1915 THf DAILY NEWS, ee a a ________. = : as =e myEY TROUBLE —_|r*azscceessseee.! me HIS SPINE Itttttereeeweeees, ‘caistine Purity 4 Ceoree Hodwin yer the] ard f r Forty Veers Ua firat of the week from a prospect..| The etndard we have set ourselves ee ft Wnt wk tom warm | My Ane stand Empress Jams Ont., Oct. 318t. 191. ee I ee wears, wastroubled $jother trip into thy ime district “For re ght on by Kidney ith LA ie. 1 wae never |@ little later oy Are strictly a B. ©. Product. Right from the ¢ I b ened to oe wit ae ‘. — delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of me I oe cove » B. Culon and wife, San Fran the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to fest | er did me any ge Mena 1 . rem vee ruit-a-tives” advertised [O'SCO, Arrived Wednesday night Ye purest of Cane Sugar. nl ‘ he Ti did f { : i j le yaa hier tee and are guest i) the Norther shall 1 rBaAa. B 31 Every step tn the producing and manufao- ei reg — from toi — Hotel. Mr. Coulon is inter sted 4a youn Yt ways contain only the finest, freshest turing of the delicious Jam contributes to the Ms tly had to leave o 2 ieav trot rit Civ es remedied [mining S Sava fee Black, Mixed and Green prosperity of B. ©. It will satisfy the most workin I ld strongly advise tes it for . from Kidney and exacting. i ier rTroublet use Fruit-a-tives’’, J. W. Stewart, Angus St rt ae SOLD BY ALL G hladue : 1.DORLAND |, ROCERS or 00.00, Ek’ Mcllugh ate expected! B. C. MILK has helped to reduce In 14-1b, Glass J d 4«Ib. Tins goc a bos ~ eae receipt of price here shortly f the high cost of living in many a : are an We if deale ) on a household It is produced right ir g Pralt-c-tives Liste Sane Teoumny our own PROVINCE, in the PRASER THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD Silver Standard n RIVER VALLEY It has the NATU- ‘RAL FLAVOR Vancouver, B. 0. D. MeLeod \\ to be here ntil J ma aS | Empress Jams Buy Your Plumbing — § finished—Omineca ter | I. J Supplies Direct From | AS Us and Save Money]... | ey = FT seneennnanaannanbannnnnnnnnnnnl plortuag Bouse in We are the reeset Brith Oo Mtivia eotting fos mag to = d Delivered to any part = peond buy fa © uantities and s- ota E “4 oo. shee we “aes you the midd!« Goo of town, or can be had Poe: Sot ‘ man's profit and you do pet gay for oe bed dedte of others For tas reason on col an any other plum’ ing house or er in British Colur bh. Cumpare r prices, For tmstanr: Ou price fc noh gatvanized pipe ts $4.95 per 100 ‘feet. $-inch ie a Ramsays ~~ {| Empire Cream Sodas Solis | | a 8 6Spurr’s)§=6 Market, Pure Knott's Bakery and the Fulton Cash Market. Milk Govt. Inspected Cows pipe, 66.20 per 100 feet; | Jinch pipe, 88.15 per 100 me The Best Equipped and Most 3)“'NG ALBERT’S CHAUFFEUR— yo MATTER WHAT YOU vEED IN THE PLUMBING AND HEATING LINE _WE uy sel you POR 95. Get your plumbing sep pie Girect from us and mosey. Bend stone your epecili « tas and we wil give you price con = delivered in your town, By returr . WITHOUT COST TO YOU. Then compare our prices with others Don't pay two prices for your plury\, mpgs We can supply everything fo bathroom at great saving to you rite ws today about your plumbing an! beating problema Lt wili cost you no’! — ing tor eévice that we wn a you al) ae M. Henri Sehorremans who is 1 MATHIEU 'S 1 t oe ee es the chauffeur to the King | NERVINE POWDERS ? Prince Rupert Daity fo veisiun, previousiy a ais-) aoe Phone Green 252 | patch rider, was the means of| i “== | : seeererocrrooroscreoro+osooooooee | . re the British General] 8 wile wad hee femiens © In 2-Ib. Tins Staff of the district from beit Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating houee- wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire” when buying Soda Biscuits. A Real Lever Simulation Why Endure Headaches? —One tria! will convince you that asure and safe remedy for any headache is at your service to MATHIEU’S Nervine Powders ‘generous They are made in B. C. and your grocer gets his supply frequently and quickly, insuring freshness, which means crispness. We are giving away Watehes to thousands of people all over the world os & hnge advertisement Now fe your chances to olin one )=6 WW rite now, ecoclsing & cents for one our fashionable Ladies |GERMANY TO REWARD MEN WMO TORPEDOED LUSITANIA Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. Long Guards, oF 18 In a box, 25e. Sold everywhere. If Gents’ Alberts, sent your dealer does not sell them we mail Manufactured b: with the ee | I Magds iny a box on receir t of price, 25¢ y wid be sive Pree | J.L.MATHIEU CO. Props. @varanteed five years), | SHERBROOKE, P.