(Fyn 323 - THE DAILY NEWS STEADY ADVANCE ALONG WESTERN FRONT TYPHOID EPIDEMIC IN CONSTANTINOPLE — ITALIANS ARE STILL ADVANCING RENCH MAKE STEADY ADVANCE. 5 ~) SEVERE TYPHOID EPIDEMIC. THOUSANDS OF GERMANS SLAIN | ATTACKS CONSTANTINOPLE ee eythane ‘imearenee sopeaat or waren umes agra amt SUBMARINE enema | | —GOEBEN CAPTAIN RETIRES. cal a i Ee itm ed | London, June 8.—An epidemic |{ains and threatening Tomlino. Was of typhoid has broken out in Con-| They are forcing a passage of the jstantinople amongst the troops|Tsonzo River. e x The : ‘op! ; ' J The entire iin Sen @ The Holitedl except portions held isteamer Menapic as _ 7 | ins and British, was ™ ‘pier has been tor | pedoed om the North Foreland, | | (a series of offensive FIRST CANADIAN STEAMER TOAPEDOED—The Montreal stram- |and civilians. Seventy-five physi- Goeben Captain Retires. initiated by the ;*'* of the crew of twenty-three er Morwelina, torpedoed south of the Scilly Isles, was one of |cians have succumbed. The wa- Athens, June 8.—A quarrel be f S,. e 8. - rhey made a steady ad-j|were saved rhe captain and his the best known passenger steamers on the St. Lawrence. Be- |terworks are threatened with a|tween Captain Von Mueller, of iptured another por-|wife and daughter were drowned, fore the war she made trips between Montreal,-Guif ports and |stoppage owing to a shortage of|the Goeben, and Admiral Souchon & b ; , the Labyrinth fortifica- Norwegian Shipping Suffers. St. Johns, Nild., in the summe: coal. German families are leav-|of the Turco-German fleet, hasre- London, June 8.—The Norwe- | one art nae 4 : ; ng ' : — don | rw ; ing. sulted in the retirement of Von \t Hebeuterne ey took 650/gian steamers ‘rudvang and j : Sai es ots ~RODOTOFOA, alle 6 ah Mabdiin Bee lGlitiestind ad the bark Banedd Lois.” Qe Ne LATA Italians Advance. Mueller on the ground that he was 8 2 ‘ Sul j Kip ? Sea fl.. Rome, June 8 —The TItalian|/responsible for the irreparable os. The Germans e been sunk ‘here are no de- GULF OF SAPOS TEP’ . ; ' The Germans | have been sun) There are nod 3 Ht SAE Laks CONSTANTI troops continue to advance, tak-|damage done to the German 5 c 4 \ Sy il Meeting of the se ’ tide scat See you? Well, I will tell you where|that is the way I happened to be there was no boat leaving from At the Vary s Union is called —— “7 ye lthe Canadians made their name,]}jy the charge. Vancouver on Monday, owing to CATHOLIC CLUB Wednesday, June 9th, at he Jand how it was done. I will give We fell in and set off through |the new G.T.P. schedule, they are TUESDAY, JUNE 8 8 o'clock. a ute has agreed to accept|you my own experience the town. It was getting dark by|®iving a patriotic concert instead Refreshments — Cards at 9 \ embers ste sbahent ’ i { was billeted at Ypres, and was|this time and the shells were of the “Black Box” on Wednesday P. M. Prompt #250, and will forego his claim | ar 810.000 damages on account of iust finished with my day's work |}dropping fast and thick, but most night. “The Black Box” will be Admission 50c . c A a] & i nr a ‘ . Nae © , J, NIGOL, ind having a run along the canal| of them over our heads. We shown on Thursday and Friday. Rec, Sec. an accident to his ear, sustained |! bank, when I met the Algerians,|marched a couple of miles before running for dear life. They told|we got the order to extend, and patriotic concert: Mrs, Rogers, oon rhe changes of program at The|me the Germans had _ broken|jn extended order the 16th and the Bailey Sisters, Mr. Evans, Mr. Albert Rooms Meeee. Majestic will take place on Tues- through, and were coming on UuS./{0th Battalions were told to make Harvey, Miss Gladys Kemp, the Palace Of Sweets days, Thursday and Saturdays |I started back to get my pack, ele. /the charge, backed up by some Boy Cadets, Mr. Gordon Black, Mr, 2nd Avenue—=——= obing to the new G,. T. P. steamer |! had a rifle with me, You see,/other battalions in the rear. We Jones, Miss Thelma Knight and Close to the Westholme Theatre This enables the man-|we were just out of the trenches,|adyvaneed about 1,900 yards, and W. Rh. Whitley. There will be two The following will take part in the|— oeneee while using a city telephone. The Choleest Stocks of schedule, —_ ne the Maiestic Orche CENTRALLY LOCATED ORANGES, APPLES, BANANAS agement to give a. still better and that was why we were not in|then came the charge. Pebprmrowens Sy Se Sener a STRICTLY MODERN And Other Frulte in Season service. the firing line at the time. Well,/eharged about 250 yards. Just tra. Admission will be 10 and 25 RENTS REASONABLE Fresh Stock of . oe on my way back a lively ‘Jack|pefore we charged, they opened cents, The concert starts at 8:15, Weekly or Monthly by Arrangement RAMSAY'S, Low " - . : sceneiitiik dient eaeatainais ' NEY’S AND HOME- See Rupert Table Supply ad. ON} Johnson” went right the roof of|fre on us. No one could believe mee , : : i. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT , MADE CHOCOLATES back page. Ill will save YOU/my billet and blew the roof right} what it was like, Bert. They had THE WEATHER ae Of ceaeialiemetlin CREAM SODA FOUNTAIN money off. When I got there it was im-|dozens of Maxims and they made al ® SPECIAL FRUIT SUNDAES me (5 a. m., June 8, 1945, OD possible to enter the house, @8ithe air hum. It was just like a ——— . DT ne eernveevores 30,050 H. Quality, satisfaction and eCON-|)),,, sais had come down, Tt Was|heavy hail storm, How we ever mprepnntes 0.oe KILLAS, Prop. : : Goal : : . ee De Tg a veane ue 50.0 omy. New Wellington then | heard that the Canadians ||ived through it is a marvel to me, “Ar Block, Ord Ave. and Gih Bt. oat se , mn: 600M, .. 202 be aa eke 44.0 Motes Phone 116. ee ‘Thad got the order “ to drive them It acomed to be Papi g ors to ie ae A Third Avenue East rrrne : : yee na ings ane pildren’s. sewing man’s advance, and to driv norscl Continued on Page Four.) ¥. W. Dowling, Observer.| Phone 118 LONDONCAFE For particulars, call Mrs. F. @ els . nena We Use the Most Modern Dawson, convener, Ladies Aid of a oy anmne PICNIC PARTIES. Laundry Machinery Built, And Grill the Presbyterian Chureh., Phone Canadian Fraternity THE Launch Rose Belle If. is back|} Gome In Any Tuesday or 970 M133 to her old berth at the govern- Wednesday and See How ALWays FIRST CLASS vty, ig A mooting of whe Cunatien Frater Cozy Barber Shop ment wharf and ready for the sea- We Do It BOXES FOR LADIES Follow the crowd to Seif"s & P. M., MONDAY, JUNE 7 BA THS oagl boon ee — Absolute Satisfaction Is Hane Bik, Third Ave Cafe. There is a reason.. wen in the Board of Trade Rooms THIRD AVE. ALDER BLK. or Sunday | ; uM ” a Gussnniniia soreee “ r} Majestic Theatre O2tf. | ;\% os 400. 124-1m,