: THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, J a = <= Lauitie nite erkaaien = . " = —_— oT ; oi ie the Red C1 ; COOKS AND WAITERS THRILLING DESCRIPTION out in the op CANADIAN AVIATOR DISTINGUISHED VISIT ; THE OF GREAT CANADIAN CHARGE jen could nol eet ath ’ ‘ ‘ INSTALL UNION OFFICERS eo ie ay - Sarente nt DESTROYS ZEPPELIN. COMING HERE Tins) Rupert Table Supply . \ Continued ‘From ‘Page One. off with him, But we had not gone . (The No Expense store] aa wewty organized Cooks and | wome through it alive. They were! many yards before he had the top Londo yu 8 For the first Mr. Aly Jal , Waiters tf nton met last nicht tT entrenched and we were in thelef his head blown off. The shot|time 1 record, one of the Ge: eliddnves, ond w Wednesday Specials the Carpenters mar and installed open; so you ean have an idea of passed the back of my head and in Zeppelins has been destroyed | Minister of A the following office-bearer:: what it was like. Our boys were | got his I did not see it, but Tj) by an aviator in an aeroplane ": oh \ Irpaeide 1 ) i erce j 0 English Breakfast Tea, per tb... President A. 8. Jones |dropping all over the place. One/fejt it all over me. [just let him| FR. J. Warford, a young Cana r) . fice 1e : thas. G Tr.) tursday, aa i crasne Vice President—Cha one |shot knocked my cap off. Another drop, and made the best pace Iidian sub-lieutenant in the royal . ay lb ; 5 eve ee y e ota Laeratar " | rrangement : Sugar, B. C. Granulated, 18 tb. w inaneial Secretary—t. oo broke the butt of my rifle, and/eould.’ I got to the dressing sta-jnay is somewhere within the a - - : cor , serpetary ‘ = ‘ ; : o have e . —. Paes an fea Recording Secretary—D. Sulli another ripped my tunic right | tion, all right, without being hit British lines, while the Zeppelin| ei of © re May ’ ik, 8. C., . . ‘ “ | dent o © Board of Chartex, 20 oz. tins, 12 for. $1.00 "ee ® Contom along the side. They did not move While I was in the dressing!he brought down Ties in ruins. tt . : rd of T Onions, Oregon, 6 Ibs. for 28 Inspector Coulombe. juntil we were within about te | a ' ' em officially , en! station. whieh was an old barn sprawled on. the roof and the Highland Potatoes, 10 Ibs for. . 260 Chavlat + Carter et Mr. Uchi expect Ripe Bananas, 7 for oe ) es es eee ' jyards of them. Then they up and | by hind the firing line, being at-|grounds of an orphanage near , : ! i. Treas , ekenbac | | orio on June 1? re lg eae jcdaithaen rreasurer—A. Ackenbach. jran for it. It was as light as day|tended to the Germans started|Ghent. The Zeppelin fell to the Ta wed u , s P org “esided ¢ . o ° | - : Ed Morgan presided at the in iby this time, with the star shells|chelling it. A shell came through | ground, a blazing mass. after hs per Ib 3Bc ie h , aft hax SCOTLAN Eggs, Every One a Fresh One, & Stallation in the absence of Orga- they put up, which were still/the roof, but all the damage it didjing been struck WARN © YARD ISSUES doz. le or WF en g : : } Ayrshire Bacon, sliced, per tb... 260 oe w, ©. Denning. : t th | floating in the air. IT got my firs iwas to kill a wounded Germ in| [ts crew, composed of twenty- ve sOnDOn PUB ae on ae = The union is a branch o 1é iman right in the trench. He was that had been taken in the nightleight men, were all killed. There ongu 9 > eges ; = yar { the ‘ Open Tuesday, Thursday bership, with all the privileges | ..11¢ was that I fell into the trench, No. 2 is about 2,000 yards farthe Real repentance is seldom of 4s othe an ig s 0 e ale me pers, | . ‘ . delete us mae and Saturday Evenings and right f the ma members, ibringing him in with me on the;pack. I stayed there until dark foghorn variety id several suc applications for} | r - =e man bombs are fills J C GAVIGAN nd sev ral ich applications for end of my rifle, and there I was!put when the Red Cross ike na bs are filled 519 3rd Ave Phone 211 ee eee ae | jammed. It did not take me long,/eqame, about twenty all together = . =e next meeting. lthough to get free; only I had tolinere were so fnany s'retcher ~ Seve ng Seeaes were not repre- He ave my bayonet there as I could cases that we. myself and tw - Whether pa last oe it . ee he t get it out. I got over the back | othe; boys offered to walk to No For Yourself | “The Daily N ” en that most of these will become}..