THE DAILY NEWS = — < A ' s A aes ARRANGEMENTS MADr: ¢ hing PrinceR : ™ ’ | THE DaiLy News FOR AGRICULTURAL FAIR | Steamships Prince Rupert and Prince George | | THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA oe Published Daily and Weekly | le. Ry For Vancouver i Guaranteed Largest Circulation 7 34. a . . e: sol red fo aKa Victoria and HEAD OFFICE = 2 i mn \ C Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98 “ in exhil aL Seattle ' . TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING— 50 cents per inch Contract . AT 10 A. M. ON TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS & se TURDAys rates on application. = 2 Close Connections Made for San Francisco, San Diego, Et: ———————————— Sac aeiiieenieenieaiion : — 1 success SUMMER EXOUNSIONS TO THE East ‘ : . GOOD RETURNING TILL OCTOBER 31 DAILY EDITION ahi. Wednesday, June 9, 191 : ‘ apie a Traine Leave Prince Rupert at 10:90 A. m., on Sestegn, Teoreseys 3 Setw- Se Ves. ad iene r t days, carrying Electric Lighted Sleeping and Dining Cars through eee a : ‘ Winnipeg. Tourist Sleeper every Monday. ANOTHER EXAMPLE. will be permitted to retai , . nM eee Alvo Von Alvensleben. a Ger- This is not a quest f : G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT, & co | PLONE 260 ) —_ as one of the pets polities, except so far as th ‘ : : +) a a ms ot a a a alee , prog AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Lines a the MeBRride gz ernme! Loieves were air 3 ave wed ' . : ‘ ¢ ‘i wit Like a good many others, he by polit ans 4 tding t \ : - am ‘ a minal ‘ ; aan , was permitted to ex} t the McBride-Bowser fr t s ACKSON : lands of British Columbia at quite permissible to steal the ?. a _— — © amir ; 4 bone 554 P.O Bor § the expense of the people. One| best part of a province, but it, ~* “ "” oe 7" ae . ary ' an tee 8088 MUSIC p on : “i I Fisher as First Sea Lor I re sts I of his promotions, the Hardy s a heinous offence for a > +0 soma Teacher of Violin and All APERHANGING AINTING Bay Lands Company, was; Nanaimo miner to protest gigeng NOVEL METHOD t the Board of 7 ~~“, pasoetr OL SHING AND wound up the ther dar. This against mnget > work - OF DESTROYING A COYOTE A. PESCOTT < os ine Entry ‘ < company bought lands at! conditions wae a ee “prone Green 327" WALL TINTING Hardy Bay, on Vancouver Is- What are you going s ay x a. = - \ ace ‘ land, from the provincia! gov- about it? Are you going tc a t > the re is ft : - Sientins « see ihe : ' ent spa } ernment for $5 per acre and tolerate a government whieh oe, jepartment goes t harles ae . oon M ti S sold it to the public for $30 per allows greedy grafters to mas Anders : er f t . D E N T ISTRY ar n wWanson vs has < : | Secone enue. tear WeRria acre The company is now in huge fortunes at your expense? Wother Lode e. Gre : ; | nd Aver ea Bride A sf 1 is be = made In- . a d shape; it has not paid up Are you satisfied tWat a few wt st we collected t “4 i ; wad shape: = ‘eS P c : : Ma se: . ? «et the Canadian Ma act : CROWN AND SRIOGE WORK PEER ER ERATED THREE Eee, the $5 per acre to the govern- syndicates should be permitted a coy ad drowned. And me A SPECIALTY i ° aa . : s” Ass at nd t tis ment, and purchasers at $30; to hold vast areas of the pick son was fishing in a creek when us ' ‘ DRS. GILROY & BROWN : per acre are unable to get title f this northern country. with- he spied ¢ yote and gave : ; DENTISTS NE--35 : . . i “ i . ‘ ana iat with a view to their me : Third Avenue * * to the property paid for. out paying a cent more tha hase It ran for th eek a OMce: Smith Block, i> : ‘ nities maement @ _ ls ne at acl . . xh : : t is Bb ! Phone 454 | ‘ The fact that Alvensleben is the initial payment Are ¥ plunged it le Wa with An- : ter Beam is 