tow, J 0, 1945. — (Ne TROUBLE yFrECTED HS SPINE viered For Forty Years Vali “ sed “Frult-a-tives , OcT sist, 1914. =e . , INE DAILY NEW8, Empress Jams DRO ay years, 1wastroubled ‘fora “a hie by Kidney ith | - e i was ne A Are strictly a B. ©. Product. Right from the : Ito iI had to delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of hat k adverti for 8 pepe the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to ee — t s ve purest of Cane Sugar. | : ly Every step tn the producing and manufac- pel . . 2 m rine My fo, 4 to feave off turing of the delicious Jam contributes to the on g, but “Frait-a-t ae a - prosperity of B. C. It will satisfy the most p fot bitte from Kidney and xactin Sie able touse "Fruita ties" | cimeis H. DORLAND | SOLD BY ALL GROCERS ,« il Biz e | ge, a bor, 6 for 62.5° eae - od In 1-!b. Glass Jars and 4-\b. Tins gt al! dkalersorsent o ; oa a i | si -a-tives dimitec ‘8 py Feral att - THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD I - Vancouver, B. C. e] sa“? NOT A SUFFRAGETTE BUT AN ANTI_GERMAN RIOTER | Empress Jams Your Plumbing supplies Direct From . js and Save Money — . _|_ == ——v ——— JUGULAR UU LULU ULL Fe are the largest plotmbing house |: o o undies selling Gireet to the om we bey in bie quantities and s- vas Thos we ove you the midd', mnt profit and you do not pay for t} af dedts of ot here For tam reazon « ys well for lose than any other plor i home or plumber In Briti#h Colur a Compare our prices, For tnatan t-ineh gatvanized pi; ‘OR RENT Ramsay’s Sa i aa _Twowoiss |? Empire Cream Sodas PEP Fos. SIXTH & THOMPSON ST. , ae 7 STRICTLY MODERN tn Bib. Tne Stee | CHEAP g qeathg Gnd entering. She, tant aneuainatin Same tine wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire” when buying Soda ae Biscults. | Fattalle & Redford |13 .cetoraxrsauam woceet nesoon "cnet eee crispness. Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. Manufactured by RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. CO. A Real Lever Simulation GOLD WATCH FREE. A’ straightforward generons — 2 tron rere FOMAN SHOD, ‘ \ offer from an éstablished firm. We are giving away thor L- Dept MPLETE $16 Vancouver, my ‘ MINERAL ACT. PICTURES ILLUSTRATING ANTI!-GERMAN RIOTS IN ENGLAND A i ere 3 {- :- SE dit Pe ene O INNER NT EEE Certificate of Improvemente. FOLLOWING THE LUSITANIA DISASTER. NOTICE. cet ee SS ne > vent OF WEI. ‘ se Se ners! Claims, situate in the Skeens AUSTRALIA IN GRIP resp age * ning Division of Casslar District, MURDER AGAINST KAISER Gents’ Alberts, sent carriage Paid to wear with the watch, which will be given Free (theses watches art guaranteed five years), ‘lween Bonanza and ; A ¢ ers ry Rams { ated ou the NOEL Shore of | OF TERRIBLE DROUGHT E NOTICE tt I RN ea se take ad- UTICE that I, George RK. Naden, : : ‘ ‘ Australia is in the grip of ar 1 . = wuntage @ our tnorva Miner's Certificate No. 60353 act-| as returned a ver wilft ; a 4 shout ep eGh whew teem te tenuateliecnmn } Agent for Thomas MeMostie, Free; 4 » wy | oP! & drought, with cattle and Se aes Sd cet aie cee tae te | Certificate No. 80348B, and James |"! O* — ” sheep dy the thousands. ac—,(f ¥ill be smazed—WiLLIAMS & LLOYD, Wholemle ; ’ os i ’ i ve SSDS SEEN, S Jewellers (Dept. 14: }, &, Cornwallis Road, London, B., ich, Free Miner's Certificate No. | /ia! nm the ist {J Smith ie in ie . Mead formel England. “ 5, intend, stxty @ays from the who died from shock following er ee on ene ereof, to apply to the Mining Re- ae chairman of the River and Har- —_____———— é 9 for a Certificate of Improve- | njuries sustained the Zeppe ih Accakealin wh , ‘ Hridtii ssi sBbiec i Wilt} ior the purpose of obtaining 8) sig of May 17. The sug irant of the above claims, as San Francis “i further take notice that action, un- gested that the vy fix the re iad eiedee’ the , we ton $7, must be commenced Before) iy isis, the persons whom oe at me of h Certificate of Improve-; * — ' f sheep that will perish at 180, jit regarded as being to bia f a nd aete that calile ai “ Vis 15th dey of March, A. D.