@. ~ te! lf) ’ 6-5-0 RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. lous offer. We expect Otel Ys he ’ shout “or and shew them the beaut Vancouver, B. C. MINERAL ACT. = far eae ar, gy ; i Ul i ie I ’ Certificate of tmprowemente. eo neste i rD, a rae ai in sii + NOTICE. im. eS ae wee . —_— JACI CI ISIOIISISISISISISIIOIICININISISISIISIISIIIINISINISITO OOS DIDI Surlight, Homestake No, 1, and Sup- ing prints the f zx from a — ees ERD e Minera i situate in the Skeens | ~~ , ; 7 rr Mining : Cassiar District, | i “ ti ust — _ipaein , ’ ' Where i 1 the North Shore of Diges ive vyeatern battle f At last by Ba eo Bonanga end Falls ; 2 | Disorders mi naliniripes hore exvonied « as sons hat 1, George B. Neden, hich it be hopd | AE Si Si ae ees # Miner's ate No. 50353R act- Yi id Wh SPO OO Fee oe we oe ee ue le Thomas Mchostle, = e en ; ' I Rea S Viner’ Cartiaeste Re.| the right help is sought at right F i n ae: i = ce Ry TWO HOUSES | i, sixty days from the | time. Indigestion is a torment, y to liousne 4 ff . Either ne merica suspend sailings al- crideat ef Imgewee| io Hbely to lead to worse and weak> |" A “., 1 SIXTH & THOMPSON ST. 6 9 purvose of obtaining *! ening sickness. The right help, Saat ee THE DAILY NEWS ae. ; j disordered |(Tie fullness of our hearts over ke noice tat cation, w-| ths est cor the stomach, livers [ine cnn eect gece We hace {STRICTLY MODERN ' ertifeate of Improve- | kidneys or bowels is now known to be gEeR SSE Beh ly a cold smile f the commor! mel ~ Oe ee B eechams cries of anger aroused by the tor- CHEAP 5 ‘ pedoing of the Lusitania Under Cin uar GEO. R. NADEN. ' circumstances |! <«t we cease —APPLY— Circulation G anteed TICE TO DELINQUENT CO- | a | r methods until this villainous h La . N. eh oneal | Pills — “ “engl a eee Pattulle & Radfcrd ; : British Columbia = pe vill, ‘SON, of to any per- | | sia fought to the finis! } . a ster ‘om You may Dave | and the right time to take this fa- so" | 2nd Ave. : isned seo Cyaer “| mous family remedy is at the first | Wings Miocral “laling. situated at Whe | sign of coming trouble. Beecham’s | ANTICIPATES HIGH mile from the shout a Skee. Pills have so immediate an effect PRICES FOR TEAS, —nmnaentinitenigrnestheneeeeerineatiaigins District, ' Province for good, by cleansing the system _— ADVERTISE IN ve done the Fes red and purifying the blood, that you Caledbsa market enened at i ze tes * 1a the Sanne unde | will know after a few doses they : ogg ee etek — <== is otlatth get Are the ian second in tie pve ot, THE DAILY NEWS aa ay - ! : bh expenditure, to- | be estab e ° ———___—- gest Circula- ¢ THERE } Three quarters FU UU UR gs tion means the > IS ot the local Ad- with tt sts of this advertise~ | R di | 2 t in the said mineral eme a walgned ction a oF the Min: | : ection > Min eatin A ok | Resort 00. T. H. COVERT, | wt Prince Rupert, . Coieaeieg | “ald Seinstieee “inthe Ss eee ee Best Advertising $ | vertising is done nes i > a CIROUIT WO. 1. : Medium : $ REASON? inthe DailyNews Box 12.-5tb St. and Srd Ave. i i : IME UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMITED — x aoe ee S.S. VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. Sailings fop GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT For Further Particulars Apply to Srd Aves. Box 16..18t Ave, between 8th and Oth Sts. (Knox Hotel.) Go« 17.-18t Ave. and 7th 8. (Cen tral Hovel.) CIRCUIT NO. 2. Box 22.-8rd Ave. and 8rd 8, (Post Office.) Prince Rupert’s s Box 23--Srd Ave. and McBride 8, Po OH , 24—1st Ave, and McBride 81. ONE 568 J N BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND ave ae purity and fragrance of _ 26—2nd nod and oan st. Leading Paper! AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS Baby's Own Soap have ma: Je it Box 26—-2nd Ave. and 6th st. ieeaeneeeeee weoreed a universal favorite Its use is Box 27..G, T. P. . - a " 1 beneficial to any skin. 44g —_—... CIRCUIT NO. 8. Sth Ave. and Fulton 84, Borden and Taylor Sts. 7tb Ave, and Fulton 8t. Bor Oth Ave. and Comox Ave. Box 8th Ave, and Dodge PI, Box SB ‘th Ave. and Thompson St. CIROUIT NO. 4. Box 41 4th Ave. and Emmerson Pl Box 42.--5th Ave. and MeBride 8. Box 43-0 Ave. and Green 81, Box 446th Ave and Basil St, Box Box Box MP eeccccenn LUMBER SHINGLE’, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Albert Seagelinitel Montreal, Read ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ seers a A 4 BURROUGHS, Manager Viet ae Tee tos ’ Boa 45-—Tth Ave. and Eberte, Ave. ang MoBride 8. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0 HALLAM “i!t£2 TORONTO Box 141..-7th Ave. and Young 81, t Smithers JOHN De er sin PHONE 265 Branch Yard @ 1 DR itt ee ee Ce PO rrrccegs os