THE DAILY NEWS ; MERY sill eure cre ALD, MONTGOME cr a, ieee: 1, irs MORE QUESTIONS Steamships Prince Rupert and Princ: (oo: | D ia tion pe se THE DAILY NEws ee MAU erate THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA ' ~A J i F V Pablished Daily and Weekly wll iia , res olty eli ported that | or Vancouver | Guaranteed Largest Circulation had been asked questions by A Victoria and Je SESS Ss St pO ees l° Monts ery and had HEAD OFFICE ! : on aha Sime wi Seattle Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 9 tl regard only by full j hen His wPRart v : 7 aed ¢ inswe nif ' . ee ee oer Maek. Mnniren'| lieity. With regard to general) a. Montgomery pointed |g AT 10 A. ©. GP YUROBAVS, THURDDAYS & saTuRpays rates on application. secrecy in public affairs, it » he did not aek the ques Close Connections Made for San Francisco s.. 5, Rie that he « it ask ] 30 sili . = —— the duty of the press to end 7 ry “er but of the SUMMER EXCURSIONS TO THE EAST O15 by making it intolerable to t! } uestions were in GOOD RETURNING TILL COTORER »;, DAILY EDITION ao. Tuesday, June 8, 1915. es a Giot ty Clerk. The ques Trains Leave Prince Rupert at 10 A.M. on Mondays + vee oo public.—-Toronto Globe. ‘ to the cost of the May days, carrying Electric Lighted Gieeping and Dinine « . amare bee ey mmr ce an = a és } inn nn st tris snd the financial Winnipeg. Tourist Sleeper every Monday. i For Special Excursion Rates to Ali Eastern Points, a... Lhe THE BALTIC STRUGGLE. roundly and properly con- ot . the city. over Priviteges, > agree al Stop. attest — ‘ine ‘ ‘ TP. TICK THIRD av ; beeen er = seg one demued by the Toronto Tele- City Council Notes Alder ul Montgomery stated " 6.9 PHONE > re 8.6 of yesterday's § encouraging} gram, 1. staunch Conservative t 1 sked the questions in the AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHip LINES war dispatches was that which | newspaper, in regard to the se- ' nierest, as he thonght the . " ; le et | Pei : js The residents on Donald St See reporte d that the German ae t| cret boot specification. There : saaiaim Niel hin’ ght t know how thet = ie had left the shelter of the Kiel) are hundreds of men in Toron- | went 6 Suewels, « ae wins tein é de Canal. To have read that it had) i. Gis Meeld know af once! wed to construct one, the sch inst Whe aisiiinalies 4 P.0.Bor 6 engaged the British fleet in the} whether boot specifications supplying the lumber. + tinh ae ale th MUSIC . North Sea would have been still) were right or wrong. Hon. A The Board of Works report: nad ia eiatie Teacher of Violin and All \PERHANGING more satisfactory; however, it} E. Kemp, head of the Purchac-|' the Council last night that t! ountey, and the peoph cht ce uaa AINTING . i” 0 ie] ‘ have four unemployes h ses oS ; - : . sco icy is something to know that it| ing Commission, is not one of |® f . ae = ~ . a . eae daa tte et Gee O00. On OL HING AND has moved. | them, unless he has had some}! oe ae stand. If the adverse reports al Phone Green 87 WALL TINTING The Russians have beer! axperience that has escaped his | §°!4. untrue, the city solicit should — making things pretty warm biographers. Yet he presumes The City Council has decided top a to take action cence a erialty around Libau lately, and, with | to keep the people who furnish employ a salaried manager for the Alderman. Meitiend remarked r Martin Swanson an enemy a strategical advan- | . | were to enter the lists on the be groping in the darkness that |not feel that he should beg or buy! B C UNDERTAKERS w. EW BA. LL ‘. . 7 tage to know that our troops : e recedes t space from e newspapers preced dawn. pa i . Poe i FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EmM- rder to inform the public on} SAL MERS — GATISFACTION GUAR- ANTEED—-OPEN DAY AND WIGHT WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etec. MONEY TO LOAN Box | side of the Allies now, it would were poorly equipped in that facilitate matters eonsiderably. regard. Such knowledge would ; . Those little nations could do nis Maen” eateiehas “- 31 Years Older Than The matters which should be made as as comparatively little fighting, Dominion of Canada but it would cut off an impor- age or defect in arms or am- os ee = ews ed that if there is nothing to hide ‘ s Ce . y for Ger- om : A 2 ® i . tant source of upply for rer