7 ‘ . > : : “ LA‘ va ice ' : a German is immaterial The quite ntent to pay interest jerson after it. The An grabbe : - ' F lhsitondinninicias cinaceninctesslbibiiiisiansitiannisiiinialiittibatntiiaiy ““ TAXI s ‘ : ies ie a? ae Dy ; s 2 * great matter is that the Mc- the $15,000,000 which the Mc- the animal! by the tail a held its Mad : ee SEESEREEEEEREESEEEEE REESE EES $ * ° . : . il ‘ Lana i+ Bride government allowed the Bride government refuses head under water until he had : * : $ * from the land grabbere$ : | pesations ovard der arelt FOR A TAXI: en : people of British Columbia t coliect Irom the land grabbers drowned it.—Ex. i . \* : : . : ns adily ‘ gst U = be exploited in any such way. OUTLOOK. : e « = . P P THE BUSINESS i ; s beings from A « 3 + ALF HALLIGAN ° Bowser and his satellites will The new president of the In Remember . * : : ’ : — - 7 x - » ” . 6 ’ =? tive i : i. = ¢ tell you that any man buying perial Bank, Mr. Peleg How- : ; — - « 7 PHONE-75 SS REPRE REREE REET eee eee land takes a speculative risk land. in his annual address to| It is wise to get rid quickly of “F = : a 5- | - They have taken great care his shareholders. considers the, S2mente of the organs of —_ pany, Limited, # i . = - a al i ee eee ke eee || tion—of headache, languor, hes i A. H. Allison, #25; a " Phone 174 Bor 974 however, to protect the ex- situation of Canada cooly and pression of spirits—the troubles | : ' ; _ | ®RINCE RUPERT AUTO CO : FOR PLUMBING ANO HEATING loiter rainst speculati . kic I not ; ; ; 3 l ome ectors ¢ , — i* -” Pp — against peculative frankly. He notes acertain de- for which the best corrective is leh ‘ ee ill ction ie HERE RA TEA RTE RE ERED SMITH & MALLETT risks. Such syndicates aré cline in the speed with which aad > |] Largest stock of Ptpe north of dine hundrede of seande a S baie ; re : at S$ as last year, ow- 3 . 4 VarMouver, Crane Valves and Fit holding hundred f thousand the country was advancing, and a nan nditior the =a ; tings, Pipes cut to order } ‘ fit i : = hey of acres of land which they he instances the decline in im- . ans - J ; Third Ave... Head of Second Brest ; ‘ ssured ft t all who take ;: Prince Rupert have not paid for, and have n migration building permits pI a = S _ = . iain nterest in the work of the asso- tT ’ The Larpest Sale of Any Medicine in the World. — help the ge rk Alex M. Manson, B.A. they can unload it at a huge earnings He does not seek to — be beam, 25 coms _— — - on FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND Em- ” © ween : . profit on the public. Taxes will : ‘ ; en ipilatin i a ; jalong BALWERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- | . E Williams, Lt ORs OS tae pus es wh gloss over these facts, nor does &NTEED—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT WILLIAMS & MANSON . ‘ — will i A Fair Buleit “ be pub- be paid at their own sweet will.| he draw from them any gloomy! 3] Years Older Than The P ph A TR 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. sthhe« : ¥ s se ssiness. inferences s a man of bus- i co 4 She tae. Bhp Spne-Sacine ‘+ @ man of bus-\ Dominion of Canada sill keep th sted as MONEY TO LOAN but British Columbia's great ness, he seems willing to ac- , : ' Box 1585 problem had its origin years cept the lean years as a matter . . air events. The first number will itil inencehinieettitiniieciivaanitiapinn VGhdbeemniiaan sitesi Prince Rupert, B n ye pt lean year matter the name implies, be published on June 20 or , s ever ou of course. and average then zt *.