¢ sno trench and into the wood. 3. which was about two miles far or asa ain en ne, = y ews members. It was here the Germans found ther on. Getting there. we found Gift to your Friend LASSIFIED ADS they had made a mistake, and |spo place packed to the doo vith C | . waited too long. The woods were | eases mostly worse than our ow LOCAL NEWS ITEMS =f) tun of creepers and they could|s, again I offered to walk to th P : i Lae oS ee | hardly get through. We were on Inext station, whieh « it Pop ---—-——- cena eeneeenspeanananecesen The city has four horses for|them before they had gone any perhinge, a distance of six miles LOST—Gold brooch, yesterday afternoon,/sale. Where is Foster? distance. The first-one I got here|yoy may have an idea of what between Hospital and Second Avenue e * s me ; Z : i | ; at Fourth Street. Finder please return TI a ' ; WI tu was a big, bull-headed fellow we felt like Fy yself, IT had to Steen, 834 Second Ave. 133-86 re City Band wi ea © }standing about six feet two. When |oct , i | , ost a lot of blood, had leep Auditorium tomorrow night. aad ites ss ’ his | The well known Perrin trademark as WANTED he saw me he threw down hi ifor three days, and nothing to eat et ; shown in cuts should be on every glove --- ---- -_——- rifle—but he was too iate. A dead/opr drink for over thirty-six hour ‘ ; WANTED—Competent nurse for two The regular meeting of the German is the best German lr meal , ‘ly fit f ‘ you get, as this assures you perfection of children, Apply Box 112, News. tf. Prince Rupert Trades and Labor ; ‘ ~% j# was Tfeeting hardly fl ors oe WANTED-—Servant girl for housework.! (,,y¢j] will be held tonight @t f don't know much that hap- In y nerves were beginning to give Style, Fit and Finish. Apply Box 110, Daily News. f7 pened after that, until I was|yay rere » set off. and hat eae ean -— ~—- 18 o'clock in the Carpenters’ Hall. aii a aie ake Fam way. Anyway, we t off, and had Best dealers the world over sell the FOR SALE as ae die : ~ Sia 2 aio go through Ypres, right genuine PERRIN'S GLOVES. ack K , ‘ Pop | VOOGS. ere, | managed to PICK | titpough the yuare; and I can te G4t-19 . ‘ Mrs. Jack Kelly will leave for roug i I FOR SALE—White Leghorn Rooster. Ap-| off two of them as they ran for it x J a” ae piece entail Mla” ade aa ply 827 Summit Ave. tt.| Victoria tonight on a visit to her| ; | ye ‘ : FOR ae ng oy restaurant e husband. who is with the 48th va a ies thing ee I arena foe es. They were planting in the rooming house; sleeping rooms. ° on “OO as aso ey. re. Pitan y ne er ar ae pty McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle. . Battalion at The Willows. oe ae 8 ee oe “| “Sack Joh 7 , aft : ? ’ i advanced about 1,000 yards on the | ,tphep. Giges ss fly th | 4 FOR SALE—Furniture of four rooms com- :.7.- : . | eae! sh & plete, Cost $1,000.00 What offers? The first train under the new other side, but had to come back |the air from all directions, but > Oe tote ns schedule will arrive tomorrow |“®™'™ 9° OUF flanks did not come | got through all right. Or f th | Go), fi || music. night at 6:15. and the Arst depar- up. We came back - far as the | boys got his lee « f but it vas CIE ¥ ture will be on Thursday at 10:30 woods and started digging our-|pothing much. i TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL ae selves in. It was while on this We got to Popperhinghe all 1/1 coe sie wD * &:2* job T got my last man. [I could|pignt, put all in. There they gave DN) Ae \\\ alas oe” The Grand Trunk Pacifie ran a} heat couple of them talking injys some Oxo, which was very Y/ as oe = special express freight train east|® Small fringe of trees on our|much appreciated. They dresse of i es “ene Ob this morning. It was largely |!eft I told the paymaster-——he/oyp wounds and sent us on our |} inn : e made up of cars of fish. wis the only officer T could find, way by motor. We stopped at || : ; * 2. @ and he was shot later on—but he} quite a number of places to get | 7 Tom O’Brien, who possesses a could not hear them. Then I saw) dressed, the names of which I : APERHANGING $} number of dogs for which he has|°™@ Of them against the skyline,| ould not give. We had an acei- Wi | KALSOMINING paid no license fees, wants a ken- and brought him down. When] gent on the way; the ambulance ‘eae . jcense The iin. ae we went over we found onel,,., 4 joann ik dma i PAINTING nel license. The License Cem- ran into a transport wagon, which mittee suggests that he be