munition. The weak sp t in Ss the name implies, pnts ——<— a ee es «Pee ensner Sad Str . Sra Aven many; allow a close blockade The Bank of British it will serve no*good purpose a North Ameri PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITE Oo erica was Canadian (Sueressors wo Ps wnaies Italy getting busy to the south, | the money. whose interest is as | City Market, and that no commis- es oor : il , wo oe . i, Ts ! ’ : ha the rem is ere in? mire Secon AVE v re liable t ake ss ; . — . allowe o sel were Hable 2 ing | deep as his own, and whose |sion agent will be allowed to sel lend tee, Gah ee tice DE N TIST RY . —— seamen opealier, If MaTy’s entrance into knowledge is far greater, in ig- the market lehould not he discussed at prés RRRRHRE EEA E ERE Oe rete tees the struggle has helped to stir norance as to the specifica- 4 letter was read at the City wal CROWN AND SHIDOCE WORK the Ge: man fleet into action it tions. One of the experts at|Council last night from J. KR ‘ I Montgomery asked if eo | derma mtgomery aske has done effective work al-| the Parliamentary inquiry |Beatty asking for an increased | oa bili + catteneialedl alide the DRS. GILROY & BROWN 35 | ready. If a few British sub- swore that leather built up of) wats supply to the Provincial} : + A anita ten ‘ DENTISTS ! marines can worm their way tt : it ' aoe < ir ker OVE? WILAOUL MAKING & re- Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue | : : a iin splits gummed together) government wharf he matte or ae i eed Phone 454 | ort. He alleged that the rey into the Baltie in the next few was better than genuine kip. It} was referred to the Fishery Com- i als wah ties | , AXl | os —— oe whi appeared in ‘ j ] ) days, it may become very in- is not recorded that Hon. A. E.| mittee for report. i sa as iniealan | ee id | teresting for the Germans. In es ili a i aia EEO . = ee ee | Kemp laughed when he heard A request by the residents iM/and that it was up to the (Ce i — the Mediterranean and _ the or read it. He has given noj, ‘ T f light and phone to tell tt in tonne SUPT TEES ESTE ISTE ST SEES ETS | | Sectio wo for light and phone |/to tell the people the truth Dardanelles, British subma- such evidence of special knowl-|} 7 “ ' ‘ ; pecial k “jextensions was referred to the! Alderman Edge said that Alder-|5 FOR A TAXI ALF HALLIGAN rines have shown what they edge. It is well that the vigor tl ; % ‘ , ; ss ight Co 2e at e Counc mar t2ome had been pres-| i are capable of, and nothing ous condemnation of his se ji h mneneeee . : an M , a rs | RRPRARAEEE RE ERE HERE HEED nie ; ; : “imeeting last night. ent af all the meetings and knew | } would shake things up in Ber- crecy, when everything is to be} 5 ee — " . j : . ‘ } ill the facts The city has noth-| i lin so much as the loss of a gained and nothing lost by| 7: MeAleenan has applied to th : i+ i — _— _ ‘ 3 : "In . aaa : ~ event ng to hide, and a public report] =e ' Phone 174 Bor 97% few more battle ships. Rus- publicity, has come from a Council for permission to erect a tet ' z e FOR PLUMBING AND HEATING sia’s naval strength in the newspaper politically favorab refreshment stand at the Recrea- nade whe le «propel Pp aes = eel 1 ye 0 ally avoré lé : = ; ; i ; Baltic is rather an unknown to his party. It frees criticism |t#0™ Park. rhe Parks Committee : al : toa PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO ¢ ~ 7 He Ts quantity, but it will not be sur- f the silts ‘ty bias, |a¢reed to grant permission pre- german ontgomery statec ie } Vediouver, Crane Valves and Mit : 0 1e suspicion of party bias. that when #250 of the poblie @** #+@*t et e8etee ee ee eneeee tings, Pipes cut t er prising if she is able to regain An excuse can be found for vided the stand meets with their at ween Fes : pur i j Third Ave. Mead of Second Street i ) s ¢ Oo 0 Deiiedbe tins ones sai a Se | Prince Rupert some of the prestige which she secrecy after the bogus boots approval. inds had } I t, ( I POE es 5 td Oe —| sl lost in meeting the Japs. were supplied. i would give sides were entitled to know why ont] at eat F » per always see o} ere ad been spen le dis [f Holland and Denmark ome persons alway em tojwh it had been spent. | y lalex M. Manson, B.A } ’ 117 2ND STREET—-PHONE 41 public by the proper officials in BRUCE MORTON, Funeral Director the Council