|. aw waged in this manner , : ; - —— - — 7 ee going by the thousands. ay is . GRO. R. NADEN. - ~ - diidiian Mon 66hn e Circulation Guaranteed Ce T CONCENTRATION CAMP 7 > dn the Largest in Northern © DELINQUENT CO- ringing the price horses down ‘tish 1 OWNER. AT VERNON READY £1.50 to 83 per head. The worst : Beriti Columbia : HENRY JOHNSON, of to any per. | en ect the drought are being “' wbofy you may have | rhe concentration camp at Vi ree interésta, Take Notice | 4 Queensland, Victoria, New Ihe idersigned o-Owner bh, a . eady and is under th th 1 King No. 1" and * South Wales and South Australia Mineral Claims, situated @3 Me) oon and of J. Duff Stuart ae ngs arm Cy taree- E - — Ex : Mil ™ the beaeh, in ee- . » ews t Mining District, Provi of | rnon New : The purity and ft I Work’ of the shove ‘mentioned | ‘PROTECTING FRUIT TREES Baby's Gum Seay hove made at for th eg j : ont | a universal favorite. S use 1s m order ‘te “ol the" Same Ubder When a ind BY ELECTRIC VIBRATION | || peel to ans shite rene #4 of the Mineral Act, 28 Bihe would just as s have a job : : mit yoy es, OF the publicattoh of this | | Albert s Limited, Montreal, ferme tl, OF Prefuse to contribute |». a position \ ‘ { motor to vibrate} ~ wih ue ih expenditure, to-| ? era == wit t ace 1 ae peereee | f t trees s that the sap tlows . = —— Dterest in said mine will me the property of the itis} as dine tei eed Dineen nye aid ep | SAMMI ARs a aR ar aR ata as apa ned fer Section 4 of the Min ‘Amendment Act of 4900. a sympathetic face and a cobble les them t esist frost has t FIRE ALARM SYSTEM T. H. COVERT, | _— lat Pr | Co-Owner. stone heart been patented by a Colorado man Las : hee Rupert, B. C., Janual on CIRCUIT NO. 1. ee — 68TH E. G. O. R. Box 125th St. and Srd Ave. Sox 136th St. and Srd Ave. vere ‘ HE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C. LIMITED { orders by maior s. M, mamultin, o-0 0 ond 8 Oe Srd Aves. Appointments. SS. VENTURE rhe following is an extract Gox 16..i8t Ave., between 8th and Oth Sts. (Knox Hotel.) SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. from The Canada Gazette 68th Kegiment | G. O. R.), to Be Bou Ave. and 7th St. (Cen tral Howl.) CIROUIT NO. &. Box 22.-8rd Ave. and 8rd 88, (Post OMee.) Srd Ave. and McBride St. ist Ave. and McBride St, 2nd Ave. and @nd St 2nd Ave. and 6th St. eS. % CIROUIT NO. 8. Sth Ave, and Fultoo 51, Borden and Taylor Sta. 7th Ave, and Fulton 8t. Oth Ave. and Comox Ave. 8th Ave. and Dodge Pl. ‘th Ave. and Thompson 8t. ailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT ' Reverend G, A, Rix, from 34th On- For Further Particulars Apply to ltario Regiment "HONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. Parades. AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS }. "A" end “B” Companion wie thiwuare one parade in front of the assessol nee Chaplain Honorary Major, the SSess ieeaeee lice on ‘Tuesday, the 8th inst., ind Friday, the tith inst at 8 Ip i Rifle Exercises and Squad brill Should the weather be in- clement parades will be held at the Exhibition Building : sseges CIRCUIT NO. 4. > Box 41.-4tb Ave. and Emmerson SHINGLE", MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS By ordet PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. ba Box 42. 5th Ave. and MeBride 8&, Box 43.555 Ave. and Green 8. Box 44-6) Ave and Basil St. Boa 45-—-7th Ave. and Eberte. Box 141...7th Ave. and Young 81, KERRREKAD RAR ARR A e A. 4. BURROUGHS, Manager " AY* and Momride ss, PRINCE RUPERT, 0.0 Mads invariably fascinate the PHONE 26 Branch Yard et Smithers Op oeooe. * foolish