— Ses FOR RENT $25.00 per month. New 4-Room Cottage, cab- inet kitchen, water inside, blinds and screens furnished —$15.00 per month. Two-Room -Houses .fur- $10.00 per month. sidewalks, nished All have GEO. LITTLE, Terrace. WATER NCTICE. : Use and Storage. TAKE NOTICE that The Port Essington Water Company, Lid., whose address is 547 Granville 8t., Vancouver, B. ¢., will apply for @ license to take and use one and one-half cuble feet per second and to store 400 aere-feet of water out of Canningham Lake. The storage-dam wii be located at the outlet of Cunningham Lake. The ca- pacity of the reservoir to be created ba) about 400 acre-feet and it will flood 2.23 acres. The water will be diverted from the stream at @ point about 5 ehains below the said outlet and will be used for Water- works purpose upon the land described as part of Lot 45, Range 5, Coast District, being the townsite of Port Essington. A copy of Unis notice and an application pur- suant thereto and to the “Water Act, 1914," will be fied in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, Objec- ions to the application or to the petition mentioned below may be filed with the seid Water Recorder or with the Comp- voller of Water Rights, Parliament Bulld- ings, Victoria, B. C., within thirly days after the first appearance of this notice in & local bewspaper. The territory within which the company desires to exercise its powers is described as the townsite of Port Essington, A petition to amend the the Certificate granted to the company in respect of its former right so as to in- elude the right applied for herein will be heard in the office of the Board of Inves- tigation at & date to be fixed by the Comp- toler, The date of the First Publication of this Notice is March 23, 1045, “PORT BSBINGTON WATER CO., LTD.,” E.G. O. R.), to be Chaplain, Hon- Summer Cottages At Terrace orary Major, Reverend G. A. Rix, from 34th Ontario Regiment.” as eee Five-Room Cottage, with Miss McIntosh, of Seattle, a heater, Majestic range, wa- specialist in Scalp Treatment. ter connections, bath, gar- Massage, Manicuring, Shampoo- den and lawn—$20.00 per ing and Hairdressing is in the month. city. For appointments, phone Same house furnished— Red 94. tf. THE WORLD-WIDE POPULARITY OF TEA “In the tea trade there is much talk @f enormous increases in the drinking of tea everywhere since the began. war Russia, already a large consumer of tea, is taking more and more to the beverage now that vodka is banned. In France tea is beginning to threaten fee. higher the of eof- The greater demand means supremacy prices in our households, especially as there is said to be supply. Dealers uneasy as to the position.” don (England) Times, April 24. Applicant. Possccsccccoeseeorlees “The Daily News” {4 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS CLASSIFIED ADS.) Peso Ponte retort om the : South this morning oe. © = Frank MecKinn left for Ha- FOR RENT inte “ sencateeensetstsaasssat zelton on today’s trait FOR RENT-—Clean furnished cabins, by . * . week or month, at $4 and #6 per month Miss Enoch and Mrs. Williams | 533 Eighth Ave., near Fulton. 128-32 | enc left for Guisley this morning. WANTED 2:4 ee ene, oe ~! Captain Bullock-Webste WANTED mpetent nurse for two apta : children. Apply Box 112, News tf.| been transferred to Cranbrook COOK WANTED—fI small hotel; Man or * . * woman Apply Sunday night after Colonel MeSpadden, of the Irish Pp. ™ t Mitchell, Hotel Prince Kupert ‘ WANTED-—Servant girl for housework | Fusiliers, arrived the Prince Apply Box 110, Daily News tf.) Ge re. | lin ta a FOR SALE Georg Ba vell, | hasin ot ry bane im as yee 2 agent for the G. T. P., left for Ed- FOR SALE—Combined restaurant ana} ™monton today. rooming house; 14 sleeping rooms AT + > > ply McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle. uw Mr. Craddock. present FOR SALE—Furniture of four rooms com- Giant Explosives. Ltd — plete. Cost $1,000.00 What offers? = vr ‘7 , | Apply Box 106, Dally News. tf./the George this morning and left vie ge for the Interior. MUSIC. .