asked|Wounded and one dead. The only) cost us a couple of hours, but that F. G. ROBERTS to pay a fee for each dog. German that looks good to me is/qiq not matter much, as no on 44° Dyer Apts. e. & Ges Ot eo 6 «4 the dead ones, Bert. It is the| was hurt. On the following day ial Miss McIntosh, of Seattle, a|same with all our boys after what| we poached Boulogne by trai Pi {| sil impact specialist in Scalp Treatment,|we have seen, from where, after being dressed | o Massage, Manicuring, Shampoo- Just before daylight we got re-| we were sent over the water. | A. E. WRIGHT ing and Hairdressing is in the|inforeements and found the best] That is about all there is to tel! | Provincial and Dominion city. For appointments, phone|position we could hold was in the|Bert. I suppose you will think us | Land Surveyor Red 94, tf.|trenches the Germans had dug, so/a lot of brutes, but if you saw i >: 2 we slipped back into them. It was | ge f the sights I have see Surveying and Engineerin tig ee oa oe I] a 9 SKIMMED MILK 5c per quart. just a Tittle after daylight that Tlit would harden your heart so you P. O. Box 10 Phone 85 BUTTERMILK ic per quart, two got hit here. They were shelling| would not care what happened i, Hil Fourth Street quarts for 15 c. Delivered to an¥/us all morning, and they had got Your loving brother, Purity Fragrance part of the city—Prince Rupert|the range down pat. Nearly ey- “BILL, ; nee | —— | Dairy—Phone Green 252 Wiles dank eee Dak eie‘on an : Puce vegetable oils are the | Natural flowerextracts!v« ° o . p = ae Jus : r us. 7 The cnet O. i; T. > 1 ee cs base of Baby’ s Own soap. | to Baby’ s Own Soap the . 2 > ee of them got me at about 3:30. Pee ae oe, mareys It promotes ski - vrance W NOTICE To MARINERS. ~ i under the new schedule will be P ; . health and clinging fragr tp eant | stuck it out for about four hours, : prevents skin troubles. makes its use so picasaut. ait iene cia nelle, aad This Affects Notice to Mariners, |. ‘ ‘ td hey | the Prinee Rupert on Thursday at ie Oh apni i reigned a lgpieahg SL eased PO , BABY’S OWN SOAP IS: WELL WORTH RUNNING FOR. Summer Cottages it Terrace , , , [ made my way to the dressing|}°*?" 4 ™- In the interest of your skin, send for some now. Sold everywhere Mariners are hereby notified|station, Bert, you should have ies ALBERT SOAPS, LIMITED, Mrns. MONTREAL. reas | Five-Room Cottage, with that the lights on the following |heard the shots traveling about 2 ; heater, Maiestic renge, wa- buoys have been changed from|me. They were firing from three FOR 1 | AXI - ter connections, bath, ¢ar- occulting red to oceulting white: |sides, and seemed determined to | D t | th gh den and lawn—$20.00 per Sand Heads (Roberts Bank). get me, but the luck was with me. on mere y Smo er your cou month. White Rocks (Browning En-|You get so you don’t care a rap Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oi! Same house furnished trance whether they get you or not. I one GG CURE IT- prowptly arrests conghing, — spomne be = ‘ . C I ~~ _ »k ‘ : ‘ P v a i edit Kae strengthening properties it helps the system (o , $26.00 per month. ; Vancouver Rook Millbank|/had a rather rotien experienee, the cold and thus effects a permanent cure. It is this quality which has me New 4-Room Cottage, cab- Sound). though, here. As I was making it the largest sale of any cough and cold remedy in Canada. inet kitchen, water inside, Hodson Reef, my way down, one of the boys that 35¢. large bottles, everywhere. blinds and screens furnished Fr, T. SAUNDERS, was hit the night before asked me Stand x Hotel Rupert J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop., SHERBROOKE, P.Q. ES NEN = If your cold ts feveriah Mathieu's Nervine Powders, the wonderful headache cure, will tack sad limite. Box of it —$15.00 per month. Two-Room nished All $10. have GEO. LITTLE, .fur- 00 per month. sidewalks. . Houses Terrace. ~ BEST QUAL LUMP COAL $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Delivery Money Back factory UNION TRANSFER CO. 333 2nd Ave. ITY DOMESTIC if Not Satis~- Sub Agent. to help him. He was lying right wiers, the. mptiy dispel the fever amd chase the pain from head, | SS In | BUFFALO, N.Y _ POLISHES For the Easiest, Quickest, Most Brilliant and Lasting Shine—Choose 2 in 1 Shoe Polish! In the “Easy-Opening” Box, All Dealers, 10c, per Box. THE F, F, DALLEY CO.,, LTD. HAMILTON, CAN,