chamber. He remark- —_ formation regarding a short- | rt t ‘ ; | Helgerson Block pert, B an army should always be con- ; keep it dark. In reference to the reason for| our men had gone at once to established long before the the Mayor's trip, Alderman Mont: | of the River Scheldt; make for cealed from the enemy, and if a combined land and sea attack on Antwerp, and allow Britis ' e ; : Genera! Ceriege ee nag on ae the front their weakness would) Provinces united and |... said that Alderman Edge | STEAM LAUNDRY LADYSMITH COAL supmar 28 Oo be ‘ansporte hav . vo amd . = 5 é é ; ‘ hilied Ri che tdi Saeat ave been an incapacity for became the Dominion of had distinctly stated that they | ‘ in 03 —Phone 63 If Holland and Denmark marching owing to defective) Canada. The sound, |had got the Mayor out of the way! Latest and Approved Methods um wa : footwear. At the present progressive management | until they put the financial deal | Gatp Ghetes Rysute Guetpes make the move, it will hasten stage there is no such excuse | which has made it a power through the end of the war by months, for secrecy. Publicity will re-| « 4 ou . ; j Phone us and we will call ' in Canadian finance makes Alderman Edge denied having | for a trial bundle JAMES GILMORE | cn | sianized Europe will spell ruin Hon. A. E. Kemp is a man of THE BANK OF to these small nations. recognized busines: ability. | B a , ' PHONE NO. 8 i a SECRET or THE o8 my sine - ability. Public meetings, Tuesday NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS } BOOTS. The public expects him to de-| Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m | <> aoe on | CANADIAN PACIFIC Our political paradox, se- vote that ability to the publie CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,284,000. oe vaicte tees ‘TAY crecy in public affairs, is interest, and he can do so in PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH RAILWAY vaniieaianaiice oi | Coughing scatters germs aan “ anes P. MARGETTS, Manager. Stop it | tevitetion a _— > SEEDS! SEEDS! flamed mucnous membra end le moreover apt to carey RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS” and will ultimately be for the veal no secret to the enemy |.s benefit of both countries, « ae me Suereyns wae ence; Sut! te aie hank far your | made such a statement. be pretest yenent of both countries, as will avert the danger of devel-| ote Our Address: anything approaching§a Prus- oping something to conceal. | unt. oe: bs : ; ie Stre , ‘7 Salvation Army. 515 SIXTH AVENUE WEST j2nd Avenue, bea! M ~ oe Cavadion Steam Laurdry PRINCESS ALICE SOUTHBOUND SATURDAY NOON PRINCESS MAQUINNA ie SOUTHBOUND FRED STORK’S HARDWARE ) disease to oth ; 710 SECOND AVE c.iathieu's Syrup of Tar and = eee ; SUNDAY 8 P. ™. iver Oi tly st nnie’s Ferry’s, e’ Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery coughing, an toon, thanks Brigg's : 4. @ GeRAB, Gonere! Dem Ane Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle oS tanks poopertion, eBecte Geetus ond Vleid Gents ee SS iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns ; e wonderful popularity Also Fertili ——_—__—_—__ — Rope Vaives Ammunition end Cod Liver One ctially We Tak ans too SE IN ead How Paine ie isis gear abereez gf We Take Ordere for Mureery {/ — apveni permanen bron- Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron chial bs healer, ce Hay, Grain, and Feed at 3 THE D AILY NEW. “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” wie ni inp Vancouver Prices J. L. MATHIEU CO. Prop. Chicken Feed a Specialty Sherbrooke, P.Q. Mal! orders promptly attended to For headaches wee Mathiow's see Sr: fares ; Nerve Energy 49 Sere Piiace, Rapert Food Ca. 1! 2 egtasecs. FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 4 —_—— Drawn for The Daily News, Sounds Like It Was A Little Early To Swim =-By “Mop.” (TS JUNE \a7- T Wonpere 00 ~ GUH-GOSH- \T FEELS OH GIRLS -HERES ; “pars IF \TS TOO COLD YET TO AWFUL COLD ~GEE -I A LOVELY PLACE A constant dropping ““ GUESS TLLWAIT TILL FOR OUR PICNIC - awayastone. Asis’ FIRST OF DULY - eyestrain injures the he ) . | because it is constan. Strain which first mar’ | itself as a slight scorn ' should be remedied «! i | This we guarantee (0 °° Z | glasses. Consultation Iree | elays are dange!vu>- _ Look for Loop . OPTICIAN —— 223 Sixth St. Phone Black |