- ie TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL| . A. Tisdale and T. P. White Musics! Instru-;of the G. T. P., accompanied the ments repaired.| Booth Fisheries representatives Bows rehaired. The} north last night. Prince Rupert Mu- = & & sic Store, 345 3rd P. L. Smithers and wife and Ave. tf. daughter. and L Tr. Gorman and nticninioiecgelitieaitil wife left for the North on the City ‘ of Seattle last night. APERHANGING oO KALSOMINING Alan E. Jessup, of Massett, who PAINTING was posted as killed on May 17. is reported by his wife to be F. G. ROBERTS wounded and in a_ hospital in 14 Dyer Apts. P. 0. Box 642 France. .. 2.8 a J. Emerson 1} who was for- merly a resident eng ee the} i. ae came I the Geer rge | A. E. WRIGHT al ind left the train for his old Provincial and Dominion home in Nove Scotie Land Surveyor Nag as Surveying and Engineering 2 Gite 2 oS Ok, P. 0. Box 10 Phone 85 tana Continental Development Fourth Street Company, left for the Rocher de Boule property this morning ee ee .-@-@ ; : The following is from the Ca- nadian Gazette: “68th Regiment j bu THE DAILY NEWS PL. SMITHERS SAYS BUILD UP ACANADIAN INDUSTI ; | (NEVER MIND SEATTLE—GO AHEAD AND BUILD A CANADIAN FLEET—IF PRINCE RUPERT CAN SUPPLY THE FISH IN CANADIAN BOTTOMS, THE BOOTH COM- | PANY WILL DO THE REST. | Smithers and T. P. Gor P. I man, who have been here for th: | last few days, are directly repre ' senting A. B. Carpenter, preside: of the Booth Fisheries. The Booth Fisheries, of which Mr. Smithers is vice president, is the largest neern in the fresh and froz: fish business in the world. Mr | Gorman has merged his big car ining interests with Booth Company. These gentlemen, along with I iD. Rosenheimer, traffic manag h iSifor the Booth Fisheries, are sat | lisfied with the attitude of the iGrand Trunk Pacifie towards the establishing a purchasing here, and arrangements lhave been made for a temporary of business at the old Foley provided ty will do its share in regarJ | branch ‘Ich & Stewart wharf thee to water and power. They express- satisfied with placed before them neral Superintendent W. C, C themselves facts as by Commis- of the Industrial MeNicholl, and A. ehan sioner G. o. 2. eh In at News Mr. fishing afternoon, the pointed emphatically that forget respect, yesterday Smithers discussed most Rupert business, and out Prince should about in this entirely. “Co Canadia: he “There is enough fish in the make thriving city, and still do Prir ing about fishing and get down t and develop a here,” ahead said Pa fishing industry cifie to Prince Rupert let Seatt big a business as eve! as ice Rupert must quit theoriz siness. There is a growing de mand for fish, and Prince Rupert has an opportunity to build up a big industry for Canadian fisher- men. “The great essential is to de- velop a business for Canadian bottoms. The large fishing and railroad interests in the South are not going to allow such a business to slip away from them; there- fore Prince Rupert must get to- fleet of bot- toms, which sha!l bring a perma- gether a Canadian nent business, unassailable by any American We have 135 throughout the continent, and, if Prinee Ru- legislation. selling branches pert can supply the fish, we will new the We can place the fish, if Canadian bottoms in Prince Ru- pert will provide it.” establish centres on Prairies. In discussing the question of to locate here, Mr. Smithers pointed inducing American fishermen out that most of these men have farms and other property in the South, and could not be expected to up by the roots to come North. Mr. Smith- that Prince Rupert Scandinavians, the iness, to come here and carry on tear their homes suggests get thoroughly ers should who understand bus- fishing under Canadian registry. Mr. Gorman, who is a Canadian by birth, has been no