* | eae shies r — © |\—_—_—_———— m ™ before war wa ‘ thought a avera : The Bank of British a ie Office corner Snd Street and 8rd Avenue of. Long =_— te August, with the fat years. oe North America was |+es comme _—e C adian PA CARTACE LIMITED the McBride government had At the same time he points : . “* | established long be th ROUGHOUT WOR allowed this province to be- out that the country is getting ng fore the FAVOR TH “our ao; ms OS Ses| Provinces ‘united “and oe STEAM LAUNDRY § "src come a tightly squeezed the benefit of increased prices | Geners! Cartage sponge. The fact that the Em- for grains and produce, of the! e the minion of Not in the memory of the oldest a LADYSMITH COAL Canada The sound, | tea planter tl ft Latest and Approved Methods ov pire is now at war is no excuse unusual sale of horses, and of . Und, |tea planter has the price "4 : in for leaving the lands of British the war orders that come to} PrO8ressive management [reached the present figure in Co-| ee - some of our factories. Two| Which has made ita power | !om! There seems to be af of Z . Phone us and we will call of] things seem needful—to look| i Canadian finance makes | wide=pread movement in favor of for a trial bundie JAMES GILMORE Germany tomorrow would not the facts in the face, and not; !t the bank for yor a = Snow: ew m GRe tn ren : sagen ‘ with Vote Our Address: solve the problem. Prosperity} be despondent, but just go on| @Ccount. supply is insufficient t pe witl Architect PY e efurn until land r} — We nile the reased demand Unt the 515 SIXTH AVENUE WEST can never return until the land working cheerfully, ready for THE BANK OF Columbia in the hands o thieves. The final crushing thieves have been forced t any condition that may arise. B N aw of supply ahd d and adjusts PHONE NO. 8 2nd Avenue, near McBride Street give up their booty, and so} Mr. Howland’s _ straightfor- h orth rica tself higher prices for tea must wow erun © ues te a oe : 1 ; ; long as the McBride govern-| wardness creates confidence — 78 YEARS IN BUSINEss. eae Gut ment remains in power they} Toronto Star. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,584,000. ) ; Canadian Steam Laundry CANADIAN PACIFIC PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager. RAILWAY PRINCESS ALICE SOUTHBOUND SEEDS! SEEDS! SATURDAY KOON RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS PRINCESS MAQUINNA Mathieu's Syrup of Ter and WE NANBLE. SOUTHBOUND Cod Liver Oil paly st Rennie’s Ferry’s, Steele's, ayYsPpm coughing, @nd soon, thanks Brigg’ SUND to its tonie properties, effects sgs s ent cure. rden F Seed. 4. @ MOMAB, Genera! Ager’ e wonderful popularity Ge me se " Corner Fourth Street and Thire Art of Mathieu's Syrup of Tar Also Fertilizers and Cod Liver Oil is specially We Take Orders for Nursery 2. ——— due to its t val oat to Stock ADVERTISE IN Hay, Grain, and Feed at Vancouver Prices THE DAILY NEWS Chicken Feed a Specialty Mev orders prometiy atiended to ' Nerve Energy and Prince Rupert Feed Co. Eyegl FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 710 SECOND AVE Carpenters’ Tools Sullders’ Hardware Ship Chandiery Wire Cabie Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 608 Third Ave. Phoa The Boss Would Hate To See Scoop Unprepared To Die eee ee -~By “Hop.” SCOOP NOU KNOW IM NoT 4 BIT Co, (OR PRENOSMP IS SUREA) FD oe en OUT oars Sz CLOSE ONE-AND IF THEY \( DE AND HAD NEGLECTED To Take our % nuh ters ers A constant dropping wears SSA VIN WARE HAD TRICEN YOUR YOUN LIFE, \\ INSURANCE Far ME FRIEND -}) 5 % awayastone. Asiight. FF MOULD HAVE BROKEN DE ME ) : eyestrain injures the health RC EART-COS- IT SUSY seo 2 because it is constant. The . strain which first manifests itself as a slight discom! should be remedied at on’ This we guarantee to co W'S lasses. Consultation tree. Belays are dangerous. THINke THAT MOU WERE GOING-TS \ a Ye ye ae rt nce. Look for Loop OPTICIAN 223 Sixth St. Phone Biack 69