOUT THE RA PACIFIC HINTERLAND raffie to the United States. But 6 Gad hen OLISHING AND ships, Britain was to blame OF BIG NAVAL GUNS he inter! lleys are non-ex vases Grew Say WALL TINTING for it. ane ——- LOOTED BY EXPLOITERS) 00.35: tie present time so far a Germany regrets that Amer Since the Queen Elizabeth made | a se ! ealin aidinnaatia ‘ on rermany ? 2US ' ea is ie welfare o eri Toma abyed | ——~ —---. — —-— --— —-—__-—-- — t , ts dramatic entry into the war} ‘ . ieans lost their lives by the}! I 3 | The following are extracts from])),. people living in Prince Ru- M inking of the Lusitania, but|*here has been a great deal of) | . i article the To Oe | ooo artin Swanso} sinking 0 l¢ 4usita a. “i a two-column articie in ! -| pe rt are concerned ; Besond Ave MeBeia the liner was sunk purely in/"0Msense written nee enw ronto Globe by Norman Lambert, “All our vegetables and meats | DE NTISTRY aa self-defence. Von Jagow in-|°f its guns, whieh, a opto special respondent: me from Alberta or from the : Rie : ar ok o ‘ange ¢é other weapon i sists that she was armed,|told, outrange any poe ie sii ihe me lettaed ttehes asim idan. CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK . . g te fficers In existence and ean send their Prine Rupert, May $9. Van United Stat . _ the informa A SPECIALTY i though United States officer: : ; ‘ couver, littered with the remains|tjon given at the principal hotel know that she was not projectiles. twenty-eight miles .4 ‘i n tall . . i DRS. GILROY & BROWN ol me : , o inancial recks, telis mos *’rince Rupert. The request for a guarantee Of course, if 15-inch guns are os e4 ahah . , sell “hi | DENTISTS ] ; aré ae ss i Saeki: this date eloquently the story of a perioc Do the valleys east o rere ! Omce: Gmith hk, Third Avenue for the future has been polite- |!" combat with 6-inch, : lof reckless spending. It can testi-|not supply this part of the prov- Phone 454 | : : lence j ‘ange is considerable, but : 7 o0ene ; ly ignored. Germany is not/ence in range is considerable, t fy in bitter words to the irrespon-|inee with food?” was the ques- I AX] worrying much about how/for all practical purposes the 12- sible methods of the McBride gev-|tion asked many times of many so ce Le ee Americans feel about it, evi-| ae eae ae ee aa j ore ernment during the past five| people aus * dently reckoning that Prest- és = es cer + — ;years But to see, as well as to 2 hy, no,”’ was the general re- eee ee eer ere U I erty . ; ’ ~.jed States governme as ap-| dent Wilson has enough to oc-|®¢ tat sovernmen ge % jhear, the truth of this publie ar-] ply; one is producing any- t FOR A TAXI i ALF HALLIGAN cupy his attention in Mexico.|/Pended a table to the fortifica-| unt: 1 te- necessary tolu sain dee sina Alt th : r : Ora ’ “alg ent, 8 2CeSSi Olthing along the railroads e i " we » te Oe ons 6 r( ‘jatio y th) . REP ERRERE EET RRR eRe The President's reply is liable} tion appropriation bit — hI visit Prince Rupert and travel|iand is taken up by speculators 4 to be short and to the point. ee . sate ae if a mre into thé: Gee Rietestand ot Sens ae : | a 1e advantage in this matter lies | a 5 — in a * ge a natte ; lish (olumbia. The south is the rhe instances of illegitimate % 7 PHONE--75 Phone 174 Bor 974 , > smaller weapon. Se PRZEMSYL. wi - ca , ss ie ” , ,jold part of the province, where}speculation in lands in northern to — ne — — 2 is } yj cor - is table > range of | : : i Though there is nothing a ae eet ee * ae j|the people are suffering directly) British Columbia are legion. It] . omen « co + | SMITH & MALLETI more than a Vienna report that|° le various werk when traine¢ ifrom inflation in both city and|]j. it a case of public versus : PRINCE RU UTO Lar stock of rive. norms Przemsy! has been retaken by/to an elevation of 15 degrees is as country. In some measure, the]private development Those in |} ngs, Pipes cut “~ 7 . ; 2 por follows: 12-inch, 24,874 yards; 7 ; } Third Ave. Head of Second Stree the Austrians, it is quite prob- : SS — —— —iterests which have been able t i Prince Rupert ably the case, but, within aj|13-5-inch, 21,658 yards; 15-inch, | take land h ext . : ; i | stake lands in such extensive 20 . ‘aly few > ret. | 21,193 yards. This shows a dif- WEAR F isenepaigpineim _ comparatively few days, Pet ; tt . { 4 WE. R tracts have not eolonized the a iin ae . ost certs : be| ference of two miles in favor of! i ex Manson, rograd will almost certainly be ice i ‘ountry. They have not even| TAKERS } ~~ ae able to report that it is again the 12-inch guns as against the! ‘ fh uy site si te tha HaGvth B. BA. Li "8 . giver ill paymen 0 » provin- in the hands of the Russians. |15-inch. , » |B FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND Em- WILLIAMS & MANSON , im . ‘ial treasury for thei: estates, | BALMZERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- Memaietese Solicitors, ie Undoubtedly, the Russians Range depends largely upon] und the provincial government| QNTEED—OPEN DAY AND WIGHT ris ; . have been in difficulties. When/elevation, but as a rule naval | a : 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 MONEY TO LOAN | evidently has not been strong} Box the history of the war comes to} guns are so mounted as to be | enough to enforce payment. The | oe pert, B be written, people will marvel|incapable of firing at a greater| nino. — a ates | : reeord of payments in arrears at we at the difficulties overcome byjangle than about 20 degrees. The : . ammenities Sa nm | etice corner POd Street 8 r Victoria, amounting almost to fif- téen million dollars, proof of the manner in which these deals Canadian have been transacted. es { STEAM LAUNDRY PACIFIC CARTAGE LiM? Genera! Cerveer LADYSMITH COAL 03—Phrone 03 (Successors to Continued on Pcge Three Canadian Steam Laundry A man who had examined the} official pre-emptor’s map, secur-| Latest and Approved Methods . ed from the government land of-| Only Skilled Operators Employed ' JAMES GILMORE fice, with a view to settling in the} spss ee Pr : Bulkley Valle hick aihatins Phone us and we will call u ey aliey, which, roughty | for a bundle Tienes contains 120,000 aeres of agri-