corresponding increase in the | the canning business on interested in the naturally | Coast for years, and is conversant Lon- | with every phase of the fishing in- | dustry. He stated that the Booth those of the! interview with The Daily | Seattle, | any is earnest ibout here f eonditions are | table. He pointed out that, if in Rupert can develop a iarre oa ¢ industry of its wn, such the Pacific Net and Twins naturally Bi y would ' pet th gentiemen | itisfied that the city’s imine ati future depends upor ts sheries, and that they must be ped by ¢ inadian fisherme perma ntly si saf Digestive Disorders | Yield When the right help is sought at right time. Indigestion is ent. Biliousness causes suffering. Either is likely to lead to worse and weak- ening sickness. The right help, the best corrective for disordered conditions of the stomach, liver, kidneys or bowels is now known to be Beecham Pills and the right time to take this fa- mous family remedy is at the first sign of coming trouble. Beecham’s Pills have so immediate an effect for good, by cleansing the system and purifying the blood, that you will know after a few doses they Are the Remedial Resort Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World, Seid everywhere. In boxes, 25 ents POOLE EOC P OVE FOR TAXI | ~ Phone 99 Stand - Hotel Rupert BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC ; Lump COAL $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Delivery Money Back If Wot Satlis- factory UNION TRANSFER CO 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 PPD ORO Oe ere CPE Oe Maiestic Theatre TONIGHT AND TOMORROW Essanay Presents “THE BATTLE OF LOVE’’— In Three Acts, featuring Mr. F. X. Bushman, a super-star actor of the age. | “THE CAPITULATION OF 3) THE MAJOR”—A Corking 3) Comedy, “HAM AND THE JITNEY BUS”—A Scream Comedy. ’ Admission 10 and 15¢ In | SHOE POLISHE Sunlight Soap Dainty Garments—Fine Linen— These are surely worth your best care and the use of noth- ing but the soap that cannot hurt the finest fabric Here’s the Sunlight way: First, soap the garment; then roll it up to soak. After a while, rinse well and the dirt practically drops out. No wearisome scrubbing, no hurtful rubbing—the gentle strength of Sunlight does the work almost without effort and en- tirely without injury. Try one cake you'll find it’s hind to the hands, too. ,,, At all grocers Whether For Yourself orasa Gift to your Friend The well known Perrin trademark as shown in cuts should be on every glove you get, as this assures you perfection of Style, Fit and Finish. Best dealers the world over sell the genuine PERRIN'’S GLOUES. 4 a a dates ET THU T ATE tin) fl ‘Ha IWATA Hi AH RMT Aah eT 4h j } { i Wadi nit TTR) ATE SH " et We ih i Mit i Hb) Hi Nii Hi iit if i yy! Await RAL BABY'S OWN. anatte SOAP Fi »wer Fra gré nce Pure vegetable oils are the | Natural flowe: ve base of Baby's Own soap. | to Baby's Ow" h It promotes skin health and | clinging frag! a prevents skin troubles, | makes its use so - BABY’S OWN SOAP IS WELL WORTH RUNNIN® '' - In the interest of your skin, send for some now. So!’ a ALBERT GOAPS, LIMITED, Mrns MONTREAL “4 Te Don't merely smother your coug! Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod : tonic and CURE IT promptly arrests coughing, but © throw off strengthening properties it helps ' 1s won for “ the cold ang thus effects a permanent cure. It is this qu : ty it the largest sale of any cough and cold remedy in Canaca 35¢. large boltles, everywhere. J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop,, SHERBROOKE, P.°- , onderful heada iu rtd If your cold ts feverish Mathieu's Nervine Powders, the wonder’ on ' is vemphih dispel the fever and chase the pein from heal, back snd | ders, Bhe Most Brilliant ©! In the sc Box. For the Easiest, Quickest, ! Lasting Shine—-Choose 2 in 1 Shoe Polish! “Easy-Opening” Box. All Dealers, 10c. pe THE F. F, DALLEY CO., LTD. BUFFALO, N. Y. HAMILTON, CAN.